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Thread: Hi all

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Talking Hi all

    Hi all i'm a newbie to this

    forum & I hear theres some pretty funny stories about the testing of the old BETA EW where can I read these @?

    & i'm also wondering if this version is still available or is there just the newer one? i've heard it reeks but

    i'm always up for a challenge lol

  2. #2
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    You mean something

    "Whitehall - on the final dilution of EW in your combat load, see if I\'ve got it straight. EW is diluted

    to about 300:1 with variousagents. You then take 1 drop of that 300:1 mix (about .05 ml) and add it to about 3.1 ml

    of cologne/pheros, further diluting the ew about 62 times. Does that leave a final dilution of EW at about 19,000:1?

    Man, if we have to dilute it that much in cologne/carrier it\'s almost too hot to handle. (Check my math - I\'m

    tired and in a hurry). - I."


    Check out

    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  3. #3
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    This thread has some good stuff in

    it too.


  4. #4
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscar
    This thread has some

    good stuff in it too.

    This was written by a guy called Irish and it's got

    to be one of the funniest posts ever about EW!

    Re: Who has ordered the new copulin


    An exploration of stench - by

    OK, had to try EW to satisfy my curiosity or

    something. The first step for me with any phero is stink management - if I can\'t mask an unpleasant phero smell I

    simply won\'t wear it, no matter how effective.

    I \'ve been reading the cautionary posts about this stuff,

    and believe me I take the warnings of these experts seriously. My plan was to get EW into dilutions I could handle,

    then test with colognes to see what concentrations could be covered. Only then would I consider wearing it out on

    the town (that is, if I could think of a reason for wearing a phero that should presumably be used by WOMEN).

    EW arrived in the mail without incident. All was well inside the package - only the slightest hint of some smell

    on the EW vial. I was ready to begin.

    PHIL STONE - MADMAN UNBOUND. Heeding those that had gone in before me,

    I bought latex gloves and a dedicated glass eyedropper. I set up four glass atomizer bottles in which I planned to

    mix four trial dilutions of EW. My diluent was my standard carrier of 80/20 grain alcohol/H2O. I calibrated my

    eyedropper, and premeasured the proper amount of carrier into each bottle to make four concentrations of EW: 100:1,

    250:1, 500:1 and 1000:1. Set everything up outside near running water with a trash bag (containment vessel) at the

    ready. A final check of wind direction, and I knew it was time. I nicked the seal on the EW vial and opened it with

    gloved hands.

    Oh, for the love of heaven…. You know, there\'s a time in every man\'s life when he discovers

    what he\'s made of…but nothing prepared me for the \'smell\' of EW. Doc Stone, I salute you, you magnificent

    bastard - you have distilled all that is evil into this one tiny vial. JVK was right - don\'t sniff this stuff in

    its pure form. It will traumatize you for life.

    I pried out the drop-top from the EW vial so I could use my

    eyedropper, and immediately changed gloves and got to work. Flies began to gather where I was working. I wish I were

    kidding about that. I\'m just glad I never smelled this stuff as a kid - if I would have thought girls really

    smelled like this I would have sworn off women altogether and joined the priesthood.

    I worked quickly, putting

    the drops of EW into the solution bottles, sealing them at once. I had to double-bag the closed EW vial in two

    zip-locks to convince myself I didn\'t still smell it through the plastic. I went through three sets of gloves to

    avoid transferring any contaminant to the exterior of my solution bottles.

    I was left with four spray bottles

    containing my working concentrations of EW. The EW vial was safely bagged and stowed, my hands were free of smell,

    and all contaminated articles contained in the trash bag. I felt good. I fired up a Marlboro and considered my


    STINK-TEST. I wanted to test each of my four EW concentrations with four different colognes to see if

    the rancid stench could be masked effectively. Each EW solution would be sprayed on test paper along with each of my

    test colognes, and then subjectively rated by me for stink coverage. Also I would have test papers of the straight

    colognes and of straight EW solutions as reference points.

    I chose the following colognes to test with EW for

    the reasons noted:

    > Vetiver by Guerlain: This is a strong masculine scent, with simple strong notes that are

    not complex. The scent doesn\'t change much and lasts forever. I figured it was a good candidate to cover

    > Givenchy Pour Homme: Classy scent, strong and lasting - but has a hole that NPA sneaks through…would

    EW also break through its cover?
    > Cool Water: Fougere that blends with about anything. How would EW blend with

    its complex notes?
    > Realm for Men: I understand about how EROX uses twisted logic to put the wrong-gender

    pheros in their men\'s product - but I originally bought it thinking it would have a scent that masked pheros

    well. It does, but I don\'t like the scent much. But in this case it seemed good to try, since Rfm is used to

    cover FEMALE-generated pheros, and that was what I was investigating with EW. Man, this gets confusing.

    I took

    each EW solution and sprayed it about 1:1 with each cologne onto paper. That is, a spray of the solution on paper

    was covered with a spray of the cologne while still wet. (I didn\'t even bother to test the 100:1 EW solution with

    colognes, since it smelled so bad by itself on a test paper I knew I would never wear it that strong, even with

    cologne cover). I sniffed the test papers during drydown, and then again about a half-hour later. I rated each

    cologne/solution combo on the following scale:

    M - the cologne masks the EW completely, smells like straight

    cologne to me
    C - the scent of the cologne is changed by the EW solution, but it\'s not unpleasant
    U - the

    unpleasant rancid odor of EW is detectable through the cologne


    EW Sol. -- > *** 1000:1 ***

    500:1 ***


    nCool Water --------- M----------- C ----------U
    Realm f. Men--------C ---------- U ----------U+


    It\'s no surprise that Vetiver covered as well as it did. Givenchy covered better than I thought it would. The

    real shocker was Realm, which actually seemed to accentuate and strengthen the rancid scent of EW, rather than cover


    Looking at my results, if I was going to use this stuff I\'d probably use a 500:1 solution (or weaker) as

    a spray, which I could then cover with a spray or two of most colognes.

    The EW concentrate as delivered from

    Stone Labs is too damn potent for use as is. For an \'unscented\' spray product I\'d say something around

    500:1, with a recommendation to cover with cologne (use it like TE or similar products). I didn\'t test it as a

    direct cologne additive, but maybe something like 100:1 EW solution, with recommendation to add to cologne somewhat

    like NPA (anywhere from 7:3 to 5:1 cologne:EW) might work.

    I\'ve got about six drops of EW (0.0165 ml/drop)

    in play right now, mixed at four concentrations, and I think I have more than a years supply right there - even if I

    use it regularly. The question I now have is: is this stuff still active at dilutions weak enough to be covered by

    cologne? I now have a good handle on how weak I have to mix it up so the stink can be covered - but I don\'t know

    if that\'s strong enough to be effective as a phero.

    And I\'m a little leery to test it much, cause I\'m

    not sure what effect I\'m going for if I present the phero signature of an ovulating woman. What the hell?! and

    who the hell am I trying to attract??! Maybe there\'s some secondary effects on women, kinda like -nol apparently

    having effects on both genders. Or maybe I can just use the stuff myself for my own pleasure (I\'ve been known to

    huff PFw and Rfm to charge myself up, not trying to affect a woman). I did notice some effects on myself while

    testing EW - I was alert enough, could do math fine, but seemed a little buzzed - difficult to explain. This stuff

    is active somehow, I just don\'t know what effect I might want to use it for on women, or whether it would work at

    the weak concentrations I personally would use to ensure stink-coverage.

    Let the experiments continue!
    Treasure Every Moment that you have
    Yesterday is History - Tomorrow is a Mystery
    Today is a Gift - That's why It's called the Present!
    (Unknown source)

  5. #5
    Enlightened One
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    yeah it was fun dont think there

    are any of the old vials left it was a beta test which is long over and the real EW has hit the mraket

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Talking :)

    looks like i'll have to make do

    without it then eh oh well life goes on from what i've heard I have a pretty good challenge ahead of me

    with the market one anyhow

    Thanks all for the quick responses

  7. #7
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mick
    looks like i'll have

    to make do without it then eh oh well life goes on ...
    Just concider yourself lucky!!
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

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