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Thread: Ae with Soe

  1. #1
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    Default Ae with Soe

    Well over the weekend I

    tested a new combination. I will not know an official verdict until I can duplicate it and go out without

    the same outfit....but I am fairly confident that it is a winning combination. I put about 1/3 Soe and covered with

    2-3 drops Ae and went to a club. I had about 25 girls come up and approach me. A lot of them would use pick-up lines

    that were so lame I just couldnt think of what to say. Things like "where have I seen you before" or "Is your name

    Bob"....any excuse. Girls were staring me up and down with their boyfriends right there. Ironically I was in a very

    very shy mood and It was actually a bit much for me. I guess maybe I was overwhelmed and I think I kinda felt like

    this had to be too easy to go smoothly so I just played hard to get all night. I guess I just didnt want anything

    that easily or something. I dont know...but it was a success. The only thing is that by the time I got drunk enough

    to actually be in the mood to carry on a meaningful conversation with a girl....The nol had probably converted to

    none too much. One girl actually came up and grabbed my beads and when I told her that I was going to have to charge

    her 30 bucks for touching my beads... she bit bit me kinda hard and would not let go....I told her that would be 60


  2. #2
    King of the coupons!
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    Big Duke, how old are you?

    The age ranges of your hits?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  3. #3
    Phero Pro
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    Scented or unscented SOE?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    Big Duke, how

    old are you?

    The age ranges of your hits?
    I am in my mid twenties so my hits are

    all over the scale. Most common is probably 17-40. I keep focused on 21-35.

    I am actually disappointed with that

    night because I could not take advantage by getting to know some of these girls, but I was so blown away and since I

    get in these shy moods it was a little too much.

    TOUNGE- You may know about the combo I have been using with

    good effects...well what I did is put about a little under 1/3 of an unscented Soe on and cover with a couple of

    drops of Ae. Then I topped it off with my pheromone cologne. Next time I test it I will do it without the cologne on

    top to see how it goes. Basically the difference was that a lot of people that I did not know were talking to me and

    coming up with the point of not even caring what that the excuse made any sense what so

    talk to me. I am not use to girls approaching me that much with pointless openers....I guess the pheromones made

    them act on some sort of a subconscious level where they just were drawn to me without caring what they said. Keep

    in mind that I was in a club and that a lot of these girls were drunk. I also had a very MTV outfit on. I think that

    NPA/SOE is over rated. It smells and is hard to cover and when the SOe converts you have even bigger problems. IF

    you are not someone who needs massive amounts of None to attract attention then I advise you to go out and get

    yourself some Ae and a gel pack of unscented Soe. It smells great and ladies love it. Even better is the fact that

    Hugo Boss will perfectly cover and blend into both unscented Soe (which you have to smell right by the skin to

    smell) and Ae. Also keep in mind that this is *NOT* a combo that has been fully tested. I have the ratio about right

    I think....but I must test it out in the city and I must test it out in a dressed down fashion in the country. I

    must test it with and without the other ingrediant and I must tweak a little with the Ae ratio.

  5. #5
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    People sometimes say "every woman has

    their own preferences' with regard to scent signature. I think there's one profile that females are commonly

    attracted to. Based on the fact that a lot of strangers were approaching you, I think it's fair to say that you +

    the synthetics = that scent signature.

    I'd love to get a rough idea of what that scent signature is, so we

    know what's a good ratio for the big three (none, nol, rone).

    Keep in mind, I am sure your looks and dress

    only reinforced the attraction and helped to compel the approaches.
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    I'd love to get a

    rough idea of what that scent signature is, so we know what's a good ratio for the big three (none, nol, rone).

    Keep in mind, I am sure your looks and dress only reinforced the attraction and helped to compel the

    Trust me....I am going to be testing this combo massively over the next month. Right now its

    hard to give you anything better than this......

    Ae is 3 parts none 2 parts nol and 1 rone and Soe is 4 parts

    nol and 1 part rone. 1/3 a pack of Soe is about 1.5 drops if we use this as a foundation here is what

    i did (This does not include my secret ingrediant that I topped it off with...but I am not sure if that is a factor

    yet till I test without it in the same place).

    6 parts none
    10 parts nol
    3.5 rone

    This is very close to

    the Ae formula...which seems to work very well for me....but with amplified nol and a little more rone.

    I would

    like to think that things are more straightforward though. I was just thinking nol breaks down put

    more in conjunction with the none....which weas getting me attention but not nearly as many approaches by women.

    The final factor is Nol converting to None....over the course of the night the approaches continued heavily....I

    applied around 10:30 but noticed that as time went on things got more and more like when I have mostly none on and

    not enough nol. Still got the approaches all night and got bitten after the club got out....but I know the none

    effect now and did feel it rising a bit "overall"

  7. #7
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    As the girls got drunker the hits

    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
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  8. #8
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    BJF , you have a point i don't

    think clubs/ bars are the best place to test pheromones because of the alcohol factor . You cannot gauge effects

    accurately. I've seen shy quite girls dance on a bar because of alcohol effects , So you really can't tell if it

    is mones , drugs, or alcohol, causing them to flirt with you.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by DUKE3100
    Then I

    topped it off with my pheromone cologne. .
    is this just a cologne cover or is it

    actually a cologne that has pheromones mixed in it. please clarify as if this cologne also had mones than it

    changes the info about your ae/soe mix a bit. was this something like tag or axe body spray ? something like realm


    i agree clubs are in a totally different class as far as pheromone use is concerned. im

    not saying it wasnt the mones but alcohol does factor in bigtime. not to mention a lot of people go to clubs looking

    for action. the crowd factors in too as if you have a bunch of nerdy boring guys who aren't meeting the standards

    of the women there it is rather easy to attract a ton of attention if you are worth a second look.


    without mones crazy things like those you mentioned have happened. i got a hand job in a club onetime without

    wearing mones. i was sitting on a couch when this strange chick sits down next to me and starts helping herself.

    anyway i usually keep my club ratios seperate from the others as ive found many effective club mixes are useless to

    me elsewhere.

    i do agree with the duke that npa/soe is overrated a bit then again i havent tried famous 7:3

    mix yet

  10. #10


    Sounds like I might be better

    off to get SOE unscented to add to my combo of AE+APC instead of getting NPA. I remember the scented SOE clashed

    really bad with most colognes, because its not a light smell.

  11. #11
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    I noticed someone commented

    on your story here
    That's quite interesting... when you say 1/3 SOE

    that's gel packs right?
    Keep us updated... ^_^

  12. #12


    Watcher seems to think AA314

    might be better to add to AE/m than SOE. I'm so confused. I don't want to spend a bunch of money..I know for

    sure AE+APC works for me. I just dont know

  13. #13
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    I'm new to

    this pheromone experimentation , i've already spent a bundle on this stuff . Now i'm starting to mix combos with

    cologne , ruined a new bottle of RealM and wasted NPA down the sink it went, Made up a roll on bottle of a bunch of

    mones gave me a bad head ache, burned my eyes , down the sink that mix went. So it does get expensive after


  14. #14
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    So, don't mix. Apply things

    seperately on your skin. I've done it that way for a long time and it works just fine. Haven't ever dumped any

    mones down the sink either, although I did dump a bunch in my desk once. But that's another story.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  15. #15
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    Yea....I cant see why anyone

    would like NPA unless they need a ton of none for just smells so bad and I have had others notice

    that too. As for the issue of clubs....this is a club I have been in many times with no mones and different mones.

    Reactions have varied depending on several factors. I can assure you of a difference. I have never had random girls

    approaching me with lame lines so frequently over the course of an 2 hours. However I did test it out a couple more

    places. I tested it in the grocery store and I got head turns and heavy eye contact and was the best

    grocery store trip I have ever had....I hope to some day get the balls to approach in a grocery store. I also met

    with a girl who I only had chated with over the net. She trembled with excitement and she opened up and said I

    seemed real cool and great personality and went on and on. I told her I bet she says that to all the guys and had

    her give me the rock! So I would advice people in their teens and twenties...perhaps even 30's to try a gel 7 pack

    of unscented Soe with Ae or something like it. I do admit that my testing methods could use more structure and I do

    plan on tweaking things and really getting this combo down because it is incredible for me....doesnt mean it will be

    right for you....but I feel it smells much better than NPA/SOe and thus is going to be more one

    wants to be around someone who smells like a**. I will keep the updates coming and answer questions on this. Next I

    plan on testing this in a different settings and then next week will test it without the pheromone cologne

    booster...which is a pheromone spray cologne that smells like Aqua de gero and has that DHL whatever

    di-hydosomethingrone. I believe what this does is spike the effects of the mones and does nothing by itself but

    again....more testing needed.

  16. #16
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by DUKE3100
    well what I did

    is put about a little under 1/3 of an unscented Soe on and cover with a couple of drops of Ae. Then I

    topped it off with my pheromone cologne.
    Next time I test it I will do it without the cologne on top to

    see how it goes.
    So it wasn't just the AE:SOE combo! Hmmmmm

    T'would be nice if people

    would share all of the info .... Duke! Topped it off with what pheromone cologne?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  17. #17


    Duke have you tried adding some

    Alpha A314 to your AE/m? Watcher seems to love this mix for some reason. I know SOE has 1 part ARone, so you'd

    get that with AA314.

  18. #18
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DUKE3100
    Yea....I cant

    see why anyone would like NPA unless they need a ton of none for just smells so bad and I have had

    others notice that too.
    An awful lot of very experienced pheromone users use NPA/TE with good results

    and NO complaints about stink. After all, it is one of the most popular pheromone products on the market today. It

    seems likely there is something more to it than just the product. Maybe there is something about your personal

    chemistry that causes it too stink or maybe you have an extremely high sensitivity to one of the products in it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    An awful lot

    of very experienced pheromone users use NPA/TE with good results and NO complaints about stink. After all, it is one

    of the most popular pheromone products on the market today. It seems likely there is something more to it than just

    the product. Maybe there is something about your personal chemistry that causes it too stink or maybe you have an

    extremely high sensitivity to one of the products in it.
    Hey man....I dont see how anyone can cover it.

    I have tried everything. I agree it gets results....but for me it does more harm then good cause i smell. I get some

    hits but I also get people asking what the smell is and telling me I smell like ass. I am not the first person to

    bring it up....and I have ruined a lot of colognes. The experienced users have given advice....none of it works for

    me. I am suggesting an alternative. If you are in you upper 30's or beyond and you need to attract the same....and

    you need a lot of none...then its probably great. My opinion. End of story. If it can be covered somehow by

    something....then it would kick some butt!

  20. #20
    Banned User Le Sillage's Avatar
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    I never knew that NPA/TE

    didn't smell to some people?

    Our formulator avidly collects everything, had for many years before starting up,

    since he's a true enthusiast. He has used everything around me at one point or another, and TE sure used to stink

    to me!

    He actually liked it because he sometimes got good effects, but I just hated it for the odor. I don't

    think he could smell what I could. Women are different than men, though. Estrogens make us smell better, or smell


    Smells more like urine to me, than "ass". Like someone who doesn't "shake well" wore their

    underwear way too long.
    Last edited by Le Sillage; 10-20-2005 at 07:26 AM.

  21. #21
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Since a lot of young people

    have and do use it I think there is something more going on in your case. You are the only one on this forum that

    reports it smells like ass. Also, Why do you mix it? You aree inexperienced and mixing any quantity does not make

    sense. That's just a waste of money.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    Since a lot of

    young people have and do use it I think there is something more going on in your case. You are the only one on this

    forum that reports it smells like ass. Also, Why do you mix it? You aree inexperienced and mixing any quantity does

    not make sense. That's just a waste of money.
    It says its best when mixed with a cologne and I got

    specific suggestions on how to do it effectively. I did it in a seperate atomizer so it was experimental and not

    that big a deal

  23. #23
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Has anyone ever done a wrist test

    with a female and NPA?
    I once had a girlfriend smell The Edge on my wrist and she hated it.
    I know some of you

    are going to say well DCW u should of mixed it, but I'm curios to know if anyone ever got a compliment using it

    pure (yes I'm lazy to do a search).
    The only one that comes to mind is the "dick musk" post.


  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Sillage
    I never

    knew that NPA/TE didn't smell to some people?


    npa has no smell to me. npa smells

    faintly like very cheap vodka. in fact all the mone products i've tried have no smell. i can smell the carrier

    added scents but at most they have a very very very light must scent to them.

    i kinda wish i could

    smell such "stinks" that are commonly reported. this way i could tell if i covered suitably. oh well

  25. #25
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    Default To sum it up.

    My hit report

    thread is turning into an NPA bashing session....lets just leave it at this....If you are overly conscious of making

    sure you do not smell bad...and you dont want to spend hundreds of dollars trying to find a cover that can actually

    cover....and you are not someone who needs tons of none to get peoples attention....than do yourself a favor. Go out

    and get yourself a 10 dollar pack of Soe unscented and Ae (which has the highest premix of none plus 2 other

    pheromones) and give it a shot. She'll thank you for it. I will be testing this killer out tomorrow one more time

    just to solidify before I start the tweaks.
    Last edited by DUKE3100; 10-18-2005 at 12:10 PM.

  26. #26


    TE=cat piss..I know there are a

    lot of good hits with NPA and TE in clubs and parties, but jesus why is it only these LaCroy products that smell

    like this. The secret ingredient must be esscence of kitty litter box. I'd love to use it, but I've gotten more

    than one woman to smell TE and NPA covered and they don't like it at all and one smelled cat piss. NPA/TE mixes are

    best suited for the club.

    Back to the thread Duke have you tried adding AA314 to AE yet? I am thinking about

    getting AA314 or possible unscented SOE to add to my AE/m+APC mix that already works well.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by WxCloud9xW
    Duke have

    you tried adding AA314 to AE yet? I am thinking about getting AA314 or possible unscented SOE to add to my AE/m+APC

    mix that already works well.
    I have not tried it to this point. I am waiting for more feedback and I

    want to finish fully testing this and then testing A1 and also testing Chikara more extensively before I even go

    there....but I would imagine it to be effective because it is a rone product. I would think the effect would be

    different though. What you accomplish when you mix Soe and Ae (if your body does not need tons of none) is a sexual

    alpha vibe with approachability and broken down barriers and fun. This is a powerful combination. What I would

    imagine you would get with Ae and Alpha is a James Bond type of vibe....Your alpha and strong but responsible and

    trustworthy....a gentleman who is sexy and erotic and romantic and mysterious.

  28. #28
    Banned User Le Sillage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DUKE3100
    I have not

    tried it to this point. I am waiting for more feedback and I want to finish fully testing this and then testing A1

    and also testing Chikara more extensively before I even go there....but I would imagine it to be effective because

    it is a rone product. I would think the effect would be different though. What you accomplish when you mix Soe and

    Ae (if your body does not need tons of none) is a sexual alpha vibe with approachability and broken down barriers

    and fun. This is a powerful combination. What I would imagine you would get with Ae and Alpha is a James Bond type

    of vibe....Your alpha and strong but responsible and trustworthy....a gentleman who is sexy and erotic and romantic

    and mysterious.
    We might change it to the Richard Branson effect, who's actually a real life James

    Bond. Mischievous devil, too! He's been known to set up his own companies to make competitors look stupid in

    comparison. Not very nice, but the examples I know of are funny. It's the funny side of mean.

    I'll post a

    picture of you know what with you know who soon!
    Last edited by Le Sillage; 10-18-2005 at 03:40 PM.

  29. #29


    I think I may get AA314 to add a

    drop or two to my AE/m+APC mix.

  30. #30
    Banned User Le Sillage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WxCloud9xW
    I think I

    may get AA314 to add a drop or two to my AE/m+APC mix.
    Not to throw a wrench in the gears, but...

    Bad boys smell more like The Edge than any of that stuff (another recent thread reminded me quite well of this!).

    That nice "I don't change my underwear" very often odor. I know... Decisions, decisions.

    I always want to see

    what people get with A314 + The Edge, but I don't see that used much. Puzzles me.

    Anybody use that?

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