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  1. #1
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    Default Persuasion and pheromones?


    I am a 18-year-old highscool student. I have been having some serious problems (concerning health and

    family) lately, though. Actually for quite a long time already - the whole semester and even more. It did not affect

    my social life too much, but my success in school has gone, I would say, below zero (I used to be an excellent

    It seems, now, that I am getting over the biggest health and family problems. But now it is time to face

    even a way bigger problem - school. I am not exaggerating by saying that about 4/5 of my grades are going to be

    unsatisfactory (E or F) at the end of the semester (Christmas). If this happens, I am failed. No college for me. I

    do not even dare to think about my future. None of my teachers are aware of my problems - they think I am just an

    idler. Also, by the law, I should not be able to retake any of the tests or anything. BUT - I have a great form

    master, whom I am getting along with pretty well. I am 100% positive, that I am able to catch up with everything and

    get nearly perfect grades.. if they would only let me! Which they are definitely not going to do.. unless I

    am able to, at first, persuade my form master (make her believe and understand me) and after that all of my teachers

    - one by one. Going to have some serious talk with each single one of them!

    Now.. please note - this thread was

    not meant to be a sad whine, as it might have turned out. I have got some social skills, I know how to

    persuade and talk to my teachers. But I have really ruined my reputation in school and I am afraid that my pure

    persuasion would not be enough. I need something to enhance my "social skills" to make it all even more serious,

    credible and important! I need my teachers to have some mercy on me. What I wanted to ask is - which pheromones

    should I wear when having the most important conversations of my life (with the teachers)? I have got the following

    products to use: AE/m, TE, A1, APC, AA314, Chikara, Impi, NPA, SOE. The bad thing, though, is that the age of my

    teachers (fortunately at least all of them are female) varies from about 25 to 75, which will make the choice of

    pheromones even more difficult. Most of them are around 35-40, though.

    Unfortunately I do not have any time to

    experiment myself (the experimenting would be quite bizarre anyway, as I would not be expecting any hits from my

    teacher or anything - I just need to enhance my credibility!). I am just going to listen to your advice, mix it with

    my own knowledge and just hope.

    I also hope my writing was not too rambling, as it is very late at night

    (early morning soon, lol) and English is unfortunately not my first language.

    Thank you a lot!

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    As an employer I suggest you

    first sit down and write out what you plan to say. Include any proofs you can provide for you statements. The more

    supporting evidence you have the better. open by explaining that you are asking for their help. Try to be as calm

    and matter of fact about the problems and outline a plan to make it work. Then ask them again to help you. Admit

    right up front that you made mistakes and want to make things right.

    The only pheromone I'd reccomend in this

    situation is SoE.

    Best of luck to you.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
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    I wouldn't recoment relying on

    pheros on this. Its too important. Give more attention on making a good case, make it happen and it will all go

    fine. But if you gonna use something use a social mone like belgareth said...

  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    If this happens, I am

    failed. No college for me.
    I suspect you can resolve the situation via diplomacy and hard-earned makeup

    work. Nevertheless, college is always a possiblity in the future, even for high school dropouts. Community colleges

    (& some small private colleges) have an open door policy and, once your earn a certain amount of credits or an AA,

    you can easily transfer into a state university. In other words you can screw up pretty bad--prison, failing grades,

    drug addiction, whatever--and there is always a way into the American college system. This situation is very

    different in other countries. In most Asian countries you'd be done for already...

    Incidentally, I too think

    a little SOE is the only safe pheromone to use during your negotiations. And like Bel says, make sure your ducks are

    in a row before visiting your teachers and counselor. They want to help you but need to make sure you can hold up

    your end of the deal.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
    Newbie Pretzel's Avatar
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    your teachers and

    tutors are there to help you succeed at the end of the day. If you can show them honesty, a willingness to hold your

    hands up to any failings you might have had (and honesty about your circumstances, if you are able/willing to

    discuss with them?),and a genuine desire to put things right, there is no reason why you shouldn't have their full

    As the guys said, SOE could help, especially in terms of making you feel confident/relaxed, but an honest

    "hey, I messed up but I really want to fix this" approach will go a long way. I speak as someone who has failed

    quite a few exams in her time, but won't take no for an answer. Good Luck!

  6. #6
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Pretzel and Gegogi make a very

    good point and I'd like to expand on it. Even if some of your teachers say no, all is not lost. Or at least not

    until you give up. Keep at it no matter what happens because the worst that can happen is you'll be told no.

    You'll be in no worse position than if you had not tried at all. On the other hand, odds are that you'll get a

    blend of yes's and no's that will give you the opportunity to do something, to move forward. That will serve to

    open more doors for you. Over time and with sincere effort on your part you can make anything happen. But it

    requires that you never accept no as final. Any effort towards your education is better than thinking you've lost

    and giving up. That is when you will have truly lost.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  7. #7
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    Thank you,
    I would not ever

    just rely on mones. As I said, I was just wondering if there was a possibilty to enchance my talk using them. I

    guess I would use a low amount of SOE, then. Of course, I will prepare myself for the negotiations.
    Also, it is not

    that bad, yet. I do not think I am done. I think I have a fair chance to fix most of it. But it will be very

    tough and I was wondering if some mones could do any good!

    Thank you again, for the great piece of advice!

  8. #8
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    Default You will do it

    Although I rarely

    post responses on this forum I feel I have enough life experience to give my opinion and or advice.
    You should take

    the others advice on which phero to use.
    You sound confident in addressing and correcting your situation which is

    the greatest thing about your post.
    As some of the others have stated, getting great grades shouldn't be the goal.

    Do the best that you can, get the best grades you can, you sound like you can pull it off, but if you don't get

    into college right out of high school you shoudn't be discouraged as life brings tremendous opportunities just

    around the corner.
    Here is some personal life experience you could use.
    I did ok in school until junoir and senoir

    years, where I lost focus and barely graduated, seeing my parents struggle sending my two older sister to college I

    knew there was no way they could affort to send me to a traditional college. I worked full-time and part-time jobs

    and got into a technical college. I still struggled through this level of school, but I pushed through it.

    married, had a child, full-time job started paying better (had nothing to do with what I went to school for).

    my head up and kept getting promoted, made a good living but wasn't really happy with my career.
    Saved some money,

    went back to school for compter science. This go around the knowlege flowed to me like water.
    My point is that you

    have to roll with life, opportunities are everywhere if you keep your eyes open. Often times they are not what you

    are expecting. Phero's can help in situations but you shouldn't rely on them as a situation correcting tool. You

    sound like you have tons of potential so believe in yourself and be confient and you will prevail in all your

    life's goal.
    My final thought.
    Life is about living and experiences not money. So many people these days put so

    much on making money and careers, and even though yes you have to make money, it's the little things that are

    important to you that make life satisfying.

  9. #9
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    As has already been implied,

    teachers will respond very well if you show that you can explain the situation rationally and give the impression

    that you will do whatever it takes to put things right. Generally teachers thrive on being able to help people who

    show a real willingness to learn.

    Be prepared to sacrifice all of your time from now until Christmas to your

    work though, and perhaps consider getting outside tuition as well.

    Be confident in yourself that you can do it

    and they will believe you.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    In my experience teachers tend to

    be very understanding of situations like that.Honestly explain whats been going on in your life to them and bring

    them up to speed on why things have been declining and chances are they will work with you in any way they

    can.Teachers dont get thier jollies by failing people.And seeing the motivation and determination on your part will

    show them that you realy mean business.But pheromones dont strike me as being a solid answer to the problem at


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