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  1. #1

    Default Phermone product smells??

    I'm almost

    positive i'm not one of the percentage that can smell pheromones. I tried out The Edge one time from love scent,

    because it was at the time described as a diluted NPA. Whenever I used it with my girlfriend at the time she always

    said "it smells like cat piss". This happened even when i covered it well with a cologne. I told her it was a new

    cologne additive i was trying and she smelled it directly and said.."yeah, thats it". So i quit using the edge.

    From those of you that have much experience with the products here, which ones have the "cat piss" smell so I'll

    know to maybe avoid them. ofcourse i'm not with this girl anymore so it may not matter as much. Is this something

    that is strictly associated with LaCroy products? She never smelled this with AE/m and it has high amounts of the

    top three pheromones.

  2. #2
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    I can smell pheros, but to

    me it's a really faint smell. just to let you know they all smell like cat piss. ^_^
    Or atleast the ones I've

    smelled... Chikara, AE, TE... I'm guessing NPA and PI are going to have the same smell... Soe I'm not too sure.

    It's probably just the -none that smells like cat piss.

  3. #3


    Well, she could only smell cat

    piss with The Edge. She didnt smell it with AE or APC. Maybe its the secret ingredients in the LaCroy products

  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Maybe TE combines with your body

    chemistry to create the kitty pee smell. Or, maybe it's just her. I wear lots of TE and NPA and women, even those

    that I ask, can smell nothing but my colonge and a slight muskiness. And that's only if they put they nose directly

    on it. They usually say I smell really good.

    TE and NPA smell like alcohol and fresh sweat mixed together.

    After drying, I can smell the swear componet better. If I put TE or NPA in my armpit, it get really rank--like a

    ripe armpit--but still isn't even close to kitty wee.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5


    I had it on my clothes...she

    might have been one of those rare people with a high sensitivity to pheromone smells. In that case I think I will

    buy some NPA to use on occasion with APC. In your opinion what are the best situations for NPA and APC combo? I

    know AE/m and APC would be better once your starting to date someone steady.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by WxCloud9xW
    I had

    it on my clothes...she might have been one of those rare people with a high sensitivity to pheromone

    if she was really sensitive to pheromone smells then wouldnt ae theoretically bring

    the same result. maybe it was the "secret ingredient" in Te that would explain why she didnt react the same way to

    the none in ae.

    me i can't smell the mones really. never had any woman tell me i smelled like

    cat piss.

  7. #7


    It says in the pheromone product

    guide on this website for The Edge;"The pheromone smell has been compared to cat pee".

  8. #8
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Afterall, human and pig whizz is

    full of pheromones. Why not cats? It's been a long time since I've bothered to sniff a kitty litter box. I guess

    I'm just not curious. I still think NPA/TE smells like a lockerroom.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  9. #9
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I really haven't noticed any "cat

    pee" smell, but then again I've owned cats and dealt with stinky litter boxes for years. Maybe I've just grown

    accustomed to it? Plus, interestinlgy enough, I think every woman I've been specifically targeting has also been a

    cat owner. None of them have ever commented on cat stink, so maybe we've all become used to it?

    I have noticed,

    I think, that I can detect a little bit of a "pheromone" smell with some products like Perception, but I have to get

    real close and sniff hard. I suspect that if/when a target gets close enough to those areas to detect such a smell

    it may by then be a turn-on and actually for the better(?). Plus I was purposely trying to detect the smell, so to

    someone who isn't looking for it, it may not really stand out.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  10. #10
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    The fact is pheromones stink... some

    body chemistries accentuate this stink and make it more urinous while others are lucky enough to have chemistry that

    doesn't do that.

    In the latter case, it's easier to cover and at worst is probably like a typical sweat.

    Normally not enough for someone to say something, although perhaps they aren't overly fond of the smell.
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  11. #11
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Hardly anyone, excluding close

    friends or family, will tell you if you smell like deer ass, kitty pee or old jockstrap. You gotta ask those you

    trust in order to get a truthful answer.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  12. #12
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    Default I have got to get in on this...

    Well I just bought SOE, PI, TE, AE, and NPA. AE is where I started plus some gel packs. This is where I proved to

    my self this was not snake oil. Ya, plenty of hits!! problem was....I was at work .

    SOE: stank as I

    smelled it from the bottle. When I put it on the smell was gone in 20 seconds. It had the same effect on me as AE

    did. This was the unscented SOE.

    Then I tried TE.. ONE spray on my chest and I thought I was in the lockerroom

    jockstrap factory!! I had real problems covering it up with my good colone, Heavy and cheap may work better. I would

    recomend the sandlewood scented. (if it gets in or on your clothes you are in the OD range. What rubbed off in my

    clothes stank till Iwashed them.) The NPA took my head clean off, I can't use that yet. I'll buy APC and do the

    Here is the strange part. I have unscented PI. I thought there was no way I could wear even a drop of this.

    I opened the bottle and could not smell a thing. This is unscented too.

    I limit my self right now to one

    drop on the wrist rubbed on the other side. Till I get the hang of this stuff.. I think that I will be able to go

    much higher. Two maybe three drops. I can't smell it in the bottle. I can't smell it on myself. But AE gets me

    buzzing and I like the way it smells.

    While buzzing is fun and a great upper, I want what is attractive to the

    oposite sex.
    So there are no short cuts. AE works great, SOE converts on my skin to a smell I can stand or cover

    easily. PI I can't smell but I have to wear it alone to see what it does. The research goes on. The one thing I

    know is this: AE works for me. I have not had that much fun at work for a long time.
    My thoughts are that I would

    never buy an unscented product as a beginer. Those are for the Pros.

  13. #13
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    My thoughts are that I

    would never buy an unscented product as a beginer. Those are for the Pros.
    Not really. Unscented is

    for folks particular about scent and desire to smell like a classy cologne rather than cheap sandalwood. As a

    beginner I regretted buying scented TE. That scented bottle will last forever as I can't stand to use it!
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  14. #14
    Enlightened One
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    if u use some anone products and u

    start off not being able to smell em u can become accomisted to them. Same goes for others - i notice AE pretty

    strongly. not in a bad way though

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