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Thread: Resistant Man

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Resistant Man

    Question: What mone

    should you use if some of them like The Edge for Women and Passion for Women, PCC roll on and Andro. doesn't seem

    to work on the man. I am trying to get more attention and notice from my husband of 6 years and these things I have

    tried, he seems to be immune to. I am 32, attractive and it seems I am trying to revive the dead! Any help out


  2. #2
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I was just reading on cnn that

    libido problems in marriage are more common than most think. 54% of women report problems after about 3 years of

    marriage. The number was lower for men (I think 32%). They also mentioned most suffer in silence. I guess almost

    everybody needs a little help in this area.

    For most men, the visual aspect of sexuality is a major turn-on,

    especially if they involve change and surprise. For example, coming home to find my woman naked and wildly

    masturbating on the couch. Now that got little willie to stand at attention every dad burn time. Call him at work

    while getting yourself off will remind him of what's to come later. Maybe surprise him with a porn movie rental.

    Sexy outfits help, "forgetting" to wear panties with a short skirt while shopping, fingering yourself in the car

    (with him driving of course), JBs in movie theaters, etc. My last GF did all of the above and more and kept me hard

    23 hours a day. Combine the above with pheromones and you just might raise the dead.
    Last edited by Gegogi; 10-09-2005 at 11:41 AM.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  3. #3
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    Gegogi You hit the nail on the

    head ( no pun intended). Often women are quick to blame the man in there life for a sleepy sex life so to speak,

    When it is the women that hold much of the power in keeping sex life burning hot .

  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Well, it takes two to tango, so

    it's 50/50 as far as both blame and responsibility. More often than not it's a failure to communicate your needs

    that brings on the chill factor. You expect them to just "know" but it usually doesn't work that way. However, if

    one takes the lead the other will usually loosen up and get in the groove. While pheromones might help, the direct

    hands-on and show 'n tell approach is far more effective.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
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    I think I will try the above.

    Thanks for the advice. It is strange though that like was mentioned about communication that I would be the one who

    is ready to communicate and my husband doesn't think things like that need to be discussed or ever mentioned at

    all. He is not the one to take the lead so I guess I will have to and try harder.

  6. #6
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wendi
    I think I will

    try the above. Thanks for the advice. It is strange though that like was mentioned about communication that I would

    be the one who is ready to communicate and my husband doesn't think things like that need to be discussed or ever

    mentioned at all. He is not the one to take the lead so I guess I will have to and try harder.
    Hmmm in

    my opinion most men are less enclined to "talk things out" than women are. Men are into action and finding

    solutions. But they don't particularly care to talk about it.

    If the suggestions below feel a little too

    radical, you could try:
    - a new haircut
    - a new sexy outfit

    Just stuff that is somehow "different" (not your

    usual self) and makes you feel good about yourself by the same token.

    Or... give him the Victoria's Secret

    Catalogue and tell him you would like his opinion on what to buy Very revealing! (No pun intended!)
    Treasure Every Moment that you have
    Yesterday is History - Tomorrow is a Mystery
    Today is a Gift - That's why It's called the Present!
    (Unknown source)

  7. #7
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face

    G & Michael gets an "A" if you

    ask me, BUT ...

    Marriage is definitely a job. Mobley thinks that most libido problems in marriage are mental. It

    takes a very strong mind to not get BORED. Mobley thinks that once BORDEM enters the mind, things die, and it's

    very hard to strengthen a weak mind. So to you, Madam, I say, exaust each and every idea that comes to mind, for it

    sounds obvious that you care and are missing out on that spark you're in need of. Once you've tried everything and

    nothing works, understand that it's not personal ... it has nothing to do with you. A dead horse is a dead

    horse, and there is nothing you can do about it ... except, make horse burgers.

    As for mones, I would

    suggest that you get the ladies version of AE and SOE (freebees on Wednesday), and give them a serious test run.

    Mobley's 1.5 cents worth of before his morning workout thoughts.

    Sometimes you win, sometimes you

    Who said that!!?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  8. #8
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    for an old man,

    your pretty smart.


    That's good advice he gave you. Is this something that happened suddenly or was

    it something that has been building over time? If it happened suddenly, can you pinpoint the time/events? Boredom

    can set in and is most often the cause but sometimes there was some particular thing that set him off. Look around,

    how does he act. Does he have a problem with you in general or is it only sex? How does he respond to other women?

    If you can't get him to talk to you, maybe you could get him to talk to somebody else? A counselor or something

    like that?
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9
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    You both need to shake things

    up...there is always hope for may not be able to have every day be unpredictable or different...but why

    not 1 day a week or month?

  10. #10
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    Well it is nothing that happened

    overnight. It has been over time. We have children too, so I know that makes things harder to get time together,

    but I believe that time for each other is a must. You have to make time for it like getting a haircut...


    outfits don't really do much for him. The above wild things mentioned don't do it for him either. He says he

    would be in the mood when he is able to just relax with me. However what he says and does when the time rolls

    around that we could relax, he doesn't seem to want to get in the mood. He does notice pretty women like walking

    by etc. although he denies it.

    Sometimes I think maybe I am trying to hard. Maybe if I forget about it and

    don't act interested in him, it would work in reverse and maybe then he would be the chaser.

  11. #11
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    One thing I've always tried to

    practice is holidays from the kids, house etc. Take a weekend, leave the kids with a sitter and go someplace. It can

    help. You may be onto something about backing off and making him do the chasing too. Keep in mind that can backfire

    so be careful about it.

    Even if he won't, have you talked to anybody about it? Mones are not a silver bullet

    and if there is a problem you need to find out what it is so you can fix it. The only way to figure out what his

    problem is will be to get him to talk to you.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  12. #12
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Wendi writes, "Sexy

    outfits don't really do much for him. The above wild things mentioned don't do it for him either. He says he would

    be in the mood when he is able to just relax with me. However what he says and does when the time rolls around that

    we could relax, he doesn't seem to want to get in the mood."
    Too bad, those types of things really

    get my motor running. Unfortunately my exwife refused to do any of them so eventually I had no lead in my


    We can only guess with so little informaton, but if you've been trying and he doesn't respond,

    obviously there is something else wrong. Some combination of children, stress from work, declining health and

    marital complacency may be to blame. Does he work out? Is he overweight? By the early to mid 30s men can really go

    downhill if they don't watch their diet and exerise.

    Finally--and I hate to mention it--have you considered

    there may be something or someone else in his life? I've known a lot of guys that got tangled up with drugs or

    other women and slowly let their home life die (happened twice in my immediate family). The wife usually doesn't

    doesn't have a clue until things have really gone south.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  13. #13
    Phero Guru
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    probably more important

    before marriage rather than after is getting to know the other person's sexual inclinations. What, after all, is

    his main fantasy? Would you be willing to fulfill it?
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  14. #14
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    Well, he is in his mid 30's and

    he is not obese but he is a little fatter in the middle than he would like to be and he has just started a diet to

    lose weight. However I have thought about the possiblility that there could be someone else in his life, a secret

    life on the side or that maybe stress, work, children, etc.... is making him feel old and not in the mood for


    In reply to the last post, he is somewhat not normal as he has no sexual inclinations, no fantasies

    whatsoever. I would be willing to fulfill his fantasies if he had any, but he is I think like an Amish man in that


  15. #15
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Wendi writes, "... is

    somewhat not normal as he has no sexual inclinations, no fantasies whatsoever."
    That's a pretty tough

    pill to shallow. Mayhaps he just hasn't let on for one reason or another. I've kept most of my fantasies from my

    lovers due to certain trust and judgement issues. Even Amish men are horny toads. Look at all the kids they

    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  16. #16
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    Almost every man has fantasies, I

    mean its just natural to have them. Perhaps the hubby has some ones that he brought up before, but they were really

    wierd and you kinda laughed at them. That will shut up a guy real fast and for a long time.

    I like the advice

    about showing him a victoria's secrete catalog and asking him what looks best on you.

    One thing that works for

    me is when I take the wife out for a drink at a bar. But thats probably just me. Somehow you have to get the

    fantasies out of him. A lot of guys might have a stash of porn hiding. Or maybe he has some secret web sites he

    visits. See if you can uncover his fantasies that way. There is likely to be a certain theme....could be the theme

    of the month or a long time fantasy.

    Other than that, I don't know what to say. I hope he wakes up for you.

  17. #17
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    Red face

    Sounds like, to me, time has

    taken its toll on yer man. Life is so strange, but I think it gets stranger as the generation changes. Sounds like

    you're doing all the work, Madam W. I, personally, don't believe in 50-50, except in effort.

    Listen to

    all the advice you want, but no one can judge anyone unless you are in their shoes, which is impossible.

    Everyone has a fantasy ... some can control their thoughts, some can't. 30-year old young pup!!!! Please! Unless

    there's a real health problem, I'd bet my penny that he's let boredom set in. I don't care who it is, if two

    people are not mentally strong, relationships/marriage don't/won't work ... they'll just end up like so many

    others .... unhappy & settling & fantasizing about the pool boy/maid to remain sane.

    As before,

    don't give up, and don't take him not being able to put it back like it was, personal. It really has nothing to do

    with you. It's so ugly trying to make something work when you're the only one working at it. Been there, done

    that, got a t-shirt, and I'm currently using it as a dusting rag.

    God's speed.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  18. #18
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    I would second the motion

    that all males have a fantasy occasionally or more likely nearly all the time, laughing here cause it's every 14

    seconds I think. Male fantasies generally tend towards two divergent scenarios. The first is the ever-popular

    3-some with another woman, the most widely held male fantasy. In 2nd place comes domination of women. This

    sometimes also involves 3-somes with 2 men and one women. Or, more commonly, a woman is in some sort of restrained

    situation. Naturally, there are many other fantasies but they are so diverse and of low percentages overall.

    You could cheat on him but that's not a great solution to the overall problem.

    You could both go to

    therapy. I hear that usually leads to divorce. (not a politically correct statement on my part but supposedly


    You could drag him out to a strip club and see how he feels about that and if it gets him in the


    You could invite one of your better looking friends over and after she leaves say something like, "hmm,

    I could almost go for her if the 3 of us could do it" and see his reaction to that. (a bit ballsy but it might

    work) or you could say to him, "gee, I had the nicest dream last night, your buddy "Joe" had come over and we all

    wound up in bed together".

    You could broach the idea of "swinging" to him and see what he thinks about


    You could do a lot of things but all of them are difficult to contemplate. But, you do have to do

    something for your own sake of self.

    I wish you the best of luck.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  19. #19
    King of the coupons!
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1
    I would second

    the motion that all males have a fantasy occasionally or more likely nearly all the time, laughing here cause it's

    every 14 seconds I think. Male fantasies generally tend towards two divergent scenarios. The first is the

    ever-popular 3-some with another woman, the most widely held male fantasy. In 2nd place comes domination of women.

    This sometimes also involves 3-somes with 2 men and one women. Or, more commonly, a woman is in some sort of

    restrained situation. Naturally, there are many other fantasies but they are so diverse and of low percentages


    You could cheat on him but that's not a great solution to the overall problem.

    You could both go

    to therapy. I hear that usually leads to divorce. (not a politically correct statement on my part but supposedly


    You could drag him out to a strip club and see how he feels about that and if it gets him in the mood.

    You could invite one of your better looking friends over and after she leaves say something like, "hmm, I could

    almost go for her if the 3 of us could do it" and see his reaction to that. (a bit ballsy but it might work) or you

    could say to him, "gee, I had the nicest dream last night, your buddy "Joe" had come over and we all wound up in bed


    You could broach the idea of "swinging" to him and see what he thinks about that.

    You could do

    a lot of things but all of them are difficult to contemplate. But, you do have to do something for your own sake of


    I wish you the best of luck.
    Nice advice, Koolest of Kings! But, as with everything else your

    advice is great for OPEN MINDED people, and from reading about him, it doesn't sound like he's open minded. And if

    he isn't, it could make matters worse, even though it sounds as if it's at its peak. But as usual, she doesn't

    want to give up, and shouldn't.

    I always say, "when enough becomes enough, one will cut the rope."

    I too,

    with her the best of luck. Everyone deserves to be happy.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  20. #20
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    He may have a a low sex drive ,

    Which couyld be medical or mental . There is some good natural products out there to try such as Yohimbi . He maybe

    having an affair so his energy and thaughts are elsewear get my drift.

  21. #21
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    You got some good

    advice here. The most important thing is communication, you guys need to figure out what the problem is. If there is

    a medical problem it should be addressed by a real doctor. Herbs and supplements help but can mask or aggravate a

    severe problem too. If the problem is mental, the only solution is to get it out in the open. If he can't/won't

    talk to you, get help. If he won't seek help with you, see if he'll go by himself. If that doesn't work, you

    should go talk to somebody. A good marraige therapist can give you lots of good advice.

    It is possible that

    whatever the problem will turn out to be unresolvable for either medical or psychological reasons. In that case you

    need to consider your options with the help of an impartial third party.

    Whatever you do I wish you all the

    luck in the world. You are in a really difficult situation.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  22. #22
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    The theme here is not knowing

    what the central issue is. Working on that is where effort will pay off, starting with lots of communication.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  23. #23
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis

    theme here is not knowing what the central issue is. Working on that is where effort will pay off, starting with

    lots of communication.
    Ay, there's the rub - He actively resists communicating!
    Treasure Every Moment that you have
    Yesterday is History - Tomorrow is a Mystery
    Today is a Gift - That's why It's called the Present!
    (Unknown source)

  24. #24
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    That's the reasons for my

    suggestions. If she can't get him to talk she needs somebody who can help her. Continuing to allow him to refuse to

    talk is only going to make matters worse. Talking could too but the lack of talking is guaranteed to do it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  25. #25
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Relationship communication

    skills is the thing that couples counseling works best for.

    Practically speaking, this is a general relationship

    issue, then, moreso than a sexual one.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  26. #26
    Phero Dude
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    I usualy find myself talking to

    men with these issues but I figured I would throw my two cents in along with everyone else.

    While pheromones

    *might* help,there is the underlying issue of communication to deal with.And getting guys to talk when they dont

    want to is a real chore.Stress is a major cause of loss of interest.And when men start reaching thier mid thirties

    things very often dont work quite as easily as they did when we were twenty.I had an issue like that and found that

    there are a variety of supliments that help increase libido...and some of them actualy work.Belgareth is right

    though about seeing a doctor if that is the problem.You dont want to mask something more serious with home

    remedies.Not knowing the stress issue in his life I am at a loss to address that, but I know that if he is up with

    the rising sun and home in time to see the street lights come on,he realy needs an opportunity to sit back and

    relax.For that I recomend learning the art of massage.A gentle but firm massage is a great way to loosen someone up

    while at the same time...done properly...getting them in a somewhat more sexual mood.

    I would explore Gegogi's

    recomendation of wearing something sexy to bed.Men may initialy not respond to that but our little brains cant stay

    off the subject of sex too long when there is a half naked woman in the bed right next to us.Another possibility to

    consider is communicating your need for intimacy(like how I steered around using the word "sex"?) without actualy

    comming out and saying it.Curling up in his lap and purring for example...body language,eye contact,a devious and

    seductive smile and so forth.Seduce him the way you did when you were just dating.Women have a real knack for

    turning men on with a look,but for some reason they stop doing it after a few years.My ex-girlfriend could melt cold

    rolled steel plate with her smile if she wanted to.

    But with all this and all the other great advice,its

    important not to make him feel like your putting any presure on him.He may be having issues with his libido and may

    be feeling extremely sensative about them.So it is a subject best approached delicately.Dr.Smell This has recomended

    counseling.And if he is agreeable to that,go for it.Counseling is a great way to keep things on the right track,or

    from going off the track.And sometimes the best counseling we can get is from our family doctor.If he is having a

    medical issue,his doctor can help.

    Thats all for now...Im sure you have heard enough of my free advice.

  27. #27
    Full Member dolly's Avatar
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    Ok, so now we've gone through all

    of the relationship fixes.....and the relationship should be fixed first, that's for sure. But, if you're still

    looking for some phero advice for the sexual arena with your man, let me give you mine, as I have been in a similar


    --When I wear a nol/rone combo if we're just hanging out watching a movie or whatever, most men

    will go to sleep on me. It makes them feel very relaxed and comfortable. Therefore, with men that I already know,

    I try to steer away from SOE unscented or the like. This has happened to me with 4 different boyfriends, including

    my current fiancee.

    --The one thing that will wake them up is copulins. PCC never works for seems

    to be too weak. I take EW and mix it strong. I mix it with an oil-based fragrance (don't use one with alcohol, as

    EW doesnt seem to cover as well with them). My favorites are vanilla and musk, or a blend of the two. I mix in a

    10-ml bottle, 3mls EW to 7 mls fragrance. When you first put it on, you can smell the EW, but after about 5 mins,

    the EW smell fades.

    This works every time for me!! I gave some to a friend of mine....she and her husband

    had not had sex for over 8 months.....she put on some of this, and they had a wonderful time!!!

    Please do get

    your other relationship issues resolved, but if the sex and passion part needs a little "kick", try out my mix.

  28. #28
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    Before I ever became a

    pheromone user I realized that I was affected by female pheromones. My girlfriend left a necklace at my house and

    its scent was intoxicating. I dated a russian girl who never wore antiperspirant and even though the smell was a

    little musky, I was nearly psycho around her. There have been a few other situations where I have noticed the effect

    before I started using them myself.

    I know that pheromones are effective however it only seems to effect me when

    I am not getting any solo or otherwise. Perhaps your husband is squeezing off because it is easier that trying to

    set the mood wrangle the kids and have alone time. If you can exercise together it will raise both of your sex

    drives stave off some of the winter blues and give you an excuse to spend time together.

  29. #29
    Phero Dude
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    I had a simmilar experience with

    a girl I dated in high school.She left a sweater at my house and the fragrance of it was absolutly

    captivating.Later...recently in fact,a woman that I was seeing spent the night at my home and the place where she

    slept had some kind of evil power over me...The fragrance she left behind was very faint and delicate...but I

    couldnt get enough of it.It drove me absolutly insane.Not just lustfuly actual made me feel somewhat

    lonely without her there.

    Yes...I admit its somewhat strange...but still...
    "The wages of sin is death.But after taxes it's just sort of a tired feeling realy." -Ellen DeGeneres

  30. #30
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    I concur with DrSmellThis and

    Belgareth - communication is central. If he will not coomunicate on his own then getting help to reopen that

    critical channel is warranted. Just do not make it a "fault" thing if you broach the subject. Once you have the

    communication, everything else will fall into its place, whatever that may turn out to be.
    Also - I feel less

    "sexy" when I add on an extra 10 lbs but until recently would have been too "macho" to admit it.
    Last edited by bosshank; 02-06-2006 at 02:10 PM. Reason: Spelling/grammer

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