Hello all! I am totally knew to this and I need your


I am 25 y/o female, 5'2 130

(stacked very nice, LOL ) nice hair teeth, LOL. My point is I am an
attractive funny, smart indepedent young lady with an awesome

shoe collection and get a load of

attention on my own from men young


old. However, the men I want are a little out my league . Well not out of


league but they have hundreds of

attractive women after or around them so the

competition is fierce . I have been on this site off and on for he past 4

months and have mix reviews on whether or

not I should use phermones. I am


because I see there are a lot of people who OD or who have backlashed

effects and I do not want this to happen to me. I basically want something simple I

can use to have an edge over the competition. I need something that does not require mixing anything and something

that I can't easily OD on. Sorry for the long message guys! LOL I will greatly appreciate your advice. Take
