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  1. #31
    Enlightened One
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    so what u gave richard bransom

    a314 aw gawd now what virgin pheromones hehehe - a314 is a good product in existing mixes works well with alter ego

    for men - NPA less so with SOE because i guess its already rone focused

  2. #32
    Phero Dude
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    if that's what wearing

    a314 brings then i better stock up

    i had the humor of meeting donald trump a few months back. it was

    very interesting i must say. although i did split my lip trying not to laugh. never thought his combover could

    actually look worse in person.

  3. #33


    LOL, his hair is like a

    squirrel's nest.

  4. #34
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    I've stood next to Trump...didn't

    think it was that bad. I guess I was paying more attention to trying to hit on his wife. Didn't work out.
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  5. #35
    Banned User Le Sillage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Watcher
    so what u gave

    richard bransom a314 aw gawd now what virgin pheromones hehehe - a314 is a good product in existing mixes works well

    with alter ego for men - NPA less so with SOE because i guess its already rone focused
    "Virgin Juice",


    Or "something in the air" next time you fly Virgin Atlantic.

    Remember, Branson like things FUN!

    Psychedelic... and adventurous!

    More than that, I can't say.

    The likelihood of seeing a bunny mone is

    higher than expected.

  6. #36
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    sillage [si'ja] (nautical) wake;

    (aviation), {figuratvely} trail
    -Langenscheidt Pocket French Dictionary 1992

    I'd like to experience a Bunny

    moan too...
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  7. #37
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Well this is interesting...


    have a "target" who seems to react very negatively to -none. She would often seem to curl up in a defensive ball if

    I wore anything relatively -none strong like NPA and especailly PI (with w/scented cover and/or a bit of SOE or the


    So I decided to try a little experiment, just to see what would happen, and see how well our

    "relationship" was building. I pulled out the PI and applied two drops, added two drops of a314 and a touch of

    Pheros for cover about an hour before I was to do a quick visit. (Applied to chest, neck, forearms). Based on past

    experience I expected a pretty cold reaction. Not this time... I had figured only a short (maybe 10 minute) visit,

    but I was there about a half hour+, and when I made motions to leave she said some things that I felt could be

    interpreted as "stick around" rather than "go away." Quite different from what I excpected.

    Maybe it was a

    fluke, maybe a "development" in the relationship, or maybe a314 worked as a "saftey net" or "buffer" for the PI.

    (Don't know enough to say if "phase of the moon" had anything to do with it.)

    (I was also taking a page from

    DD's DYD stuff about leaving before wearing out your "attraction" welcome*, which is why I scheduled only a short

    stay in the first place and why I elected to take off even though I might have been welcomed to stay a while. Plus I

    had things to do... )

    (* also the old saying about visiting relatives and fish... they both start to stink after

    too long.)

    I'm continuing to develop an opinion that a314 may be a good "basic" ingredient for all my future

    combos/mixes. Note that there is a 20 year+ difference in our ages too.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  8. #38
    Banned User
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    AA314 has got my lifetime

    achievment award vote! I love the stuff..performs time after time..and improves all mixes I've use by a large

    enough percent to visually identify. keep up the combos. Looks like AA314 buffered the bad effects of PI for


  9. #39
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Great posting guys!

    Cloud9, how much are you using?

    I do agree with you, A314 is also a base ingredient in my combos

    and seems to enhance everything I use. I wear 2 drops A314, 2 sprays Chikara, 2 drops PI, and 2 drops A1 for work.

    Haven't seen a trace of OD at all, just overwhealmingly positive reactions!!!

    It's like

    when I have a combo tried out that's working well, and then add A314 its like WHOAA! I guess that you should not

    underestimate the power of -rone!

    I've even gone to the drastically previously unthinkable move to try skipping

    SOE, and up untill now that works like a charm! I even save myself all the overtly manic talking.

  10. #40
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Wink You want to find your optimum spot

    Always calibrate to the setting. A setting where decorous, professional behavior is expected or a competitive

    academic setting where people are strongly focused on performance based evaluation will produce vastly different

    experiences than a setting where the *expectation* is loss of inhibition. You have to consider, unless you're

    dealing with the mentally impaired, that the normal person has already made a series of deep level choices and

    decisions before walking into a wild meat market bar scene... if they haven't had certain conversations with

    themselves, they wouldn't be walking into that place. People rarely spontaneously get crazy from a cold start, they

    have made up their mind well in advance to get crazy and seek out an environment where they feel OK doing it... "it

    was normal cuz i was a this here tit bar and that there floozy flang herslf upon my helpless ass".... when there is

    no way in tarnation they would consider acting like that in a client meeting unless they had ambitions to return to

    bagging groceries at the local Piggly Wiggly... Pheromones don't plant thoughts in other's minds, they may help

    the process if a number of unconscious or half conscious decisions have been made as to what one wants out of a


  11. #41
    Phero Dude
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    Having used A314 I have to say

    that its effect can be very subtle.It doesnt seem to hit people over the more seems to sneak up on them.I

    was on a date with a woman who after about an hour decided for some reason that I smelled..."yummy." All went well

    from there and I will spare you the details but it was a very subtle thing indeed.

  12. #42
    Banned User
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    Yeah AA314 is more like a "stone"

    it's base carrier is designed to slowly realease the pheromones..I find it can work short duration, but is better

    to be around the target person longer. I have found though it has worked if I walk up near a girl say hi and then

    when I come back in 3 minutes it its like they have to take a sniff and then it comes over them right

    there after and works like a charm.

  13. #43
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    Thumbs up

    Decided to put

    this update on A314 usage along with first impressions on the second version Impi here as a response to


    We both have targets 20 years younger than ourselves, and both targets are

    so similar that if we didn't live in different sections of the country, I'd think we after the same woman. Both

    have displayed extreme aNone adversity. My last report was in a situation where I didn't much care how the relation

    proceeded, and was deliberately way ODing on aNone. But along with aNone was using A314 as a buffer, she was

    reacting positively to me, all the while she was angry with me.

    We've seen

    each other several times intervening, and I've backed down on Mones all the way around. Things have been going

    rather well, with only an occaisional bump, or two.

    I got the second version

    Impi last week, but didn't have opportunity to use it, until Tuesday night. This stuff smells fantastic. Much

    better than the first batch. I don't know why it is being re-engineered, but I hope Bruce plans on keeping

    "Unscented" (or rather Herbal Afro-desiac scented) release #2 around. Release #1 was okay, but this is great. I

    don't think it needs any cover.

    Anyway, I was supposed to be over to Eve's

    for just a few quick minutes to pick some items up. I had two generous dabs of WAGG (one on each side of the neck),

    and two drops of A314 (one on each ear), and one & a half sprays of Impi #2 applied straight at my closed mouth &

    nose (the first spray out of the bottle was rather anemic, so it counts for half). She needed help moving some

    furniture, and got a good whiff of this combo. She really seemed to relax, and open up. Next she needed help with

    another project, so while I was out getting some work clothes from my car, I applied another full spray of Impi #2

    straight on. Things progressed well through the project, and I set up a dinner date for the weekend. Definitely good

    body language through out the evening. When I went to leave, it was like she was trying to find ways to stall my

    departure. These discussions got somewhat personal, and added at least another half hour. I left anyway.

    Wednesday I got a rather unexpected call late in the evening to discuss something that we have

    in disagreement. This lasted rather pleasantly for a disagreement, until her cell phone batteries went dead.

    Thursday she called me at work (while she was driving to work), and then again while out to lunch to "disagree" some

    more, and she has thrown in some emails through the day.

    This is highly unusual.

    There were two

    emails late Thursday that have nothing to do with the disagreement, but are looking for ways to expand time, and

    endeavor together.

    It's not even the weekend yet.


    really credit the use of insanely high aNone (Edge + Impi + NPA + some Chikara) awhile back in the presence of A314,

    and SoE or WAGG for having turned this relation around. I DO NOT recommend doing this, unless the relation you have

    is just going down the tubes anyway, and you no longer care. Of course that is all in the presence of remaining

    unflustered, persistent, and appropriately attentive, even in disagreement. No wimpy, begging dialogue here.

    These levels of Impi #2 are not that high, but along with A314 & WAGG seem to

    be getting outstanding attitude changes, even beyond the effects of the Killer aNone OD's.

  14. #44
    Enlightened One
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    well i continue to use the a314 -

    as stated its best used in combination with other products alter ego and NPA are proving good products to mix with


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