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  1. #1
    Newbie InvisibleEdge's Avatar
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    Post Mones on TV Yesterday

    Did anyone

    see "How to Get the Guy" on ABC last night at 10pm? There's 4 girls and there each dating 2 guys each. So at one

    point in the show there asked to smell the T-shirt of the 2 guys and pick which scent is more attractive. The

    interesting thing was that without knowing which t-shirt was which guys they all ended up picking the scent of the

    guy of the two that they were already more into. Like the guy they had the most chemistry with already is the

    T-shirt they ended up picking.

    PS: The guys were asked to give a t-shirt that they slept in for two nights in


    The two dating coaches also mentioned that guys are most turned on by the scent of oranges and donuts. And

    women are most turned on by a combination of cucumber scents and good and plenty candy together but turned off by

    the smell of cherries.

    Here's the website:


  2. #2
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    There was a special on this on

    Discovery as well. Has to do with the disease markers. Apparently, women can smell what diseases we're resistant

    too. If they are the resistances that the women DON'T have, then they find the smell of the shirt very


  3. #3
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    That totally reminds me of " Species

    2 " the movie , staring natasha hensridge.

    She's like this alien chick who's to die for..and this guy who's

    pretty good looking goes up to her and she's getting all hot and stuff..but then she sniffs him and senses that

    he's got a gene that is prone to disease or something... and she totally loses interest right away.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rashkae
    There was a special

    on this on Discovery as well. Has to do with the disease markers. Apparently, women can smell what diseases we're

    resistant too. If they are the resistances that the women DON'T have, then they find the smell of the shirt very

    i saw it too. and it makes sense out of why i would be attracted to someone who didnt interest

    me intellectually.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    i saw it too. and it

    makes sense out of why i would be attracted to someone who didnt interest me

    Yup. Healthy children take precedence over smarts.

    God gave men 2

    brains, and only enough blood to use one at a time...

  6. #6
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    Hey Lor,

    I have a question for

    you .

    I have a belief that attraction is based on 70% looks and 30%personality/character for guys ...

    and for

    chicks it's the oppsite.. 70% personality /interllect and 30% looks.

    Basically I think guys are very visual

    creatures whereas girls are more emotional than visual, and they're also more sensitive emotionally and in the

    senses smell, touch, hearing...

    I'd like your female opinion on this one.



  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by nfs
    Hey Lor,

    I have a

    question for you .

    I have a belief that attraction is based on 70% looks and 30%personality/character for guys


    and for chicks it's the oppsite.. 70% personality /interllect and 30% looks.

    Basically I think guys are

    very visual creatures whereas girls are more emotional than visual, and they're also more sensitive emotionally and

    in the senses smell, touch, hearing...

    I'd like your female opinion on this one.


    mostly i agree with everything you said. i also think its an attraction-based universe in the way

    that there are alot more factors to consider (where you "resonate" for lack of better words) .
    i can see how

    everyone would have their own idea of what each gender is looking for, and they would all be right,lol. i might

    think im checking you out, but what im gleaning from your appearance is your personality. it all intermingles. maybe

    personality is all of it...100%.... and how it manifests in outward appearance and what we choose to know (intellect

    is relative to what we find important) are details. NFS what do you think you are looking for when you are

    checking someone out? be honest. this is an intersting topic.

  8. #8
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    hmmm looks like we've hit the grey

    area of question then Lor. Maybe this question can never be answered... maybe the 30% -70% rule is just a figment of

    my over-active imagination.

    To answer your question honestly...what attracts me when I look at a

    female. First thing that catches my eye, lean physique, long legs ( I'm a real leg guy ), and F.M.B's - F*ck Me

    Boots. Yeah... u know the ones I'm talking bout, any of you guys out there agree on this one ? Say " aye " !

    I've noticed my sense of pheripheral vision heighten incredibly when say... a chick with a shirt skirt showing

    some leg enters my vicinity. I can't help but stare and give her some DIHL. I guess that's the effect that girls

    have when they sniff some -none on alot of guys on this forum.

    After I get get past the DIHL, I'd proceed to

    check her face out.

    Without speaking for other men, I must say that we are highly visual when it comes to women.

    I think it's built into our DNA.. that's why women spend so much effort/time/money into looking beautiful.

    They don't realise why they have such a great desire to look beautiful.. for men. I can keep posting further about

    this topic which I have a huge interest in, but I'd better stop.

    I hope no females take offense here. I'm just

    posting my theories on male-female behaviour and trying to disect the whole thing.

    Does that answer your question




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    absolutely, and the reason i asked

    is this:
    women are vain in this reguard- we are not always trying to look beautiful for men! otherwise, we would

    define what is the most common turn-on and all look the same. even hollywood tries to follow the fads,but they cant

    help but eventually show their true personalities. we sometimes dress for eachother, the way ,say, men play sports.

    its competition, but your not playing your best game because you hope a girl happens to be watching.
    one of my

    biggest facinations with 'mones is the changing of perception. i happen to be 5'1". i wouldnt be caught dead with

    CFM boots,lol. nor do i have anything to put in them ,lol. if that (using as an example) was the standard of beauty,

    id be dead in the water. what 'mones offer in this situation is a change in the attitude of the perciever- AND that

    of the wearer. although it may not be probable, it is POSSIBLE that the 'mones i am wearing cause an override of

    what you thought was sexy in a woman- like alcahol. im a bartender. by last call, im a 6' blond amazon that

    wants only them, LOL. same goes for men. i might be attracted to an alpha-male, maybe a bad-boy, and your not it.

    but wear some strong 'mones and suddenly your dangerous...woohoo.... see what i mean? your not going to see FMB in

    the grocerystore everyday... and your not always going to SEE someone before you smell someone,lol. murphy's

    law...argue it and it will happen

  10. #10
    Newbie InvisibleEdge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nfs
    To answer

    your question honestly...what attracts me when I look at a female. First thing that catches my eye, lean physique,

    long legs ( I'm a real leg guy ), and F.M.B's - F*ck Me Boots. Yeah... u know the ones I'm talking bout, any of

    you guys out there agree on this one ? Say " aye " !

    I hope no females take offense here. I'm just posting my

    theories on male-female behaviour and trying to disect the whole thing.


    Word up.

    Plus I love a pretty face, round butt with a slim waist. And if she has dimples when she smiles, Oh my God!

  11. #11
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I always watch for the way she

    moves. Some women, even small and petite ones, can clump around while a larger one sometimes moves with an

    incredible grace. After that a woman's eyes are the first thing that appeal to me. I've dated and been attracted

    to women of all sorts and sizes but they have always had happy, sparkling eyes. Once I get past that there has to be

    intelligence, free will, wit and, more important than all the rest, individuality.

    Reasonable looks, takes care

    of herself and such all figure in there too. I rarely notice clothing unless it is either spectacular or absurd.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  12. #12
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    Ok ..well pointed out


    Perhaps there are 2 types of dress codes in women. When they dress sexy, well u know what they're

    trying to do right? And when they dress to fit.. It's probably giving them more confidence in themselves.

    With guys, say we play sport and we dress in sports gear, it's so that we don't get our good clothes dirty

    We may dress in branded sporting gear but that I reckon is just so that it improves our aerodynamics in the game

    You should watch me play ball when I'm wearing my Air Jordans. I actually get 2 more seconds of air

    lets see you ladies do that in high heels hehehehehee

    Ok now on a serious note, how bout you LOR? To

    you personally, what are the first things you notice in an attractive guy. Whatever comes to your mind, put it down



  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InvisibleEdge

    The two dating coaches also mentioned that guys are most turned on by the scent of oranges and donuts. And

    women are most turned on by a combination of cucumber scents and good and plenty candy together but turned off by

    the smell of cherries.

    Here's the website:

    LOL!The foods are sexually subliminal.You have woman craving a

    cucumber which resembles a male penis which is probably perfect size."Good and plenty" describes the man's sexual

    technique that the female desires or unless they crave a smaller penis?

    For the men a donut resembles a

    vagina its the "hole thing"When I eat an orange its like giving oral to a woman you try your best to get "that


    I'm assuming the heterosexual women were turned off by "cherry" but I bet a lesbian would be the


  14. #14
    Newbie InvisibleEdge's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Metaphors

    Quote Originally Posted by platinumfox
    LOL!The foods are sexually subliminal.You have woman craving a cucumber which resembles a male

    penis which is probably perfect size."Good and plenty" describes the man's sexual technique that the female desires

    or unless they crave a smaller penis?

    For the men a donut resembles a vagina its the "hole thing"When I eat

    an orange its like giving oral to a woman you try your best to get "that juice"

    I'm assuming the heterosexual

    women were turned off by "cherry" but I bet a lesbian would be the opposite
    Really insightful metaphors!

    Makes sense or should I scents.

  15. #15
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    Red face im crushing now!

    Ok now on a

    serious note, how bout you LOR? To you personally, what are the first things you notice in an attractive guy.

    Whatever comes to your mind, put it down here.

    its always the package deal. its never a quality-

    eyes, clothes,age,ect. its always the charisma that pours out. sometimes its ballsy humor of an adam

    sandler ; sometimes its the boyishness of a jesse james ;sometimes its the unspoken command of a

    patrick stewart ..... some men just reek (yes, i said reek) of charisma. i dont think there is a common thread

    between those three, i only used celebrity to distinguish traits. now, its true i havent smelled any of them to know

    that it was their pheromones, so in effect its visual,right? but to pick out something visually similar? got to be

    the personality, the package. maybe confidence. got to be it. ::sigh:: now im crushing.....

  16. #16
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    WARP 10, ENGAGE! *


    LOL Patrick Stewart! I thought I was his only fan. Coz i'm a real Trekkie and all. Well used to

    be. He makes an awesome Prof. X as well ... Too bad he got annihilated in X3. But did you guys see the ending of

    that film? He went into the body of the coma guy.

    Ok enough of him. Moving along.

    I found that

    your statement holds true to my findings too. If the girl wasn't drop dead hot, then these other factors kick in.

    Really cute smile, cheeky eyes,..friendly/funny personality, sweet, bitchy ( yeh that brings out the animal in me )

    etc etc.

    I've recently fallen for a female friend of mine since knowing her for 9 months. She never struck me as

    attractive when I first met her. SHe's on the skinny side, shortish hair..but charming face and a big smile. After

    hanging out with her for a while , now I just can't get her out of my mind.. It's like torture. I can't tell her

    how I feel either, because I have a n intuition that she has put me only in the " friends zone " and I'm trapped


    Here's where I'm hoping mones would help turn the tide.

    Gosh I hate it when

    charm/charisma/personality kick in. That's when you really fall for someone and it makes them even harder to



  17. #17
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    I think the next big hit on the

    phero market would be to figure out exactly what these "disease markers" are, then create a product which has ALL of

    them in it... Making you smell like you've got the genetics of a god. Now THAT should get the attention of the

    opposite sex... and it would be unisex too!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rashkae
    I think the next big

    hit on the phero market would be to figure out exactly what these "disease markers" are, then create a product which

    has ALL of them in it... Making you smell like you've got the genetics of a god. Now THAT should get the attention

    of the opposite sex... and it would be unisex too!
    i want in on this.
    there is no way that this is

    impossible. improbable,sure, but think of the fun.... gee who would that make me...aphrodite? oh my yes, i want in

    LOL. ME

  19. #19
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    Red face Nfs

    I've recently fallen for

    a female friend of mine since knowing her for 9 months. She never struck me as attractive when I first met her.

    SHe's on the skinny side, shortish hair..but charming face and a big smile. After hanging out with her for a while

    , now I just can't get her out of my mind.. It's like torture. I can't tell her how I feel either, because I have

    a n intuition that she has put me only in the " friends zone " and I'm trapped there.

    Here's where I'm hoping

    mones would help turn the tide.

    Gosh I hate it when charm/charisma/personality kick in. That's when you really

    fall for someone and it makes them even harder to forget.....

    if your interested in my opinion, id

    be more than happy to post it. im afraid if there isnt interest, its a waste of space. i feel your pain, nfs, we

    have all been there. it is torture, but self inflicted, which just irritates the situation. she sounds adorable

    actually, anyone with a big smile has to be worth having around

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    Please post. I'm want to

    hear what you have to say ..I'll be waiting.



  21. #21
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    Smile dont believe in "trapped"

    I've recently fallen for a female friend of mine since knowing her for 9 months. She never struck me as

    attractive when I first met her. SHe's on the skinny side, shortish hair..but charming face and a big smile. After

    hanging out with her for a while , now I just can't get her out of my mind.. It's like torture. I can't tell her

    how I feel either, because I have a n intuition that she has put me only in the " friends zone " and I'm trapped


    Here's where I'm hoping mones would help turn the tide.

    Gosh I hate it when

    charm/charisma/personality kick in. That's when you really fall for someone and it makes them even harder to

    okay, heres my take on that:
    i had a best friend in school. he let me know he liked me, but

    in my eyes was very nice,even cute, nothing alpha (was into that,not relevant). he was officially in the "friends

    zone". some time had passed and as i was figuring out nice was GOOD, he was discovering talents and becomming way

    more confident. i personally think this affected his signiture as well. next time i saw him, he was sexy to

    me. where the hell did that come from??? we dated and ended up together for years. something about the change in

    confidence... he didnt play any games, like im going to be "aloof" im going to behave "this way or that". the only

    difference is that he felt he had more to bring to the table and it really came across. he laughed more, smiled

    more, was genuinely more fun around me. when you get an idea in your head of how others percieve you, and if its not

    favorable, it comes across, even subtley. some people... not my type in alot of ways....are very attractive because

    they come across with genuine confidence, you aint seen nothin yet confidence. not cocky or braggart. just

    heres where 'mones come in:
    i notice when i wear my 'mones, whether they are affecting others the way i

    wished they would or not, i know i feel more confident wearing them. some just make me feel sexy. i dont have to

    say/do anything to feel that way. more often than not, you get a mix that does feel confident and others

    detect "happinin" on you. i felt compelled to post because the minute you said "friend zone-trapped", i knew this

    did not HAVE to be a forever thing. your not trapped. i look forward to hearing your replies/ experiences here.

  22. #22
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    Hey LOR,

    Thanks for your post.

    What a great love story with a romantic and happy ending

    Sounds just like many romantic movies I've

    seen where there's a hot girl, and a wussy guy ( best friend ) scenario, and the girl just doesn't see him that

    way and goes out with the " asshole ". Then the asshole treats her bad, and the wussy friend's always there to

    clean up the mess. At the end of it she realises what a good mop he is and falls deeply in love with him and live

    happily ever after.

    I know that the " friends-zone " ain't forever....but looks like your friend

    actually changed alot of his inner-game..and that took a good deal of time. People just can't change overnight,

    takes a whole lot of experiencing new people, new hobbies, new careers etc before change happens. You mentioned time

    had passed before you met him again, may i just ask out of curiousity, long it was?

    With this girl pal

    and I... I don't have the luxury of waiting a few years of change before she seriously digs me in that way, so I'm

    gonna have to do something bout it now. That's why I got into mones in the first place. But here's an interesting

    story for ya:

    Friday night - I went out with this gal and another female friend for dinner. Just the 3 of us. I

    wacked on like 1 spray of TE Heat and 3 sprays of Chikara.

    Just to make it easy.. the girl pal that I'm

    interested in will be labelled " A ", and the other 3rd party female friend will be " B ".

    First stop - We

    went to have dinner at a japanese restaurant. Now.. B goes to the toilet and so A and I have to find a table. We

    founda little square table with 4 seats. She chooses a seat and I go to the one adjacent to her, she hasn't sat

    down yet but she immediately puts her bag on that chair and moves on to the right. So i move to the one with her bag

    on it and she moves over one again. So i get th ehint and just sat down thinking.. " wtf ". Now just to le tu know..

    I've not shown neediness or clinginess to her. I've told her long time ago that I've found her attractive but

    that's it, we're friends. So I don't know what's up with this. Anyway, B comes back from the toilet and we

    continue eating.

    Mid way through the dinner , I start getting more eye contact from A, during conversation. B

    starts joking around and asks A if she would go out with me if I wasn't attached ( long story..will fill u in on

    that one at a later date..let's just say it's complicated atm ). A smiles and looks like she wants to answer

    something, but i quickly jumped in to diffuse the situation saying " nah....we're just totally good friends and

    she's not my type anyway, besides she's too skinny for my tastes ( said jokingly ). " * wipes brow sweat *. So

    they all have a bit of a chuckle.

    So on the way out of the restaurant later..A suddenly asks me, " if you met

    the perfect girl for you , would you break up with who you're currently with for this girl ? " . I said " yeah sure

    I would , if she was miss. right " .

    Now I have heard that A is currently interested in a guy but she doesn't

    know how he feels etc..and she's waiting for him to give stronger signals and she's in a state of confusion.

    NObody knows who this guy is and when I ask A, she smiles and doesn't want to say anything bout it. So she's

    probably just asking me the prior question to get some feedback for her own situation, who know?

    Next stop:

    We then hit a smoky bar. First thign I do is get the 2 girls a drink and I run off to the toilets to refresh the

    mones. 2 sprays chikara and 1 more spray TE Heat. Now things seems a bit different this time.

    We sit at a

    small , very small round table with 3 bar stools. We start conversation bout bullshit, like relationships, other

    people's relationships etc. I start turning attention to girl B, to play a little bit on the jealousy plot. And

    girl A shifts her seat clother to me this time. I ignored it. Then she starts getting animated and talking and

    laughing. She's got her legs crossed at this point and pointed towards me, under the table. After alot of further

    animation, he legs start to touch mine and then she starts to shake her legs at a rythmic pace. And all this time,

    her leg was resting on mine ( at the shin approximately ). I just played it off like I didn't notice it. This leg

    thing went on for a good 5- 10 mins till i shifted position abit to break off contact. I don't know if it meant

    anything but, even for 2 friends, if their legs came into contact under the table by accident, wouldn't they just

    move away? To have prolonged contact like that and the leg rubbing/shaking up and down...was just wierd.


    was a huge difference to what happened at the start of the dinner, where she kept moving one seat away from me.

    Ok so to cut the story short, after 1 hr we leave the bar. As she leave she hands me her hand bag and I go "

    what's this for ? ".. She says " u can hold my bag ". I said " no.,...I'm not your monkey or your bf, hold it

    yourself ". She grins and becomes playful and she grabs my hand to force the bag in there...and I kept teasing

    her and pushing her away.. There was no way I was gonna stoop so low. I know that in the past she's gotten guys to

    melt in her hand. I didn't want to be in that supplicating state. So as we exit the bar, it's cold.

    What does

    she do? She grabs on to me and locks arms with me then puts her head on my shoulder. And walks with me. She mutters

    " it's sooo cold ". Girl B looks at us both with a wierd expression " what the heck is going on here, is

    there something I wasn't told about ? ".

    So I walk her to her car and she gives me this really tight hug and

    then we split. So far, no one's mentioned anything bout smelly TE, or nice cologne etc.

    What do you think

    guys. Was that a hit or was she just being a friendly/touchy friend? We did have a few long glances during the

    course of the night...or maybe it's just what I want to imagine.

    sorry for this long post.


    PS: LOr, check out my other post titled " chikara = chloroform " .. I think I got my first ever hit there. That

    one is solid.

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    first of all, without getting into

    my beliefs about happy endings, this guy i was with is 1500 miles away. permanantly.
    at the risk of sounding

    like an oldschool teacher taking my ruler and smacking you sraight on the knuckles , here i go:
    men always

    kill a chance (not that you did) by believeing in this silly pride thing (cant let her have the upper hand....she

    makes guys melt...i wont be her monkey..ect) when a girl tries to get you to do stuff for her, i guarentee 9 times

    out of 10 she is testing you to see if making any more moves will yield her anything. girls are afraid of rejection

    too,and they will make it look playful so that if you reject them, then they "really were just playing" anyways. get

    it? in other words, if she tests you again, soften a little and give in. no one is asking you to get walked on. she

    sounds like shes into you. i dont care what anyone else says,lol. good luck, let us know what happens!

  24. #24
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Are you actually

    kidding with that post? Seriously! I find it so frustrating to see a person be held back by their own limiting

    beliefs, beliefs that they themselves have created. This is usually done subconsciously by the mind in a stupidly

    convoluted attempt at self-esteem preservation; everyone is guilty of self deception, but the restrictions are more

    obvious in some people.

    The "friend zone" is a myth perpetuated by the male mind. I have some really cool female

    friends, but to me that doesn't mean I couldn't progress things if I wanted to (in some ways it's easier), so why

    should you? It's only a belief, and it's only as true as you allow it to be. The only truth about the situation

    that is important here is that she is someone you know reasonably well and you currently like her. The rest is open

    for interpretation, so why not interpret it in ways that doesn't mess up your head?

    She was sending you ALL

    KINDS OF SIGNALS! The seat thing, her friend's question (girls talk about things and I'd bet money that even if

    they haven't talked about this she will have picked up that "girl A" likes you), her question about the perfect

    girl (YES, THAT WAS ABOUT YOU, its even possible that the "other guy" is you), all that stuff at the bar, the "its

    soooo cold" bit, the hug, etc. etc.


    I'm going to partially disagree with Lor as well. I think

    you actually handled the whole thing *almost* perfectly. The bag thing is definitely something you did right, she

    was subconsciously testing your congruence with your confident behavior. It will not hurt you at all to have her

    wondering about you, whether that be in the form of her wondering about your interest in her or whatever. At some

    point you do have to be honest with your intention and actually make a move though.

    If she is testing you she

    likes you. Instead of giving in, make a move on your own terms in an assertive, honest and manly way. In other

    words, have the confidence to let her know what you want and to go for it.

    The only thing you have done wrong so

    far (apart from worrying FAR to much) is to not escalate and make a move, but there is nothing to stop you from

    doing that in the near future.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  25. #25
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    Thumbs up

    The only thing you have done

    wrong so far (apart from worrying FAR to much) is to not escalate and make a move, but there is nothing to stop you

    from doing that in the near future.
    nice to have my thoughts confirmed by someone i respect.

  26. #26
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    THanks for your post as well

    as LOR's. Both are very valid arguments to this case, however I have failed to inform you guys of a couple of

    important facts. There was just way too much to tell and I didn't want to bore you guys any further, besides, this

    thread should have been started afresh...feel like i've hijacked invisible's thread ( sorry dude ).

    CPT, just

    some quick snack facts :

    1. she knows I have a gf, but at the same time she knows that my current relationship is

    on the rocks, and I'm very unhappy in it.

    2. In the past..I've just casually blurted out that that I think

    she's an attractive girl and that she should have no problems getting a new bf ( she broke up with her ex many

    months back ). I have not implied that I like her though. Paying a friend a compliment does not imply being

    attracted to her. I've purposely paid compliments to other female friends infront of her as well, so it doesn't

    look too obvious. I'm a very open and casual/laid back and somewhat cheeky sorta guy, so most people can't figure

    out what i'm really about.'

    3. Another mutual guy friend of ours has told me that this girl leaves a trail of

    destruction everywhere she goes. All the guys that have come into contact with her have fallen for her and she's

    put them in the dreaded " Friend-zone " LOL! Sorry man. I had to find a way to describe it to you..i know u don't

    like the term.
    She's left all these guys miserable. It's just that she's got a superb personality and she's a

    very warm /touchy sorta girl ( so i'm told ), so all the guys get the wrong idea..and start to fall for her. I'm

    sure u know and have been in that situation before.

    I just don't want to be another casualty man... I want to

    be extra careful about this one.

    4. Last of all. I sometimes talk to her online MSN, and when I DO pay her a

    compliment of play-flirt with her jokingly.. she just either totally ignores my comment or just shuts up. I take

    this as a sign that she feels uncomfortable. I would personally feel uncomfortable if a person I wasn't attracted

    to were to flirt with me, and I would shut up too and try to change topics etc.

    As you can see, I am totally

    lost with this situation. I usually can tell when a girl is interested in me, but in this case, it's alot more

    complicated than that. Probably cause she knows I'm attached and she's just a plain dick-teaser. But i know

    she's not out to hurt guys, it's just that she's a touchy feely person.

    My question is to you CPT:

    - which

    chair thing were u referring to? In the restaurant she didn't want to sit next to me, kept moving round the table

    to ensure one seat was empty between us.

    - With the leg rubbing and the bar situation shortly after, do you

    think the mones were working her? Didn't seem to affect the other girl B sitting next to me.

    - Is there a way ,

    with which I could tread carefully, and sorta find out if she's into me or she's just treating me as a friend ,

    without totally blowing my cover? We're friends and knowing the situation, if the feeling isn't mutual and i come

    out and make a move on her, everything gonna go downhill with the friendship. If there's a sneaky way u know of

    that I can draw the truth from her, please tell me now ....

    Lor, u got anymore comments? I think we should cut

    this thread off after CPT's response, I'm loving it but it's totally irrelevant to the subject thread.


    guys so much. I love this forum for all it's support.

    Your fellow moner ,


  27. #27
    Newbie InvisibleEdge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nfs

    - Is there

    a way , with which I could tread carefully, and sorta find out if she's into me or she's just treating me as a

    friend , without totally blowing my cover? We're friends and knowing the situation, if the feeling isn't mutual

    and i come out and make a move on her, everything gonna go downhill with the friendship. If there's a sneaky way u

    know of that I can draw the truth from her, please tell me now ....

    Lor, u got anymore comments? I think we

    should cut this thread off after CPT's response, I'm loving it but it's totally irrelevant to the subject


    THanks guys so much. I love this forum for all it's support.

    Your fellow moner ,

    While your talking to her lick your lips occasionally not to much and see if she licks hers while

    she's talkin' to you. In my experience that's a sign that she's feeling you. Or you can drink with her to see

    if she let's her true feelings be known.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by InvisibleEdge
    While your

    talking to her lick your lips occasionally not to much and see if she licks hers while she's talkin' to you. In

    my experience that's a sign that she's feeling you. Or you can drink with her to see if she let's her true

    feelings be known.
    Yup! This works. It's kinda like you're signaling her that you're gettig your lips

    ready for a kiss... If she reacts, then she's hoping for that kiss.

  29. #29
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    so your saying its not like a yawn?

    just hearing it made me feels as if my lips were dry...

  30. #30
    Newbie InvisibleEdge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lor
    so your saying

    its not like a yawn? just hearing it made me feels as if my lips were dry...
    Good point it can be like

    yawning. The eye contact is important and look if it's done sensually.

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