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Thread: Impi

  1. #1
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Seems that Impi has us sniffing glue

    now (in the form of A1)... what's next, eating paste?...

    It's a joke folks.

    Take it easy. We know from

    discussions on Chikara for example that scent preferences/perceptions vary (ie Gegogi's opinion). Maybe the best

    way to test is have Bruce arrange to have a small sample of people sniff a cross section of the product bottles in

    the current shipment. Plus the variation in scent perception may be one of the hallmarks of this particular

    Last edited by Rbt; 09-29-2005 at 11:47 AM.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Bruce, any idea of how much

    aphrodisiac/scent was added to beta2?
    As for hits, adding A1 did much improve the hits I was getting. More visible

    aura of pressence, looks like it would be a good mix with C7. On the tube today got #s from a 24 and a 26yr old.

    Mind you im 22 and never go above my age group. A 30 something black lady kept giving me the eye as well. I swear

    this stuff really adds a few years to my persona. Any other young bucks try this stuff or what?

  3. #3
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    I'm a Male 21 in

    CA, and I have been using WAGG + NPA/W +Versace Black Jeans (1:1:5) and I have been getting mixed results. Lots of

    small talk, friendlly vibe. Its kind of a light smell and I think the musk type scents give off more of that

    mystique or 'aura' that even AE has. I'm looking to get that feeling back but with less -none.

    I am

    going to dip into the beta 2 batch even though I didn't try the first. I hope this thing smells better than what

    people were posting about with beta 1.

    I'm thinking I may try to mix it with WAGG and go from there,

    espcially when I'm at the office.

  4. #4
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    Got my bottle of

    Impi a couple weeks back, and have been working it into my combo. By the way, I love the smell. It seems earthy, or

    woodsie, and strong, and seems to last awhile. I've been combining it with EE/m Arouser, and Chikara with an

    overall good smell blend. The mones in Impi seem to have some effect on me, as well as my target. They seem to make

    me a little bolder, which straight NPA does not.

    A little math guided my first applications.

    Dividing the 6.5mg of pheromones by the 24 ml bottle comes out to .271 mg/ml or 2.7 times the total phero content of

    TE. Now somewhere in my reading of Impi “information” before I got mine, I picked up numbers to calculate that there

    is .042 mg ETS-11, and .063 mg of “African Herbal Aphrodisiac” in each ml, which leaves room for .166 mg/ml of the

    more normal mones, including the LaCroy secret (or unspecified) ingredient (= UI) , and aNone. Now TE has .100 mg/ml

    of ANone & UI split evenly (.050 of each per ml), so I’ve started by treating one spray of Impi as equivalent to

    about two sprays of TE.

    I have been really loading up on Mones recently, as my target has

    been reacting very negatively, and I figure there is nothing to lose. I decided to do as was posted recently, by

    getting way into OD territory, and have some fun while it lasts – maybe.


    weeks back I was using about 9” to 12” SoE across the back of the neck, a dab of WAGG under each ear, both for

    friendliness, a dab of A314, or two on the ears, 2 sprays Chikara, one each side of neck, and 2 sprays of EE/m

    Arouser directed at mouth & nose. BITCH is not the adequate description of her attitude. She used terms like she’d

    like to “shred” me, etc.

    I had been gradually upping the aNone until I reached 3

    sprays of Chikara, and 3 sprays of EE/m Arouser, that is, before I got the Impi. Then I substituted one spray of

    Impi for two sprays of EE/m Arouser, and cut back to two sprays of Chikara. So that was 12” SoE+2 (WAGG)+2 (A314)+2

    Chikara + 1 EE/m Arouser + 1 Impi, and things had seemed to go okay for awhile.

    Last night I dropped the A314 other than what I had applied early in the morning at work (6” SoE+ 1 (A314) + 1 APC),

    and doubled the EE/M Arouser, which means putting 12” SoE + 2 dabs WAGG + 2 sprays Chikara on sides of neck + 2

    sprays of EE/m Arouser under chin + 1 spray Impi straight at my closed mouth. The evening started out bad enough,

    lot's of coyness, misdirection, and mind ganes on her part, but changed as I was leaving (I had already said I

    would leave, and wasn’t going to back down from that, but needed to get something out of my car to give her, and

    then be gone). She was leaning somewhat away from me against the railing leading down to the door, but with a very

    open standing position with both elbows behind her head playing with her hair, and chest somewhat elevated, as I

    left. This was definitely a first. but made NO difference to me. I’m not going to be played with. If there is real

    interest, and not games, it will be there next time. And next time will have TWO sprays of Impi to the face + 2

    Chikara + 2 EE/m Arouser + 12” SoE, NO A314, and perhaps NO WAGG

    This Impi seems

    to be making a difference, but so is very high doses of aNone. I’ve been adding dabs of NPA as the evening

    progresses to the earlier face paintings w/ mones. Last night there was no extra NPA, as I was pretty perturbed with

    her, and not sure I wanted to pursue her any farther. So extra aNone (other than what Impi has) was not in play last


    This Impi seems to be pretty powerful stuff.

  5. #5
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    If she doesn't like you much

    without 'mones, adding more won't do jack. You're just pissing away your money and time. Look elsewhere. You

    can't force someone to want you. However, if she likes you without 'mones, the right application will enhance and

    accelerate your romance.

    I watch young men pursue women everyday and see similar situations all the time. The

    woman smiles and is friendly so they think she's interested. Later they characterize her as a bitch because she

    doesn't bend to their will. I actually had a young female student ask me what to do about this really nice guy that

    won't leave her alone. She was nice back but gave him lots of hints she didn't want to get involved. Finally told

    him to his face to back off. Now I know the guy and he thinks he's in a little cat 'n mouse game. At this point

    we're going to give him one more warning before we have him transpassed by security.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Sounds like hes OD like crazy.

    How about a spray of C7, 1 spray Impi, and a drop of WAGG...?

  7. #7
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    You're probably right...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

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