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  1. #1

    Default I dont understand why?

    I dont understand why I am not getting any hits? I recently got \"Androstenone Pheromone Concentrate\" by mail yesterday and I dab it on my neck and my wrist. I went to college, mall, and bookstore.. No hits!!! ????
    Can anyone tell me why I am not getting hit on \"Androstenone Pheromone Concentrate\". Am I missing something? or Do i have to apply more on neck and also on cloth??
    Please any advice would be appreciate..
    Jiten [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

  2. #2

    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    Mix it with NPA. Or put a lot of it on. Trust me.

  3. #3

    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    It\'s gonna take a little time for you to figure out what combo will work for you, try 1 dab on each back of your wrist, 2 on your neck, possibly on back of your neck, in your hair, there is alot of combos to do. And it also depends on the people around you, don\'t overlook the little things. And be sure if start putting more than 4 dabs on at a time give yourself about 15 min. for it to wear off, it can be strong at first.

    If you don\'t start getting some hits within the first couple weeks, i would suggest to do the JB#1 mixture.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    I have the same problem and I have several theories regarding it:

    1) Pheromones don\'t work for some people.
    2) APC by itself doesn\'t work.
    3) Certain pheromones (APC in this case) only work for certain people.
    4) You are not looking closely.

    1) I certainly hope this isn\'t the case, but it may be true for me. I have tried a lot (yes, a lot) of pheromone products/combos - I think I have spent $300+ (not to mention 3 years) already - but I am yet to get a single hit.
    2) This apparently is true for some people, according to the posts here.
    3) I don\'t have any concerte evidence for this... [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    4) Maybe you are expecting women to jump on you. It\'s likely that it won\'t happen. Hits can be as simple as people staring at you or saying hi (or even staying away from you).

    Any thoughts?

  5. #5

    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    Damn right Lutz about the last statement.
    We sure are getting hits but we might be expecting for a higher type of response. Maybe the simple glance at you or hi, or even staying away from you is because of the pheros. And a lot of people don\'t know how to react to what they\'re sensing, so they tend to keep it to themselves. Like when you suddenly met a drop-dead-gorgeous woman, how would you react? Wouldn\'t you just play it cool as if you\'re not struck so hard? Because if you let her notice how much you\'re attracted to her, you will appear cheap. Same thing as with the other girls, they don\'t want to let you know that they\'re reacting positively to your smell.

  6. #6

    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    what NPA and PI stand for?
    I heard from everybody that \"Primal Instinct\" is the most powerful pheromone in market today. No matter what, you will always get more hits on \"Primal Instinct\" I cannot buy \"Primal Instinct\" because it is too expensive $67 + shipping and handling.
    I am planning to return my \"Androstenone Pheromone Concentrated\" is not working for me.. I am not getting a single hit on it [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] I dont know why?

  7. #7
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: I dont understand why?


    Well, it\'s plain that you really tried and tried, and this stuff didn\'t work for you. You posted on the 13th that you got it yesterday,(what,.. the 12th?), and later on the 13th you\'re ready to send it back.
    Can\'t argue with that kind of perserverence. Think you can hold out long enough to get a response on the return? [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    Get some NPA (new Pheromone Additive). It mixes with APC really well, and is less than half the price of PI (Primal Instinct), but it\'s almost as potent! And try to be patient, please. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  8. #8

    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    Will i get hit on APC alone? I dont have money to buy NPA now. Someone told me that APC is good without using any mix that is why I purchased APC alone.
    Tomorrow I am going to give it a last try my applying 3-4 dabs on neck and wrist. Let us see what happen.. otherwise I am going to return this APC product and save money and buy Primal Instinct sometime later.
    Jimagix [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    While I´m still waiting for a DIHL, I do notice something different while using pheros near people I already know, It\'s like they are puzzled.

    But one girl had told me that I smell like a man and another one that I have something ........

    Strange enough this has happened while using APC alone, I´ve been trying with PI but no noticeable results so far.

    Redcapp may have a point, I\'ve been told that I could have any woman that i like, but it seems I have a Clint Eastwood syndrome, so if you seems too unapproachable girls may feel intimidated by you.

    I remember one time in my life that I was particularly happy, I had girls checking me out on a consistent basis and with NO pheromones added.

    Pheros may give you an edge, I don\'t know yet. But I do know that nothing is going to attract girls more that the right kind of attitude, looks and confidence. When you feel right about you other people feel good around you.

    Don´t put your hopes too high on phero usage, try APC a few more times, if you still feel APC doesn´t work save a little money and get some NPA for mixing.

  10. #10

    Default Re: I dont understand why?


    If you really want to try APC one more time, try to OverDose like 10 drops and see what happens. APC is almost nothing compared to other products when it comes to phero content. Try not to wait for something to happen but instead, make things happen like ask one of your friends (girl) to smell your new scent and what they think about it. You\'ll sure get positive response. And if you\'re still dissatisfied, don\'t return your APC to get PI later. Instead, keep your APC and save for NPA.
    My very first product was PI and I was so stupid to buy that as a beginner because PI is so potent and concentrated, I can\'t figure out how much I should put on because less than 1 drop seems to be too less but it might work that way. But sometimes 2 drops might do the trick but you\'ll smell like stinky armpit and you\'ll lose confidence going out. It\'s way too tricky for a beginner. If you want go get something with Androstenol. Alter Ego is great to start with because it has the 3 pheros, androstenone, androstenol and androsterone, then just add some cologne that you like which will act as a carrier to your target\'s nose.

  11. #11

    Default Re: I dont understand why?


    heres the advice forget APC (unless youre using it in the jambat mix) get a hold of Alter ego, or even andro 4.2 or attraction or the edge, now they come from various companies (the stone lab products can be brought elsewhere but do you get a money back guraeentee and the advice to go with it(aka the forum right here.) I occasionally get Personal messages from some people claiming we are all insane i ignore them because the stuff works and thats all i need to know it then becomes their loss because they will get no benefit from not trying.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    Ok, first of all!

    APC is about 2 times stronger than what your body produces (if you get the kind size that is).....2 FREAKING TIMES!

    How would you react to a hot girl! You wouldn\'t approach her!
    Same thing with the girls

    Now..I\'m natuarlly empathic, people throw out bad thoughts more..doctors said I was born depressed, I\'ve had a SH*TLOAD OF psycic\'s really fun, because, when I put on APC, and I\'m around girls, lol, they are almost scared of you...they act like you would if you were sitting next to Carmen Electra....You\'re almsost \"too hot\" for them.

    Now, it depends on what you want, if you want the intimidating act, here\'s how you can use can get respet from just about ANY male figure, and you can almost intimidate can hit on them with results, or, they will be nicer to you, etc.
    Ie, if Carmen Electra was sitting next to you, and she asked you to do something, you\'d jump right to it.

    AndrosteNONE gives you more respect, look more powerfull, etc

    AndrosteNOL makes you more fun to be around, playfull, more comforatble, easy to talk to

    You may want to get some androsteNOL from the Chem kit..and use it undiluted....your results....women will open up to you....they will smile at you, etc.....pretty much the opposite of the NONE

    NOL is good if you don\'t want to approach the want to talk to them, etc.

    NONE is good if you can approach them, and are willing to take the anitiative

    You may want to use pure NOL, and than, after you\'ve got to know the girl, you can use NONE

    I think I\'m going to maake a topic on this...but, if you used .1% of NONE from the kit...a drop on say, the right ear, and you used .1% of NOL on the other ear, what would your reaction be?????? You would be intimidating, JUST as intimidating as when you had full none, however, you\'d also be JUST as easy to be with.....

    What I don\'t get, is, how does that compute? How can you be both...I\'m not talking about mixing either, because, when you mix you get less of both...I\'m talking about full strength of both


  13. #13

    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    I say just buy some Scent of Eros...I\'m convinced this stuff works and I think any guy having problems w/ -none products needs to try this because there isn\'t any -none in it at all, its mostly -nol which should work great for pretty much anyone

  14. #14
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    I\'ve tried pure -NOL. Four dabs at .01mg/ml and have noticed girls more talkative and friendly. But I had to initiate conversation.

    I\'m not naturally empathic, but I think I can read body language pretty well. What I DIDN’T notice with -NOL was any sign that girls were sexually attracted to me. Whereas with -NONE that sexual vibe seems to always be there, even if they are a bit intimidated (as you say).

    Another thing is that I’ve tried pure NONE, pure NOL, and pure RONE and, NONE is the only one that has gotten me smiles (many of them flirtatious). Although RONE has gotten me looks and one DIHL.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    A.K.A. when you say pure nol, and none, is that diluted, or is that strait out of the bottle from the kit? However, being pure NOL whether it\'s diluted or not, you can experiment with it, to find out what does what, etc

    The nol, may not make you attractive, however, if they are already attractive to you, they will be able to talk to you more, etc, that is why many people may get \"smiles\" etc.

    You said that YOU had to initate the conversation? It may make them more at ease than.
    Now, if you were going to use either nol, or none, you\'d probably want to go with none, even if it\'s intimitative, because, they may not be at ease with you, however, when you start a conversation, they will not treat you as if they are too good for you, etc, plus, you\'ll appear more attractive to them.
    I just can\'t wait to get some of the pure androsteNONE

    Hey, do me a favor though..take the NONE and put it on full strength, see what results you get, and same with nol, and non...anyone who has the kit. I\'ll be getting some of the stuff, but, I don\'t have the money right now. I WILL get it the second I have enough, however
    Rone, as far as I\'ve read with everything. They\'ve used a concentration of .1%, which is what comes in the kits, and women found them to be more attractive, but, I have not heard of similar tests with nol, or none...whoever got the tests with the rone..did they do similar tests with nol and none?


  16. #16
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    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    Nevermind, I didn\'t see the end of your post....
    Have you tried the stuff at a .1% concentration...that\'s the undiluted stuff that comes out of the kits...?


  17. #17
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: I dont understand why?


    Where did you get the notion that using DROPS of 1mg/ml pheros (ESPECIALLY A-None) at full strength would be a good idea? More is not always better when it comes to pheromones.

    If you used 2 drops total, as you\'ve stated, you\'d be wearing .1ml of product, which means .1mg of pheros. (Assuming 20 drops per milliliter.) That would be about 5 to 7 times the recommended dose, and approximately 3 times the OD limit.
    Even ONE drop of 1mg/ml A-None ALONE would be an overdose! The stuff is very concentrated, and was made to be mixed.

    Not only would you be wasting your money, but your time as well, since these quantities of pheros are far more likely to act as a female repellant than they are as an attractant.

    Perfect Ten and the chem-set pheros have the same total phero content concentration, 1mg/ml. When I mix either with cologne, I use 7 or 8 parts cologne to 1 part of phero to be sure that a spray of the mix doesn\'t put me near the OD level.

    If using the strongest stuff available at full strength was the way to go, this forum would be unnecessary. What most of us here have discovered over time through experimentation, is that there\'s a narrow margin between too much and too little when it comes to pheros. And this is further complicated by the fact that different users of differing ages and fitness levels have widely varying needs.

    The 1mg/ml pheros are made to be diluted, either with cologne or ethanol. Unless you\'re applying one or two SMALL DABS, using them at full strength is not a wise choice.
    Sometimes less is more. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Good Luck!
    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  18. #18
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    Hey Bart (Marv),
    I agree with Wilde. But I tried your experiment anyway. I think you’re onto something with your concentration vs. quantity theory, but I caution against trying Androstenone at .1mg/ml.

    This morning I put a tiny drop of it on the right side of my neck. Before applying, I put several dabs of Yakshi Ylang Ylang ( a cheap oil-based scent that worked well whenever I used Primal) on my neck and wrists.

    The dropper that comes with the chem kit makes drops that seem about 1/6 the size of the ones that come out of the Primal bottle. So, even though I was using a higher concentration than PI, I probably had about 1/3 the quantity of pheros as a drop of PI.

    Within seconds, I had a sinus headache. I massaged my shiatzu points for several minutes until it became a dull sort of pressure, but my sense of smell was greatly diminished. I had to hold my wrist right up to my nose to smell the Ylang Ylang.

    After that I went to the neighborhood deli for some breakfast. It was pretty crowded and I had to wait in line for about 5 minutes. The line was mostly guys and they seemed to keep about an arm’s length away from me. It was weird. Everybody else was bunched together and I had all sorts of personal space.

    I noticed women glancing at me, but they always turned away when I glanced back. I couldn’t make any eye contact. The cashier — a twenty something blond — gave me a quick smile. But she was even more cheerful with everybody else. I noticed a cute Asian girl staring at me from the coffee bar, about ten feet away. I smiled and she smiled back. But when I approached to get some sugar for my coffee she rushed away.

    At the coffee bar, I reached across a gay guy, who was there with his partner, to get a napkin.
    “Excuse me, sir.” HE said.
    “It’s OK.” I said.
    “How are you today, sir.”
    “Good. You have a nice day, sir.” He said, backing away and sort of kowtowing as he went.
    (He was bigger, younger, and much more muscular than I am.)

    Looking for a place to sit, I noticed one of my neighbors, who’s usually quite talkative. I walked up to his table and said, “Hi.”
    His shoulders jerked as if the upper part of his body tried to jump out of the chair.
    “Hi.” he said, without making eye contact.
    “Mind if I share your table?” I asked.
    “Oh. No. Sure. Sorry.” he said. Then he proceed to gather all his food, coffee, silverware, napkins... in a tight little circle in front of him; as if I needed the whole table to myself.

    I tried to make small talk, but he gave quick answers and was gone in under three minutes.

    After breakfast, I went home and took a long, hot shower.

    PS I\'m 43. The general consensus is that the younger you are the LESS Androstenone you should use.

    [ January 20, 2002: Message edited by: a.k.a. ]

  19. #19
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: I dont understand why?


    Nice experiment! Sounds like you\'ve discovered a formula for loneliness! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    But then, in Australia, this could be classified as a success story! [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  20. #20
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    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    AKA! Your always ONE step ahead of me...And it seems, the only one on the board that agrees with anything I say!

    Anyway, TRYING the experiment, thanks a LOT for trying it out, lol....I was waiting to GET this stuff

    One thing that everyone needs to get on the board! The reason why they turn away is because they are INTIMIDATED! N O T because they don\'t like you!

    Let me explain how I came to the concentration v.s. amount theory.

    When .1% is applied, a certain amount of mones are released at a time, into the nose. The concentration is detected by the reciever, and the concentration say...5x says this person is 5x manly.

    NOW, as the AMOUNT goes. Let\'s get an area, say, 2in by 2in squared. You can only apply so much to it, the rest would be covered up by the previous, and would not be able to be released until the layer on top is. How that is relative..a lot in one area will only last longer.

    Now, another thing, that I have not yet solved, however, I do not know if it matters.

    What isn\'t solved is AMOUNT or VOLUME of it.
    However, using the music acronym. Having DEEPER bass is ALWAYS better than having a lot of treble. However, would it be better to have more volume? Or wouldn\'t it?

    You see, if you have more, it\'s able to be detected, BUT does that MEAN anything?

    The bass is STILL the same, however, the volume is changed.

    Also, as previosly stated, it doesn\'t help to put more in one area, unless you\'re trying to make it stay longer...and if you\'re not trying to have any louder volume, you may want to put a lot on a little area to last longer.

    UNLESS! You want more volume.

    Ok, from what I\'ve read and know.
    The more that you put on, spread around that is, the farther away it can be detected, but also, the stronger it is detected (HOWEVER! THE BASS LEVEL IS NOT CHANGED!) ANOTHER! thing is that, when used in moderation, to little, some people have said that mones tend to draw people in, because they want to smell them, they want to get closer to it.

    Think of this, if you put enough on to where the close you get the better it smells, to where, if you got real close to it, it had a good volume, people would want to get closer. Also, if put a lot on, people will be able to smell it from away, and would not need to get closer. And, the more that\'s on, the farther away that they can be to smell it. Now, if if it\'s the volume that you want. Do you want to put so little on, that you can hardly smell it? Even if when you\'re right up to it, it\'s not enough? Or, would the JUST PERFECT when right up to it be enough?

    If there is a car that has enough bass to be heard a long ways away, ie, when you\'re driving, you can hear it aways away, when the other car\'s going would be GOOD. HOWEVER, if you are close to it kind of, and you hear the bass, you\'d want to get closer to hear it, etc, &&&&&&&& it\'d still be loud enough! It\'s not like it\'s HARD to hear too.

    So, concentration is ALWAYS better

    Hey, do another experiment..Using MORE of the stuff...see what the difference is!

    Use it and report back! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] lol

    Also, that may be the reason why some people get better results when used in moderation, EVEN if it\'s a lighter concentration, by not putting too much on.

    OK, AND ANOTHER THING! Whatever that one dude, trying to go against what I\'m talking about

    Why even use NONE at all, if you don\'t want to intimidate! That\'s the POINT! You expect to intimidate...just a little, it doens\'t work like that! You have to LEARN to U S E your intimidation to your advantage.

    In fact, apc itself (the king size I do believe) is 2 times stronger than your normal body production..if you do not want to intimidate, than don\'t use NONE at all!

    A.K.A. I don\'t know what your style is, but you can use the intimidation to your ADVANTAGE, because, once you start the conversation, if they are male, they won\'t want to stay long, however, if they are female, intimidated of you, they wouldn\'t leave though. Once you start a conversation with the ladies, you can really score. Even with the apc, it might be weak ( I got the kind size..supposed to be 2 times as strong as he other) it\'s still 2 times what your body produces, lol...One of my sisters friends (actually...really young, and I don\'t like her..) but..she started flirting etc I already produce a lot of none...I\'ve got the stuff on, and I\'m 4 years older than her...she starts playing/flirting hitting me with some shoes, I\'m like, stop, she goes \"What are you going to do to me?\", and not, in a quizzical form of question. Now, I don\'t like her, because she\'s ugly, but, it\'s nice to know you can intimidate somewhere, etc

    ( You know what\'s brother..sister, whoever, is over right, they\'re sitting on the coach...I just walk over...I\'m like freaking Goliath, anyway, I walk over bend down, get a grip on the coach, and lift it over my head while they are sitting there...they\'re like, holy shit! I\'m falling!, lol, I love it!)

    What I think is, you will get best results with what you did a.k.a. not a lot of volume, but you have enough on to make enough volume. A drop..less than a drop wouldn\'t go on the skin all the way, you wouldn\'t be getting enough from it. And, if you don\'t want to be more intimidative, than WHY use none at ALL JUST use none

    Another thing, using my theory. Using it like I was saying. It would cost L E S S...
    1 drop...that\'s going to last a L O N G....time...30$ more for something 2 times stroger than Primal Instinct...

    If I keep typing I\'m going to create another article..6 pages long...If anyone\'s interested in my Lentation Theory-Time realitivity, it\'s 6 pages long


  21. #21
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    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    Another thing I forgot!


    Now..they did some lab tests...with RONE at a concentration of .1%...however, it was about them on another post....

    And NONE, the women\'s formula has 11mg, plus copulins, so, I don\'t think you\'ll have NEAR as an impact as the NONE

    I think that the NONE is a stroner of NOL, this is hard to explain, lol....With all I know, it\'s hard to tell others, get the info out.

    Think of Concentration as the amount, strength, like volume Now (yes, I know....the AMOUNT is the volume, however, just listen) the conentrate of nol....the more conentrated, the STRONGER it is..the STRONGER the nol shows up..say 5x nol...the volume, would really be, how much is on, however, you\'d still only have 5x

    N O W, 5x is the nol concentration

    there is ANOTHER type of concentration...

    NONE is Y..NONE is more stronger than nol

    Now, think of none and nol as concentration, none is more concentrated than nol....think of the CONENTRATION OF THE NOL OR NONE AS THE VOLUME....the volume (concentration) of nol, will never make it more concentrated than none, only louder

    NOW, take what I just told you, and think of the NONE as the concentration being the bass AND that VOLUME as the amount put on......

    it\'s a sub first thing of non and nol as none is more concentrated than nol...and more concentration of nol, is only more volume

    T H A N.....go to the concentration of none, as the concentration and the amount APPLIED as volume....

    If you can understand what I am saying, you will understand me perfectly

    MOST PEOPLE think in 2d...concentration, or volume, now, there\'s concentration of volume, and than concentration and volume of that.....

    This is ANOTHER way to say it, in maybe, better terms

    NONE, is deepest bass, the concentration of it is the quality, and the more you put on is the volume

    NOL, is the mid bass, the concentration of it is the quality, and the more you put on is the volume of it.

    RONE, is the weakes, the higher range of bass, it\'s weaker, concentration of it is the quality of the bass, and the more you put on is the volume of it


    B E T T E R than the other ones...however, it\'s VERY hard to explain things that are more than 2 d....
    It\'s hard as hell to know things, and be able to explain them to other people.


  22. #22

    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    Marv, you always loose me on the logic. I\'d rather not use music analogies. =P.

    However, I do believe that Scientist\'s optimal dose of 0.02 mg pheromone is an oversimplification. I think the bottom line is how many molecules of pheromones reach the recipients nose. This depends on quantity, exposed surface area, volatility, and distance of target. One question that has always bother me is whether the optimal dose should be different on clothing vs. skin. Since the pheros are less volatile but last longer on skin, I would think the optimal dose is larger on skin. Anyone feel that the optimal dose is larger on clothing and smaller on skin???

  23. #23
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: I dont understand why?


    You are evidently preaching a theory with little experience to back it up. APC smells good, and contains a little A-None. It\'s understandable that you\'ve had some success with it.
    The 1mg/ml (.1%) pheros smell BAD! (At least to @70% of the populace). If someone is attracted to you from a distance as a result of your overloading on them, they\'ll not likely get close enough for you to enjoy the results that most phero users are looking for, (i.e. getting laid etc). They won\'t just be intimidated, they\'ll be repulsed. Is repulsion what you\'re going for? Or is it just intimidation you want? I don\'t see either effect being worth spending my hard-earned dollars on.

    The amount of pheros necessary to achieve what MOST of us consider to be the desired effect, need not even be consciously detected by the olfactory system. The idea that you don\'t seem to get is that you DON\'T want the pheros to actually be smelled, either by the girls on the other side of a stadium, or more importantly, by the girl sitting next to you, to whom you want to get closer.

    A major factor in the problem with your theory is that the info you\'ve relied upon about APC is not correct. Some time ago APC had a concentration of .005% of Androstenone. That translates to .05mg/ml. One tenth the strength of Primal, and one twentieth the strength of the Chem-Set and Reagent grade pheros. This is what is STILL reflected on Primal\'s and Stone\'s retail sites. But, that was then.

    In 2001, APC\'s own packaging listed the concentration at .020 mg/l. No, that\'s not a typo on my part. It really says milligrams per LITER. That\'s 1 milligram in FIFTY LITERS!
    Apparantly to allow export to a greater number of countries that had restrictions on Androgens, the manufacturer drastically cut the active ingredient (A-None) content.
    \"Oh shucks, did we forget to tell those hundreds of bullshit-hype websites that the content had changed? ...Oh Well...\" Consequently, a lot of what you\'ll find on many sites selling APC is partial or pure bullshit, but you\'ll quote them like they were the bible! Check the package!

    So the packaging of APC purchased recently reflects a pheromone content that is so minimal as to be a joke. And this is stuff that YOU have gotten noticeable results from. Even the pitiful amount of A-None in todays APC does have an effect. It\'s a cinch that none of the results you noticed were the result of anyone actually SMELLING the pheromones, the concentration being so low. I\'m not saying that you didn\'t get results. What I\'m getting at is that you DID get positive results with a phero product that\'s a LOT weaker than you give it credit for.

    You\'re advocating using a product at full strength that might well be hundreds of times more potent than APC. Even if we were to give APC the benefit of the doubt and assume it had the same concentration that it had a few years ago, it would still be only one twentieth the strength of the 1mg/ml pheros.

    Did you actually read a.k.a.\'s post? Did it sound like he had a GOOD morning in your opinion? I don\'t think that he took a shower to celebrate what he considered a success. He wanted to get the pheros off.

    I always try not to be too critical of newcomers who get things wrong. Thus far, you\'ve been playing with the little plastic tool set (APC). Hopefully you\'ll read the instructions when your power tools arrive, and afford them the respect they deserve. Meanwhile, try to avoid preaching on topics that you\'ve only explored theoretically. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    Good Luck!
    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  24. #24

    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    Hey everyone we got a missing jambat damn, well things are going well people are finding SOE good jambats mixes live on and Alter ego continues to thrive. Interesting all round we have ourselves a world class expert on board others questioning SOEs application amount whether we get 30 inch is sufficent application, also we got discussion on smart drugs NLP and how to deal with being led along. Anything else more customers etc etc.

  25. #25

    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    As we say try the strongest concentrated product first and then give us your feedback, because you will find out by trying something like alter ego or attraction or one of the other highest end products (perfect 10) anyone you will notice one hell of a extra response then just APC by itself.

    But your on the right track keep coming up because we can only get things on the right track by getting things wrong sometimes then changing our perspectives depending on the real and best evidence everyone comes up with. Its call concurrent adaptation of viewpoints that is changing ones opinion based on new data and not sticking ridigly to outdated beliefs

  26. #26
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    Default Re: I dont understand why?

    I was correct on the fact of concentration v.s. amount....if 1/3 of the ACTUAL pheros were on, but the concentration was 2 times more, that proves it right there.

    Yes, experimenting, etc.

    However, my info comes from a few of the stonelab sites, coincidence huh? I don\'t know the truth of it really.

    However, I would like the chance to experiment with more concentrated mones, and etc. I was however, right with the concentration I though, amount applied is more of the range/strength of it. So, you might want to have a high concentration, with very little actual pheros.

    Another thing, if you have a higher concentration, but less of the mones on, you should not be able to smell the stink, if had less of the ACTUAL mones on. So, I don\'t know.
    Another thing, it\'s also, the fact of, not being invisible. And, it also depends on what you like. You see, some people may want to project a certain image, others may not.

    You know what I was thinking....
    When I get the mones, which, I don\'t know when the hell that will be...Trying them out on someone who you have to be by, so, they wouldn\'t have a chance to walk away.
    Another thing, some women may want or more \'many\' type of guy.


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