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  1. #1

    Default Kit Hits or Individual Pheromone Hits??

    Now those kits and the individual 10ml Pheromones have been on sale at Bruce and delivered too.
    Any interesting hits with it?
    Any differences compared to the \"ready to use custom made\" products?

    I ordered 10ml of A\'nol these days and hope to get this stuff before christmas (§**#&$ customs, might take loooong). Can\'t wait to start experimenting with it.

    Test field:
    I think it was a very good idea (proteus?)wearing them on the train or public transport.
    As you can more or less choose your \"target\" easily by simply walking there, and choose how close you get. And there is much more time for the person targeted to inhale the pheros - much more tha people, that just walk by.

    Phero Ex.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Kit Hits or Individual Pheromone Hits??

    Buses and ferries are also good places, bridges etc etc, anywhere where you can think of having people around then thats your place, everywhere

  3. #3

    Default Re: Kit Hits or Individual Pheromone Hits??

    I tried this too. No one seems to be talking about the kits too much. I was thinking about investing in some A-nol.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Kit Hits or Individual Pheromone Hits??

    I wrote up my results with pure A-nol a few weeks ago. Have the woman I\'m dating talking for about six hours non-stop, and she kept forgetting very simple things, very unlike her. Definitely has some effect on one other woman in the office I work in as well.

    I\'ve not had a chance to test it outside of a few people and a couple dates. My gut feel is that it\'s ideal for boosting the a-nol side of something else, like NPA or AE. I\'m definitely a A-nol kind of guy (\"nice guy\") so \'nol is more consistent with how I interact with people.

    Oh, as far as I can tell, once the alcohol is gone, the stuff is virtually scentless. Maybe a slight (and I mean very slight) hint of a musk-like odor. Maybe women would smell more, but this stuff seems to be undetectable.

  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Kit Hits or Individual Pheromone Hits??

    I love my kit and will probably be getting some Androstenone next month.
    I’ve been working on a new brew for the past couple of days and think I’m really on to something. (So please forgive the long post.)

    I started out by testing the maximum concentration of -none that I can wear. (Criteria = how young women, that I’ve never met before, react when I try to chat them up. Not interested = not enough. Nervous = too much.) Then I tested the lowest proportion of -nol that I could add to give myself a warm fuzzy feeling. And finally I added a very small proportion of -rone because I seem to easily OD on the stuff

    I ended up with a 15% solution of 20 parts -none + 9 parts -nol + 1 part -rone. I diluted it with a pre-mixed solution of pure jasmine, Earth Notes Jasmine (a cheap e-oil blend), and sweet almond oil.

    I had great results testing my formula out yesterday evening. I hadn’t worn any pheros all day, and I didn’t go to the dojo after work (pheros tend to elicit more hits after a work-out). I went straight home, showered, and applied four small dabs: two on my neck, one on each wrist. I dressed in jeans, sneakers, sweatshirt, and a grungy old jacket.

    As soon as I stepped out the door, two girls walking down the sidewalk stopped, mid-conversation and stared at me. A double DIHL! But I barely glanced their way. I walked to the neighborhood convenience store and ran into a cute twenty-something neighbor (I’m 43). She stopped me, with a big smile one her face. Asked me how I was, mentioned that she hadn’t seen me in a while, asked me what I was up to, told me what she was up to... Eventually she asked me how my gf was, and I told her that she dumped me back in September. My neighbor’s words were full of sympathy and concern, but her face was full of smiles and encouragement.

    If she didn’t have a boyfriend, this might have been my cue to try and set something up. Instead, I thanked her for listening and gave her a hug.
    I swear she sighed when she got a good whiff of the pheros! She kept smiling as we parted, and told me to “keep in touch”.

    I got some funny vibes from the convenience clerk, but didn’t care at that point.

    I went to a Chinese fast food restaurant and the middle-aged lady blushed as soon as I stepped to the counter. As I waited for my order, a little boy came up and started talking to me out of the blue. Then his mother, who was also waiting for her order, apologized. I said it was no problem, and then she started talking to me. For a while it seemed as if the kid and his mom were competing for my attention.

    After dinner, I went to a bookstore and got many looks and smiles. I bought a magazine and stopped by the coffee bar for a hot chocolate. The barista looked very intriguing, but she was expressionless and seemed totally immune to my pheromones. This made her seem even more intriguing, so I asked her how long she’d been working at the bookstore and it was as if her face instantly lit up. She had a big smile and gave me more information that I had requested. (When she started working there, how she liked it, where she came from, what her plans were...)

    To sum up. I can’t say I’m getting better hits than with other ready to use products. (It’s too soon to tell.) I haven\'t noticed any of the goofiness that I enjoy when wearing Edge, or the mood enhancement that I enjoy when using PF. But the hits are great, and no other product allows me so much freedom. I get to pick the exact concentration, ratio, scent, and carrier that I feel most comfortable working with. It takes work, patience, a methodical approach and lots of familiarity with how pheros work for you. But I think it’s worth it.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Kit Hits or Individual Pheromone Hits??

    Thanks a.k.a. for taking so much time, posting such valuable information. I don\'t know about all the other users, but I like most reading detailled and properly observed hit reports.
    And they can not be long enough or ever be boring to me.

    Scientist, apparently you were on of the first to have ordered, used and reported on the phero kit.

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