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  1. #1

    Default Has anyone tried JB #3

    I mean seriously? We know about JB #1\'s power and JB #2 works pretty good too, but what about JB #3? No one has really said anything about it. Anyone try it? PF and NPA 70/30? I know one person who tried it and said it was working well but I didn\'t hear anything else about it. What up guys?

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Has anyone tried JB #3

    Hi Jambat,
    I\'ll get to your question about the JB #3 (NPA/PF mix) in a moment but I think I\'d mentioned in some earlier post that I\'d tried JB #1 with no clear, discernible hits and had practically given up on high -none containing products. Then this week two days ago, I decide, what the hell, and try it again and I dunno what I did different, but all of a sudden I\'m getting \"lots\" of \"major\" hits - figured it was a fluke, so I try again yesterday evening after work, and I had numerous \"hits\" again. And these are much stronger \"hits\" than I was getting with PF as I\'ve tried to be very objective and see what effect the pheros will have without my behaving any differently than I usually do. So this has me thinking that I should try the NPA/PF again so I\'m going to be doing that this evening and this weekend. Of course the sudden \"hits\" I\'m getting with JB #1 have me really scratching my head trying to figure out what I did different, but I do owe you a huge apology for doubting the JB #1 mix as I was blown away by the hits I had the past two days. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Anyway, I will try to use the NPA/PF in exactly the same way I\'ve used the JB #1 mix the past two days and see whether I get any response and will post the results, negative or positive.

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Has anyone tried JB #3


    Hey, I am having the same problem - I have been using JB #1 for the last 2-3 days, but so far, nothing. I wonder if time makes a such difference?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Has anyone tried JB #3

    Wow! JB #1 does it again people! I love to hear about how people keep trying JB #1 and one it just blows them away with the hits they get.

    The first time I used JB #1 I could tell I had something because of the way I was treated on the train ride. A woman couldn\'t keep her eyes off me. She sat facing forward yet keep checking me out in the corner of her eyes. And other little things happened. At the club I went to that night the women seemed into me more than ever. It\'s a good mix and powerful. And remember what Spiderman\'s uncles said \"With great power comes great responsibility\" (Actually Stan Lee said it but it\'s attributed to Ben Parker).

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Has anyone tried JB #3

    Well, tried the JB #3 (30% NPA/ 70% PF) on Friday and Saturday as I said I would. Friday I was out for awhile in the evening and had a good chance to gauge whether or not the mix was having an effect (negative or positive) but Saturday I was out at the mall for only a very short while so I cannot really say whether there was an effect. But as for Friday, the effects were VERY positive. (Again this has me puzzled since I\'d tried this about 3 weeks earlier with no results to speak of). Just to give an idea of the \"hits\" I got with JB #1 earlier on in the week and then JB #3 on Friday I thought I\'d describe one or two hits that really stuck out (I would have posted this in the hits section but thought I\'d post it here for continuity\'s sake). Firstly, with JB #1 I got numerous hits on both days I tried it. I was getting lots (and I mean LOTS) of different ladies staring at me with this weird expression on their faces. I\'d look away, turn back and they\'re still looking like they want to jump me or something [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]. Some are smiling at me, as they openly stare, and it was weird, no matter where I was I\'d have very quickly one or two ladies coming around me (I felt so crowded with all this attention). The hit that really stuck out however, was on the train ride back home.
    Firstly, it seemed almost invariably any lady who boarded the train came and sat around me, next to me etc. and when those seats filled up they sat as near as I could. Anyhow, I\'m getting these stares/looks again, and the gal directly in front of me is working her hair like I\'ve never seen before, flipping/twisting/stroking/arranging non-stop. Then as some of these ladies get off at their stops, this one lady leaves where she\'s sitting, comes and sits across from me, and starts hiking her skirt to the point where she\'s exposed her legs to me all the way to her upper thighs -she\'s shifting, moving, glancing at me and I was blown away as this has never EVER happened to me before. This reminds me of another girl, the day after, who comes and sits next to me and she\'s doing all these weird stretches with her arms, then her leg bounces up and down every now and then and she\'s staring at me. With the PF I got attention every now and then, enough that I noticed it, but unless you were there it\'s hard to understand just how \"different\" ladies were acting around me. Now with JB #3 I didn\'t know what to expect and almost didn\'t use it since I really liked the effects of JB #1 but I decided to go ahead with the plan I\'d made. So I get on the train into the city, not expecting much sit down, and right after this lady comes in with her bf and as they pass me she snaps her head like she\'s been hit by something, stops, grins and stares at me, and wants to sit down on the sit behind me and her bf got pissed, takes her by the arm and moves on to the next car. Now I\'m already saying \"what have we got here\" s [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] . Couple of seconds later after they have gone another lady gets on the train (now to understand this, the car was practically empty) - there\'s a lady sitting across from me (she\'s already flipping her hair, staring at me), but another then this other lady gets on, walks by me, stops, comes back, looks at me, then sits next to the other lady and the other lady of course doesn\'t appreciate this since the car is practically empty but what could she say. In the city (NY), same as night before I get ladies coming around me and then I get this gal who creeps up behind me and stands there. I sense someone is behind me and turn and she\'s staring at me, flipping her hair, and remains there. There\'s all this free space, but she keeps standing there and it felt too weird. Anyway, last \"hit\" I want to mention is on the train ride back home - again, ladies parking themselves around me, but this one lady sits across from me and she seemed very affected. As the car empties, she turns so she\'s facing me, puts her legs on the chair and stretches out and then she\'s looking at me. Every time I glance at her I catch her looking at me, then she turns her head and again I\'ve never experienced this before. So anyhow I\'m getting close to my stop and she sits back the way she was sitting before, expect she raises one leg up on this rest that lifts one leg above the other,spreads her legs WIDE, then she puts her bag between her thighs and is pressing it against her
    private area. Now I\'m really convinced the JB #3 has gotten to her and so anyhow to end an already very long post I\'m convinced now that both JB #1 and JB #3 work. You are the man Jambat!!!! The thing about it is I\'m sure some of you all who read this will wonder why I didn\'t make a pass at any of these ladies but I have to admit, I was so thrown off-balance by this that I kinda froze and so I guess I need to adjust to this. In answer to your question Lutz, I have no idea what made the difference as like you, when I first tried both mixes nothing happened. So the mixes sat on my shelf unused for about 2- 4 weeks or so (can\'t remember when I first tried them) until this last week when I gave them another shot. I will be testing them both at clubs next weekend as I didn\'t go to any this weekend and will post the results - I want to see if this was just some fluke or whether this continues. Sorry for the long post but I got pretty damn excited about the results I got, and I realise now what you were saying Jambat, about having this power and using it responsibly. Anyway, will keep field testing the mixes and will post the results, whether neg. or pos.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Has anyone tried JB #3

    Proteus, that\'s so awesome! No, I really don\'t think it was fluke.

    BTW, which is better in your opinion, JB #1 or #3?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Has anyone tried JB #3

    So proteus, how much of the Jambat mix 1 and 3 did you use?

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Has anyone tried JB #3

    Lutz, I\'d have to say JB #1 as I did notice one difference which I think is pretty significant. With JB #1 my perception was that ladies seemed to \"want/need\" to get very close to me and this is why I said I felt crowded. (But then the lady who creeped up on and stood behind me to the point where she was almost touching me, did this when I was wearing JB #3). However, I\'d definitely say this desire to get very close to me seemed much more pronounced with JB #1, and so I\'d have to say JB #1. I think about it this way - if JB #1 causes ladies to get that close to you, it makes it that much easier to start a conversation since they are putting themselves right next to you, whereas with JB #3 they got close enough but still seemed nervous about getting \" too \" close. That does seem a little strange to me since JB #1 contains more -none (any ideas on why this would be Jambat?) Of course a lot of these observations are subjective, but this is what I perceived.

    Truth, in answer to your question, I wore both JB #1 and JB #3 as follows: Took one big drop on my finger and smeared it on one side of my neck, spread it around, then took another drop and smeared it on the other side of my neck. I then also used a cologne (Drakkar Noir) and sprayed once behind each ear. I also wanted to mention that I like to test this stuff on my commute on the train because folks are stuck with me for about 50 minutes so I get a good chance to make decent observations, and since I\'ve been doing this commute for 4 or so years I can accurately assess (as much as that is possible) if ladies are behaving any differently to me than they normally do.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Has anyone tried JB #3

    Some think the alpha males are the ones who smell of a lot of -none, either naturally or through supplement. They\'re perceived as more manly.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Has anyone tried JB #3

    I think Truth\'s right. The scent not to mention you must\'ve been smelling pretty good too. Scent is a draw. When we smell good food we normally always go to see what it is. If you smell sweet perfume you go to see who\'s wearing. I think the scent catches the attention and the pheromones reel\'em in.

    I notice Proteus is right about JB #1 making women come to you. JB #3 has nol in it and I think that makes women more sheepish. They wait for you to come to them. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    As for why it didn\'t work the last time you guys tried it, I couldn\'t say. Maybe it worked and you didn\'t notice or maybe people who knew you were just starting to get used to smelling it on you. I usually where it when I meet new people so they\'ll get to know me with the scent.

    [ December 10, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Has anyone tried JB #3

    Jambat (or anyone else), I have been using JB #1 for almost a week now, but no results so far. Should I keep using it, go for something else, or take a break from pheromones?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Has anyone tried JB #3

    Well from what I\'m hearing people are trying JB #1, they\'re getting nothing then they\'re coming back to it and bam, they\'re getting hits. I\'d say try this method and keep your eyes open for the signs, but like I say JB #3 seems to be a possibility for people who want or need the A-nol.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Has anyone tried JB #3

    Well from what I\'m hearing people are trying JB #1, they\'re getting nothing then they\'re coming back to it and bam, they\'re getting hits. I\'d say try this method and keep your eyes open for the signs, but like I say JB #3 seems to be a possibility for people who want or need the A-nol.

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Has anyone tried JB #3

    Would I need A-nol? (I am 19, BTW.) It sounds like such a basic question, but I don\'t know the difference between all those pheromone types... Thanks in advance.

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