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  1. #1
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    I may be an unusual case by

    Chikara gets me really short tempered.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    im 25/m caucasion. when i

    wear mones nowadays i don't really feel any different. i attribute this to the fact that i have consistently been

    wearing mones for a long stretch of time now. it has become second nature to me. they have changed my behavior

    noticeably to close friends: more friendly,outgoing, extremely happy go lucky, increased confidence

    when i

    originally tried soe the first time i felt buzzed, big silly pothead grin, and i called everybody i knew until i

    found somebody with time to chat.

    perception gave me a social/pimp buzz. puts an instant smile on my face when i

    smell my wrists.

    the various none products i never noticed a real difference in my behavior

    an od on none

    does make me seem to be a little less energetic and dims my spirits a tad.

    chikara makes me wanna sneeze.

    if i take a long break from the mones and return; the effects are noticeable the first day. i get the

    soe/perception buzzes again.

  3. #3
    Stranger Philip-'s Avatar
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    I went out with some friends but

    before that we drank at their place. I was wearing a good amount of NPA and SOE. Anyways, as the evening went on, i

    got more and more drunk, i was really pissed and i cant remember much from that night, which actually is the only

    time i havent been able to remember the majority of the evening/night and cant recognise any of the stories my mates

    tell me. But i was seriously fucked up and im quite sure the none is to blame for this. I smashed my fist into some

    Iron sign, i saw this grill and i just hated it, and am told that i threw it to hell. I also ehrm...started doing

    chinups ..and other shit. Im just glad that there we no ladies around, else i might have knocked them down and

    dragged them to my cave. Im not so sure if SOE affects me, but i think that getting really drunk might enhance the

    effect. Perhaps i'll test it one day, buy a lot of booze, lock myself in, get pissed and sprinkle some mones over

    Caucasian male, 21 years, 190 cm/6.3 feet. Good looking. Not a leader, more like one of the guys.

  4. #4
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    none makes me feel more

    aggressive and i tend to lash out on people verbally but unintentionally.

  5. #5
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Addenda to my previous post:

    Recently got Pheromax (new? formula) - contains A1

    Some have reported feeling "depressed" when wearing A1

    (chem set) or Pheromax w/A1. Personally I haven't noticed any affect on me, nor has anyone commented on my behaving

    "differently" when I did wear it (outside observation).


    Pheromol Factor - interesting "basic" cover

    scent. Didn't notice any affects.

    KZI 3/3 - Didn't notice any affects.
    KZI 4/2 - Didn't notice any

    KZI 5/1 - felt an odd "overall" strange feeling, sorta similar to the last time I fainted (due to an

    illness). Had to lie down for about an hour after first time I tried it. Second attempt not as pronounced, but still

    felt "something" odd. Have been reluctant to continue tests with this one.

    (I was actually starting to wonder if

    *any* of them really would affect me in any way. The fact KZI 5/1 did was almost a relief...)
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  6. #6
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    With NPA I feel like I would

    rip the head off of a kid's barbie doll if it was unfortunate enough to annoy me. My head buzzes like crazy too.

    After a couple of hours I seem to get used to it and things calm down to a manageable level. I don't know if this

    means that I already have a high -none level or not. I used 2 dabs of NPA and that may be too much. I have to

    experiment more.

  7. #7
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    My testosterone levels are

    sky-high wearing mones.
    -more agressive
    -horny as hell (Doesn't anyone experience this?)


    1 drop AE 1 dab of NPA, after 3/4 hours: another drop of AE

  8. #8
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    Default Got the new stuff

    Thought I tell

    what is up too.

    AE was my first product. I used a drop behind each ear. It was like smelling gasoline, but

    much sweeter? I got high on it ear to ear grins etc. Got nice hits, lots of friendly talk and more.


    with my success of AE I was sold on pheromones. And here is what happened next...

    I bought PI,SOE,TE and

    NPA, all unsented.
    I liked the scented SOE (one young hotty said it smelled like fresh laundry) so I opened that


    The smell to my nose was like a just worn jock strap. With some distaste I put this on my neck line

    just above my t-shirt under my chin. I was about to put on my regular colone (Hugo) when something weird


    SOE unscented stink turned into the almost same head rushes I was getting with AE. The stink was

    gone. I coverd with my colone and was on. minimal hits but I was not really on.

    Next was TE. This is a

    watered down NPA as I am told on the board. This is in the new clear bottle. I put it to my nose and smelled

    nothing. this was a huge mistake. the tube was not loaded. I sprayed my chest with one squirt.

    WOW!!! THE

    STINK!!!! People are wearing four hits of this??!!! I am not a colone wearer normally but had to put a lot on to

    cover this! WOW!!
    I was too self consious to worry about hits. I thought I smelled like a horse! NPA is


    On to PI...

    Well after I Got over TE i was ready to open the MIGHTY PI!!! Broke open

    the seal. and there is this weird top... I just got out a drop or less... Nothing, no smell...this is the unscented

    but nada??
    Later I took out the plastic part to get a good wiff. Nothing no smell to me..
    So is this normal?

    i mean every on tells writes to watchout for PI ODs.
    I am wearing a drop of PI on spread on the wrists wrist and

    AE behind the ears. I love the buzz.

    I think that Pi may be giving a buzz like PI but since I mixed them I

    can't tell. That I why you have to work onthem alone so you can figure out which one is doing what.


    onto NPA the Harley of 'mones.
    I opened it up took a wiff.... and put the cap right back on. I can't go there

    yet. It is five times stronger than TE.I have to get more colone!!

    In conclusion; Man this stff works AE

    really gets it done. I am hot to try these others if the reports are half right Ill be happy. There is work to be

    done to get good mixes. But I have to spend days with them as individuals, no magic bullets or perect mixes off the

    shelf,just places to start.
    Recomendation: Always get the scented versions. I liked SOE smell but thought that I

    would have more options with top shelf colones as cover. I would rather try to cover TE sandllewood than TE

    unscented (YUCK!!).
    PI smells fine to me like nothing or a ittle something, i just don't know


    So my question is why can't I smell the PI at all and TE is sooo rank smelling?

    was I right

    to open up the plastic thing to get the drops of PI out?

  9. #9
    Enlightened One
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    With PI u probably one of the 25%

    of men that can smell anone but still react to it.

    As for me - more confident - more horny - can get a bit

    emotionl with certain products but have learnt to handle it - can be a little tiring with all these people being in

    youre space and talking to u and most of the time being a good pain in the ass.

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    that is curious. PI has

    no scent to me but neither does npa. my guess would be the secret ingredient is what your smelling.

  11. #11
    Enlightened One
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    the pheromones themselves dont

    smell as much it depends on how pure they are - the regents within the products - if there are other compounds that

    get in (the purfication process isnt 100%) is what tends to end up smelling plus the breakdown of the mones as the

    hours tick by the body tends to try to break em down as time goes. Hence leading to some smells which some can

    detect and other people cant but still react.

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast Numanoid's Avatar
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    SOE puts me in a relaxed good

    mood. Two drops of AE/m makes me feel confident. I wore 5 or 6 drops of PI/m once and I felt I

    wanted to fight. People around me sure kept their distance that day. I wore several drops of NPA once but didn't

    feel all that hostile. A bit cocky I guess but that's it.

  13. #13
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    Talking Viva La Copulins!!!

    Over the time

    i've been using pheromones (roughly 8 months give or take a lil) i've found products like PI-w & Cleo have an

    awesome effect on me! i'm more alert, more sociable & definately more horny lol

  14. #14
    Banned User
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    wearing just AE/m or high Anone

    products usually doesn't put me in agreat mood, but when I wear AE with AA314 and some APC I'm in a much better

    mood for some reason..I also feel very confident with when wearing those together.

  15. #15
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    Default Wisdom of NPA

    NPA seems to

    really put me in a great, mood. Albeit I am alot more bold, direct, and assertive as well. Plus I get real horny for

    some reason, and have no qualms about making my intentions known when I come in contact with a hot girl on outings

    (one example; went out 2 Chipotle's with a best friend, and Chipotle's seems to have hot girls always flocking

    there at all hours of the day, mus have had like 5 hot girls in a row come in, all with b/f's, mostly scrawny

    toothpick wangstaz, Didn't go up and talk but definitely threw pitches at 3 of them, and received alot back, all

    the while the b/fs' couldn't even try to stare me down, they just averted eye contact). And this is w/o an OD. I

    am a real confident person 2 begin with so I guess the heavy none concentrate just seems to amplify the mood I am

    in, almost always upbeat, and energetic; god forbid I ever wear this stuff when I am not in a good mood. The one OD

    I had with this had me super focused like a wookie *am really into star wars* that was ready to rip the arms off a

    guy and beat him with them if he gave the slightest disrespect to my crew or I. This was with 3+ dabs. I think that

    mix would work in the clubs due to the high heat and stuffy and environment. I dunno, I am 27 so I'm pretty sure I

    still produce healthy a mounts of none. Maybe I should cover with some SOE or the like to appear less direct. I hear

    A-7 is more of a "smooth operator" on the none than NPA, due to its nol content, definitely will look into that as

    well. I will never use NPA to bully or intentionally intimidate persons, just not in my nature. But is kind of a

    trip to see how both guys and girls respond (I am hetero btw).

  16. #16
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    Default Wisdom of NPA

    NPA seems to

    really put me in a great, mood. Albeit I am alot more bold, direct, and assertive as well. Plus I get real horny for

    some reason, and have no qualms about making my intentions known when I come in contact with a hot girl on outings

    (one example; went out 2 Chipotle's with a best friend, and Chipotle's seems to have hot girls always flocking

    there at all hours of the day, mus have had like 5 hot girls in a row come in, all with b/f's, mostly scrawny

    toothpick wangstaz, Didn't go up and talk but definitely threw pitches at 3 of them, and received alot back, all

    the while the b/fs' couldn't even try to stare me down, they just averted eye contact). And this is w/o an OD. I

    am a real confident person 2 begin with so I guess the heavy none concentrate just seems to amplify the mood I am

    in, almost always upbeat, and energetic; god forbid I ever wear this stuff when I am not in a good mood. The one OD

    I had with this had me super focused like a wookie *am really into star wars* that was ready to rip the arms off a

    guy and beat him with them if he gave the slightest disrespect to my crew or I. This was with 3+ dabs. I think that

    mix would work in the clubs due to the high heat and stuffy and environment. I dunno, I am 27 so I'm pretty sure I

    still produce healthy a mounts of none. Maybe I should cover with some SOE or the like to appear less direct. I hear

    A-7 is more of a "smooth operator" on the none than NPA, due to its nol content, definitely will look into that as

    well. I will never use NPA to bully or intentionally intimidate persons, just not in my nature. But is kind of a

    trip to see how both guys and girls respond (I am hetero btw).

  17. #17
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    woops, sorry 4 the second

    post. Wasn't intentional.

  18. #18
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    My favorite combo after all trials

    is AE and PI or NPA combo. Always get the " smell good....what are you wearing" comment. Also, once I get

    a girl to hug me it's all over LMAO.....the power of mones is a wonderful thing once you find waht works for your

    own chemistry.

  19. #19
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Thanks for those combos. I'll try

    both of them.

    Your attitude of experimenting is the right one to have - most new things need some trial & error.

    Hint to forum newcomers

  20. #20
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    has anyone ever had a MAJOR

    anxiety attack using pheromones? this is my prime issue. i STILL have an unused bottle...!

  21. #21
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thecaptain View Post
    has anyone

    ever had a MAJOR anxiety attack using pheromones? this is my prime issue. i STILL have an unused

    Some people have anxiety attacks asking women out I have heard that a few users have a

    reaction to mones but the vast majority don't. Just go on & use them. Start small & work up if no reaction. They

    are as harmless as body sprays, edts, etc. They are not voodoo sprays

  22. #22
    Phero Dude
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    Default Mones and Me

    A7/SOE makes me

    confident as hell. My wife describes my persona as confident, humourous. Unfortunately it only attracts old ladies.

    I like the fact that women DON'T come on to me directly. I can't tell you how irritating it is to deal with

    women or blabbermouths when I'm not in a receptive state. I'd much more likely to enjoy going after a target I

    like with my confidence which this mix definitely gives me. This mix does NOT make me horny.


    makes me more touchy to my wife, more likely to smile and make facial expressions, but makes me quite and polite and

    not feel like telling anyone off to their face -- my wife describes my persona as friendly, polite, but timid.

    Sometimes this mix makes me horny. Unfortunately it only attracts Asians which is not my cup of tea.

    Oh Yeah

    I was born into an honest catholic family with strict values and parents who were both virgins before they got

    married. In essence I am a horrible actor because of this honestly factor and needs mones which enhance my true

    persona and not something that I'd need to "act out"


  23. #23
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    From my personal experience,

    the most noticeable effect is with androstenone, this one makes me become a real jerk when things don't come up

    according to plan, for example: a dumb girl that wont let me score with her female friend...

    As with

    pheromone build up, I notice that I don't take shit from others if I've been using androstadienone based products

    such as Instant Female Magic.

    After learning those lessons, I prefer to change my phero signature frequently.
    Last edited by DaveRam; 11-27-2009 at 08:43 AM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by eisu View Post
    I'm 23,

    white, college dude, Good Will Hunting type persona according to people.
    APC: no effect.
    SOE Gel unscented: no

    NPA (2 dabs): no effect.
    NPA (3+ dabs): body overheating within minutes of application. After a couple

    of hours I catch myself grinding teeth, become more "focused" in an aggressive fly-off-the-handle way. Pick fights

    with guys twice my size fearlessly, ready to pull all their teeth and put them back in upside down, just to mess

    with forensics. After it wears off I feel tired.
    Chikara: more lively and happy.
    Dude I feel the

    same way about NPA
    I'm Black / Hispanic
    41 yo
    5'6" of muscular build with baby face
    I mix

    NPA directly into my 56mL bottles of BOD Man @ (according to my math) 35 drops per bottle.
    Just by using BOD

    alone, the fragrance last up to almost three days (and I only do 2 sprays). Ever since the "mix" I'll feel like a

    pit bull, so I do try to keep my attitude in check and then after I get home, I "crash".

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