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  1. #1
    Newbie Roree's Avatar
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    Smile PIw, NPA and AE results...

    Hi everyone, I have been using PIw for over a week now with some great results, love the stuff! Had some

    interesting results with both female and males. I started off with two drops, one split between back of ears, one on

    throat/chest area, and excess from fingers smeared on wrists. Tried three drops at one stage but got better results

    with two personally.

    I have a very close girlfriend of

    mine whom I usually have to tiptoe around just before her time of the month (for fear of getting my head bitten

    off...hey it happens to the best of us!) and even though I knew it was the "time" to tread steadily shes been so

    different! full of hugs for me and generally alot nicer to be around....her hubby wasnt so lucky!

    A good male friend of mine suddely seems alot more

    talkative than normal, and while I usually make the first move to hug him hello or goodbye (I am a very huggy

    person) although he is always very receptive, he has actually grabbed me first three times now! not usual at all! He

    is making alot more eye contact with me than he usually would aswell and just generally looking at me more.....I

    like this stuff! I dont feel its overly sexual, but VERY VERY friendly!

    My partner has been very attentive and caring, he is usually, but more so......lots of hugs,

    kissing me on the neck and breathing in deeply telling me I smell nice! (incidentally thats one of the places I had

    put the pheromones), we have had the most awesome cuddles and smooches.....definitely "lovemaking" stuff for me.

    So PIw gets a

    great thumbs up for me I will definitely use it the days I want nice friendly attention & warm fuzzy


    Also recieved my AE

    and NPA the other day, unfortunately I did a silly thing and wore them together (instead of on their own or maybe

    trying them out with the PIw, seing as though I now know what results that gives) ..guess I was just too

    excited! I put 2 drops of AE on in places I would normally have put PIw, and one very small drop of NPA around

    neckline covered with normal perfume. ANYWAY.....completely different results with those!....

    I had two guys call around home to pick something up, I knew one of them

    really well, the other one I had met a couple of times briefly. Well they were just about falling over themselves to

    talk to me, and following me around the outside of the house like two puppy dogs! I found it very amusing, had to

    stifle a giggle a couple of times!! THEN they seemed to have trouble leaving, and when I said I had to get on with

    things the guy I knew well gave me a big hug, and the other said..."Hey can I have one of those!" VERY funny!! This

    was all in the space of ten minutes too.

    Very wierd

    different results when my hubby came home though, no cuddles, no usual kiss, in fact he seemed oddly aggressive and

    stayed away from me most of the night!!! HUH? go figure??....Id love some comments on why people think I got the

    different reactions from the three of them. Scratching my head over that one ....Even when he has a bad day

    at work he doesnt stay away from me like that......better get the PIw out again!!

    Well, thats my results so far, PCC and SOE on order!

    The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it.

  2. #2
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I've found pheromones have

    little to no effect on women I know really well, e.g., ex-wife or long time GF. However, it can have amazing results

    on causal acquaintances and strangers. Perhaps it's because those you are intimate with know you too well and

    therefore have shutdown their senses.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  3. #3
    Newbie Roree's Avatar
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    Yup, sounds

    possible, thanks Gegogi. Bit of a bummer though if it doesnt affect the people you want it to at times!

    Guess I'll keep playing with the different products

    and see what happens

    The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast countesszero's Avatar
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    Hi Roree. Good post. I've

    found that my mix effects my fiance as well as strangers to a large degree. I've never had problems affecting my

    close associates maybe it's because they're use to me doing and being different. They never know what to expect

    from me. (Always keep them guessing that's my motto)

    I think your partner was a little distant because of the

    none in the products you were using. If I were you I'd go very light on the NPA and AE and heavy on the PI/w which

    is high in nol. In the past when that situation has happened to me I'd go and put a dab of PI/w or SPO on to

    counter the negative affect. You should try it.

    SOE and PCC are great products. PCC is a lot of fun. I've

    noticed increased and more intense sexual activity since I've added it to my mix. SOE seems to level everything out

    and is also a great counter for high none products IMHO.

    I've had numerous guys follow me around. Even when

    I'm with my fiance. I'm glad he's not the jealous type. He knows that I use pheromones and has no problem with


    Good luck in your mone adventure and dont forget to smile and have fun.

    The Countess
    Peace Out

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