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  1. #1

    Default Chemical Sourcing

    I\'m reading the study on androstadienone and estratetraenol (the pheromones contained in Realm fragrances) on psychological states in Hormones and Behavior. The authors said that they obtained the compounds from Steraloids, Inc. They have a site at On the site, I was able to find androstadienone for sale at 5mgm@$60. I guess Realm only patented the use of these compounds in fragrances, but it doesn\'t have exclusive rights to their sale. Has anyone ordered anything from Sterloads, Inc.? Chemist, are you there?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    Unless you have a patent on the synthesis of the cmpd, you can?t do much. If you put together a mix and prove that it is yours and it is able to be patented, then it is yours to patent. But, any one can take the ingredients and make their own identical mix. They just can?t sell the identical mix. In the 80?s, the Japanese businesses made a killing off patenting around an original patent. Raw ingredients are just that, raw. If this place can supply you with it, fine. If you are able to reproduce the formula, you can tell the world of your findings. If you try to sell a copy of the patented mix, that you produced, beware.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    Hey, I have no interest in selling a mix containing androstadienone. I assume the patent is what\'s stopping other companies from adding the compound to pheromone products. However, if can indeed supply us with the raw ingredient, we can add it to mixes for our own use. Currently, the only alternative to get androstadienone in the mix is to add Realm for Women, but you can\'t get it without the feminine fragrance!

    5 mg for $60. The Realm patent doesn\'t state the exact concentration, but it suggested that it\'s around 1 ug/ml. So, for $60 you can make 5000 ml of solution for probably 25,000 applications!

  4. #4
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    Very interesting website, but I don\'t think you can even contact them much less order anything. Look around the website a bit. It says they sell to the \"research community\". And the link to send them e-mail says something like \"Inguiries by those other than bone fide researchers will be forwarded to the DEA\". Not your regular friendly guys.

    I don\'t think perfume companies could buy regular supplies from them.


  5. #5

    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    Their US Sales links says they\'ll sell to anyone and gives all of their contact and shipping info. It just says if you want anabolic steroids then you need to provide a copy of your DEA license. However, the stuff we use aren\'t anabolic.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    Well, from what I read on the site, you only need some type of special license if you are ordering chemicals that are regulated as anabolic steroids. It\'s quite apparent that the \"bona fide research\" statement is to scare off inquiries from athletes who want anabolic steroids. I don\'t think androstadienone would be classified as such a controled substance. I think this company is similar to Sigma-Alrich, which Chemist had mentioned. Has anyone bought pure pheromone ingredients from such companies?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    Here\'s the link to androstadienone:

  8. #8

    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    Sigma has way cool stuff. But I don?t have any reason to order that stuff for my work purposes. From Sigma, you could get all kinds of stuff that should not get out to the general public. Nerve gases, all the things needed to make any kind of drug, steroids, you name it. But, there is a simple answer to this, simply send them an e-mail asking if androstadienone is considered an anabolic steroid. Put them up to holding their word. They have to be careful to whom they sell stuff, if things go wrong, they will end up responsible. If it is on a list a of bad guys, then anyone who sells it is in trouble. This implies. . .

  9. #9

    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    Walter Mitty, so what are you saying? Can we get the stuff or not?

    I wonder how the stuff come. I assume the androstadienone comes in some type of solvent.

    The prices for androstenone, -nol, and -rone are interesting. -nol and -rone are really cheap!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    Well, to be blunt, if it is used in a current product, I would seriously doubt that it is an Anabolic Steroid. The point is to ask the company what their policy is on selling the product. If it is not restricted, I am sure they would love your cash. If it is restricted, they will tell you. If you are concerned, ask them under what conditions the product is restricted. They will be happy to tell you what laws or restrictions limit the sale of the product. I am sure they would like to be able to sell as much as possible to the general public, but they understand why this is not always possible. Remember, you are not trying to get Roids! So, don?t be nervous, be intelligent and polite. They will respect that.

    Solvents, well if it were me, I would dissolve it in an organic (Chloroform, hexane, ether). From a more research point of view, this is standard. But, most companies will make an effort to accommodate the customer, you are paying for it. Ask them, if it is available, to ship it dissolved in ethanol. I doubt they would mind. Best of luck, and let us know what happens. I will give them a ring from my lab if need be to find out the details, but I think a well though out e-mail will probably do the trick. I can?t imagine why a product on the market carrying this cmpd would be allowed if it was a restricted sale cmpd.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    See, I had posted this link to back on Dec. 1st. :-).

  12. #12

    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    Everyone, as Thunder said in his 1st post on his long thread, \"have just ordered a 5 mgm powder form of 4,16-androstadien-3-one from steraloids. They will ship it to a private party if it is not a controlled substance.\"

    If I had more cash I probably would have ordered it already.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    Me as well i would like to at least try it out for myself. But i can wait or ill just buy some realm and mix it with SOE and AE or something (i still say NPA has dienone in it) they just cant tell anyone because of the patent issues - thats why it and the edge work so well.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    I just wish someone would sort out whether they can buy from this site or not, im sure that olner pty ltd could do it to as well as stone labs and lcroy?? well ill leave the details up to everyone else.

  15. #15
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    Any update news about estratetraenol and ?
    And for Everyone, what result you got from your formula ?

  16. #16
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    My experience: estratetraenol makes the women think you smell odd. They react strangely to you (or to me at least).

    Androstadienol seems to have no postitive effect that I\'ve noticed. I tried it a couple of times and gave up (for now).

  17. #17
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  18. #18
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    This is what is now called \"Andro1\".

    See Here

  19. #19
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Chemical Sourcing

    Thanks XVS,

    I will read it.

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