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  1. #1
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    Default Results with original A314

    This is my

    first post here and a long one so I guess I'll start out by saying I'm a 24 year old guy(even though I look 18).

    I've been reading a lot here lately and I'm learning a lot. I'm not a total newbie though I've been using mones

    since last summer.

    I bought some A314 from that "other place". I havent actually run any real tests on it until

    doing all the reading on this site. Basically I would apply A314 when I knew I was going to be in a situation with a

    heavy female population.

    Situation #1
    I went to visit a friend of mine whos in college and she lives in

    a college dorm and of course this college dorm is all girls. So before I went to see her I put a drop on each wrist

    of A314 and 2 drops on my neck. While I was there I was heavily intimidated by all the hotties there. My friend made

    me come out and we sat at this table with all these hot girls like 8 of them and I was this outsider because they

    were all friends and sitting there I kind of felt like I was not even there to them. I also didnt feel like I could

    step in on any of the conversations because they were talking about this cock and that cock and who theyve been

    banging. I am kind of a shy guy but sometimes I can surprise people and myself by what I'll do or say at times but

    not this could only imagine the intimidation. I met a few girls I talked to them but no obvious hits

    came of them.

    Here's where it gets interesting. I leave kind of disappointed in myself that I wasnt more

    social. I get home and my friend who I was visiting calls me and tells me that just about every girl in that group

    and every girl that met me wanted to know everything about me, they were saying "Damn he's so hot" "When's he

    coming back" along with several graphic sexual comments, lol. So I talked to some of them later and they were VERY

    aggressive with attempting to psycho-analyze me and gain the upper hand. Needless to say I was pretty

    pissed...I think they were competing for me. What doesnt make sense to me and the friend I went to see was that

    these girls are always pretty forward and SHOULD have hit on me and made it obvious but they didnt this time. I'm

    wondering if I overdosed, but the original A314 was almost all -rone and very little -none. I dont talk to those

    girls anymore and I dont really want to....theyre a little too much for me, but it sure was interesting.

    Situation #2
    Situation #1 happened a while ago and I was quite timid, this situation just happened very

    recently and I feel that something is changing with me like I'm gaining confidence. I think my body language is

    showing the increased confidence somehow even though I'm not trying to do anything differently. Last Friday I went

    to the mall with my cousins (2 girls) because they wanted to take me since theyre these fashion queens and they

    think I need better clothes . I was wearing same dose as the previous situation, one drop on each wrist and

    one drop on the neck of A314. The whole time I was there I was eyeing girls down, flirting, and they would look at

    me, like 2 sometimes 3 times, and even turn around to get another look. Many of them looked down my entire body,

    which was something I never had happen a whole lot before.

    So we end up in this American Eagle store. I

    thought this oughta be good, lots of girls in places like this and sure enough while I was trying stuff on this girl

    that works there ended up in my zone for a few minutes helping this other customer. She would glance at me a few

    times. After that she kept sticking around my general area. She kept walking back and forth trying to pretend she

    was working. SHe would make compliments on the stuff I was trying on and kept smiling and giving me the eye. But

    like a dumbass I would say "Oh...thanks" and try to smile and give the eye back...I always freeze up like a

    pansy. It was very strange but I liked it because I was finding that I was attracted to her too. So yeah I

    left and nothing came of it....stupid. My cousins were like, "That girl definitely wanted you". Anyways I'm

    thinking about going back there though and trying not to chicken out this time.

    I know I need to be more

    assertive, thats always been my biggest problem. Confidence is an issue too but like I said I'm starting to feel a

    little different as far as confidence is concerned. I know I'm a good looking guy. However if I had a dime for

    everytime I heard "Youre a really cute guy and youre really nice but youre just not my type" I'd be a billionaire

    so that really doesnt do much for my confidence because I'm trying. I'm also wondering if I'm generating too much

    natural -none...or possibly not enough. I'm going to experiment with some NPA, so I'll soon find out. I also want

    to experiment with some SOE. Chikara sounds like a good product too.

    Hey, I'm trying, I'm getting better...

  2. #2
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Great post! Please tell us as soon

    as you've tried it with NPA, as this would probably ensure more power to the mix..

    Could you please

    give us a little info on how the body signals from the women are whenever you're wearing A314? Maybe if you see a

    pattern going, as more talkative, touchy or negative signs and so on.

    Youre a really cute guy and

    youre really nice but youre just not my type
    This is so typical for almost every man who has confidant

    issues. If you'd have confidance you too could have 'em all, one by one if you would.

    Try some mones under

    your nose to get confidance. Works for many. Personally I become He-man because of the pheromone buzz I get, and

    that in itself is as rewarding as anything else...

  3. #3
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    Unless I'm getting my rhyming

    mones mixed up, I would think that you may need a small kick of -none. I have had good results from AE and TE. I

    always have to be careful with these and offset with -nol to tone myself down. But, one of these may be a perfect

    mix for what your wearing and give you the extra aggression even if it adds nothing more for the opposite sex.

    Let us know if the mix change changes things for you or the hits. The girl in American Eagle may or may not have

    just been doing her job, although your female cousins would probably be more accurate in their assessment. If you

    find yourself in there again, with her on shift of course, you could always try something on and, if she comments,

    get her thoughts on what you would look good in...strike up a conversation, don't buy the whole store.

    And if not, take it as a lesson to appreciate things as they come and take advantage of them. ...oh, speaking

    of which, it shouldn't add to the aggresion, but it should make you more talkative (which could keep you from

    freezing more than the -none) to try some -nol...if you are made more talkative, you are not freezing.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk
    Could you please

    give us a little info on how the body signals from the women are whenever you're wearing A314? Maybe if you see a

    pattern going, as more talkative, touchy or negative signs and so on.
    Thanks for the responses so far

    guys. I just got my NPA today so I'll be experimenting with that soon. BTW, I cant smell it at all.

    Body signals with A314...well first I have to tell you I'm one of the most oblivious people when it comes to

    signals from women. A girl can be making these obvious moves and I'm just oblivious to it, or I can take nothing

    and think/hope that its something. One thing I did notice though that in the past girls wouldnt even look at me, it

    seemed as though they were intimidated by me or something. Only my female friends would be able to tell me "That

    girl was just checking you out" because they wouldnt allow me to catch them checking me out. It seems when I wear

    A314 it calms them quite a bit and they are maybe not quite so intimidated and arent afraid to send some signals my

    way. Remember this is the old, original A314, not the new stuff.

    I dont have any -nol right now...I'll have to

    get some. Does anyone know what Come Talk To Me is? It came with my A314 and I guess its been said to have beta -nol

    in it but I'm not sure.

  5. #5
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    Good post. I too used to go to

    that other site. Got ripped off for 94 dollars since I never got all my order. I did get the Come Talk to Me. The

    first time I smelled it I got a "buzz" Don't know if it was the alcohol or the mones. But it relaxes me. I don't

    notice any reactions with it like regular -nol (i.e. increased chatiness), but people seem to be more relaxed and

    mellow when I where 2-3 drops or so. Don't know if it's the beta-nol or just my relaxed attitude reflected back. I

    prefer SOE though because it gives the friendliness vibe that can be worked up to flirting and so forth.

  6. #6
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    You can tinker with the mones.

    Maybe it will help, but I'm not sure what you want it to help with. If these girls are into you, what you need to

    do is talk to them. I know that takes a bit of confidence, but the best way to build confidence is to get yourself

    out there.

  7. #7
    zeta male metropolitan's Avatar
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    Does anyone

    know what Come Talk To Me is? It came with my A314 and I guess its been said to have beta -nol in it but I'm not


    "come talk to me" was supposed to be a beta-nol product made by the same people who made

    a314. i was curious to try it but after not receiving my order for a different product from that supplier i figured

    it wasn't worth the risk.
    i don't know if it's only beta-nol or just based on it, though it was pitched as

    unisex so probably has no -none. would love it if they introduced a new version of it.

  8. #8
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    I think just about every time I

    wear "Come Talk To Me" I OD because I get almost into a drunken state, like I cant keep my balance.

    A314 I dont

    seem to OD at all, I can wear large amounts of it.

  9. #9
    zeta male metropolitan's Avatar
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    some pheromones really do

    get you noticeably high. -none products do it to me and have had others comment on it. should start a new thread on

    it probably.

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    first of all what is the

    address to that dorm? seriously ive been reading alot lately about a314 or whatever it is. what is the mone


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by jollysnowdevil
    first of

    all what is the address to that dorm? seriously ive been reading alot lately about a314 or whatever it is. what is

    the mone content?
    College dorm was at Edinboro University in PA, just south of Erie. Cant remember the

    name of the dorm itself. It was quite interesting though.

    The original A314 has mostly -rone and I think a

    little bit of -none, plus some secret ingredients.

  12. #12
    Phero Pro
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    Oly sheet,man! What a small freakin

    world. I live very close to Edinboro University. As a matter of fact, one of my best buds who I was just out with

    tonight, is employed by the college. I go out with a couple of the female students occasionally. And I will be

    officiating an AAU basketball tournament at the Boro this weekend( will wear NPA while reffing, stuff works wonders

    for keeping conflicts to a minimum). Also just bought another Fighting Scot hoody the other day. Yes Edinboro U. has

    been a gold mine of education and social(read meeting hotties) for me. The campus is not very pretty and it gets

    colder than a witch's tit in the winter, but the chicks are something else.

  13. #13
    Phero Pro
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    Hey Jah9569, do you wear this

    Alpha314 by itself or do you mix with a cover scent?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    Hey Jah9569, do

    you wear this Alpha314 by itself or do you mix with a cover scent?
    Thats cool you are near there...small

    world. I actually live near State College but was up there to visit a friend. A lot of the girls I met were actually

    Edinboro cheerleaders because thats the dorm they were in. Chicks up at edinboro are pretty hot, but PSU chicks here

    are the hottest.

    Anyways back on topic...I wore A314 by doesnt seem to need a cover scent, it

    has a scent of its own that I kind of like but its pretty mild. Smells almost like pine to me.

    Although maybe

    it does stink and I dont know it. I put NPA on my hand to see if I could smell it and accidently ended up with about

    6 drops, could never smell a thing even after letting it dry (then washed it off quick before I OD'd). Might be

    that I cant smell pheromones.

  15. #15
    Banned User Le Sillage's Avatar
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    Just about simultaneous to us

    shipping the first batch of the new A314 to Love Scent, someone gave us a call, frantic to buy 3 bottles of A314 at

    any cost. Since this is a relaunch, I asked him if he could send in his experiences via email... he wrote about it

    in a couple different emails. Here's the first:

    Subject: Product endorsement for a-314, (per your

    Date: April 26, 2005 9:33:01 AM PDT

    I wanted to tell you of my experience with your product

    A314. I have been using pheromones for about 3 years now. I have experimented with many brands and combinations.

    I prefer the non scented oil based products.

    A314 has been the product that I have had the most noticeable

    responses with. I am in sales, and I notice that my closing rate, especially with female customers is higher. In

    addition, I notice that women give me that "energy" that one gives another when there is interest, or attraction.

    I am a fit, middle-aged guy with a youthful persona. I get a lot of play from younger women. I am talking

    about 19 year olds, and women in their early 20's. I had one gal say to me "there is something about you, I can't

    put my finger on it, but you definitely have something."

    The confidence building aspects of this phenomena

    has had a profound effect on my career, and my self esteem. My romantic life is off the charts. I highly endorse

    this product. I only hope that you don't sell any of it in my town, I really don't want the competition to find

    out. Ha Ha.

    Sincerely Yours

    He almost answered a little awkwardly like he was doing

    something on a tv sales channel like QVC, but that's okay I guess. A lot of people do this when asked to write a

    little something, so I kind of expect it by now. If we ever use this in sales copy, we may edit the grammer a bit

    (but never the intent/content).

    I had some more questions for him, and he answered again in email. He quoted

    my original message, so this makes it pretty easy! Here's his second message...


    Re: Product endorsement for a-314, (per your request)
    Date: April 27, 2005 1:56:49 PM PDT

    Scroll down

    as I supply answers to each question.

    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 9:07

    Subject: RE: Product endorsement for a-314, (per your request)

    If you wouldn't mind, A) how

    many drops of A314 do you use, and where on your body do you apply them?

    I use two drops. One on

    each cheek of my face. I have dry skin and it helps (sort of like a moisturizer)

    B) Same question as above,

    with other products you use in conjunction with A314. I know when we spoke you mentioned using Primal.

    One drop behind each ear of Primal Instinct. I did notice that when I just use primal alone, I am

    more intimidating, and people don't warm up quite as readily.

    C) When I first talked to you, you mentioned

    that your sales tripled - is this number actually accurate? (If so, then congrats!) Oh, and may I ask what kind of

    sales are you in?

    Well there might be a little hyperboli in triple. But they have more than

    doubled. I sell Cars.

    D) What have been the "quality" of women who show interest with you when you wear

    A314? Are they more healthy minded -and- bodied, or are they usually one or the other? (We've noticed a distinct

    difference between -none and -rone's ability to attract different types of women) And how about the quality of the

    relationships? Do they tend to be long or short, fun or sour?

    I haven't really noticed that

    distinction, but I have noticed that I receive much more attention from all women. I am more attracted to healthy

    minded women because I am very health conscious.

    I get a lot of clingy women and sometimes it gets

    annoying. But generally they are fun. And they last as long as I let them. But of course, my personality, and

    behavior, and charm has a little to do with that also.

    E) Do people laugh more, or have a better time with

    you in general when wearing A314, even when you feel that you are not being very funny or amusing?


    I haven't really paid much attention to that because I am generally a laughing, funny person with a fairely

    gregarious personality myself. I keep people laughing a lot because I am funny.

    F) About how many seconds

    or minutes would you say that the trust aspect of A314 takes to kick in with someone new?


    that is a hard one to answer. I haven't spent much time with the stop watch. Women, and even most people, seem to

    trust and like me immediately. I rarely go out without wearing the stuff however.

    G) Do you notice even

    co-workers or employees giving you more respect?

    Answer: Absolutely. Without a doubt.

  16. #16
    Banned User Le Sillage's Avatar
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    In another email the above

    mentioned person sent me, he mentioned this:

    When I ran out, I couldn't find another outlet for it.

    So I hit up a bunch of web sights and bought everything from "pheromone chemistry kits" to bottles of cologne.

    After receiving most of them, I came on the brilliant, but late Idea to look at the bottle of a314. There I saw the

    word androtic, which I typed into google, and thats how I was able to call you. (I only wish I had done that before

    spending almost 800 bucks on a bunch of other stuff that I don't even like.)

    Suffice to say, this

    was a great start to a new launch. Very encouraging!

  17. #17
    Phero Dude
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    Jah...please...I know you dont

    owe me anything but I need to ask a favor of you.Please dont be shy...In my younger years I you...shy.Not

    realy shy about talking to people,but when a girl showed interest I would lock up...dont throw away the best years

    of chasing girls with the sillyness of of being shy.When your will chase young girls like a lion chases

    a gazelle...the problem is...gazelles run from fear not interest.While you are young,chase them with a passion.Once

    your older they wont be so easy to catch.It's still alot of fun tho....

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