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  1. #1
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    Default Results from Chikara, AE, and NPA test

    Well, it's been four weeks since I started my test of Chikara, NPA, and AE. I must say, before I get

    to the results and analyzation, that I love the smell of Chikara and AE. Chikara has a nice, mature (thank you

    Oscar) scent to it, and I find that it puts me in a better mood. I don't feel the same mood-boosters with AE, but I

    like the fragrance very much, and would not hesitate to wear it as a standalone product. NPA is a great product,

    though better, I think, as an additive rather than as something you apply to the skin. This trial was done over four

    weeks total. I wore the product in question 5 or 6 days out of the week, and the other I wore nothing, to observe

    any possible build-up and or difference in mood. Now, to the results:




    Minimum: 1/2 a spray, on the neck, none on

    Average: 1 1/2 sprays, on the neck. 1/2 spray on chest
    Maximum: 2 full sprays, on the neck. 1 spray on


    Hits during four week trial: Quite a few (More than fifteen)

    Analyzation: Chikara is my current favorite product. The smell by itself is great, but the fact that

    it has 7 pheromones makes it all the better. I've worn Chikara in many different environments, and have yet to have

    a negative response. I've worn it in nightclubs, bars, work, at a party, and at home. I've felt confident and been

    in a good mood every time I wear it, and can smell the fragrance for a good while.

    Results: During

    the time when I was wearing Chikara, no matter what the dosage, I encountered an increase in friendliness, arm

    contact, and chatiness. I was never approached directly by any women, but the ones I approached were willing to

    talk, and over time (probably prolongued exposure), opened up and shared some intimate stories that I don't think I

    would've heard without 'mones. On the dance floor in a club, I had a women who was clinging to me during a song,

    and keeping her head very close to an application spot on my neck. That turned out to be an interesting night...

    Overall View of Product: Great! I love the fragrance, and am very much enjoying the increased

    attention I am getting! This increased attention could be attributed to the 'mones, or the confidence I feel when

    wearing Chikara. I feel it's a bit of both, because I'm not shy, but I'm not James Bond either.

    Product: Alter Ego for Men


    Minimum: 1 drop, applied to throat
    Average: 2 drops, applied

    to both sides of neck and throat
    Maximum: 3 drops, applied to aforementioned spots, and bridge of nose

    Hits During Four Week Trial: Several (Five to ten)

    Analyzation: Alter Ego is a

    good product. I like the smell, though it's a bit sweet in my opinion. I do not feel any change in mood while

    wearing it, but a friend told me he noticed an increase in confidence while I was wearing the AE (he noticed the

    change when I was wearing an average dosage). This product is a good one, however. To begin with, AE contains good

    concentrations of all three 'big' pheromones, not just one in particular. Also, the scent doesn't seem to

    disappear very quickly, or when you mix it with something else. Lastly, Alter Ego can be used to perfection as a

    standalone, or in a mix. Either one works very well.

    Results: Alter Ego had a definite positive

    effect on those around me. Besides female reactions, I noticed an increase in friendliness among some guys I was

    with. I played poker one Saturday when I was wearing an average dosage of AE, and the guys I was playing with were

    less confrontational than usual. (When I say 'less than usual', you have to realize that there are no good friends

    at a poker table; it's money.) One of them even stayed after the game was over to help me clean up, which usually

    never happens. On the female side, I was impressed with what AE did to some women. For example, I started a

    conversation with a bartender at a bar I frequent. She must have been new, as I hadn't seen her there before. At

    first, she treated me like another drunk with a lame pickup line (which I was not ). However, after a few one

    lined answers, she started elaborating more and more, keeping eye contact with me for minutes at a time. I didn't

    notice any type of DIHL, but after a blatantly obvious glance at her chest, I got no aggressiveness, only a sexy

    smile. At work, my boss, who's a female, was overly accomadating when I came to her about a problem with my

    computer, whereas she's usually a mean, inconsiderate bitch. Alter Ego didn't get me any direct sexual hits, but

    it opened women up and allowed me to try a few things that I wouldn't normally try with a reserved individual.

    Overall View of Product: AE has a nice fragrance, and is good for getting women to open up and talk,

    which can leave them open to sexual advances, which can lead to...


    New Pheromone Additive


    Minimum: 1

    drop on throat or face; 6:1 mix, cologne to NPA
    Average: 2 drops (1 on throat, 1 on face) 5:1, cologne to

    Maximum: 3 drops (2 on throat and one on face, or 2 on face and one on throat) 4:1, cologne to

    When I say drops, I mean out of a glass dropper. I found that I didn't like the plastic dropper

    that was on the top of the bottle to start with, so I removed it and used a glass dropper I purchased at Walgreens.

    Mixes were done in an atomizer that used to be a cologne sampler containing Acqua di Gio.

    Hits During 4 Week Trial: Numerous (More than twenty)

    Analyzation: WOW! That's

    all I can say about this powerhouse product, is wow. NPA is just great, as an additive or as a product to put on

    under your cologne/aftershave. I wore NPA on my skin, got results; I wore NPA after mixing it with a cologne in an

    atomizer, and got results. This product is one of, if not the best product out there. It's a great value as well,

    and I'm definitely going to have to get the 10ml bottle very soon. I love NPA in both instances, and it's gotten

    me results no matter how I wear it.

    Results: I found that when I wore NPA as a mix, meaning added

    to a cologne in an atomizer, I got better results. The dosage that got me the most results was 5:1. I was a bit

    scared, originally, to use this mix, because in a 4:1, I could smell the NPA in the atomizer. However, when I

    applied the mix, the Chikara that I had used was the prevalent smell, and my worry disappeared. The most blatant and

    overtly sexual hit that I got was at a bar on a Friday night. The bar was packed, and hot women were all over the

    place. I walked around for about ten minutes, to scope out the action, and to figure out who I wanted to try my mix

    on. I noticed a very attractive (9.5) female sitting in the corner, and I approached her and started a conversation.

    Note to any newbie: Pheromones aren't going to get the women to approach you, though that happens very rarely. You

    need to combine 'mones with approachability, or your not going to get anywhere. Phan used a great analogy to

    explain this: You're going to get beat by a good runner with no shoes if you have good shoes and can't run.

    Anyway, I approached the girl, started a conversation, and she seemed genually interested in what I had to say.

    After a few minutes, she went very in depth when I asked her about a necklace she was wearing, and started touching

    my arm to demonstrate how much she loved the island in Hawaii where she bought it (or something like that, I dont

    really remember). This arm touching continued, until she asked me, yes, SHE asked ME to dance to this song playing

    on a jukebox. During the 'dance', she was boobing me, grinding, and a lot more. The night was fun, to say the

    least. Later that night, she ended up licking my neck in the exact place where I had applied part of the mix.

    Another girl in the bar also said, "You smell good," when I passed by her for a brief second. NPA is very good, and

    is a great product to use.

    Overall View of Product: Two thumbs WAY UP! NPA is an excellent

    additive product, and I know for sure that I'm buying more of this as soon as my bottle runs out. I'm one of the

    people who can't smell the strong 'mone smell in NPA, and all it smells like to me is alcohol. However, I put a

    few drops on without a cover, and could smell the NPA very easily. Great product though, no question! Note to

    newbies: (again) Make sure you have a proper cover scent when you use this product. No one wants to be around

    someone who smells like absolute crap!

    For my next four week trial, I'm going to experiment with the aA314

    product that I ordered, along with WAGG, and a sampler I got from a department store. The sampler's called Spark.

    Thanks for reading, and commentary, reccomendations, or advice is greatly appreciated!

    Last edited by Bigman808; 04-25-2005 at 04:49 PM.

  2. #2
    King of the coupons!
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    Outstanding job, Bigum!

    Your NPA mix ... tis the only one that confused this old man ... you used drops or sprays? If it wasn't a typo,

    how do you use drops (special container)? Which is best, the drops or sprays?

    Would you edit that

    section if it was a typo, and even though I suck at math ... 3 drops does not equal to 2 drops on the face and 2

    drops on the throat. You trying to trick me, Big Fella!!!? I know that equals to 4!

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  3. #3
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    Good analysis and set of

    observations Bigman808. Was that 4 weeks per product, or 4 weeks split between them?

    I like the mention of

    minimum, average, and maximum of dosages used. One thing I forgot to mention in my results thread is that I

    couldn't easily tell the difference in reactions between different dosages used. Would you say the same, or did it

    seem as if there was an optimal dosage for each of the 3 products?

  4. #4
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    Mobley - Thanks for the

    compliments! I changed the section in question, and I'll do my best to clarify it in this post as well. When I say

    drops, I mean out of a glass dropper purchased at Walgreens. I found this product extremely helpful in mixing and

    taking exact drops. For my cologne/NPA mixes, I mixed the two in a spare atomizer that used to contain a sample of

    Acqua di Gio.

    What I meant in that instance, with the 2 and 2 drops under maximum dosage, was that I used either

    two drops on my face and one on my throat, or two drops on my throat and one on my face. I was hesitant to use more,

    as NPA has a very strong scent to me, even if it only smells like alcohol. After the two products were mixed in the

    atomizer, I sprayed it on myself. In the other trials, I applied the drops directly from the glass dropper onto

    whatever area of my skin. Does this clear it up for you? If not, I'll be happy to clarify anything in question!

    Phan - Thanks for the compliments as well! When I was testing Alter Ego, I noticed an increase in attentiveness

    and chatiness when I used my maximum dosage. In the case of Chikara, there was no extreme varying in the type of hit

    I recieved, no matter the dosage. With my NPA mix, I noticed a more sexual edge to the hits when I used a 5:1 rather

    than a 4:1. Also, I found that the mixes worked better rather than any direct application to my skin. This makes

    sense though, since it is an additive product. 4:1 got me one aggressive reaction, but there was nothing of the kind

    with the other two ratios I tried. The hits were more numerous, however, with 5:1 as compared to the other two

    mixes. Also, the four products were tried for a bit more than a four week span. However, I continued an NPA/Chikara

    mix for about three days after the four week period was up, just to make sure what I saw would happen again. It did

    indeed, so I have no doubt that the two are a killer mix!

    Thanks again for the kind words!
    Last edited by Bigman808; 04-25-2005 at 01:50 PM.

  5. #5
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    NPA:COLOGNE - Using 2 drops of

    the 5:1, and 3 drops of the 4:1 ... The 4:1 got you the most hits, but 5:1 still got you hits, yes?


    this is fer true, could be the reason why JB1 is not too consistent, and gets only aggressive hits at 7:3 APC:NPA.

    Your recent post mentioned Chikara and NPA ... did you mix those two at 5:1, as well, or did you do the dab

    NPA:spray Chikara thing?

    Think I've asked time and time again, but once more, please ... how old are ya?

    Thanks, BigMon!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  6. #6
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    4:1 got me an aggressive

    reaction, definitely not a hit. I've read a good amount about JB#1, and don't like the concept of it. 7:3 seems

    much more applicable for a mix, rather than what is suggested.

    When I mixed Chikara and NPA, I used both

    methods. I found that, however, mixing the two in a 5:1 ratio got me more hits than direct application. Granted,

    the latter did get me good reactions, but a mix in an atomizer wiped the floor with direct applciation, IMHO.

    Don't think you asked earlier about my age, but I'm happy to answer that question. I'm 25, almost 26 years


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman808
    4:1 got me an

    aggressive reaction, definitely not a hit.
    So the 5:1 at two drops would be your recommendation? Did you

    ever try 3 drops with that?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman808
    When I mixed Chikara and NPA, I used both methods. I found

    that, however, mixing the two in a 5:1 ratio got me more hits than direct application. Granted, the latter did get

    me good reactions, but a mix in an atomizer wiped the floor with direct applciation, IMHO.
    Still, you used

    to atomizer to mix in, and used drops from it, or sprayed? And the dropper you purchased at WG is larger than the AE

    dropper, yes?

    I have no more questions ... you may step down.

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    So the 5:1 at

    two drops would be your recommendation? Did you ever try 3 drops with that?

    Still, you used to

    atomizer to mix in, and used drops from it, or sprayed? And the dropper you purchased at WG is larger than the AE

    dropper, yes?

    I have no more questions ... you may step down.


    Alas, you've confused me as well. When I said 5:1 and 2 drops, I meant those were my two

    alternate's for my average application. 5:1 is my favorite mix of the three I tried, because it smells great, and

    it got me a boatload of hits.

    When I mixed products in an atomizer, I sprayed the mix on myself as well as using

    direct application of drops from a dropper. (Once again, two alternate methods of application)

    I'm sorry if I

    confused you, so let me rephrase my application methods of NPA: I either mixed and sprayed, or mixed and applied

    drops using a dropper. I also dabbed NPA and sprayed/applied my cologne over it. I did this method once, and

    recieved a very small amount of hits from it.

    Also, the dropper that I bought from Walgreens is bigger than the

    one in AE. I'm not sure whether there is a difference in drop size, so I'll go and figure that out real quick.

    **Witness has stepped down**

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman808
    Alas, you've

    confused me as well. When I said 5:1 and 2 drops, I meant those were my two alternate's for my average application.

    5:1 is my favorite mix of the three I tried, because it smells great, and it got me a boatload of hits.

    When I

    mixed products in an atomizer, I sprayed the mix on myself as well as using direct application of drops from a

    dropper. (Once again, two alternate methods of application)

    I'm sorry if I confused you, so let me rephrase my

    application methods of NPA: I either mixed and sprayed, or mixed and applied drops using a dropper. I also dabbed

    NPA and sprayed/applied my cologne over it. I did this method once, and recieved a very small amount of hits from


    Also, the dropper that I bought from Walgreens is bigger than the one in AE. I'm not sure whether there is

    a difference in drop size, so I'll go and figure that out real quick.

    **Witness has stepped down**

    Alrighty then! Back up there, Buster!

    How many sprays do you normally use?


    probably, about 2 AE droppers would be close to your larger dropper.

    Now you may step down, and leave

    this court.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  10. #10
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    I was gettin comfortable off

    the witness chair, but I'll tromp back up there. (is tromp even a word? lol) Sprays with an atomizer? 1 to 1/2. The

    sprayer that was on this thing would SHOOT OUT liquid like a water bottle, so I had to be careful. What is it with

    these samplers, they are always so violent! I had one, a while back, that was a sample of some Polo cologne. I

    sprayed it aimed at my chest, ended up getting nailed in the eye, and went out that night looking like I'd just

    done laps in a chlorine-filled pool with my eyes open!

    I'm now leaving...the town! lol

  11. #11
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Now this is the kind of "meat and

    potatoes" detailed reports I personally like to see.

    Unfortunately NPA has not done well for me, yet. But I too

    am in early stages of experimentation, and I'm only running 2 week tests. So far of SOE, Chikara (C7), Perception,

    and AE (all with and without NPA except AE), AE is ranking #1 even after only a 1 week test (and I haven't added

    NPA yet), Chikara is #2, SOE #3 (ranking based on more "sexual" hits over just "social" effects), and Perception

    ranks a big 0 (no reactions at all straight. Usual bad reactions when add usual 1 dab NPA).

    Note that for me in

    a way SOE is serving as a comparison to the more "sexual" hit formulas of AE, C7, and Perception. "Control group"

    formulas are straight cologne (no 'mone products) and days when I skip wearing any product ('mone. cologne, etc).

    Speaking of which, have you tried any observations while NOT wearing 'mone products (do you have a "control group"

    reference as a baseline)?.

    Sorry my reports aren't as detailed as yours Bigman. I tain't *that* organized...

    should be, but...
    Last edited by Rbt; 04-25-2005 at 02:50 PM. Reason: Damn typos, again!

  12. #12
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    Thanks for the kind words,


    It took me a while to get used to NPA. When I got my package of Chikara/NPA, I read the instructions to a T

    and researched the forum for a good week just to prevent od'ing. I must have missed the all-important message:

    'The only way to find out if something works is to experiment.' I originally started out with less than a drop,

    and after getting nada, I decided to break out, just a bit, from my strict following of forum advice. I then tried a

    drop, and kept going until I met what I thought was my NPA masterpiece dosage, which was 2 drops. About a week

    later, I discovered mixing, and decided to give it a try. Thank God for that! As stated in my analyzation, a 5:1 mix

    seems to be kicking ass and taking names on a regular basis. I wish you all the luck in finding your 'bliss' mix,

    and using it to perfection (and sexual satisfaction ).

    As to your question, yes, I did use a control

    group. My control, or dependent variable, was no cologne, no mones, nothing. This meant using my charm (which I used

    even with pheromones), and nothing else. Before I began testing the three products, I went out for a week and a half

    and tried my luck. I didn't get any noticeable hits, though I did take a nice, cute blonde home twice. My brief

    analyzation of this control group was that without any additions to me ('mones), I didn't get anywhere near the

    amount of action that I did when I was wearing pheromones. This was my basis for comparison with all my other

    findings. Also, during my weeks of testing, I made sure I went out at least once a week with nothing on, just to

    observe any signs of build-up or anything else out of the ordinary.

  13. #13
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt
    Now this is the kind

    of "meat and potatoes" detailed reports I personally like to see.
    And a biscuit ... as soon as he

    comes back that last bit of info!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman808
    Also, the dropper that I bought from Walgreens is

    bigger than the one in AE. I'm not sure whether there is a difference in drop size, so I'll go and figure that out

    real quick.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  14. #14
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    Ah, thank you for the

    reminder, Mobley! I did get that information, just forgot to post it!

    After dropping water about

    four or five times with each dropper, I have found that the glass dropper from Walgreens has just under 2x bigger

    drops than the dropper that comes with the AE bottle.

    Mobley, thanks again for the reminder!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman808
    Ah, thank you

    for the reminder, Mobley! I did get that information, just forgot to post it!

    After dropping water

    about four or five times with each dropper, I have found that the glass dropper from Walgreens has just under 2x

    bigger drops than the dropper that comes with the AE bottle.

    Mobley, thanks again for the reminder!

    Alrighty then!! And a biscuit!

    I have found that the glass

    dropper from Walgreens has just under 2x bigger drops than the dropper that comes with the AE


    That translates to 2 AE dropper drops = 1 Walgreen dropper drop, yes?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  16. #16
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    That's just about right. The

    drops from the Walgreens dropper aren't quite 2x as big, but they're pretty damn close to it. So, for the sake of

    .01 drop unit measurement, I'll say it's 2x as big!

  17. #17
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Big man, you felt pretty good about

    the fact that the piss smell of npa did not come through at 4 : 1 or 5:1?
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  18. #18
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    I could smell the alcohol

    (I'm afraid I don't have the 'piss' sensor) in my 4:1 mix, but in 5:1, there was virtually no trace of it. 5:1

    has become my favorite mix and has gotten me numerous hits. 4:1 got me an aggressive reaction from a man at a bar

    and a few decent hits, but 5:1 cleans up the competition.

  19. #19
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by bjf
    Big man, you felt

    pretty good about the fact that the piss smell of npa did not come through at 4 : 1 or 5:1?
    Annnnnd, which

    Chikara do you have ... the newest (dull cap), or the oldest version (shinny chrome cap)?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  20. #20
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    uhh, I thought the new version

    was the one with the chrome cap...well, in any case, my Chikara has a very shiny chrome cap, with a powerful

    sprayer. You?

  21. #21
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman808
    uhh, I thought the

    new version was the one with the chrome cap...well, in any case, my Chikara has a very shiny chrome cap, with a

    powerful sprayer. You?
    I think Bruce recently "upgraded" the Chikara sprayer with a new chrome outer cap

    and an inner chrome cap as well.



    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce
    Anybody out there get a bottle of Chikara with the new spray


    We started shipping them last Monday. The cap *and* the head itself are shiny silver chrome, as oposed to

    the nickel gray of the previous model. Way way back we had a chrome cap but the spray head was white. This new one

    is all chrome.

    (original quote edited by Rbt for brevity)


  22. #22
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    Yeah, that's what I was

    referring to. I have the newer model then, as mine is a chrome model and sprays a lot stronger than I was

    expecting. Plus, I told Bruce in that thread about my Chikara bottle, and he confirmed that it was the new bottle.

    Works very well, and I'm very happy with the new model.

  23. #23
    Stranger ChrisToff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman808 View Post

    for the kind words, Rbt.

    It took me a while to get used to NPA. When I got my package of Chikara/NPA, I read the

    instructions to a T and researched the forum for a good week just to prevent od'ing. I must have missed the

    all-important message: 'The only way to find out if something works is to experiment.' I originally started out

    with less than a drop, and after getting nada, I decided to break out, just a bit, from my strict following of forum

    advice. I then tried a drop, and kept going until I met what I thought was my NPA masterpiece dosage, which was 2

    drops. About a week later, I discovered mixing, and decided to give it a try. Thank God for that! As stated in my

    analyzation, a 5:1 mix seems to be kicking ass and taking names on a regular basis. I wish you all the luck in

    finding your 'bliss' mix, and using it to perfection (and sexual satisfaction ).

    As to your question,

    yes, I did use a control group. My control, or dependent variable, was no cologne, no mones, nothing. This meant

    using my charm (which I used even with pheromones), and nothing else. Before I began testing the three products, I

    went out for a week and a half and tried my luck. I didn't get any noticeable hits, though I did take a nice, cute

    blonde home twice. My brief analyzation of this control group was that without any additions to me ('mones), I

    didn't get anywhere near the amount of action that I did when I was wearing pheromones. This was my basis for

    comparison with all my other findings. Also, during my weeks of testing, I made sure I went out at least once a week

    with nothing on, just to observe any signs of build-up or anything else out of the ordinary.
    im so

    confused lol

    When you say your 5:1 mix is kicking ass and taking names. That 5:1 mix is 5 parts cologne & 1 part

    NPA? amirite?

    if so what of the chikara ?

    or is it
    5:1 chikara/npa?
    <---- me
    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_anapolack View Post

    the way im a loner and go out all the time by myself.....everyone finally was getting up the nerve to ask why

    that was fri/sat.........sunday during the cinco festival here in denver i did the same combo mixed with a

    little soe/the edge behind ears and wrists....................i didnt get the same kinda attention

    may have od'd on the none by sunday. I find if I wear npa or similar for more then 2 days (no matter how much) no

    one will come near me.
    As you're a bit like me and can seem like the scary dude in the corner at times , try

    WAGG. It worked wonders for me and gave me a lot of confidence to open up more when I first used it. Like you I

    often go out by myself , I work irregular hours/days so sometimes finding someone to go out with on a monday night

    can be difficult!

    oops, for some reason the last page of this thread just appeared after

    posting. But I stand by my Wagg suggestion. (glad to hear NPA's working for you though!)
    early 40's white male or or

  25. #25
    Enlightened One
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
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    chikara seems to be on its own or

    with SOE or attraction a good one for crowd control, social boosting general feelgood but with a different type of

    vibe to SOE and Attraction.

  26. #26
    Journeyman DssMaster's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Northern East Coast, USA
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    Hey Bigman808, any new

    reports you care to post with your pheros, specially with NPA? Would love to hear more of your experiences...and

    reps to you for great post

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