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  1. #1

    Default Return of the Hit Squad

    For those who don\'t know The Hit Squad was a crack team of phero wearers dedicated to testing and getting hits. (Kind of like the A-Team of pheromones). The last \"Recent Hits\" post reached 150 and I guess that\'s all it could handle so I\'m doing another hit squad post.

    HS members are Donald Duck (aka Paul), Jaggy, CJ, Redcapp, myself and a few other. It started with those who tested my first experiment (aka The Jambat Mix), and turned into one of the hottest post on the board. This was also a place to post your new hits and help the crew by learning from you. A lot of info was exchanged. Now there\'s three Jambat mixes, the kits, not to mention the pheromones in general and bottles are coming soon - hey, there\'s a lot to talk about.

    To be a member of the Hit Squad simply post your hits, experiments and such here. Adding details like where you wear your pheros and all help too. You too can get hits like us. (Or at least try). [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    [ November 30, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  2. #2

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    nice work jambat. i knew you would do this coz the recent hits has become too big. now let me start...
    I went to work today knowing that I\'m gonna meet this chick again that i\'m attracted to. She is the girl in one of my posts who actually was friendly to me since we\'ve met but when i tested my pheros on her the first time, she seemed so afraid to talk to me but at the end of my time in their office, did not let me go without saying goodbye.
    So I tried again today using NPA mixed with the d\'Issey cologne (as promoted by some members - is it wild oscar?) and PI. I wanted to try my AE but I can\'t find it i guess somebody stole it from my cabinet. So anyway, i came in and as i entered the room and made my voice heard, she jumped out of where she was sitting from and gave me a big smile and looked at me from head to toe and back to head again. She never did that to me before. You know how it looks like when a person looks at you like that unintentionally? Like her eyes just did it by itself and she did not intend to do it. But I caught her and so we talked a little while working and this time she\'s so focused on me and don\'t seem afraid anymore. I like it when she makes face in front of me after her boss talks to her. I was just waiting for her to wink at me and i\'ll make a move. Well, she didn\'t but guess what! She went away from me for about a minute and when she came back, she took off her sweater. I don\'t know what to call it but it looks like a sweater to me but it\'s a little formal and that you can use it as a business attire. Anyway, she took it off and all she had on was her white spaghetti strap that goes under the formal sweater revealing her entire shoulders and arms (she has nice biceps). But i\'m just so hesitant to ask her out because i don\'t know if she has a boyfriend or if she\'s married. Can you help me how to ask this in a way that she won\'t think that i\'m too attracted to her? Or is there a secret way to find out without asking? I didn\'t look at her fingers if she had a wedding ring or not.
    I think im starting to like this girl.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    Try this. \"I was wondering if you\'d be interested in going out for coffee sometimes.\"

    Is it a cheesy line? Yes. Does it work? Yes. Everyone knows what coffee means but it\'s effective because of that. It\'s not a date just coffee. So no pressure. There you can find out all you need to know.

    Or you can be crass and direct like me and say \"Look, I was wondering, if you\'re not involved would you like to go out sometimes\" (or you can say \"get some coffee\"). It\'s direct, let\'s her know where you stand and it\'s manly. (The line works well with the \'mones, yes).

    See where she stands. If she says no, no hard feelings, treat her the same way so she won\'t think you\'re upset about it and you still got a bottle of NPA. Plus there\'s a million chicks that will dig you, know.

    That\'s what I\'d do. Or you could write her a letter telling her you\'re attracted to her and you\'d be interested in seeing her outside of work. Women like letters, yes they do, but then again you could say this to her too. Or you could put a dab of NPA on the letter too. Well, ideas abound. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    By the way, you may want to check the finger first. But some women (and some guys) don\'t wear their rings. But just remember to smile and be confident.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    Have to disagree with you Jambat, if Redcapp does see her on a regular basis writing a letter could be a sign of shyness, not necessarily a bad thing if she likes shy guys, but will contradict his phero signature.

    Just ask her for coffee .... you will soon find out if there is?? a boyfriend/husband.

    ( my english is a little...well ...poor... sorry about that)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    I have a little problem. I don\'t drink coffee. Maybe I should ask her this: \"Hey, I was wondering if you\'d be interested in going out for \'hot choco\' sometime? [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] Ahhh, I don\'t know but maybe it will make her laugh or maybe I would say coffee at first then if she says yes, I\'d say \"But I don\'t drink coffee though... how about dinner?\" [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]
    And one more thing is that I don\'t see her everyday because they only call me when they\'re computer is broke. But she knows me pretty well after all these years.
    Actually jambat, this morning I was thinking of writing her a letter telling her how good she looked today but i realized that\'s been my style when i was in highschool. Maybe i need to try something else so I\'ll have lots of style that I would be able to share to my future kids. [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    Ask her out for coffee (order what you want when you get there [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] ) and don\'t come off desperate. Please. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    I agree; asking her out for some coffee seems to be the best option for you here. Dinner may be too much. I don\'t think it hurts to start out \"small,\" if you know what I mean. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    Its good to be back!
    Sorry Guys for taking so long to post a reply...but as usual work just kinda flies in your and life...sigh...

    Ok let get to the hit stories...
    ..the last 3 weeks have been very intense and fun actually...almost crazy.. so bear with the long post..

    Story One.

    Scene: Clubbing / rave scene
    Mix: OD of Jambat I with a-nol
    4-5 drops on face/ears/neck
    2 sprays attraction on chest.

    Clubbing with 4 friends. went to a great DJ gig downtown... first hit... all of us crammed into a cab... 2 female friends start acting really goofy...talking almost nonsensically... and just making offbeat comments.. I was just too busy laughing inside... into the club one of my friends which is pretty damn hot starts getting funny with me... she asks for a back rub.. (which i happen to be pretty good at actually) [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] ... and i give her one making sure i could whisper to her and let her catch a whiff of the mix... when i\'m done she then grabs my arm..and pleads with me not to leave so soon (...for the washroom.. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] ) .... so we dance...enjoy the music.... and she tells me things like... whoever gets with me is really lucky (i\'m single) .... she likes me cause i\' confident... more misc. flirting...etc... until i\'m sitting down alone taking a rest from the dancing.... then she comes up to me...buzzed... and asks me...if i would like a kiss... I say yes...and she gives me a whole lot of tongue...(which actually shocked me...we have nothing going on) ... she then looks at me funny...tells me that that was not good enough and asks me to try again...this time I gave her a really GOOD kiss [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] ...
    ...but of course.... all my guy friends happen to have the hots for her i decided to just cool it... and dance and enjoy the music.. case closed. My take on this is... friendship comes first...and women unfortunately don\'t mix too well with let the other guys have the fun... (no insult to women meant... but in my short 22 years... women tend to come and go...but friends tend to stay.)

    Story Two

    Scene: Laundromat / Friends Home
    Mix: Modified Jambat
    30% AFA, 20% NPA, 50% APC
    4-5 drops on face etc (see above)
    2 sprays attraction in pits


    Another girl and I are close... we are attracted... but non-commital...just enjoying each other\'s company... known her for like 3 weeks... she wants me to do laundry with her to have someone to talk to.. I oblige...nothing noticed at all since we always talk pretty well... until we are at her place.... the whole backrub thing starts.. with her clothes on of course... (frankly...other than pheros... thats my killer move....i\'ll discuss this later)..... then suddenly... shes breaks out some moisturizer and asks me to give her another backrub with it... sans top... imagine my shock when i realize she is wearing nothing under it..... so i play the (teasing) gentleman...ignore it and put her top back on
    ... again i refuse to do anything until she GRABS my butt while she was massaging me... lets just say that I got back on campus on a school night at about 2am....walking in the rain...but it was worth it...

    Story three
    Scene: Dinner
    Mix : Same as above minus attraction

    Having dinner with friends..nothing much..quiet DIHL.. until another aqquaintance comes over... we hug... immidiately she comments that i smell really really nice ...then i notice the DIHL.. she starts to complain that we never meet up and that i don\'t call... i apologize.. she then tells me that she and some friends are going to a salsa party...and grabs my arm
    (a little too hard)...emphisizing that she would love it if i could come... I decline (its a friday night...but i\'m tired.. it rained yesterday.. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] ) ... she promises to call tomorrow...

    So far so good with the test kit i must say.. the above stories are just what i feel are the more signifigant hits... other misc hits during classes/school include picking up a few ladies (2) ... getting conversations going and numbers now seems somewhat easier.....

    ..sorry guys hope i did not get too ego involved with the above field report...

    In the \"pipeline\" :

    I just mixed up a bigger batch of the \"mod jambat\" convinced of its effectiveness.
    (30% AFA, 20% NPA, 50%APC)

    After its done, I will start experimenting with more outrages combinations... and then share the info.

    ...sigh...its 2 am on a friday night/ sat morn... alone.... and all being said... i\'m still single.... hahahahahaha

    Keep the Faith gentlemen... i\'m glad i did.

    \"Impermanant are all compounded things.\"
    \"Having arisen, they head towards decay.\"
    \"Their stilling is ultimate bliss.\"
    -Buddhist Saying

    [ December 01, 2001: Message edited by: Zippo ]

  10. #10

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    ok in the previous het squad i told u about a girl whocouldn\'t keep her hands oofme in biology lab. well she comes into my assigned lab time and decides shes gonna work with me. We gor study guides for the test. Heres were things happen [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] She gives hers away to a girl who doesn\'t get one and hugs me and says i will study with him. ok she gives me her number, but i ddn\'t use it. I just told her to follow me to my house to study. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] to make an ieght hour story short no studying happened [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] and i ohh it all to jambats mix, and a little bit of learned macking skills.

    I put on a dab behind each ear and on each wrist. 4 dabs

    P.S. Something interesting, once before she kissed me(directly after a recharge on jB I. She asked me if i was wearing romance, my response was why do u like it, she says yes and kisses me for a really long time! THANKS JB

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    Wow, Jambat #1 seems to be a real hit... I am definitely going to try it as soon as I receive my order. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    BTW, Jambat, how did you come with that mix? Was it a pure chance?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    OK, I tried NPA:Issey at 1:5 tonight. I put on four sprays, I actually put on 3 and then did a lot of moving of heavy stuff. Plans went hay-wired for a while. So I decided to add one more for fun. He, he, he. I went to the BAR and parked, and walked over to it. Parking sucks here so it was a 3 block walk in the rain. But, one the way I passed some 20 year olds, and they went pretty weird. Of course, they were not wearing the right clothes for rainy cold weather, and were drinking Natural Ice (Piss w/booze) But, they were fun to talk to. Had the internal laugh going. And one of them called me on it. I was chewing gum, so I deflected the comment, whatever. But after that. Not much. Pretty dead night in the bar. I think that people are getting ready for Finals, not playing to much. My APC should be here in a couple of days, I will make a Jambat-(I don?t think anyone likes the Tick)-Manual I stock, and make a 5:1 Issey:Jambat I and see what happens. Night y all. . .

    PS, I added one drop of vanilla. It is really weird, you can smell the Issey (pine and citrus) and the NPA (odd medicinal chemical smell) but it is really hard to detect when one starts or stops. Needless to say, you can?t smell the vanilla.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    Mix: Modified Jambat
    30% AFA, 20% NPA, 50% APC

    Look at Zippo modifying stuff over here. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Glad that worked out for you. I played around today but I got off to a bad start. I put two drops of JB #2 behind the ears and 1 spray of JB #1 to the hair. Can you say OD? Every woman I sat by seemed irritated as soon as I sat down. So I didn\'t spray any more for the rest of the day.

    Later I went to a dance bar and after a few minutes of no reaction I sprayed a shot of JB #1 to the hair. That kicked things into high gear. The club seemed dead so I went to the club next door. I stayed awhile but this is one of those goofy clubs where women prefer to dance on the bar instead of dancing with men on the floor. I got my dance on then moved back to the dance bar. There was this thick chick dancing on the floor with her girl. Older but attractive. I moved in and immediately she went for the bump and grind. The only reason that\'s at all important is because if a chick does decide to dance with me they usually don\'t take it there some do but not often. After I danced with her we talked for a second and she and her friends left but said they\'d be back.

    I danced with about two more nice ladies then moved to the club. That club was still sucking (mind you this was the club I paid to get into) so I went next across the street to another bar. I met some nice ladies there, danced with a few and learned that if I came back later I could get into the primary club (the place that owns this bar) for free. The best part of this was one of the girls (a fine sister) was content with putting her butt and crotch in my face when she got up on that island in the middle of the place.

    I went back across the street and the ladies were coming down from the bars. I immediately went to this hot blonde and started in with some moves. Same reaction the bump and grind (she had a flat butt though) and she tended to slither like a snake. She and two of her friends (one drunken to no end) gathered around me and we all danced together. That broke up because the blonde was trying to make sure her drunk friend didn\'t get into any trouble although I did dance with her (and the drunk chick) again later. After another few dances it was time to hit the club back across the street. (Confused yet?)

    The guy at the door hassled me about my clothes saying they violated dress code. I ended up talking my way in there as the guys at the door just stopped caring and shoved me in. I danced with some hot Latinas and finally , I ended the night at another club back on the opposite side of the street. This club was dead but this chick basically preformed a strip dance (she had on clothes but danced on the poles like a strippers do in those bad grade B movies). She danced with me and put on quite a show.

    After that I went home. First thing I did when I got in - wrote this for the forum, what else. The JB mixes are powerful!


    And just a side note...

    ...the woman I gave my number to last week called me today but I was out so I didn\'t get her messege until just a few minutes ago but she left her number. To all the newbies, that\'s why they call us the Hit Squad. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Another sidenote. Don\'t mix JB mixes. It\'s bad news. That JB #1 and #2 almost did me in. [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    [ December 02, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  14. #14

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    \"Batman \"? Okay, works for me. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    I\'m really anxious to get another gig because I really want to see personally what pheromones the effect pheros have in the office. (The money and all would be good too).

  15. #15

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    lol good work JB keep it up or should i say batman. lol [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] the modified mix looks like it might work for some people here actually given the breakdown and concentration of pheromones that would be applied.

  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    A girl whom you\'ve never met before saying \"hi\" to you, would that be considered a hit?

    BTW, I had some random mix (don\'t know what the ratio was) of NPA/APC on.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    I\'d call it a hit only if it\'s not something that happens often and even still it could\'ve been just a random incident. If you keep getting that kind of attention when you\'re wearing the mones then I would consider that one of your hits.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    Back to written letters works great for job resumes, love letters, complaint letters, responses to bills that are overdue. Pheros work great on bank staff getting that loan from the bank manager always is of great assistance, im thinking it could work on the floor of the stock exchange to. Hey im looking for some feedback for my post on how long the pheros stay on letters and peoples experiences with them, application tips etc.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    I was actually thinking of trying to spike massage oils with pheros. Low level, but it sounded like a decent idea when I asked my self the question out loud. I know it sounds weird to do that, but you would be amazed at your own ideas when you hear them. Back to the idea, if anyone was to try this, what amounts would you all use?

  20. #20
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad


    Stone Independent Research Inc. used to sell a phero massage oil that contained .009% A-None and .005% A-Nol , but I can\'t seem to find it anywhere now. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  21. #21

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    By the way, I the chick from the dance club called me tonight. We made a date for next week. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  22. #22

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    Wilde one, thanks for the news. It just struck me as a fun way to play with pheros. It would be a low level that was on the person of interest. I have been in a couple of partial pressure posts as of late, and thing is that you could be having the person you are massaging have their own phero cloud. It struck me as intriguing. But thanks for the levels, I guess I?ll do the math and see what happens.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    Use low level pheros on low level corresspondance to see if feedback varies could be an interesting usage.

    Also i had a thought on hit spreads, what about stockbrokers on the floor of a stockmarket this stuff could dicate companies on a large scale if phreos and behaviour and NLP were to be implemented in a precise way. Could be of great use.

    Maybe we should start influencing the world to make it a better place, im thinking of getting enviromentalists meetings a shot to get them motivated and thinking. Good for manipulating mob behaviour, although those experiements myself are coming along as well. Will keep updated.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    Hey Donald Duck, the chick from the club called Tuesday.

  25. #25
    Full Member
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    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    I know you\'re always interested about mones in the work place.

    My boss(guy) is always asking me, \"What is that you have on?\" \"Where do you get that?\" I always make something up, but his attitude has changed alot towards me since wearing mones(JB I). Yesterday, got promotion and more money, along with a bonus! Now maybe I can afford to take out all those married woman that keep hitting on me. LOL [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  26. #26
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    Wow, Jaggy, that\'s awesome! [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  27. #27

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    whenever i get that very popular question \'what do u have on?\', i just tell them its some oil fragrance that a friend bought somewhere and i mixed them together. i don\'t tell \'em any names or place.

  28. #28

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    Sweet. Nice work with the promotion and all dude. My friends keep asking me what it is I tell them it\'s just something I make up at home. And dodge those married chicks like sharp rocks. [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] You know they\'ll be on you now you got the promotion. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  29. #29
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    Jambat et al,

    There\'s a Dick Clark\'s \"American Bandstand\" bar/restaurant on the fringe of a nearby mega-mall, and Tuesdays are Karaoke night there. I walked in about midnight, and the place was fairly crowded. I was wearing my Issey/NPA mix, with a couple of dabs of AE on wrists and neck.
    Got a beer and strolled up to say howdy to the K-J who I know. On the way back to the bar, a quick beer later, a young lady reached out as I passed, grabbing my arm the way a friend that you hadn\'t noticed might do. I said, \"Hi, how ya doin\'?\" , she said, \"Fine, how are you?\" etc. I have NO IDEA who I\'m talking to at this point.

    Now when I\'ve forgotten a girls name, one of the first things I\'ll say is \"HOW could I have forgotten YOUR name? I MUST have been drinking when I met you!\" As it turns out, I HADN\'T met her before. I don\'t think I\'d ever even SEEN her before!

    She smelled REALLY GOOD and I told her so and sniffed her neck, which she seemed to enjoy. She told me she was wearing something by Victoria\'s Secret. She no doubt got a nose-full of my cologne as I sniffed her neck, but she didn\'t mention anything. The actual fragrance of my Issey probably got lost in HER scent. But the NPA and AE must have been working BIG-TIME!

    Then they called her name to sing. The timing was SUPERB! I stood making serious eye contact and smiling throughout her song, and after she finished, I gave her a kiss and a hug and told her how much I\'d enjoyed it.

    That\'s about as much as I care to relate for now. Sorry!
    I do believe this qualifies as a hit. She LITERALLY reached out and grabbed me!

    By the way, she was a very nicely built, pretty brunette, roughly twenty-five years of age. I\'m roughly forty-seven. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    This stuff is MAGIC!

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  30. #30

    Default Re: Return of the Hit Squad

    Oscar\'s showing us why he\'s a member of the hit squad people. Careful with those strange chicks.

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