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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Newbie - Pheromone Usage

    I would

    appreciate it if I could please have some advise on what pheromone I should use to attract my boyfriend to enhance

    our relationship. Also which type is suitable to be mixed with perfume and which type is suitable to be mixed with

    skin body lotion.

    For some time now, our interactions have been not so good and I would like to enhance it and

    add some sparks to our relationship as it was from the beginning.

    All you experienced users and successful users

    in this forum, please, please help me a damsel in distress.

    I'm from Singapore and am an Asian Chinese and I do

    not know what is suitable. I do not know if there are different types of pheromone use for different ethic group. I

    need all you gals advise. Please help me.

    Taking this opportunity to thank you all for being able to advise me

    and take the time to help me in my Quest to succeed.
    Last edited by lin7sg; 04-25-2005 at 11:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Welcome to the

    forum. A good place to start is the pheromone reference library. You'll get a good base of knowledge to begin with.

    From that point there is a huge body of knowledge in the threads that will help you. We're all happy to help as

    well but you are going to get a lot of additional experience from the past users if you'll spend some time reading

    through the forum.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Default Nice to meet you!

    Hi Lin7sg

    - So nice to meet you. Yes, keeping a relationship the way it was in the early days is a challenge. I miss some of

    that early day craziness myself! But hopefully after the bumps of change, you'll be able to enjoy a relationship

    where new joys and delights replace the old.

    Regarding your questions.
    There are indeed different types and you

    should go read in the Pheromone discussion forum:
    - Newbies please click here + Best threads
    - The Pherolibrary

    The library contains extremely interesting info about the different types and their respective effects. From that

    page you can also go to the product guide and memorize the abbreviations so you'll know which product we are

    talking about with those cryptic letters such as AE/w. The product table, which is one of my favorite resources will

    give you the composition, concentration of pheromones, price etc. of the different products.

    I personally don't

    believe that different ethnic groups have better success with different pheromones. I think it is greatly a function

    of your own personality. What are your own strengths and weaknesses and therefore, what would you like to enhance?

    The second consideration would be the desired effect. For instance: Are you trying to get your boyfriend to perceive

    you as more friendly or say, more assertive? Once you read up on the effects of the different pheromones, this

    question will make sense to you.

    As to your question of a good supplier - you found the spot. I can promise you

    that this place is great. I'm pretty sure they ship internationally. You can order with confidence from these guys.

    If you're in a hurry - go to the store link at top of page and look into a "Newbie special". There's also a link

    on the left of the store's front page where you can chat live and ask for advice as to which product might be best.

    All of this being said, I hope you like to read! I've spent hours reading up on it. Once you know the basics

    from the Library and the product guide, it is great fun to go delving into the archives. The early posts contain

    gems for newbies because people were more explicit in their descriptions.

    I hope you stick around and keep us

    updated on how it goes! How's the weather in Singapore? My parents went there several times and loved S and

    Thailand and Bali. Great shopping in Singapore!

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast countesszero's Avatar
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    Hi Lin7sg. Welcome to the

    forum. I think you'll like it here. My suggestion for you is to order the Beginners Special. It has TE, SOE samples

    and SPO. That's what I ordered my first time and I was very pleased with it. As for the types that are suitable for

    mixing you should indeed browse through the phero ref library it is very helpful.

    Also I think the results

    you'll get are based on you as an individual. When it comes to relationships its best to find out what your partner

    likes (types of perfumes and fragrances) and work from there. My fiance loves flowery and fruity scents therefore I

    make sure that's what I use as a cover. I also like flowery and fruity scents.

    I have a mix going that's

    really working for me (See my witches brew thread). I put this mix in my shower gel, my body lotion and especially

    my bed linens. It works very well and I'm sure you'll find something that works just as well for your self.

    Good luck and have fun.

    The Countess
    Peace Out

  5. #5
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    So far the women's section of

    the Product Guide in the Pherolibrary has been neglected. I'll put something together using the sticky in the

    women's forum but I would appreciate it if the ladies would be so kind as to provide some suggestions as well.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  6. #6
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling
    So far

    the women's section of the Product Guide in the Pherolibrary has been neglected. I'll put something together using

    the sticky in the women's forum but I would appreciate it if the ladies would be so kind as to provide some

    suggestions as well.
    Hi Capt !

    I spoke with Oscar about that yesterday and promised I'd give the

    guide and table a look for missing info re women's products.

  7. #7
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    Thumbs up Overwhelmed

    You gals are simply

    fantastic. I never expected anyone to reply to me. I'm so happy I came into this Forum. That message was my first

    time (another newbie in that area). I will definitely listen to all your advice and go read the library and such.

    Must have more sex appeal that's all. I look forward to more interesting news and advice from all you great

    people in this Forum.. Shall try to be more discipline in my reading and if I come up with anything interesting for

    losing weight and stuff, shall also let you know. Cheers and all the best to everyone and for all your support. I'm

    really overwhelmed.
    Last edited by lin7sg; 04-25-2005 at 11:02 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default PI/w

    PI/w is a great product.

    Please elaborate and how to buy. Thanks. Sorry for always troubling you. But I think you are simply great for your

    patience and your trying new things out technique. I must learn from you.
    Last edited by lin7sg; 04-25-2005 at 11:03 AM.

  9. #9
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Good morning! What time is

    it over there, I wonder?

    Your best bet is to click on the Pheromone store link at the top of this page. Then

    click on the tabs that say Women. There even is a tab to print off a catalog. It's on the left on one of the


    Then (but he seems to be still asleep as of right now) you can click on the left top side of the page for

    Live Help. You can then chat Live with Oscar who is extremely helpful. Like a walking talking pheromone

    product guide.

    PI/w is the product that has the heaviest concentration of -nol. That's the pheromone

    that make people perceive you as "sweet, cute and friendly". Hope you don't mind getting called "Honey or sweetie"

    by strangers! Then you could add some PCC for sex-appeal. I've learned not to wear copulins before my husband is in

    a good mood. So my suggestion would be: first elevate the mood with the nols, then move in for seduction with the


  10. #10
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaughtieGirl
    Hi Capt !

    I spoke with Oscar about that yesterday and promised I'd give the guide and table a look for missing info re

    women's products.
    Thanks muchly!

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  11. #11
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Hi! I feel like calling you

    Linsey - your handle is a bit difficult to type! Is that OK?

    Regarding your question about perfumes and the Vera

    Wang perfume. Ideally you'd wear a perfume that both you and your boyfriend love.
    So here's 2 ways of achieving


    1) You could tell him - I'm going to go and buy a new perfume. I would love it if you came along to give

    your opinion on it. I don't want to buy a perfume you don't like. Then he goes to the mall with you and together

    you pick a perfume.

    2) Many brands have an assortment of small vials / samples for sale. Buy one or two of those

    and start testing. One scent on one wrist, another on the other wrist. Work by elimination.

    Naughtie hint: You

    could put some pheromones under your perfume and then you have the perfect excuse to ask - Which one do you like

    best? This one or that one?

    Guys - Don't get upset at me! I'm just trying to make my man as happy as I

    possibly can!

  12. #12
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaughtieGirl

    hint: You could put some pheromones under your perfume and then you have the perfect excuse to ask - Which one do

    you like best? This one or that one?

    Guys - Don't get upset at me! I'm just trying to make my man as

    happy as I possibly can!
    Mad? That's very clever!
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  13. #13
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth

    That's very clever!
    I guess somewhere deep down inside I'm still feeling some guilt at not disclosing

    the "secret ingredient" of all my perfumery experimentation.

    All the botles are pretty much out in the

    open. But then again, I have soo much stuff in the bathroom, I could hide an elephant in there unnoticed!

    Thanks for the comforting reply!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Default Lin

    Hi, good morning, you

    can simply call me Lin.

    Its now 26.04.2005 Tuesday morning in Singapore about 1.00am. Just simply dying to

    find out what to do.

    I think my boyfriend ever mentioned before that he feels that I shouldn't have to

    wear perfume so I don't think an excuse to ask him to go perfume shopping with me is applicable.

    But he has

    mentioned before that he likes the Lux White Lilac Shower Cream when I brought him grocery shopping and ask for his

    advice on shower cream. Is this smell, similar to "Lily of the Valley"?

    I took your advice and read up

    on some information. I was told that Orange smell has the highest hits for men. It is from the Pheromone Reference


    What about essential oil? It also states about Sandlewood and Ylang Ylang. Jasmine not so

    good as it might attract more females than males. I was thinking of adding a few drops -nol (not sure which simply

    -nol to buy, advise please) to the essential oil (not sure for sandlewood or ylang ylang - advise please) and after

    shower just lightly rubbing over. It moisturises the skin as well. And the rest of the bottle of -nol and musk under

    perfume. This is before meeting him of course, unless it might be an overkill.

    Just want to find one

    that will get the desired effect of

    and not


    Hee Hee.

    Any witches brew recommendation

    from you experienced users first started out.
    Last edited by lin7sg; 04-25-2005 at 11:05 AM.

  15. #15
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Hi Lin,

    You sure

    are going smilie-crazy tonight! You are exactly 12 hours ahead of me.

    Did you go to the live chat with Oscar?

    I would find a nice perfume to cover the -nol. Essential oils are fun, but I have yet to figure out a mix that

    smells as good as some of the commercially available products.

  16. #16
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    Hiya NaughtieGirl

    About to

    sleep, way past my bedtime. Gotta wake up early but saw your post and I simply had to read it. Pheromones or not,

    sleep is also essential to look good. Self-nagging now.

    Nope, I haven't gone on Live Chat with Oscar

    yet. Will do soon, very very soon. Sent you an email. Brain now oozy, going for my beauty sleep. Chat



  17. #17
    Phero Enthusiast countesszero's Avatar
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    Hi Lin. I never tried Lux

    White Lilac but it sounds really nice. If your boyfriend doesnt like perfumes all that much just get something

    really light. Like I've said Victoria Secrets Pear is really light and not at all overpowering. Or you can get the

    Lux White Lilac in a perfume form and use that for a cover.

    The best thing to do in situations like this is to

    apply your pheromones and cover in the morning and only apply a little more cologne in the afternoon.Or hours before

    you are to see your boyfriend. That way when you do see your boyfriend everything has settled down and there's only

    a slight scent.

    The Countess
    Peace Out

  18. #18
    Full Member dolly's Avatar
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    Hi Lin....just putting my 2 cents'

    worth in here. I find that when you've already "attracted" someone, but you need that spark back, copulins work

    best. I use EW, but some newbies have a problem with that. My friend has a similar boyfriend, who doesn't care

    much for heavy perfumes, so she buys PCC. She even used PCC layered with PI, so that she can use the soft scent of

    PCC as a cover. You might want to try it!

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Default Confused

    PCC layered with PI?

    What about AE/w? What effect does that help. Are these all scented?

  20. #20
    Full Member dolly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lin7sg
    PCC layered with PI?

    What about AE/w? What effect does that help. Are these all scented?
    Well, yes, it does help,

    because PI/w is -nol with a touch of copulins, and PCC is nothing but copulins, so you have different pheros to work

    with. PCC is very lightly scented with a cucumber-melon scent, while PI is unscented. Now, AE/w is another story,

    it is scented. A lot of women love it, but I personally cannot wear it. The scent smells bad on me.

  21. #21
    Phero Enthusiast countesszero's Avatar
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    Dolly I'm sorry to here

    that AE/w's scent doesnt agree with you. Have you tried to cover it with anything. I use essential oils as a cover.

    (Honeysuckle or Violet) It is so true that what works for some may not work for others.

    Lin, PCC works like a

    charm. That is one ingredient in my mix that I can't go without. It brings out the animal in my fiance and makes me

    feel good too.

    The Countess
    Peace Out

  22. #22
    Full Member dolly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by countesszero
    Dolly I'm

    sorry to here that AE/w's scent doesnt agree with you. Have you tried to cover it with anything. I use essential

    oils as a cover. (Honeysuckle or Violet) It is so true that what works for some may not work for others.

    Lin, PCC works like a charm. That is one ingredient in my mix that I can't go without. It brings out the animal

    in my fiance and makes me feel good too.

    The Countess
    Peace Out
    Yeah, I tried to cover it,

    but to no avail. There is just something in the scent that disagrees with my body chemistry....that's ok, though,

    I bought the separate -mones, and using the product tables' ratios as a guide, I made a darn good substitute. As

    an extra kicker, I add an extra splash of EW....gets the job done!

  23. #23
    Phero Enthusiast countesszero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dolly
    Yeah, I tried

    to cover it, but to no avail. There is just something in the scent that disagrees with my body chemistry....that's

    ok, though, I bought the separate -mones, and using the product tables' ratios as a guide, I made a darn good

    substitute. As an extra kicker, I add an extra splash of EW....gets the job done!
    Hello Dolly. I bet you

    get that alot. Well it sounds like you've got all your bases covered. The substitue you've concocted with a splash

    of EW sounds like a winner to me. You should be a chemist. I too like to add EW to my mixes it does give me a little

    something extra. I also put a drop in my scented body lotion and I cant smell it at all.

    The Countess


  24. #24
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dolly
    Yeah, I tried

    to cover it, but to no avail. There is just something in the scent that disagrees with my body chemistry....that's

    ok, though, I bought the separate -mones, and using the product tables' ratios as a guide, I made a darn good

    substitute. As an extra kicker, I add an extra splash of EW....gets the job done!
    Well... a fellow

    chem-set user? I should be receiving my A- and B-nols in the mail today. After my success with PI/w, I

    want to spike every product with -nol! The product table is my most favorite resource as well.

    Isn't this all

    such great fun! Perfumes, lotions, pheromones, essential oils, aromatherapy! "A synergistic blend" the books would

    call it! I wonder why there aren't more women here? Aren't we always looking for that perfect perfume that will

    enhance our looks and personality?
    Treasure Every Moment that you have
    Yesterday is History - Tomorrow is a Mystery
    Today is a Gift - That's why It's called the Present!
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  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Default I'm back

    I broke up

    with that guy and didn't waste any of my precious purchase :P

    How's my favourite gals on Forum in this


    Meeting my new guy soon. Got to know each other not in the usual way and going to test my kit ^^


    got PCC and a citrus oil with androstenol. I also bought Realm.


    So I apply PCC then spray Realm

    apply PCC then use the androstenol or Androstenol first then roll on PCC.

    Urgent !!

    Flying to

    meet him next week

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