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  1. #1
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    Post experiment results

    A little over three

    months ago I ordered Chikara, NPA, the newbie kit, and a number of gel packs. I then used them while tracking my

    results with a daily log that included my methodology and observations. Here is a summary of those observations for

    Chikara and NPA, the two products that I have enough data for so far, along with some conclusions that I've


    All of my usage was done with the intention of affecting strangers in public places such as malls, bars,

    clubs, etc. I'm a 30 year old guy, 5'10", white, heterosexual, average looks, slender but muscular build (I work

    out often), and would probably be described as being a "nice guy" by women and as having a friendly personality, but

    not flirtatious.


    Usually worn with NPA, but sometimes alone. My Chikara applications were always

    sprayed on my neck, either on the right side or on both sides. The applications were made from 0 to 20 minutes

    before entering the first place where I expected to encounter people. I calculated the amount of liquid that a

    "full spray" gave and then gave myself between 1 and 3 full sprays, and sometimes, but not always reapplied 1 or 2

    more sprays a couple hours later. I purposefully varied the amount used from time to time. Note that actual sprays

    were sometimes smaller than full sprays, so to get 2 full sprays I might need to push down the spray head 3 times,

    if 2 of them seemed to be half size. A full bottle of Chikara gave me 140 full sprays and lasted 3 months with very

    regular but not daily use.

    I love the Chikara scent, but can barely smell it now. The first time I sprayed it I

    couldn't resist smelling it over and over again. If it has any effect on my mood at all, it is to make me a little

    happier, but it is mild enough that I can't be sure that it's not placebo effect.

    There does seem to be an

    effect of Chikara on others, though it is often mild and always unpredictable. Some people seemed to open up and

    become more friendly, talkative, and helpful. For instance without Chikara I might go in a store and get a little

    lackadaisical help from one employee, while with Chikara I sometimes find that each person, one by one, seeks me out

    and is friendly and helpful. Specific hits at the end of this post...


    Always worn in conjunction with

    Chikara and applied at the same time. My NPA applications were worn a variety of places: on the left side of my

    neck, under my jaw line, spread between my wrists, and often with a little placed directly beneath my nose on my

    upper lip. It was applied at the same time as Chikara and was never directly covered by the Chikara. I calculated

    the amount of liquid that I judged to be a full dab, made by putting my index finger over the hole of the bottle

    with plastic insert still in, then tipping finger and bottle, then tipping them right side up again. An average

    amount from this method was a "full dab," while a carelessly large amount might be 2 dabs. Before applying the

    first dab I wiped the small amount of moisture from the top of the bottle and applied it with my finger and

    considered this to be a half dab. I used a similar number of dabs of NPA as I used sprays of Chikara, sometimes one

    more or one less. I can't yet tell you how many dabs per bottle, because my first bottle still has one third of

    the contents left. I used NPA most, but not all of the times when I used Chikara, and so I would say that with my

    application method a bottle of NPA lasts approximately as long or slightly longer than a bottle of Chikara if used

    together every time.

    NPA has very little scent to me, and what it has is pleasant. I don't detect the

    urine-like odor that some people report. I can put it directly to my nose and inhale repeatedly. NPA does have a

    strong effect on me when I do this, and when I wear it. I become extremely confident, my body language changes, my

    eye contact goes from average to strong and continual, and I feel as if anything is within my grasp. It's a

    pleasant feeling, and unlike some of the members I don't get at all confrontational or aggressive because of it,

    just absolutely sure of myself. This effect was strongest the first time I tried it, but continues now. I highly

    doubt this is a placebo effect. NPA has another very interesting effect on me. I play in a pool league on a weekly

    basis, and two different weeks (but separated by 6 to 8 weeks) I wore NPA while playing. Both times I played the

    absolute worst league matches I've ever played. The first time I lost 21 to 6 against a very weak opponent that I

    later BEAT 21 to 6 without NPA, and the second time I lost 21 to 1 against an opponent that is decent but nowhere

    near that good. I've worn Chikara by itself while playing pool and didn't have the same effect. My theory is

    that my hits are a touch too strong and too careless while I'm wearing NPA, and that I'm affected more than my

    opponent is because it's on me rather than him.

    NPA does seem to affect others. With some young women (18-22

    perhaps) it makes them clumsy and unable to concentrate, as if I'm distracting them and they are nervous around me.

    A few people seem more likely to touch me or get close, and a few people seem more likely to approach me in some

    way. Specific hits at the end of this post...

    Pheromones in general:

    I only see observable effects with a

    small minority of people, which makes sense. Humans are complex creatures that form many impressions of you

    simultaneously which then mesh into one general feeling of who you are. Scent is just one of many impressions, and

    probably not the strongest one. Even if pheromones do have a positive effect (which I believe they do), it's going

    to take a lot of other factors to get a person's interest, and a pretty strong overall impression to get them to

    actually take action and approach you if you don't approach them. How many times have you seen someone you were

    interested in and did nothing to let them know?


    There are many reasons for hits. I tried to especially

    watch for those kinds of hits that I was not accustomed to seeing. I know how I'm usually treated by a

    salesperson, a waitress, a total stranger, etc. and compared this to how I was being treated while wearing

    pheromones. Some days there was nothing significant to record, but other days, things which really made me shake my

    head. Here are a few of those which could perhaps be explainable by other means than pheromones, but not without


    The first time I wore NPA (and Chikara with it) I went to a mall and crossed through a "skybridge"

    area from the south to the north side, which was two moving sidewalks going in opposite directions. I was walking

    with a very confident stride and probably had positive body language from the effects of the NPA. Coming from the

    opposite direction, and still a bit of distance away was a black girl and her large boyfriend. At first I hardly

    noticed their presence, but then noticed that the girl's eyes were riveted on me and she was smiling, and as I came

    closer her head turned to keep fixed on me, smile constant and eyes unblinking. I carefully tried not to return her

    gaze, and eventually as we passed her boyfriend gave her a shove with his elbow.

    Once when entering a clothing

    store, I heard from my side a very warm and enthusiastic, "Hi!!" I turned and found a girl giving me a big grin,

    and said, "You sure seem to be in a good mood." "Of course I am, you're here!" she replied. Definitely the

    warmest greeting I've gotten from a total stranger.

    There were at least three different instances when girls I

    didn't know well (waitress, salesgirl, stranger in a pool hall) came to ask me a question but did so standing so

    close that their hip and side were actually pressed against mine. I usually encounter very little physical contact

    from strangers. The third one was a girl that passed by as I was aiming a shot while playing pool. She took my

    hand as she passed by and ran her hand over mine and said, "Don't miss," as she continued walking past, returning

    to her girlfriend and the two guys they were with. Again a half hour later, the same thing. Finally again a bit

    later she came by a third time and pressed against my side and introduced herself and we talked for a couple


    Walking through a bar I heard someone say, "Nice shirt." I was wearing a simple blue tank top, nothing

    special, and though I'm in good shape I'm not remarkably so. Unfortunately, the person speaking was a guy. I

    said thanks and continued on my way.

    A couple of pretty young girls, one at a store and another at a restaurant

    where I get takeout, are unable to take my order or do other simple things without fumbling their way through it

    three or four times even though they've worked there a long time. No doubt this is partly due to their age, but

    perhaps also the pheromones (especially the NPA I think).

    There's more, but this post is already pretty long so

    I better stop there.

    I will continue to experiment and record my results, as I would suggest you do. Not

    only do you get some ideas about pheromones, but you may notice some patterns in your interactions with people and

    see places for improvement. I will post more about other products when I get enough data to make meaningful

    observations. I've read quite a few threads and decided it was my turn to contribute. Let me know if you have any

    comments, questions, or suggestions.

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Great work! You've

    done a fine job testing and reporting. Thanks for all the work. My only question is about follow up. Are you

    following up with any of the ladies?
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Thank you Phan for taking

    the time to post a detailed and very informative report. There is no women's version of Chicara, but I can report

    pretty similar results from my NPA. It makes for more "presence" It is however, not the right product for me, I

    think. In the past I have had some negative results with it from my husband. It tends to make him more

    "confrontational". I think he doesn't like the -none aspect of NPA. Or is it me who becomes less docile?

    But a couple of days ago, I decided to give my favorite PI/w (heavy on friendly -nol) a rest and try out NPA/w a

    couple more times. So I figured I'd wear it to the gym. Perfect place for testing mones because of all that

    sweating and heating up in a confined space, within a couple of feet of other people. I was so used to the slow

    drops of PI/w that I forgot NPA isn't oil-based. So i'm pretty sure I ODed with the 4 or 5 drops that came out! I

    briefly considered washing some off, but that seemed like a waste, so I rubbed it out as much as I could and covered

    it up with Realm lotion. Then I drove off to the club thinking "Watch out people!"
    Sadly enough, it put ME

    in a bad mood! Repeated the test 2 days later with a more reasonable dose, and the same thing happened. I was

    working out with "dogged determination" Not my usual happy bouncing around in class!

    Placebo effect - Yeah I'm

    sure that happens alot. But I don't care. If a product produces a desired result, it really doesn't matter to me

    how it happened. As long as it happened, right?

    I think the mones make us much more aware of the people around

    us and more careful as to how we present ourselves. Every time a guy (stranger) opens a door for me, I make it a

    point to make eye contact and give him a genuine smile while thanking him. You should see their face light up! It

    has nothing to do with the mones, but I really believe that wearing them reminds me to be more outgoing.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phan
    A couple of

    pretty young girls, one at a store and another at a restaurant where I get takeout, are unable to take my order or

    do other simple things without fumbling their way through it three or four times even though they've worked there a

    long time. No doubt this is partly due to their age, but perhaps also the pheromones (especially the NPA I think).

    This could be from the Chikara alone, because I've had cashiers get dreamy eyed on me and lose their

    place. If you look at their body, it seems to look kind of weak as if to say "I'm yours, take me".

    The NPA

    makes girls blush a lot around me some have even complained of getting hot or fanning air into their face using

    their hands.

    Perhaps one my most dramatic reactions from pheromones was one day at a grocery store. I had just

    finished working out. I took a good shower and then put on two sprays of Nexus (Anone only product) on my neck and

    chest. I was not wearing deoderant. There was this twenty something asian girl walking through the aisle in the

    grocery store with her boyfriend. As I walked by them, she said "WHOAH!" as if she had just witnessed something

    extrodinary. I'm very careful whenever I use any product heavy in Anone because it always causes some kind of

    powerful reaction. Chikara is safe for most situations but I'm careful with it as well because some women and even

    little girls can't seem to keep their hands off of me when using it.

  5. #5
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I find it interesting so many of the

    reactions mentioned here happend in such a short time frame, eg just gliding by on a walkway. I've been testing SOE

    and Chikara (just started testing AE), and it seems I have to be near a "target" (within 3-4 feet) for *at least* 5

    to 10 minutes before I notice any effects (and indoors with no wind to blow stuff in wrong direction...). Sometimes

    things don't seem to happen for as much as 20-30 minutes! But then I'm also currently starting with what may be

    realatively low doses of all the products (10-14" roll of SOE, 2-2.5 sprays Chikara, 1-1.5 drops AE. Individual

    products, no mixes.). And I'm in my 50's, so body chemistry (and admittedly physical appearance -<sigh>) may be

    affecting things too.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth


    work! You've done a fine job testing and reporting. Thanks for all the work. My only question is about follow up.

    Are you following up with any of the ladies?
    Well, I'm not so great on following up, but it just so

    happens that tonight I saw 2 different girls that I have met a time or two before. Girl A, I asked for a way to

    message her online, and she gave it to me without hesitation. Girl B, I asked for her phone number with the

    suggestion that we might go to the zoo, and she said, "I don't want to give you my number." Oops. First time

    I've ever been rejected so bluntly :P but honesty is still preferable. (for those keeping track, perhaps 1.5

    sprays of Chikara and no NPA, tonight)

    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt
    I find it interesting so many of the reactions mentioned here

    happend in such a short time frame, eg just gliding by on a walkway. I've been testing SOE and Chikara (just

    started testing AE), and it seems I have to be near a "target" (within 3-4 feet) for *at least* 5 to 10 minutes

    before I notice any effects (and indoors with no wind to blow stuff in wrong direction...). Sometimes things don't

    seem to happen for as much as 20-30 minutes! But then I'm also currently starting with what may be realatively low

    doses of all the products (10-14" roll of SOE, 2-2.5 sprays Chikara, 1-1.5 drops AE. Individual products, no

    mixes.). And I'm in my 50's, so body chemistry (and admittedly physical appearance -<sigh>) may be affecting

    things too.
    It's possible it also helps me over longer periods, but if so it's harder for me to detect,

    and there are of course far less people that I talk to for 5 to 10 minutes than ones that I pass by. Also, it's a

    rare occurrence that passersby react, but it's also very noticable because it's something that almost never used

    to happen, and now occasionally does. The walkway incident and the super-friendly salesgirl that I hadn't even

    noticed both stood out in my log because I can't think of anything comparable pre-pheromones.

    Quote Originally Posted by NaughtieGirl
    Thank you Phan for taking the time to post a detailed and very informative report. There is no

    women's version of Chicara, but I can report pretty similar results from my NPA. It makes for more "presence" It is

    however, not the right product for me, I think. In the past I have had some negative results with it from my

    husband. It tends to make him more "confrontational". I think he doesn't like the -none aspect of NPA. Or is it me

    who becomes less docile?

    Placebo effect - Yeah I'm sure that happens alot. But I don't care. If a

    product produces a desired result, it really doesn't matter to me how it happened. As long as it happened, right?

    My pleasure. I would bet that it's both: he becomes more confrontational, and you become less

    docile. As for the placebo effect, I think that a lot of it is actually due to the pheromones rather than the

    placebo effect, because in my case I didn't have very strong expectations about the products. For instance, I

    certainly didn't predict the striking effects that NPA has.

  7. #7
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "I only see observable

    effects with a small minority of people, which makes sense. Humans are complex creatures that form many impressions

    of you simultaneously which then mesh into one general feeling of who you are. Scent is just one of many

    impressions, and probably not the strongest one. Even if pheromones do have a positive effect (which I believe they

    do), it's going to take a lot of other factors to get a person's interest, and a pretty strong overall impression

    to get them to actually take action and approach you if you don't approach them."
    I think your

    statements are 100% correct. Too often people expect pheromones to "work" for them while they passively wait for

    something to happen. Pheromones can only enhance your words, actions and appearance. It can't create anything that

    isn't there.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  8. #8
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    Exactly, I couldn't agree

    more, Gegogi. People think that 'mones are going to bring in the women, but you have to combine that with

    approachability, and many other things in order to get that far. It's like in soccer, you can't wait for the ball

    to come to you, you have to go get it. (Okay, shitty example, but you get my point)

    Phan, thanks for posting

    that, man! It helps a lot to see someone go through the time and effort to note everything they did and the

    reactions they received, just to benefit others and themselves. Thanks again!

    If you seem to like products

    heavy in -none, then I would reccomend PI. It's the boss in terms of -none products, and can definitely help you

    get more head-turning reaction. Good luck, and thanks again!

  9. #9
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    Thumbs up

    Thanks Gegogi and Bigman808. In

    other threads I've seen Gegogi compare pheromones to wearing a nice new shirt, and a friend of mine came up with an

    analogy that I thought was similar and very apt when I told him about trying them out and explained to him how they

    seem to work. He said, "So then they are like a pair of nice running shoes. You may run better with them, but if

    you're a poor runner with good shoes you're still going to be beaten by a good runner with bare feet." Because

    there are so many other important steps in bonding or creating attraction, I'm trying other experiments as well

    like the "how women react when I touch them in a friendly fashion during conversation" experiment, and recording

    those results too.

    Bigman808: I'm hoping that other people will start logging their pheromone usage if they

    don't already, and will then mine the data for interesting conclusions. It's fun and informative. I don't yet

    have PI, but will have to try it at some point. Right now I'm starting to collect data on a mix involving the

    newbie kit. I'll post more observations periodically.

  10. #10
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    He said, "So then they

    are like a pair of nice running shoes. You may run better with them, but if you're a poor runner with good shoes

    you're still going to be beaten by a good runner with bare feet."
    Yeah, nice analogy. 90%* of the time

    pheromones enhance and augment, but this all depends on what pheromone you are dealing with and what aspect or

    attribute of you/your personality you are targeting.

    *not a scientific number, more of a WAG

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    i got some real good results

    using pi/m and soe combo
    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 03:11 PM.

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