
A gun is a poor

example as an equalizer. Firstly, most women do not wish to handle firearms. Belgareth would again ask if that is

cultural or genetic. I do not know. I learned to hunt birds with my father and can handle a small shotgun. I did not

use a hand gun until Belgareth taught me. He keeps one in the house and felt I needed to know how it functioned. It

is a nine millimeter and to large for my hands. I cannot even pull the slide back to arm it. He taught me to use a

smaller one and I can shoot, after a fashion.

Consider instead the woman dentist who recently was sent to prison

for running down her cheating husband with her car. Or the several incidences of women waiting until their man is

sleeping to mutilate him with a knife. How many of this countries laws are so biased in favor of women today?

Divorce, child custody and support are the primary examples I think of. Are they not weapons of far greater power

yet more circumspect? We do take fewer risks but that does not coincide with being less aggressive. As the weaker

gender we have learned to be more circumspect in our attacks.

We use the tools available to us to fight back.

To be honest most men would be driven to tears in minutes within a female group. Women can be brutal in their

aggression towards one another. It is not normally accomplish through direct confrontation but through sneak attacks

while the other is not aware. We have different limitations so use different tools.