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  1. #1
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    Default Is it normal for pupils to get dilated using pheromones and Chikara? Does this mean I

    Is it normal for pupils to get dilated using pheromones and

    Chikara? Does this mean I am using too much and getting a bit of an OD? Is this result unhealthy? Does anyone else

    get this?

  2. #2
    King of the coupons!
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    Look up the body language

    threads my son. The pupil answer is there ....
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  3. #3
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    Look up

    the body language threads my son. The pupil answer is there ....
    Okay, what's the title of the

    thread just "body language"? Is there any way for me to remove this thread? Thanks again.

  4. #4
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    I looked in the body language

    thread and didn't see anything about Pheromones (Chikara) directly causing your eyes to become dilated?

  5. #5
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Well your eyes dilate for various

    reasons, chief among them is to see better in dark places.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  6. #6
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    Well your

    eyes dilate for various reasons, chief among them is to see better in dark places.
    So you don't think

    the Pheromones (Chikara in my case) would case the pupils do become dilated?

    I also notice in bright light the

    pupils shrink a bit. I'm only wondering b/c when they needed to change my T4 (synthroid) medication, my eyes were

    dilated and didn't have a lot of color to them but now they're okay with the new medication.

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Levothyroxine shouldn't have

    any real effect on the color of your eyes or on their degree of dilation.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    pupil dilation is a good thing. it

    is a sign they are interested. or they can appear like various reason like gegogi said. but i tend to just assume it

    means attarction and go on from there. you'll get a clearer picture if you get it in conjuction with other IOI's

    or SOI's.

  9. #9
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    Levothyroxine shouldn't have any real effect on the color of your eyes or on their degree of dilation.

    I'm on Synthroid (T4). When my thyroid was hyper and I lost about 30lbs of lean mass in 4 weeks in 2000, my eyes

    were always dilated and felt very heavy all the time and even began to protrude when I started treatment. I first

    started with Tapazole to bring the thyroid production down, my eyes and the color went back to normal.

    I later

    had Iodine treatment almost 2yrs ago this August to shut down the bodily production of the thyroid hormone as I had

    another episode earlier in the summer losing 8lbs in one week. It took 6 months to take effect before they could

    replace the hormone with syntroid so I was left hypo thyroid for about 6 months and uncontrolably with diet/exercise

    gained about 30lbs that I'm finally getting rid of getting my lean physique back. So my physique has been going

    through a rollercoaster these last few years and psychologically it has a great effect on me b/c I used to have a 42

    inch waist as a teen, now it's back down to a 33-34.

    Now what happened this past Febuary was they needed to

    increase my Synthroid by .15mg as my thyroid for some reason went low. At this point my eyes I was told were heavily

    dilated and I was losing color to them and having some other embarassing problems which is normal for ppl with

    thyroid conditions as it takes a role in your testosterone in men and estrogen in women.

    I've mentioned I have

    this female friend who's a dancer who doesn't want a boyfriend b/c her X cheated on her a few months ago. Well the

    2nd time I was with her she thought I was on cocaine b/c she said my eyes were dilated and didn't have color to

    them and I was having other problems I don't want to say but they are fine now.

    I went to the mirror and my

    eyes were all messed up so I went into the doctors the following Monday and they did a blood test and needed to

    increase my meds.

    Within a week of the new meds my eyes and everything else was back to normal. Funny when I

    first went in with symptoms back in 2000 the doc asked me if I was on Cocaine or other drugs b/c of the symptoms.

    But when I said no, that's when they checked my thyroid.

    Sorry for the long post, but crazy eh?


    pupil dilation is a good thing. it is a sign they are interested. or they can appear like various reason

    like gegogi said. but i tend to just assume it means attarction and go on from there. you'll get a clearer picture

    if you get it in conjuction with other IOI's or SOI's.
    I don't mean the female LOL, I meant me. When

    we spray pheromones on ourselves, I'm just curious if the mones could cause the eyes of the wearer of the mones to

    become dilated?

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Synthroid is a brand name for

    levothyroxin (T-4), There's also T-3. T-4 is the low end side of it and converts to T-3. You had classic symptoms

    of hyperthyroidism. The Iodine treatment you had was Iodine 131 which is a radio Isotope. Since the thyroid uptakes

    iodine they give you that to burn out part or all of your thyroid. about 27 years ago most of mine was surgically

    removed, the balance burned out that way. It doesn't really burn it, it kills the glands. You have to make sure

    that you keep to the T-4 treatment because the thyroid glands can grow back if your body starts producing a lot of

    TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) However, the symptoms you describe are caused by a drastically high level of T-4

    in your blood, a moderately high level does not cause those symptoms. My blood level is kept slightly high because

    my thyroid was cancerous and allowing it to grow back would be a very poor idea. I do not have bulging eyes or

    weaight loss but I am sensitive to heat. I take 0.225 mg/day with a body mass of around 180 lbs. It sounds like you

    may have had Graves disease although I am not entirely certain.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  11. #11
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    As the body ages the conversion

    of T-4 to T-3 gets worse and worse and all sorts of maladies crop up as a result. I also keep a handy supply of T-3

    (liothyronine) around. After all these years I can tell by the way my body feels if it isn't converting well.

    Your thyroid can atrophy and stop producing if they give you so much T-4 it completely shuts down your TSH

    production. I don't have a thyroid so it's a moot point.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  12. #12
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    As the

    body ages the conversion of T-4 to T-3 gets worse and worse and all sorts of maladies crop up as a result. I also

    keep a handy supply of T-3 (liothyronine) around. After all these years I can tell by the way my body feels if it

    isn't converting well.

    Your thyroid can atrophy and stop producing if they give you so much T-4 it completely

    shuts down your TSH production. I don't have a thyroid so it's a moot point.
    Synthroid is a

    brand name for levothyroxin (T-4), There's also T-3. T-4 is the low end side of it and converts to T-3. You had

    classic symptoms of hyperthyroidism. The Iodine treatment you had was Iodine 131 which is a radio Isotope. Since the

    thyroid uptakes iodine they give you that to burn out part or all of your thyroid. about 27 years ago most of mine

    was surgically removed, the balance burned out that way. It doesn't really burn it, it kills the glands. You have

    to make sure that you keep to the T-4 treatment because the thyroid glands can grow back if your body starts

    producing a lot of TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) However, the symptoms you describe are caused by a drastically

    high level of T-4 in your blood, a moderately high level does not cause those symptoms. My blood level is kept

    slightly high because my thyroid was cancerous and allowing it to grow back would be a very poor idea. I do not have

    bulging eyes or weight loss but I am sensitive to heat. I take 0.225 mg/day with a body mass of around 180 lbs. It

    sounds like you may have had Graves disease although I am not entirely certain.
    Sorry for not being clear

    LOL, my thyroid is okay now. I first had it back in the year 2000. It's been almost 5yrs since they discovered my

    condition. The doctor said if I didn't come in, I when I did, I was on my way to developing Graves disease. I was

    also heat sensitive, and had a bad case of Insomnia for a long time, and no matter how much food I ate, I couldn't

    eat enough as I was always hungry, always sweating, fatigued, depressed, constant urination, being dehyrdated. Very


    I am okay now. Surgery was an option, but my endocrinologist, she said it was dangerous.

    T4 is the

    more common hormone in the body which is what my endocrinologist told me. She also told me that I require T4 over T3

    b/c I asked her about T3.

    My body isn't producing any thyroid hormone anymore either. That's why I needed

    replacement therapy. They killed my thyroid with RadioActive Iodine in August 2003 so they need to give me T4

    otherwise I will be in the hypo state.

    I wonder why ppl with thyroid conditions when the condition is bad, I

    wonder why their eyes dilate and lose their color, feel heavy (I guess from being burnt out), and protrude?


    untreated hyper thyroid will lead to Grave's Disease which is reversable through thyroid treatment. I was on my way

    to getting that if I didn't go in when I did.

    Even though my TSH is at a normal level now and I am healthy, I

    still have to go in every 4-6 weeks for TSH tests. What I experienced this past Febuary was just a sign they needed

    to increase my T4 level. I take .088mg a day of T4 (Synthroid) at about 190lbs give or take.

    Shouldn't you be

    taking T4 with how your thyroid is now?

  13. #13
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I said I am taking T4, that's

    levothyroxin! Your dose is surprisingly low from the charts I remember. At 21 years old I was taking 0.2 mg which

    kept my T4 right at the proper level. But if your TSH is at the correct level it's probably not much to be

    conceerned with. You probably should have a full thyroid panel done to make sure though. One of the serious

    complications is calcium deficiency, that is serious both short and long term.

    When I had thyroid surgery I was

    a student at a University with a med school. They had a great library so I learned a lot. With the Internet I learn

    more still.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  14. #14
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    I said I

    am taking T4, that's levothyroxin! Your dose is surprisingly low from the charts I remember. At 21 years old I was

    taking 0.2 mg which kept my T4 right at the proper level. But if your TSH is at the correct level it's probably not

    much to be conceerned with. You probably should have a full thyroid panel done to make sure though. One of the

    serious complications is calcium deficiency, that is serious both short and long term.

    When I had thyroid surgery

    I was a student at a University with a med school. They had a great library so I learned a lot. With the Internet I

    learn more still.
    My endocrinologist said that T4 was Synthroid?

    Anyway I've had a full thyroid scan

    to my neck and it was hooked up to the computer. back in 2003 before the radio active Iodine treatment which is what

    told them. So you think I should ask for another thyroid scan?

    I asked my doctor about a bone density test and

    he didn't think it was necessary as I'm healthy again. Plus I take 650mg of calcium a day along with drinking 2

    glasses of milk.

    I know when my thyroid was really bad before they knew about it back in 2000, I was probably

    having some bone problems as I very easily broke a small bone in my left hand.

    I was running up a metal stair

    case and my hand inbetween the baby finger and 2nd last finger, that space seperating the 2 fingers went into the

    banister and really hurt. It turned out to break a small bone below my baby finger in my hand.

    But I haven't had

    any bone problems since.

    With that said, do you still think should have a bone density test done?

  15. #15
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Go back and read what I wrote!

    What did I say? Synthroid is a brand name for the hormone levothyroxine which is T4.

    No I did not say that you

    needed another thyroid scan, we were discussing hormone blood levels and I suggested you might want a full panel

    done, that's blood tests. I did not say you should have a bone scan, I mentioned calcium deficiancy which is an

    altogether different issue and has nothing to do with how much milk you drink.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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