Would 2 neck dabs of NPA and 2 Chikara Sprays be enough? In combination of 1 chest spray or

2 of chikara? With that daily dosage of 2 neck dabs a day, typically how long would a bottle of NPA last? And how

big should each dab be?

I don't want to put too much of either one on. Thanks for your help. And what about

showering and sleeping? i asked this before but nobody could tell me. If we put some mones on for a few hours, then

come home and take a shower will the mones be gone? Is it safe to re-apply after the shower? I'm also wondering the

same about sleeping, if we put some mones on before we go out for the evening and come home to sleep, is it safe to

re-apply in the mones the next morning?

Thanks again for your help.