The thing with SOE and probably

A314 now is that the Arone gives even us younger guys a edge in terms of forming sexual and non sexual social bonds.

I will order this new product next weeks simply because it is new and i try to try out all the new stuff that LS

gets even if just once. Im thinking a combo of NPA/A314 and perhaps WAGG or WAGG-N might be a good move and worht

trying - pehraps a 90% A314 and 10% EW or PCC (couplins) might be an interesting side angle - sillage youshould

expect the membership to take this product and mix it with everything else sold here he he


NPA/A314/WAGG/EW or PCC and Chikara mmmmm ? throw in some perception even and a1 and could be interesting lol (ok

pure illogical post there) and im probably one of few that hs all those products and could do it a few times for the

sake of being stupid :P

Anyway lets get some feedback on this one - this sounds like a Good Arone product

good for forming social bonds and some longer term steady sexual and non sexual hits. Mix it with AE or NPA and you

could have a bomb product - the other idea would be percepiton.