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  1. #181
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    I got it, i'm going to do heavy

    testing on this one. I'm thinking a few days with 1 drop, then a few with 2, then a few with 3, then a few 4, if

    nothing by then goto 5. But I don't think I would need to go past that. Then once I find the best amount, I'm

    thinking to use that say with npa 1 drop for a few days then 2, and so on. Then with that base mix, try it with AE

    then Chikara. Is that a good idea? It sounds like a good way to find the best mix. Maybe do it like that with AE or

    Chikara then add the NPA, instead of backwards. I guess I'm looking for the biggest powerhouse all around. I know

    this isn't a mixing thread, but still. Or should I not use A314 as the base?

  2. #182
    Banned User Le Sillage's Avatar
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    Fatal, if you read back a

    little, you'll see that you're absolutely right... you hit the nail on the head!

    A314 is designed as

    gesso/primer/platform upon which to build on. It was designed to play well with other brands and lines, so you could

    customize the effect to your own body and physiology.

    Of course, it may not work that way (as a base) for

    everyone. It might work better as a minor addition to some mixes, I don't know. For many, though, it's shown

    itself to be a fantastic primer primer that deepens, brightens and enlarges other pheromonal colors.


    about this here:

  3. #183
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    Since using pheromones I've

    noticed a change in my underarm odor. Once I started using the a314 I noticed right a way some notes of good

    smelling pu**y in my underarm odor. Anyone else experience anything like this?

  4. #184
    Banned User Le Sillage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thr3shold
    Since using

    pheromones I've noticed a change in my underarm odor. Once I started using the a314 I noticed right a way some

    notes of good smelling pu**y in my underarm odor. Anyone else experience anything like this?

    The impact on human chemistry was an expected and planned for event with A314. Since the designer noticed this

    effect with some molecules, he worked with it and his knowledge of human chemistry and pathways, to steer the

    eventual outcome to a positive one. (there will probably be people for whom this doesn't work well for, though, and

    we want to hear from, them too, so we can continue upgrades)

    A couple of the components in A314 are there

    in carefully selected proportions that preen you like a kind of "Pheromonal Bonsai Tree", that's the long and short

    of what I know. It's extremely smart to account for this and think this way is all I know. I myself am impressed

    with the amount of forethought that goes into some of these products.

    You'll notice this underarm odor

    change with other products as well. I'd love to hear about more changes, and a) what you think of it, and b) what

    your lover thinks of it.

    As much as nobody likes to admit it, the underarm odor of many men will cause a

    woman to come to final climax during the heat of the moment. Also, all the hairy parts of your body are natural

    pheromone diffusers - they're there to attract lovers, and help please them. These areas are important, no doubt

    about it!

    Make sure you don't use antiperspirants. They're very bad for your love life. The aluminum based

    antiperspirants are bad for your life, period.

  5. #185
    Banned User Le Sillage's Avatar
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    Glad to hear about all the

    positive reactions so far, by the way!

    The product wasn't described fully enough at first, so I feared for

    the worst, but so far... so great! I'm really quite glad, and am looking forward to a full range of feedback.

    When posting responses, try to include geographical region, age (if not specific, then range), ethnicity (it

    counts), your normal "vibe" vs. your pheromonal "vibe", and details about the people you've been affecting (or not)

    as well.

    I'm also interested to hear if anybody likes the actual look of the product. We designed some

    similarly packaged products (in similar-ish dropper bottles) for a client awhile back (under their own label), and

    those came out very nice. I think this one came out even better looking. I never used to like this products name,

    but I kinda like it on this label. To me, when we get professional pictures back from the photographer, I think

    we'll have a problem reverse to most products. Most products look great in pictures, and worse in person. I think

    this one is gonna look better in person with a lot of light play and worse in pictures. I think the look helps

    convey a more James effect, though, which is good considering it's formula.

  6. #186
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaughtieGirl
    I've been using -nols heavily. Meaning heavy applications. I always try to also put

    some on my hair. I figure it's more stable there. It's also the way nature difuses the scent of our pheromones.

    Conversion? Hmmm... what comes to my mind right now is this intruiging (read confusing) article written by the

    "Olfactory Research Fund" regarding Jacob and McClintock's research. You can find it in the Pheromone Research

    section of the forum. It talks about "rebound effect". Something like after 2 hours for women exposed to a man

    wearing pheromones and 9 hours for a man exposed to a woman wearing them. I'd have to go back and see if the

    rebound effect happened with people wearing it, or also with "sniff tests". Maybe this is what we call conversion?

    Other than that, I wouldn't know. I'm pretty solitary here in my home office. With my husband, at the first

    signs of irritation, I run into the bathroom and re-apply. I should one day test a nol product that works well for

    me, by applying it 9 hours prior to closeness on couch.
    And you replied (was wiped from database

    but I was able to retrieve it)


    Thanks for your feedback. It's interesting that anol doesn't

    seem to
    convert on you. Then again, it's not like you're putting it in your arms
    pits or anything. You're

    doing a lot of ANOL, though, I'm guessing
    around 50-75mcg per application, several times a day (anyone have the

    per drop count of PI?).

    Guys, do you notice conversion issues with PI/w or just other ANOL

    (trying to figure out if PI/w could have parabens or other
    antibacterial agents in


    I don't know how many mcg per drop of

    PI/w, but I have to add that I don't usually apply several times a day (other than that car ride I mentionned or on


    The fact that I don't seem to suffer from conversion might be due to this:
    Usual scenario is : I

    work out late afternoon, then I shower right before my husband gets home, then I apply the mones around 7 or 8 PM.

    Since I just showered there should be little bacterial action going on. By the time bacterial action starts, we're


    Another thing that might explain it is that I seem to not really need to use any deodorant. Because I

    work out daily I am scrupulous about unwanted body hair. My diet might have something to do with it as well. Whole

    grains, low fat dairy and fruits and vegetables. Hardly any meat at all, turkey once in while. Maybe that makes for

    a different internal chemistry?
    Treasure Every Moment that you have
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  7. #187
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Hi everybody!

    I hated

    to see some really interesting posts dissapear into lala-land, so here's a collage of what I was able to rescue.

    Unfortunately, I can't seem to get the formatting right.


    We have the most feedback on A314 alone,

    an a314 when used with added
    -none and/or nols. You can mix with just about anything. One

    reported good effects when adding a drop or two of Primal for Men, which was a little

    unexpected, since Primal is so strong. The A314 probably helps reduce the negative effecs of a -none

    In chemistry, everything is what it is, and a precursor to some

    In or on the body, there's a more limited chemistry set, but you have

    some of those same chemicals, enzymes and bacteria available in the lab.

    You can get an idea for what to converts to other useful pheromones in that setting.

    Some of the pheromones in A314 should convert to other pleasant pheromones

    while on the skin, exposed to it's natural bacteria, including corneyform. The designer kept conversion in mind

    with the product, and tried to design it into it, instead of pretending it doesn't exist or just ignoring

    Conversion is a little more confusing for me, since it doesn't seem

    work as reliably on me as someone else's skin. I think guys may have

    more bacteria on their skin. I don't


    ]Oooh, that rebound effect sounds really interesting! I think that's an [/color]article I actually

    haven't read. Wonder how that slipped by, hehe.
    Thanks for the recommendation!

    The hair is a pretty great area, especially for women. I've heard that

    we make lots of pheromones near our neck area, so the "hair flip" is

    actually part of a woman's process of flipping her mones at their desired target. Nature is

    some pretty neat stuff, huh?
    So even if there is signs of irritation, a

    new coat of nol helps? How
    much do you use? Which product?


    vial has a higher EO content than A314. It has just two EOs,
    though, whereas A314 has over 20.

    A314 has some really high brow ones, too, some of the most expensive in the world. I wish it was easier to smell,

    but it's there under a 1% concentration, so it won't get in the way if you want an 'unscented' product (the mild

    scent will fade fast) or if you want to use your own cologne. I don't even necessarily think it should be in the

    'scented' area of the site. To many noses, it won't have much more scent than raw -none or

    The EO package is added to provide lots of useful functions... even

    though they're low scent, they still provide fixation, antibacterial

    functions, nature-ization, metering out diffusion, all kinds of good

    Science + nature together usually makes the best


    bjf wrote
    Yea, Gower talked about this, and I believe JVK's

    Letters piece spoke about this early on.

    It's basically why men and women have different phermone levels, aside

    from just spouting out different levels of hormonal waste.

    Yeah, the stinky parts especially! Makes perfect sense.

    I still think there's sex differences in conversion, or that there's at

    least that possibility. I don't seem to convert to established norms,

    except with one of the newer pheromones, which I seem to convert to

    something unpleasant.

    Treasure Every Moment that you have
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  8. #188
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    You have been pushing

    the new a314 as a "base." (Glad I took that art class back in college so I know what gesso is... whick I suppose is

    a better term than "undercoat"). Most of your posts seem to lean toward the assumption other products will be added

    either in a mix or as additional "layers." I like to start out slow and build up. What sort of effects do you expect

    if one were to wear the a314 alone?
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  9. #189
    zeta male metropolitan's Avatar
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    i assume all the effects

    sillage has described are for the use of the product alone, particularly since they seem to be results taken from

    trial phases.

    i finally gave in and ordered a bottle today (of course too late to get the extra vial of TAA)
    Last edited by metropolitan; 05-02-2005 at 01:42 PM.

  10. #190
    Banned User Le Sillage's Avatar
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    thanks for the

    reposts and all the additional info! i am soooo thrilled you were able to salvage some of that previous work...

    thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

    I think bjf ultimately nailed it when he used his immaculate timing to

    bring up the fact men have more corneyform on their skin and woman have more micrococc... that's the most

    immediate answer to why ANOL eventually stinks and repels on men, and doesn't seem to convert the same way on

    women. I very rarely think of micrococc bacteria, as a ) it makes me laugh too much, and b) there's very few female

    pheromone users out there that actually talk about their pheromone use.

    rbt and metro,

    metro is right,

    i've mostly described the effects of a314 alone, and have distinguished what makes the a314 'alpha vibe'

    distinctly different from a -none alone vibe with the James Bond vs. Colin Farrel posts. When I talked about mixes,

    I was clear about that, I wasn't bundling mix effects into the standard effects of A314.

    metro, most of the

    data I have on A314 comes from previous versions, not trials, but all versions have the same direction - the latest

    one shouldn't be drastically different, it should just increase the positives, decrease the negatives, and increase

    the range (the q) of people it affects.

    rbt, in case you haven't seen the other posts... A314, by itself,

    provides a Bond like edge to those with the -none profile of a typical male under 30 (and if you aren't under 30,

    you can give yourself that -none profile from another bottle, no problem). In short, it provides some older, refined

    man magic, with a dash of excitement, modified with an all star support cast of super high tech Q gadgets.

    A314 tends to attract younger woman, whereas -none alone tends to attract older women or screwed up younger women,

    unless you time it just right with your targets ovulatory cycle.

    There's definitely some cross generational

    juju going on with pheromones, that's for sure. We've noticed that younger phero profiles get the older ladies

    wigglin', and the older phero profiles get the younger ladies jiggin'.

    Again, since you're middle age, you

    may not get the intended Bond effect without some supplemental -none. I'm betting you'd get more of a Gene Wilder

    effect with using A314 all by itself. Which is great! Gene is absolutely charistmatic, witty and all around awesome.

    But since you already have the extra mones on hand, why not turn up the heat a little with the -none, and get Gene

    Wilder PLAYING James, right? That's more of a best of both worlds scenario.

    I know lots of people who

    just love Gene, but wouldn't necessarily sleep with him or want to marry him. They'd view him view as their

    favorite uncle, whereas many woman would devote themselves to and worship at the feet of a James. They're generally

    higher caliber woman and would want a James all to themselves for something longer than a one night stand - this may

    or may not be what you want.

    In business, though, A314 is almost always killer - provides fast rapport, lots

    of truth and leadership. Who wouldn't want to hire James if they could afford him, right? As far as I've seen,

    it's the "it" business product for men so far.

    I can tell you how to tailor A314, but I'm not going to lie

    to you and say that size 34 pants look great on a size 38 waist, or vice versa. I'd rather opt on the side of

    honesty, and actually help you get what you want. I'm not going to imply that this or any other pheromone product

    will have the same effect on everybody, anymore than I'll tell you that everyone likes caviar and sherbert.

    That's only somewhat possible with select pheromones like CTTM, which is almost always truth serum like, or ANOL,

    which almost always provides for excited chatter, except when it converts on men.

    I'd love to see what A314

    does all by itself for you, but at the same time, I'm almost certain that a little extra -none will make it work a

    lot better in your situation. That's what I've come to expect given your age, but all people are different beyond

    their ages, of course. It could just end up being perfect for you all around, or needing something other than -none

    to reach it's desired end effect.

  11. #191
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sillage
    rbt, in case you

    haven't seen the other posts... A314, by itself, provides a Bond like edge to those with the -none profile of a

    typical male under 30 (and if you aren't under 30, you can give yourself that -none profile from another bottle, no

    problem). In short, it provides some older, refined man magic, with a dash of excitement, modified with an all star

    support cast of super high tech Q gadgets.
    I've perused the other messages but wasn't sure if you were

    talking about a314 as a standalone, and I get used to most of the posts being aimed at the under 30 crowd by

    default. 30 passed me by over 20 years ago...

    A314 tends to attract younger woman, whereas -none

    alone tends to attract older women or screwed up younger women, unless you time it just right with your targets

    ovulatory cycle.
    Call me a dirty old man (or Peter Pan and not "growing up" to the stereotype of my actual

    physical age), but I find I prefer the 35 y/o to usually under 50 y/o mindset/life outlook to "older" women. I've

    had some good responses with younger women while wearing Chikara, and especially AE (20-25 y/o), but whenever I've

    added a -none product to the mix (ie just one dab of NPA) they retreat and "curl up" in defensive mode most of the

    time. So I'm a bit confused. I'm *supposed* be low in -none at my age, but if I go with more than the percentage

    found in a drop or two of AE by adding a small bit of NPA it looks like OD's.

    I'm hoping a314 (standalone by

    itself) can be a workable product.

    There's definitely some cross generational juju going on

    with pheromones, that's for sure. We've noticed that younger phero profiles get the older ladies wigglin', and

    the older phero profiles get the younger ladies jiggin'.

    Again, since you're middle age, you may not get the

    intended Bond effect without some supplemental -none. I'm betting you'd get more of a Gene Wilder effect with

    using A314 all by itself. Which is great! Gene is absolutely charistmatic, witty and all around awesome. But since

    you already have the extra mones on hand, why not turn up the heat a little with the -none, and get Gene Wilder

    PLAYING James, right? That's more of a best of both worlds scenario.
    You know, that sounds like a

    cool idea... However (see what you say below)

    I know lots of people who just love Gene, but

    wouldn't necessarily sleep with him or want to marry him. They'd view him view as their favorite uncle, whereas

    many woman would devote themselves to and worship at the feet of a James. They're generally higher caliber woman

    and would want a James all to themselves for something longer than a one night stand - this may or may not be what

    you want.

    I can tell you how to tailor A314, but I'm not going to lie to you and say that size 34 pants look

    great on a size 38 waist, or vice versa. I'd rather opt on the side of honesty, and actually help you get what you

    want. I'm not going to imply that this or any other pheromone product will have the same effect on everybody,

    anymore than I'll tell you that everyone likes caviar and sherbert.
    Caviar and sherbert at the same

    time... ewwwwww...

    That's only somewhat possible with select pheromones like CTTM, which is almost

    always truth serum like, or ANOL, which almost always provides for excited chatter, except when it converts on


    I'd love to see what A314 does all by itself for you, but at the same time, I'm almost certain that a

    little extra -none will make it work a lot better in your situation. That's what I've come to expect given your

    age, but all people are different beyond their ages, of course. It could just end up being perfect for you all

    around, or needing something other than -none to reach it's desired end effect.
    Proof will be in the


    We shall see.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  12. #192
    Newbie mr.'s Avatar
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    I think I read somewhere something

    about a new product coming out sometime in the near future.
    Anyone have any information on that??

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