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  1. #1
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    Default Ionized Alkaline Water

    DumLuc strikes

    again. This time with an article about ionized water.

    This article describes a special kind of

    alkaline water created by a device called The

    . We will call this water "Alkaline Water" or "Ionized Alkaline Water", but it also has other

    special properties, as you will read here.

    Ionized Alkaline Water - The Real


    Alkaline Water has a pH as high as 11.5. Colas are highly

    acidic and have a pH as low as 2.5. A pH of 7 is neutral. Alkaline Water is 4.5 points alkaline and colas are 4.5

    points acidic. Mix Alkaline Water and cola together and they will cancel each other out producing a liquid with

    neutral pH of 7.

    The bubbles in Alkaline Water are pure oxygen, which the body requires. The

    bubbles in soft drinks are carbon dioxide which forms carbonic acid and is a waste product in the body.

    Ionic minerals are the only kind the body can absorb. The minerals in Alkaline Water are ionic

    minerals: mostly calcium, magnesium and potassium which the body requires. The minerals in colas are mostly

    phosphorus in the form of phosphoric acid which is destructive to health.

    Colas dissolve

    teeth and bones. Alkaline Water helps rebuild the teeth and bones.

    The word "soda" in "soda

    fountain" comes from the word "sodium". Sodium dehydrates body tissues and excess sodium is associated with


    Water molecules form clusters. Tap water has about 10 - 13 molecules per cluster.

    Alkaline Water has 5 - 6 molecules per cluster. This means that Alkaline Water is "wetter", has less surface

    tension, and can better penetrate dehydrated body tissues.

    The body of a newborn infant is

    about 70% water. An elderly person may be down to about 45% water. Lacking water the body produces insufficient

    stomach acid and bile resulting in incomplete digestion of foods. The half-digested foods are highly acidic and

    toxic. Blood and lymph are insufficient to wash the wastes out of the system.

    Lacking oxygen,

    cellular metabolism becomes anaerobic and incomplete, resulting in the production of lactic acid and other acid

    wastes. These acids in the muscles equal fatigue / exhaustion and are drawn out by alkalinity.

    Alkaline Water Helps Remove the Cause of Cancer

    In 1931 Dr. Otto Warburg

    was awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering the cause of cancer: "Cancer has one prime cause...and that is the

    replacement of oxygen (aerobic) respiration of body cells by anaerobic cell respiration."

    Cancer is a dark thing living in an acidic place devoid of oxygen. Alkaline Water penetrates body

    tissues bringing life-giving oxygen and minerals. Cancer is destroyed by oxygen. Early this century, at least one

    doctor cured his patients of cancer by giving them potash (potassium). Modern research indicates pre-cancerous cells

    do not become cancerous in the presence of calcium. Alkaline mineral salts neutralize poisonous acids while

    releasing oxygen as part of the reaction.

    Alkaline Water carries a negative electrical

    making it a natural antioxidant, and this electrical charge destroys bacteria, viruses and fungi.

    However, the electrical charge tends to disappear into the environment, so Alkaline Water cannot be stored for an

    extended time. It is best when fresh.

    Other Health Benefits of Alkaline


    Alkaline Water neutralizes excess acidity in the body. All forms of arthritis are

    associated with excess acidity. Heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, diabetes, kidney stones, gall

    stones, tooth decay are associated with excess acidity. All degenerative diseases are linked to


    The Relationship Between Alkalinity and


    Water ionizes into H+ and OH-. When H+ and OH- ions are in equal numbers the pH is

    neutral. If H+ ions are greater in number then the water is acidic. If OH- ions predominate the water is alkaline.

    The H+ ions in acidic water will bind with free oxygen to create H2O molecules of water. This is why acid rain kills

    fish - there is less oxygen in the water.

    Alkaline Water with its many OH- ions is rich in

    oxygen because the OH- ions combine with each other to form H2O and release oxygen in the process. The OH- ions in

    Alkaline Water are stable because they are bound to an alkaline mineral. The OH- ion is released and the oxygen

    produced when the alkaline mineral binds to and neutralizes a toxic acid somewhere in the physiology. In this manner

    the oxygen is delivered to exactly where it is needed - an area in the physiology that is acidic and devoid of


    Acid beverages such as soft drinks rob our bodies of oxygen, while alkaline

    drinks such as Alkaline Water enrich the body with oxygen and much needed minerals. Alkaline Water also neutralizes

    free radicals.Alkaline Water is the most alkaline and healthiest water.

    You can

    obtain a good quality Alkaline Water device for your home, office, farm or clinic from Tell them you were referred

    by the Alkalize For Health web site. (Hint: if you sign up as a distributor for $79, you can purchase your Alkalizer

    device at a reduced price. Also, as a distributor, when you refer others to the product you will receive a rebate on

    their purchase. Eventually, you can earn back the cost of your Alkalizer).

    "I'd rather

    spend a little bit more than I thought I should, to make sure that I received what I thought I


    The head of Health and Science for the country of Japan presented the

    manufacturer of the Alkalizer with an award for the finest electronic health machine ever made. It's the

    only machine of its kind to ever earn an award! IT IS THE BEST!

    When Alkaline Water is the

    sole source of water for a dairy herd, milk production increases by 18 - 28% and the cows are much healthier.

    Improvements noted by veterinarians include: improved quantity and quality of milk, better appetite, improved

    digestion, increased resistance to injury to the udder, stronger legs, extended productive life, improved fertility

    rate, fewer still-births of new-born calves, healthier skin and hair, elimination of strong feces and urine odors,

    decreased diarrhea, no adverse conditions noted.

    When the acid version of this special water

    (pH<3) is sprayed on agricultural crops instead of chemicals, plant diseases are removed. In Japan, this water is

    being used in greenhouses and on golf courses as an alternative to chemicals.

    Acid and

    Alkaline Water are being used in Japanese hospitals. These waters destroy molds, viruses and bacteria by moving the

    pH outside the range where pathogens can survive, and also by the electrical charge of the water. This makes

    Alkaline Water a stronger disinfectant than chlorine bleach. Japanese hospital patients drink the Alkaline Water and

    their wounds are bathed with the acid water.

    Recommended reading: Whang,

    Sang, Siloam Enterprise, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1994. This book is responsible for the growing popularity of

    Alkaline Water in North America. About 15% of homes in Japan have an

    Alkaline Water device.

    Stay hydrated,stay

    Last edited by belgareth; 04-11-2005 at 02:27 AM.

  2. #2
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    May 2002
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    Whoa what a load of BS!

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

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