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  1. #1
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    Exclamation Problems with AE, need advice


    I'm new to phermones and would like some advice from some of the vets in this forum. I'm a 28 year old male

    college student.

    I started wearing Perception about two months ago, I started with one spray on my chest for

    the first two weeks, I cover with Fahrenheit. I didn't notice many "hits" and went to two sprays, one on my chest

    and one shared between my wrists. With the two sprays I am getting plenty of "hits" but some I could do without.

    I am getting noticed in school and getting more attention from my peers and teachers. I like this attention and

    it is really helping my social/school life.

    At my best friends house I am getting noticed by his fourteen

    year old daughter (and friends). She is constantly wanting to hug me, sit in my lap and she comes over to my

    apartment to talk with me on the weekends (we live in the same complex). Some of her friends are starting to also

    make visits. She never did any of this before I started using mones. None of this has been sexual but just very

    very friendly.

    My wife has been in Iraq the last six months, she just came home on leave for two weeks and I

    switched to AE to help spice things up. I also plan to put a small dab on my letters to her when she goes back to

    help remind her of me. AE has really made things exciting with my wife, and starting to make things exciting/creepy

    with my friends daughter (exciting for her but creepy for me).

    I was at my best friends house with my wife

    for dinner. My friend and his wife were in the kitchen and my wife went to help them. As soon as my wife was out

    of sight my friends daughter lifted her shirt and gave me a "I want you" kind of look, later on when I went to use

    the bathroom she followed and tried to sneek in behind me. I told her she needed to stay away from me, she said

    "whatever" and continued to secretly flirt with me all night. I have never seen a female chase after a male so

    agressivly before.

    When my wife returns to Iraq I will stop wearing AE and go back to Perception. I love how

    my wife is responding to me right now and I don't want to give up AE till she leaves. I'm also enjoying the extra

    attention I'm getting in school.

    Do you think that returning to Perception might help solve my problem with my

    friends daughter? Will I have to go without them for a while?

    I am too embarresed to tell my friend about his

    daughters recent behavior around me. I don't want to get her in trouble or cause her grief if mones are the


    For now I am just going to do my best to avoid her and make shure I am never alone with her if I

    can't. All advice is welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    interesting/disturbin story !

    i've been using AE and haven't seen much much do you use ?

  3. #3
    Enlightened One
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    Give her a quick pump (ok im

    kidding on that one) solution stop using pheromones around the friends daughter. Wash off before you get close to

    her ie grab some anti bacterial soap.

    Dunno in my experience 25 myself ive had plenty of 14-15 year old girls

    doing the flirting thing but usualy they are to intimidated to say anything. So i dont have to brush them off

  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Sheesh, she's jailbait! I'd run

    like a wild dog before you slip and get your dipstick wet. I used to teach high school and had several teenage girls

    comeon to me. They were shockingly aggressive and threatened to get me in trouble when I pushed them away. Girls

    this age are beginning to feel the power of their sexuality and don't know when to turn it on or off.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
    Enlightened One
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    They have trouble turning it off -

    best advice dont use mones around them.

  6. #6
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Avoid the child like she has

    plague! Don't let her into your apartment unless another adult is there and don't touch her at all. Just a few

    words from her can screw up your life forever. It doesn't matter one bit that she is lying, you are still dead meat

    if she decides to cause you trouble.

    I raised all daughters and the youngest is 14. I know how I would react and

    how the rest of the world would react if there was even the slightest hint that you ever got near her. You don't

    need to be guilty in this country to be convicted by the society and that's all it takes. My knife would be a mercy

    next to what your friends and neighbors would do to you, and they don't forget, ever!
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  7. #7
    King of the coupons!
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    What both, Watcher and Bel said!

    That kind of attention runs its fingers through the hair of your ego, but, the problems

    that will soon follow is not worth it. Hint ... "Chester! Chester! Chester the

    ________! "
    There's no good ending to that that's boiling here, Mister.

    You're in

    shcool, so I know you have a brain on ya, so, what is it that you need to do (watch the characters bellow, and use

    their techniques)?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  8. #8
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    I get responses from different

    stuff from different people. My wife responds great to AE (no strange smell for her or me). She compliments me on

    the fragrance. To me, AE is the overall best pharamone performer so far, although I have not tried perception.

  9. #9
    Enlightened One
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    Kissy has only made one post and

    hasnt responded so i dunno if its a real life situation or someone just revving us up with a nothing post. Still

    avoid this girl at all costs (just stop using pheromones around her and hte behaviour should disappear)

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Unhappy Hey, you guys ever saw Mystic River ??

    not exactly the same.... ok, some kid gets turned on, feels her power, gets pissed off because she's

    rejected, and she unilaterally decides to make a false accusation, or overly dramatizes something... and she's your

    daughter, and you flip the hell out, do something rash, something you can't reverse, like beat the crap out of the

    guy, go to the cops and press charges, the story makes the papers, the guy is ruined in the community.... and then

    you find out that it wasn't true. The guy had to sell out at fire sale prices. He was lucky his house wasn't

    burned down. He moved away in the dead of night and doesn't want to be found. What's YOUR next move ? What happens

    with the kid ? You plan to find the guy and make him whole ? Sweep the thing under the rug and hope it all goes away

    ? I saw one family I knew destroyed because a kid said something that a babysitter overheard who reported it which

    unleashed a huge investigative process then they found out the babysitter was nuts.... damage was done, nobody said

    sorry or anything, more like, tough shit, just doing our job, oh now you're on some database as a sex offender

    that's nearly impossible to change, and that accusation will follow that man for the rest of his life unless he's

    willing to retain major legal services that could cost him around $50,000 to clear his name... yeah, it really can

    be that fucked up.

  11. #11
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Back in the day the age of

    consent was much lower in most states. Most were 13 or 14 years (one was 9!) but increased to 16 or 17 recently. My

    mother got married at 18 and had me 9 months later. My grandfather and grandmother were 11 and 10 when they got

    married (arranged marriage in Korea), and started having kids by their mid-teens. Delaying natural functions

    probably makes people increasingly perverted.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  12. #12
    Enlightened One
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    16 in australia - in middle east

    its 9 and up same with africa in general the more developed the country ie europe and USA the higher the age of

    consent if im correct in new zealand its 14 and a half - depends where you live but id stop using the mones around

    her - hopefully that will stop the response.

  13. #13
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    Default I'm going to quit mones for a bit

    When my wife leaves on the 21st I will be droping the mones for a couple of weeks. I went ahead and told my

    friend about what was happening and told him about the mones and why I was using them. Heh, he asked if he could

    have some to try on his wife. He is not mad at me and will be having a talk with her about it. I never thought

    that mones could have such an effect on people, I just want to use them to help me socialy, except for my wife

  14. #14
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kissy
    When my wife leaves

    on the 21st I will be droping the mones for a couple of weeks. I went ahead and told my friend about what was

    happening and told him about the mones and why I was using them. Heh, he asked if he could have some to try on his

    wife. He is not mad at me and will be having a talk with her about it. I never thought that mones could have such an

    effect on people, I just want to use them to help me socialy, except for my wife
    I may have

    missed it, but how much/do you apply your AE, Kissypoo?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  15. #15
    Enlightened One
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    Like me to be getting that sort of

    response you must be using "above" the normal dosage of 2-3 drops (my average is 8-10) if i want to spice things up

    lol lol

  16. #16
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    I have only been using 3-4 drops,

    with two sprays of perception. I think things will be fine once my wife leaves and I drop the mones for a few

    weeks. I just hope that it is the mones and not a crush.

  17. #17
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kissy
    I have only been

    using 3-4 drops, with two sprays of perception. I think things will be fine once my wife leaves and I drop the mones

    for a few weeks. I just hope that it is the mones and not a crush.
    3-4 drops WITH two sprays of

    perception!? That's a first, and sounds like an interesting and different mixture! How/where do you apply

    those two, Kissy?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  18. #18
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    Ok, seeing as how this is such

    dangerous territory, what about trying a mix to absolutely repel her the next time you see her? I mean, no matter

    how much you talk to her, these are teenage hormones here. Don't know what would repel, but maybe some of the

    sages here have an idea...if this mix is attracting that much, it might be worth it, and really funny, if you have

    something that will repel her.

    ....poor biology experiment.

    Hey, if it works for killing the

    urge that well, you could always supply it to her father to put on all her clothes. lol


  19. #19
    Enlightened One
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    heres an idea - get some PCC or EW

    and use that lol she should soon run for the hills if you use a large amount of the stuff.

  20. #20
    Phero Enthusiast
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    I've experienced similar

    incidents with Chikara... it seems to really pull in those young and pre-teens.

    If you really want her to leave

    you alone, tell her father it's that simple. Because what could happen is that she will start to test you more and

    more and get bold by doing such things as putting her hands on your crotch. Then she may say something like: "oh my

    god, you have a hard on!". Then what are you going to say? If she even suggests that you a made a sexual move on

    her, do you know that if she goes to the cops, you would be sitting up in jail in no time?

  21. #21
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    I have been putting two drops of

    AE on each side of my neck and covered with 1 spray Perception each or one drop AE on each side of neck coverd with

    Perception and one drop AE on my wrist covered with Perception.

    I know I should have been responding more

    frequently but I only had two weeks with my wife and was spending every possible moment with her.

    My wife

    flew out the airport this morning, she should be back in Iraq in a few days.

    I have managed to stay away

    from my friends daughter this last week and so far so good. My friend invited me over for dinner tonight, he wants

    to make sure I am doing ok. I guess I'll find out if she has gotten over me yet or not. Of course I will not be

    wearing mones and I'll see what happens.

  22. #22
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by Kissy
    I have been putting

    two drops of AE on each side of my neck and covered with 1 spray Perception each
    = 4 drops of AE and covered

    with 2 sprays of Perception? Or, = 2 drops of AE and covered with 2 sprays of Perception?

    How has that

    been working?


    Quote Originally Posted by Kissy
    or one drop AE on each side of neck coverd with

    Perception and one drop AE on my wrist covered with Perception.
    = 3 total drops of AE and 4 sprays of


    Quote Originally Posted by Kissy
    I have managed to stay away from my friends daughter this last week and so

    far so good. My friend invited me over for dinner tonight, he wants to make sure I am doing ok. I guess I'll find

    out if she has gotten over me yet or not. Of course I will not be wearing mones and I'll see what

    'I THINK' that if it was the mones that caused those reactions, the seed is planted and nourished.

    If it wasn't the mones, the seed has still been planted and nourished. Both ='s trouble and moe trouble!

    I'd be careful to never end up alone with this one, Kissy. An angry woman ('cause you told on her) + Revenge

    ='s danger fer true! Better safe than sorry.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  23. #23
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    = 4 drops of AE and covered

    with 2 sprays of Perception? Or, = 2 drops of AE and covered with 2 sprays of Perception?
    =4 drops of AE

    and covered with 2 sprays of Perception.

    Originally Posted by Kissy
    or one

    drop AE on each side of neck coverd with Perception and one drop AE on my wrist covered with Perception.

    = 3 total drops of AE and 4 sprays of Perceptiong?
    = 3 total drops of AE and 3 sprays Perception, when I

    put the Perception on my wrists I use 1/2 spray on each wrist.

    How was it working? My wife and I were having

    sex three times a day the whole two weeks she was here. I have never before had sex with her more than two times a

    day. Plus little psyco was chasing me.

    Your right about the seed being planted, at the dinner she was still

    flirting with me and in the open too. I will just have to be very carefull aroud her

    Untill she turns 18


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