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  1. #31
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    [QUOTE=tounge]You really

    shouldn't call him honey. It makes you look like a hypocrite.

    It was said tongue in cheek, Tounge,

    effort at sarcastic good humor....and a wasted one at that, it seems.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    You really shouldn't call him honey. It makes you look like a hypocrite.

    It was said tongue in cheek, Tounge,
    an effort at sarcastic good humor....and a wasted one at that, it


    Shucks, I guess my effort was wasted also.

  3. #33
    Full Member wood elf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silksand
    I do wonder,

    parenthetically, why certain posters here specifically ask for female opinions and then want to argue with or

    discount the ones that are offered?
    We do not have the good grace to have opinions that concur

    with their own. By definition we must be in error for that reason. It is always so depressing to learn how little I

    truly know about being a woman. It must be a terrible burden to have so much knowledge in a world rife with


  4. #34
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    What intrests me

    most about this topic, is the fact that this subject has been brought numerous times. And every time it comes up,

    a debate occurs between the current crop of women that are part of the forum and the guys who are new here and have

    been here awhile.

    Ad the debate always seems to get a tiny bit nasty. I think this is a much more interesting

    phenomenom than wether couplins work or not.
    interesting... i'm definitely gonna have to try out


  5. #35
    Phero Enthusiast silksand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    But the only way

    to see if this theory is right or wrong is to practice with it. And I certainly encourage any guy to experiment and

    see what comes out of it.
    Absolutely - I hope you all do try them, those of you who haven't yet, and

    let us know how it goes! It should be interesting to find out, either way.

  6. #36
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wood elf


    generalize widely and as with all generalizations, are only partly correct.
    I agree, and this is exactly

    why I suggested some more counteractive points in this matter that should also be considered before any conclusions

    were made. I also agree that the points made by IACL goes for many women, and my points is not my perception of how

    I think all women are. Not even suggesting most, but I would want to explore the possibilities of being able to

    achieve this kind of attention or some kind similar by using couplins. If it would work I would not know, hence the

    reason for starting this topic before I'd even go out and buy+try it.

    InACharmedLife I'm sorry for calling you honey! It was meant in good spirit. I like

    the way you write, and thought you could handle it. Hopefully you can accept my apologies!

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by InACharmedLife
    Guys, guys, are seriously barking up the wrong tree with the copulins thing.
    If copulins were going to be helpful in

    getting you a mate, nature would have supplied men with copulins.
    That's just your opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by InACharmedLife
    Women want the alpha male. No, not the puffed up, obnoxious wanne-be alpha male, we want

    the real deal. The successful,(and that means many things and in many different ways---simply successful at what you

    do and at who you are), smart, socially significant male with presence and confidence is the alpha male we want.

    My best advice is to augment your natural pheromones with synthetics of your natural pheromones, and work on

    creating the aura of alpha male. Lose the copulins...we don't want men who smell of EW---which does not smell like

    a woman, by the way. we don't want men smelling of female pheromones. Seriously, we don't.

    actually increase a man's testosterone level hence increasing his natural pheromone output. The odor of PCC is

    barely detectable and it does tend to make me feel handsome, significant and smart which are all alpha male traits.

    Quote Originally Posted by InACharmedLife
    We want men who smell like men, both on conscious and subconscious levels. We want men

    who act like men. Because that's simply how females are wired.
    What you're saying makes sense, but

    wearing copulins in no way makes me feel like a sissy, nor do I smell like one. In fact wearing PCC makes me feel

    almost the same way none makes me feel which is more assertive and aggressive. This is why I have to be careful on

    how much I use and put some nol on alone with it.

  8. #38
    Phero Dude
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    This could be a case of barking

    up the wrong tree...most of the time.One thing that has to be considered is that no two people will respond the same

    and no two people will get the same results from the same product.Hence...the variety we find here.Many women might

    find the idea of copulins on a man revolting...however...that by no means says ALL women will find it

    revolting.Androstenone has the same effect...if you catch a woman at the right time of the month(or wrong

    time,depending upon perspective) you might get your liver handed to you with a smile.On the other hand,at a

    different time of the month she might find you very attractive and actualy go out of her way to make contact with

    you.I am by no means experianced with wearing copulins yet...they havent found thier way into my arsenal.And they

    may never find thier way there.But there have also been reports...albeit sporatic and inconclusive ones of some

    women responding to them.And another plus is that many of the men who have worn them report an elevation of thier

    own mood.Some have been known to put some on thier pillows befor bed or put some just under thier noses to get a

    boost.So the idea of using them for men isnt out of the ordinary by any means.But weather they will work in

    attracting a woman...that remains to be seen with any clarity.I wouldnt bet on them either way at this point but it

    does bear some looking into.

    Theres my oppinion and Im sticking to it.

  9. #39
    Stranger Defguy's Avatar
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    I am a firm believer in the

    Social Proof Theory. The definition is something like this:

    “when someone doesn’t know the right behavior or

    the right actions that person will follow other people or will try to look to them for guidance.”

    If you

    take copulins out of the picture and just focus on the Social Proof Theory, its hard not to

    believe it in my opinion. This in affect makes me biased toward the idea that IF copulins do make

    you smell like SEX
    then they MOST DEFINITELY SHOULD WORK in attracting women.

    Because I am biased in

    this belief system as with any belief system, I am constantly looking for proof that validates my belief. This is

    human nature we all do this. What I believe gFunk and some of the other users are doing is FILTERING information to

    validate their belief systems. If you give a reason they dont know for why copulins should

    work, they file it away in their mental library. If you give a reason for why copulins wont work they will say “well

    what about under these circumstances?” The KEY here is my 4th paragraph. IF

    copulins DO make you smell like SEX
    then according to my belief system which is also held

    by many of the guys here on this forum, the proper use of them will assist men in meeting women.

    Also on a

    similar note Nature does provide us with copulins. But (if you believe in Darwinism-Survival of

    the Fittest) only the most worthy men have it. This is because there is only one way to get it, you gotta fuck a

    woman. Wouldnt that subconsciously trigger in a womans brain SURVIVAL/REPLICATION VALUE? Makes perfect sense

    to me.
    A314- Works amazing, became quickly immune
    SOE - Experimented with a bottle, no affect on me
    TE - Overdose very easy good for day before
    WAGG - Made me high a few times, similar to A314 quickly became immune

  10. #40
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    Wow Defguy


    interesting thing you digged out here ...

    ordered recently some TE for women gel packs and Soe for

    women gel packs and NPAw and Phermol factor for women

    I love the social proof theory ..... if you have a real

    good pivot (wing girl) you can get literaly more women than you could handle.. hehe

    rememberd i gave away my PCC

    to a female friend to spice up her relationship .. think i never get it back
    so i have to order a new one ..

    idea of putting some PCC into body lotion like mentioned .. uff i´m not certain if it was in this thread .. looks

    really promising for me ...

    have bought so many new goodies to test out that i´d like to do some testing 24/7 ..

    TEw looks more promising compared to SOEw ..

    wasnt the effects you can get with Cops discussed and called the

    "bandwaggon effect"
    please correct me guys if i´m wrong here ...


  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge View Post
    Ahh,I think

    I'll put money on the social proof theory,and take the pot most of the time.

    I don't know if Coupons are

    effective or not. Or even if synthetic mones are. I do know that the more women I go out or am seen with, the more

    that seem to fall into my lap.

    As far as women flirting more with married men, and married men being safer to

    flirt with. Pure poppycock. Quite a few of my married guy friends are cracking another honeypot other than their

    loving spouse. As a matter of fact I really think they get more p-tang than my single buds.

    This debate always

    seems to pop up here every so often. And most of the women just can't seem to buy the social proof theory at all.

    Yet it always seems to prove out to be true from what I have experienced and seen with my own eyes.

    Many years

    ago, an old wise friend(since deceased) told me --- "Son, don't read a women's upper lips when she talks, but pay

    attention to the lower lips when she takes action."

    There is a lesson in there.

    Wow, here is one

    of my profound posts some 5 years later. And I stand by it now as I did then. As a matter of fact, I've seen it

    more relevant in the last few years as it ever was.

  12. #42
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    and I was disappointed that your

    clever irony re: "honey" flew over her head...

  13. #43
    Stranger Defguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge View Post
    Wow, here

    is one of my profound posts some 5 years later. And I stand by it now as I did then. As a matter of fact, I've seen

    it more relevant in the last few years as it ever was.
    Hey Tounge what do you mean by this? Are

    you talking about your belief in Social Proof Theory being strengthened or what?


    Are there any updates on whether or not Copulins have the desired "Bandwagon

    Affect" on men?
    there are no Threads on this subject since 2006 lol and its 2010 right now
    A314- Works amazing, became quickly immune
    SOE - Experimented with a bottle, no affect on me
    TE - Overdose very easy good for day before
    WAGG - Made me high a few times, similar to A314 quickly became immune

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