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  1. #1
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Arrow Couplins roundup Spring 2005



    I've been reading some older posts and discussions regarding the use of couplins by men. This

    issue doesn't seem to have great documentation, and lately there doesn't seem to have been much posts about this

    at all.

    I would really want to check this out, as the idea of maybe getting the treatment you get from other

    females when you're in a relationship sounds like a killer concept. This would surely enlighten those of us who are

    tempted to try this out.

    I've read that Pheros is supposed to include couplins, and when I tried Chikara I

    swore that I kept smelling pussy!! It has to be effectful in some way I do suspect...

    I would like to use this opportunity to ask you guys and gals to post up your theories, opinions and comments on

    the use of couplins by men. Let's try to gather all of our precious experience and knowledge to try to come closer

    at shedding more light at it's effect when worn by men.


  2. #2
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    To be very honest, I

    think men wearing copulins is a bad idea. In nature, men don't produce copulins. There's a reason for that. I

    sincerely doubt that heterosexual women will be at all attracted to copulins.
    I think you should employ synthetic

    pheromones to augment your NATURAL pheromones, which are those naturally produced in human males.

  3. #3
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Charmed is probably right. The

    few times I tried wearing copulins they caused me no end of trouble with women. I gave it up very quickly and gave

    my bottle of EW to a lady on the forum.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I used EW many times and can't

    say it helped or hurt. So, I stopped using it and didn't miss a thing. I've gotten the best results using SOE and

    NPA (or TE).
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
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    I have never used

    However, I have always noticed that I get the most signs of interest from unknown women in the (circa)

    2 hours after having intercourse. I always thought this was due to the psychological factors (being sexual but not

    at all interested), but it is possible that even after a mini-shower, some copulins remain and have an effect.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Talking Copulins are wonderful in massage oil

    the recipe is: one bottle of PCC poured into one 8 oz. (4 oz. works well too) bottle of massage

    oil.... this is unusual, one time it added a fine cucumber fragrance, another time, it quickly statred to smell like

    beer.... the first time, cucumber-ish, it was a fantastic mood enhancer for the entire massage... SOW has always

    been too damn strong and acidic for me, perhaps also excessive in the heavy fatty acid fractions making the aroma

    too musky for my taste.... acetic acid is too vinagary... the best formula would be propanoic/butyric/isobutyric

    acids, perhaps a touch of indolene... much work remains to be done !

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    i'll be trying it out when it's

    time for my new order. i've also been thinking about this lately.

    I would really want to check this

    out, as the idea of maybe getting the treatment you get from other females when you're in a relationship sounds

    like a killer concept. This would surely enlighten those of us who are tempted to try this out.
    i was

    thinking the same thing.

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk


    I would like to use this opportunity to ask you guys and gals to post up your theories, opinions

    and comments on the use of couplins by men. Let's try to gather all of our precious experience and knowledge to try

    to come closer at shedding more light at it's effect when worn by men.


    interesting because was just thinking about this same issue. I've been using PCC for quite some time and have had

    some reactions from it that warrant further investigation and experimentatioin.

    I've had quite a few positive

    results from using PCC in conjunction with other pheromones such as nol, but the results I've got from using it

    alone have been hard to explain or put my finger on. When using PCC alone around other men, it makes them more

    aggressive but other times they started acting really goofey or silly around me.

    I've used PCC alone numerous

    times and have had some women give me a subtle, expressionless gaze and other times they seemed more assertive with

    me. When using PCC with nol, I've had women and girls flirt with me. Once, I had this woman in the apparel

    department in a retail store get rather aggressive and suggestive with me. I told her I don't know what size I

    wear and so after I tried on a pair of pants, on she aggressively grabbed at my belt around my stomach and snatched

    me into her (I kid you not!). When she did this, her eyes lit up as if she wanted to do more to me. Then she said

    "that's seems like a pretty good fit hun".

    I strongly suspect that Chikara has copulins in it because I've

    used it with PCC and felt really jumpy, agitated and anxious which is what I feel like when using too much PCC


    Lately, I've been trying out various combos with PCC as the main ingredient and have gotten some pretty

    good results. PCC with nol, beta-nol, SOE, TE or variations of them work well. I have yet to try PCC with AE or


    The theory behind using copulins to attact women is that when a women picks the copulins up, it

    subconsciously triggers certain memories or changes in neural pathways. Biologically speaking, changes in neural

    pathways cause changes in behavior and mood. When this happens, the woman is more than likely in a mood where she

    is having sex or is around others having sex. The more the woman associates sex with the copulins, the more

    powerful the effect. This may explain why women tend to get wet while wearing copulins.

    I will continue to

    experiment with copulins. Do you experiment with them as well? Maybe we can work together and share our results?

  9. #9
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    I strongly suspect that

    Chikara has copulins in it because I've used it with PCC and felt really jumpy, agitated and anxious which is what

    I feel like when using too much PCC alone.
    Hmm, I don't smell any in Chikara. Even a small amount in

    the mix will start to take over the Chikara scent.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  10. #10
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    I've tried PCC with AE and

    found no difference in the reactions from just AE alone. I've also tried PI with PCC same thing. It might be

    because I don't apply too mcuh of the PCC to get reactions- frankly, I don't like the watermelon scent. I have two

    bottles (the place I used to get my mones form screwed me over then sent me a bottle I didn't even want instead of

    the two products I ordered). I might try larger dosages just to get rid of it, but I need to find a cover scent that

    will go over the "girly" watermelon scent of PCC. As for personal reactions- when I put a little PCC under my nose

    it does tend to make me a little more flirty. Like I said I don't use a lot because I don't like the scent.

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast silksand's Avatar
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    The copulin products sold here

    are great; as a woman I really like wearing them. PCC has a pretty feminine fruity scent, though it fades quickly

    and should be easy to cover. EW is definitely pure womanly nether-regions.

    As far as men wearing them, I

    think that's an iffy proposition. Smelling like you just had sex may have some advantages but I'd expect they'd

    be limited. You'd have to try it to be sure, but theoretically it doesn't sound promising to me. Men's

    skin/hair/juices smell different than women's and in general women appreciate that difference.

    Having a man walk around wearing your OWN intimate juices is a pretty personal, bonding thing.

    Having him appear already sporting some other woman's (or generic female) juices is not that appealing really.

  12. #12
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Especially if he and she are in

    a monogamous relationship. That's where I got into

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  13. #13
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    silksand , I challenge you to try your PCC on a man in your trusted circle if you

    could please? If you have a man or a friend that you could ask to try wearing it, without you wearing any, to see

    how you're reactions from it would be! That would be VERY useful indeed!...

    I'd not want to make women having

    conscous impressions that I've had sex, that's just nasty in a bad way. However, my theory is that there might be

    a chemical reaction when worn by men that differs from when worn by women. Also it might have a powerful

    psychological effect on the wearer that turns his normal "desperate" sign on the forehead into "taken", thus all the

    women come running (in double meaning). Anyway, it would be incredibly useful to be able to use your nose to be the

    judge of that!

    So being single might be a good thing when trying out this then Bel . The EW is supposed to

    smell like pussy, but PCC hopefully not->just giving the unconscious emotion of "belongs to someone

    ". The feeling that so amazingly effectively makes women start chasing.

  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    The understanding I have after

    reading many older postings,is that women sense the copulins and get the impression that a man is "taken." As a

    result they will tend to act on that as an indication of social validation in her absence and try to knock off a

    piece too.Something I have sen many times is that when I am with a woman,I get more attention from women.I had lunch

    with an attractive co-worker on afternoon and the waitress wouldnt stop making eyes at me.The only thing between me

    and my co-worker was that I lost a bet and owed her lunch...but being with a very attractive woman got some understanding is that copulins will can in some cases have the same effect but in the absence of the

    attractive counterpart.In logical terms it sorta makes wearing a wedding ring (I have done that too and

    it works sometimes)Correct me if I am way off base cuz I have never tried copulins befor...

  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    me and my buddy have this friend,

    guaranteed top 10 hottest girl at our university. we went to spring break with her and every girl looked at us. my

    friend claims to have laid this chick soley from being friends with hb 10, becuase this other chick was jealous of


  16. #16
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    Guys, guys,

    are seriously barking up the wrong tree with the copulins thing.
    If copulins were going to be helpful in getting

    you a mate, nature would have supplied men with copulins.

    We women sometimes flirt more with men wearing wedding

    rings because it's clear to us that we won't have to go another step beyond flirting. There won't be any

    uncomfortable repercussions to our flirting, because married men are "safe", i.e. they aren't going to ask us out

    (usually). We don't have to "pay the piper" and deal with turning down a subsequent date invitation as a result of

    our fun with flirting. Get it? The wedding ring is a "flirt for fun for free" card. In general...there are always

    women who get kicks out of breaking up marriages, but for the sake of good advice, what I've explained is usually

    how it is.

    Okay, some women see a man with a very attractive female and think "he must have SOMETHING if he got

    her", but at the end of the day, show us the something or you're history. In other words, you still have to back up

    the initial impression to be successful with women. Or, perhaps even we feel the ol' "I don't want him, you can't

    have him" twinge when an ex-boyfriend is seen out with a new woman. Still, at the end of the day, we usually get

    over that twinge and remember why we left you in the first place. So, there's gotta be substance behind the initial

    and fleeting impression. Aside from all of these possibilities, when we see a beautiful girl with a below-average

    guy, we are MORE likely to be thinking "what's she doing with that TOAD?" It can backfire and usually does.
    So, I

    honestly don't think this is your best line of attack.

    Women want the alpha male. No, not the puffed up,

    obnoxious wanne-be alpha male, we want the real deal. The successful,(and that means many things and in many

    different ways---simply successful at what you do and at who you are), smart, socially significant male with

    presence and confidence is the alpha male we want.

    My best advice is to augment your natural pheromones with

    synthetics of your natural pheromones, and work on creating the aura of alpha male. Lose the copulins...we don't

    want men who smell of EW---which does not smell like a woman, by the way. we don't want men smelling of female

    pheromones. Seriously, we don't.
    We want men who smell like men, both on conscious and subconscious levels. We

    want men who act like men. Because that's simply how females are wired.

  17. #17
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Thank you. You

    said it very well and I believe you have it right in every detail.

    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk
    So being single might be a good

    thing when trying out this then Bel . The EW is supposed to smell like pussy, but PCC hopefully not->just giving

    the unconscious emotion of "belongs to someone else". The feeling that so amazingly effectively makes

    women start chasing.
    I think I'll put my money on the woman's opinion.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  18. #18
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InACharmedLife
    Guys, guys, are seriously barking up the wrong tree with the copulins thing.

    copulins were going to be helpful in getting you a mate, nature would have supplied men with copulins.

    I agree. I have both PCC and EW. I bought them out of curiosity more than anything else. I do

    like to smell PCC, it gives me a lift and turns me on a bit. I sometimes put a bit in my moustache for my pleasure

    or before exercise.

    But I wouldn't wear either product while actively seeking a chance to meet women, just

    due to an experience I had with a friend of mine.

    I've known this woman, who lives in a different city, for

    20 years now and we became friends 10 years ago. There is a lot of flirting between us but I'm ambivalent about a

    sexual relationship with her. I am very attracted physically to her, but I wouldn't want to do anything to mess up

    our friendship either. Still, I experiment with different mones around her.

    Last year, I was visiting her

    city and had just bought an array of products from Love Scent. I had just seen her the day or so before. On that

    day, she was *very* glad to see me and her body language was very open. On this day though, I had been playing with

    PCC before I saw her. I hadn't applied it intentionally, but was just smelling it from the bottle. I had removed

    the roll-on applicator and probably spilled some of the PCC on my hands, maybe getting some on my face.


    I saw her a few hours later, she seemed more distant and her body language was closed. I think the PCC had an

    influence in her behavior.

    In contrast a few years earlier, I had gone out to dinner with her and she kept

    mentioning how good I looked that night, though she had seen me a few days earlier. Between those two days, I had

    hooked up with a woman whom I had met over the Internet and had an afternoon of "fun." This was the day before we

    went out to dinner, so I'm sure all the copulins had been washed off in the two or three showers and jacuzzi

    sessions I had before then. I think it was just the fact that I was feeling good because I had just gotten laid that

    made me appear more attractive.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth


    think I'll put my money on the woman's opinion.

    Ahh,I think I'll put money on the social

    proof theory,and take the pot most of the time.

    I don't know if Couplins are effective or not. Or even if

    synthetic mones are. I do know that the more women I go out or am seen with, the more that seem to fall into my


    As far as women flirting more with married men, and married men being safer to flirt with. Pure

    poppycock. Quite a few of my married guy friends are cracking another honeypot other than their loving spouse. As a

    matter of fact I really think they get more p-tang than my single buds.

    This debate always seems to pop up

    here every so often. And most of the women just can't seem to buy the social proof theory at all. Yet it always

    seems to prove out to be true from what I have experienced and seen with my own eyes.

    Many years ago, an old

    wise friend(since deceased) told me --- "Son, don't read a women's upper lips when she talks, but pay attention to

    the lower lips when she takes action."

    There is a lesson in there.

  20. #20
    Phero Dude
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    Charmed...I am in almost total

    agreement with you.Once a guy is seen with an attractive woman and she wonders what so special about him...he had

    better have something to fall back on.Otherwise he is gonna get the boot.As for the wedding ring...that one has

    worked for me more than once.Alot more women than you might think are willing to get involved with a married man.

  21. #21
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    We women sometimes flirt

    more with men wearing wedding rings because it's clear to us that we won't have to go another step beyond

    flirting. There won't be any uncomfortable repercussions to our flirting, because married men are "safe", i.e. they

    aren't going to ask us out (usually).
    Hmm, I used to think that, but my experiences have been very

    different. Lots of women--especially married women--are looking for an affair with a married man. Perhaps they just

    need a little bump and expect to escape without commitment. Whatever the reason, I certainly had more women coming

    after me when I was married. Now that I'm single, I have to work it more!
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  22. #22
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge
    Ahh,I think I'll

    put money on the social proof theory,and take the pot most of the time.

    I don't know if Couplins are effective

    or not. Or even if synthetic mones are. I do know that the more women I go out or am seen with, the more that seem

    to fall into my lap.

    As far as women flirting more with married men, and married men being safer to flirt with.

    Pure poppycock. Quite a few of my married guy friends are cracking another honeypot other than their loving spouse.

    As a matter of fact I really think they get more p-tang than my single buds.

    This debate always seems to pop up

    here every so often. And most of the women just can't seem to buy the social proof theory at all. Yet it always

    seems to prove out to be true from what I have experienced and seen with my own eyes.

    Many years ago, an old

    wise friend(since deceased) told me --- "Son, don't read a women's upper lips when she talks, but pay attention to

    the lower lips when she takes action."

    There is a lesson in there.
    If you say so. That's not been my

    experience but that could be a result of different playgrounds and goals. I only buy the social proof theory to the

    point of when you open your mouth. Once you get to that point you'd better be able to back up the first impression.

    Otherwise your out of the game.

    For me it worked exactly the opposite. When my wife and I split up opportunities

    seemed to pop up everywhere. That could have been the result of my getting out more, not being willing to sit at

    home and feel sorry for myself. I can't tell you how many female associates noticed when I stopped wearing a

    wedding ring and encouraged or solicited my company.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  23. #23


    I totally agree with the

    whole social proof thing... Social proof is probably as powerful an attractant to women as mones... I have seen it

    many times that guys who have a valuable girl (good looking and/or good personality) seem to capture the interest of

    women much quicker than other equally good looking and nice men. I myself definitely seem to get more interest from

    women after they have seen me with another girl... This has resulted in not just capturing the interest but also

    often in sex...

    Sure a guy has to have the goods (as in charm and other positive features) after the initial

    interest from the woman awestruck by this guy having a valuable partner... However there is no way to get women to

    fall over u without talking to them unless uve got an awesome natural pheromone signature, ur famous, great looking

    or a multi millionaire maybe...


  24. #24
    Phero Dude
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    I need to not drink befor I log

    on here...I get awefuly oppinionated and willing to express it when I do. Social proof or social validation as it is

    typicaly called has alot of backing. It will of course depend alot on the attitude of the guy,the moral fiber of the

    woman...and a half dozen other little things like lunar cycles,congressional motions,airline schedules and such. but

    I know too many guys who couldnt get a date in a morgue who are seeing someone other than thier dearly beloved on a

    weekly basis as a direct result of the whole social validation thing.There is an escort service is Sothern

    California that specializes in getting a a guy out in his favorite hangouts with an attractive woman for the purpose

    of increasing his social "stock value" as it were. According to some of thier actualy works. And I

    wouldnt doubt it. A friend of mine was recently propositioned by a waitress at the resturaunt that he took his wife

    out to. She waited till he excused himself to use the mens room and slipped him her number.And he isnt what most

    women would call a "stud."
    There ya have it from the peanut gallery.

  25. #25
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    ----Lots of

    women--especially married women--are looking for an affair with a married man. ----

    That may be true of certain

    married women in certain situations, and surely there are some single women who don't have a problem going out with

    married men. But the advice I've given is speaking in general, describing what usually happens, which is the best

    way to advise someone. In other words, while there are exceptions, it isn't the tack with the best odds.

    Neither is wearing copulins.

  26. #26
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    InACharmedLife Please don't read this as a personal

    attack, but a constructive discussion being made on this subject, as no good discussions consists of only one

    opinion only, and your contribution is highly valuable:

    Honey, It's really funny to

    read how you're so protective about the secrets of how many women operate, it's so obvious that you still want to

    keep this a secret. But we know, so you're arguments here is just good points of views and good explanations

    relevant in some cases, and you seem to leave out so many other important factors like:


    Playing games.
    You're playing a game with us, but when you see us with a woman you change strategy of playing

    hard to get, going into chase modus. At this point the follow ups won't necessarily matter to you.


    Social validation from friends.
    You might be playing a social game with your girlfriends or women in general for

    your own benefit of social validation from them. You might even get in bed with a man that had an attractive woman

    by his side just because of this.

    3. Natural attraction, when you see a man with a woman that you're

    just immediately falling heads over heels for you go into chase modus not caring about the woman.


    , you like the challenge more than those single guys that you can get with each and every one of

    easier than getting the actual cab afterwards. It's no big secret that most women get attention from men so much

    that they get really bored of the easiness of it.

    5. Seriousness. He has a woman, then he must be

    looking for something more than just sex! I want him. (Never mind his looks or follow ups!) Ok, I'm stretching it

    here, but in many cases the looks or actions doesn't even count. In fact serious studies and knowledge proves the

    fact that the looks are not the most important factors to women.

    6. Fooling yourself. Thinking that if

    he's got a woman/being married he's "safe" and you won't have to face uncomfortable repercussions. Once you're

    flirting you might want to go further because you suddenly want to, and you can't stop yourself because you're too


    In fact I really don't feel the need to list any other examples to important factors that you

    left out when you based your conclusion on those small viewed examples. There are written plenty of books on this,

    and tho' I do agree with your arguments in the many "some cases" examples as you portrait, but I don't for a

    second agree with your narrow and subjective conclusions based on this tiny angle on this issue. Bottom line is that

    the things you say are very wise and applicable if you leave out making a conlusion based entirely on these points

    only. (Hope I'm not coming across as being rude here)

    But I'm sure that you know what you're

    intentions are/would be in these kinds of situations, or at least what you would want them to be, or what you would

    want us to think they would be...

    And btw, nature does supply men with copulins; when we

    have SEX!

    In fact I'm very open to be told that couplins worn by men is just not

    working at all. It would save me both the time, money and I'd not have to go through loads of bad testing

    experiences. But untill this is proven to be the fact, I'm open for the alternative, and discussing the matter. The

    rewards would have been priceless if it were to be working. And another good reason ifor it to be proven successful

    is that this is an ingredient in pheros, and it has to be for a reason, not just the quantity.

    But I'm kinda

    leaning towards it might not be working that very well tho'

  27. #27
    Full Member wood elf's Avatar
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    You generalize

    widely and as with all generalizations, are only partly correct. You may be correct about some women but I do not

    believe you are correct about all. Much is controlled by who they are and what they wish from life. Some women and

    men too are looking for only sex and they find it where ever they may. Others are looking for a stable relationship

    and look other places and ways.

    Yes, I am nice too and can laugh or talk with men whether they are married or

    not. That does not indicate I am willing to go to their bed. In the instance of a married man, would I want to have

    a relationship with him knowing that he is unfaithful to his wife? Why would I believe he would be faithful to me?

    Would I not be very gullible to believe that? I am a normal female with strong desires. I was not raised to believe

    in indiscriminate sexual relations and have never had them. Many women feel as I do. Others do not.

    You cite the

    excuse of I just couldn't help myself. That is no more than an excuse from a person who did what they decided to do

    for some reason of their own. They use the excuse to explain what they did. That does not prove it is true and is

    not likely to be true. We are animals, of course. We also have intellects which can and do control other animal

    responses, why would we not be able to control this one?

    I do not want the man who is with the next woman and

    feel no need to compete with her. I wish her well with her man and will or have found one with whom I am happy. I do

    not wish to smell another woman on my man or even something that makes me think of woman. I want to smell a strong

    and masculine man.

    My training is as a scientist and I can understand your desire to experiment and even

    respect it. But a good scientist would not go into his experiments with the many preconceptions you are showing

    here. Please do try the formulas containing copulins, I am most interested to hear of what happens.

    W. Elf

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    First of all, don't call

    me 'honey'. It makes you appear to be a moron.

    Secondly, I don't disagree with your six points, nor do I see

    contradictions between those six points and my initial statement. But, frankly, my interest in arguing them with you

    is nonexistent. Take my initial post for what it's worth if it's useful to you; if it's not useful, disregard it.

    I'm not going to continue to hammer the topic out.

    Please be aware: Nature hasn't supplied you with copulins

    anymore than nature has supplied you with dog excrement. Just because you step in a big pile of it, doesn't mean

    it's yours. It didn't originate with you. Men "wear" copulins after their own natural male pheromones have

    successfully earned them a mate. The copulins did not precede the attainment of the mate---the male pheromones did.

    The copulins are present because of the male pheromones. Plus, the copulins from past sex disappear with bathing and

    any contact with water, but the male body continually produces more male pheromones, to insure future matings.

    There's a clue for you in that.

    But hey, if you want to play with copulins, by all means have at it. It means

    nothing to me if you choose to disregard my advice and go forward with copulins.
    (Although I sure hope you aren't

    sitting next to me on the bus when you don them!)

    In fact, truth be told, I honestly don't care if you ever get

    And please don't read this as a personal attack, honey!

  29. #29
    Phero Pro
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    You really shouldn't call him

    honey. It makes you look like a hypocrite.

    However you may be right about the couplin theory, and you may

    also be wrong. You are certainly entitled to your opinion. But the only way to see if this theory is right or wrong

    is to practice with it. And I certainly encourage any guy to experiment and see what comes out of it.


    intrests me most about this topic, is the fact that this subject has been brought numerous times. And every time it

    comes up,
    a debate occurs between the current crop of women that are part of the forum and the guys who are new

    here and have been here awhile.

    Ad the debate always seems to get a tiny bit nasty. I think this is a much

    more interesting phenomenom than wether couplins work or not.

  30. #30
    Phero Enthusiast silksand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk
    silksand , I challenge you to try your PCC on a man in your trusted

    circle if you could please? If you have a man or a friend that you could ask to try wearing it, without you wearing

    any, to see how you're reactions from it would be! That would be VERY useful indeed!...
    If that

    occasion ever arises, I'll be sure to post on it, but it's not high on my list of pheromonal priorities or

    possibilities, I'm afraid. I'd like my husband to wear some -none or -rone for me, but he's not very interested

    in playing with pheromones on himself, and there is no other male in proximity who'd be in a position to be my

    guinea pig. Sorry - I guess I can't help with your experiments! It will be interesting to see what comes of it,


    I do wonder, parenthetically, why certain posters here specifically ask for female opinions and then

    want to argue with or discount the ones that are offered?

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