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Thread: Aloeswood scent

  1. #211
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAtriathlete View Post
    My g/f loves when I wear Oud. Whenever I wear a dab on my wrist, she continually grabs

    it to draw it close to her nose and take in big whiffs. Little does she know that there is A7 and A1 lurking within

    the Oud scent.

    What a cunning and devious man you are naughty



    seems i had better order some Oud forthwith for some serious scientific investigation.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  2. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post

    It seems i had better order some Oud forthwith

    for some serious scientific investigation.
    Yes, I would recommend it! I just got some

    Sandalwood oil from Ham Firl on Ebay-- other L-S forum members have also reported great success with him for Oud.

    Let me know what you discover!


  3. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAtriathlete View Post
    Yes, I would recommend it! I just got some Sandalwood oil from Ham Firl on Ebay-- other

    L-S forum members have also reported great success with him for Oud.

    Let me know what you discover!

    Hi. I am new in here and I had wrote in some replies in another forum. I was surprise to find

    that you too had good experience with ham firl's product. I heard about him from some guy by the name of

    Belgare...., and I tried his products, to my surprise, its really good and the price is lower than others selling on

    the net. I must thank this Belgare..../

  4. #214
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    It's Belgareth and you are

    very welcome.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  5. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

    Belgareth and you are very welcome.
    Hi. There you are. Thanks for the recommendation. I contact ham_firl

    outside ebay. I will email him and got a little discount for purchase outside ebay and I will send him money pay

    pal. I even try his Yemeni's honey. Its good internal booster for sex. It improve on the stamina. The erection is

    concrete. Thanks once again Belgareth for recommending ham_firl.

  6. #216
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Ham Furl is a good guy. I'm

    glad you two were able to get together for your mutual benefit.

    The Yemeni honey really does that? I'll have to

    order some. Thanks for the information.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  7. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

    Furl is a good guy. I'm glad you two were able to get together for your mutual benefit.

    The Yemeni honey really

    does that? I'll have to order some. Thanks for the information.
    This Yemeni Honey was recommended by

    someone who purchased from him. That person who recommended me the honey also mentioned that this honey if taken

    regularly will enlarge the penis and make it harder when erection. I have taken abt 4 months or so and my girlfriend

    have been complaining of mine getting larger. But I thought it is the same size. I do not know.

  8. #218
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by passo_s692 View Post
    This Yemeni Honey was recommended by someone who purchased from him. That person who

    recommended me the honey also mentioned that this honey if taken regularly will enlarge the penis and make it harder

    when erection. I have taken abt 4 months or so and my girlfriend have been complaining of mine getting larger. But I

    thought it is the same size. I do not know.
    Just post up a picture every

    month and well let ya know if its gettin any larger, be sure to have a smile on your face, as makes for good public


    Really appreciate the info you have posted up here and over the street.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  9. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    Just post up a picture every month and well let ya

    know if its gettin any larger, be sure to have a smile on your face, as makes for good public


    Really appreciate the info you have posted up here

    and over the street.
    Can't do that as Bob will shows his too. May be you can

    share with me your thought abt other internal booster. SOmeone said that Gogii berries help too. She said that you

    can get those at the supermarket. Any tips instead of asking me to show it off over the street

  10. #220
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by passo_s692 View Post
    Can't do that as Bob will shows his too. May be you can share with me your thought abt

    other internal booster. SOmeone said that Gogii berries help too. She said that you can get those at the

    supermarket. Any tips instead of asking me to show it off over the street
    Thanks for reminding me, i havent taken my gogi berries for awhile,

    I purchase my Lycium Berries ( Lycium

    barbarum or chinese ) when i visit the traditional and usually old established chinese food stores in China Town,

    the red berries usually come in bags with the label "Dried Lycium Soup Material" these berries are used as a tonic

    that promote long life.

    I usually just chew a handfull each morning when i remember, they are very good also for

    inproving eyesight.

    I have a friend he is an old doctor of natural medicine he lives in the hills and soakes his

    berries in pineapple juice overnight.

    Amoungst the cartenoids that the berries contain, there is an amount of lutein

    and this is an antioxidant that has recently been shown to prevent macular degeneration.

    Lycium berries contain antioxidants that

    also protect the liver from the toxic effects of carbon tetrachloride.

    It has been stated by Robert A Barnett (

    author ) that the Chinese have also identified several antioxidant polysaccharides in the berries that may protect

    against cancer

    My experience also reccomends them as good horn medicine.

    Also "Tarheni" ( sesame seed concentrate

    paste) is good penis food as well, especially mixed with honey.

    I have heard of many things of improving the size of the old boy and one of these is the penis

    pump but i have not had the pleasure of experiencing one of these devices as yet.

    There used to be a product sold in some

    s/shops called an auto suck that could be experienced when on looong and boring motoring



    could not afford either of these devices the closest thing i have is in my g/f garage and i sometimes borrow it to

    vaccume my carpet, i suppose it could be also used as an expansion apperatus.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  11. #221
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post

    Also "Tarheni" ( sesame seed concentrate paste) is good penis food as well,

    especially mixed with honey.

    Didn't know this about sesame paste, aka Tahini among my Lebanese

    friends. They sometimes put it in hummus. Now I know why I like it so much.

    Have to try some of Ham Firl's

    honey mixed with some tahini, maybe spread on toast for breakfast.

    Thanks for the tips you guys.

  12. #222
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    Didn't know this about sesame paste, aka Tahini among my Lebanese friends. They sometimes

    put it in hummus. Now I know why I like it so much.

    Have to try some of Ham Firl's honey mixed with some

    tahini, maybe spread on toast for breakfast.

    Thanks for the tips you guys.
    It has been stated that anything natural that can improve blood flow and improve the cardiovascular

    system will also add the the efficiency of penile health.

    In Chinese herbal formulas cinnamon is also

    added to help stimulate circulation, a small amount taken each day even 50 mcg will inhibit the formation of gastric


    Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties and also is good for protecting against allergic

    response, It is also antibiotic.

    Also Garlic dilates blood vessels, Thats how it lowers blood pressure. The same effect makes

    garlic a tonic for other cardiovascular conditions.

    Garlic treats peripheral cardiovascular

    disease even the kind that impairs circulation in the legs- increasing the flow of blood through capillaries by


    The use

    of Garlic for circularity conditions usually becomes noticable after about 5 weeks.

    Ok im going to take off now its time for a

    cheese and tomato sandwich with a good topping of Garlic of course lol.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  13. #223
    Phero Enthusiast Numanoid's Avatar
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    SOmeone said that Gogii

    berries help too
    Gojii/Lycii berries can help increase the amount of semen. Just eat a handful a day

    and you'll see what I mean. I get mine from this site -
    The quality is better than any I've seen

    in any store. Very thick and pulpy.

  14. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by Numanoid View Post
    Gojii/Lycii berries can help increase the amount of semen. Just eat a handful a day and

    you'll see what I mean. I get mine from this site -
    The quality is better than any I've seen

    in any store. Very thick and pulpy.
    Hi. Good info on Lycii. I also take dates with

    goat's milk. Oh its all the time standing and waiting. It also gives you a lot of sperm.

    I am very fond of honey since I was young.

    But to have the Yemeni's honey, and the effect is good and fantastic. I even try this with cinnamon and black seed,

    the effect is much better and the dick is all the time waking up and standing. It drives my girlfriend crazy and not

    able to meet my demand. Even some new zealand honey are expensives but the effect is low. Ham_firl sells his

    Yemeni's honey for US$50 for 10oz. When I email him, he will give me $5 discount. I even get one for my sister in

    law who has just given birth to a baby boy. She feels better and also recovering faster. I am asking for better

    price per kg. But I am also eating abt 15 to 30 dates daily with some cow's milk or little goat's


  15. #225
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by passo_s692 View Post
    Hi. Good info on Lycii. I also take dates with goat's milk. Oh its

    all the time standing and waiting. It also gives you a lot of sperm.

    I am very

    fond of honey since I was young. But to have the Yemeni's honey, and the effect is good and fantastic. I even try

    this with cinnamon and black seed, the effect is much better and the dick is all the time waking up and standing. It

    drives my girlfriend crazy and not able to meet my demand. Even some new zealand honey are expensives but the

    effect is low. Ham_firl sells his Yemeni's honey for US$50 for 10oz. When I email him, he will give me $5 discount.

    I even get one for my sister in law who has just given birth to a baby boy. She feels better and also recovering

    faster. I am asking for better price per kg. But I am also eating abt 15 to 30 dates daily with some cow's milk or

    little goat's milk.
    I also drink milk but only raw and

    unpasturised, in this form it has the ability to keep the arterial wall clean of plarke buildup due to the action of

    the natural lecathin content, especially proven to be very effective in cleaning out the corenary arteries.

    Unfortunatelly milk loses its life giving propertys once it has been heated and treated, it then

    contributes to arterial blockages.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  16. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    I also drink milk but only raw and unpasturised, in this

    form it has the ability to keep the arterial wall clean of plarke buildup due to the action of the natural lecathin

    content, especially proven to be very effective in cleaning out the corenary arteries.

    Unfortunatelly milk loses its life giving propertys once it

    has been heated and treated, it then contributes to arterial blockages.
    Tell me how do u

    get raw and unpasteturised? It is safe to drink cows or goat's milk raw and unpasteturised? Wow, you are full of


  17. #227
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by passo_s692 View Post
    Tell me how do u get raw and unpasteturised? It is safe to drink cows or goat's milk raw

    and unpasteturised? Wow, you are full of knowledge....
    I have

    learned a few things from some wonderful and intelligent people, But i recon i am a bit of a dummy actually, and i

    am blown away with the the intelligence that has gone into the infastructure of civilisation concerning science

    medicine and physical structures ect.

    I have been drinking raw

    cows milk daily for about 20 years, the doctor says my cholesterol is about 2 and says that is ok.

    It is very important that the milk is obtained from healthy


    Goats milk is an excellent product


    The milk i get is predominantly from Jerseys and Gurnsey

    cows and contains a certain molecule called A2 which adds to the digestability of the product.

    The farm where i get my milk also sells to the Dairy industry, So the animals

    are checked well for disease ect. And the Raw milk is not allowed to be labelled as drinking milk by law.

    click on

    image to enlarge.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 09-09-2007 at 06:18 PM. Reason: add a pic
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  18. #228
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Terry, seeing that picture I had

    to laugh. A friend of mine has a saying when he thinks something is too expensive: "I wouldn't pay that to watch

    Cleopatra take a bath in goat's milk". Too funny!

  19. #229
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Just got this email from Ham

    Firl, I think its hilarious. Still, my curiosity is going to cost me US$15.

    "We also have Civet cat pure oil

    mixed with Cambodian OUD. We are doing for US$15 per 6ml. We have to mix as the scents of the Civet stinks. After

    mixing, the scents still stink."

    CAt, you still around?

  20. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post

    got this email from Ham Firl, I think its hilarious. Still, my curiosity is going to cost me US$15.

    "We also

    have Civet cat pure oil mixed with Cambodian OUD. We are doing for US$15 per 6ml. We have to mix as the scents of

    the Civet stinks. After mixing, the scents still stink."

    CAt, you still around?
    Hi. What is this

    civet cat oil anyway? Does it gonna drive the women away? I also receive an email from ham_firl abt the whitish

    golden ambergriss and also on the civet's cat. he told me that after mixing with oud, even the scents stink but its

    nicer than on its own. But it still stink. He said this "he received many request on civet's cat oil. But he does

    not understand why people like the stinking scents". My replied to him was "may be people get tired of nicer


  21. #231
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Shit man i dont want to smell like S**t ?

    Quote Originally Posted by passo_s692 View Post
    Hi. What is this civet cat oil anyway? Does it gonna drive the women away? I

    also receive an email from ham_firl abt the whitish golden ambergriss and also on the civet's cat. he told me that

    after mixing with oud, even the scents stink but its nicer than on its own. But it still stink. He said this "he

    received many request on civet's cat oil. But he does not understand why people like the stinking scents". My

    replied to him was "may be people get tired of nicer scents"
    I was going

    to get something to try from Ham as well, something like some Royal Cambodian or some Borneo 3000 but does it really

    stink ?


    is it just the oil of cat that is the stinker ?

    I after a fragrance that is distinctive and

    enduring that will not repel girls.

    I have heard also that some of the stuff is also good for relaxation or


    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  22. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    I was going to get something to try from Ham as well,

    something like some Royal Cambodian or some Borneo 3000 but does it really stink ?

    Or is it just the oil of cat that is the stinker ?

    I after a fragrance that is distinctive and enduring that will not repel


    I have heard also that some of the stuff is also good

    for relaxation or meditation.

    Hi Terry, I have tried almost all of ham Oud, and all

    of them are not stink with very nice scents especially the Royal Oud, Double SUper Cambodian, Double SUper Malaysia,

    Double SUper Kalimantan, Double SUper Burmese etc. Even his cheaper Oud oil is excellent. Oud by nature do not

    stink except Indian plantation that ham is selling at US$24.5 for 3ml. He told that is from a plantation in India

    and before the tree ripe (infected), its being taken for use to make oil. But his double super Indian and Indian

    Grade A are excellent oil as they are from "THE WILD".

  23. #233
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Appreciate it 4 sure

    Quote Originally Posted by passo_s692 View Post
    Hi Terry, I have tried almost all of ham Oud, and all of them are not stink with very nice

    scents especially the Royal Oud, Double SUper Cambodian, Double SUper Malaysia, Double SUper Kalimantan, Double

    SUper Burmese etc. Even his cheaper Oud oil is excellent. Oud by nature do not stink except Indian plantation that

    ham is selling at US$24.5 for 3ml. He told that is from a plantation in India and before the tree ripe (infected),

    its being taken for use to make oil. But his double super Indian and Indian Grade A are excellent oil as they are

    from "THE WILD".
    You have put in good effort here and i have written

    it all down in my Pheromone book,

    Thanks heeps, I wouldn't mind buying some in bulk and trying to re sell at the

    local green markets see if it takes off.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  24. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    You have put in good effort here and i have written it

    all down in my Pheromone book,

    Thanks heeps, I wouldn't

    mind buying some in bulk and trying to re sell at the local green markets see if it takes off.

    I learnt a lot from ham_firl. I must thank Belgare... for recommending me to him. But

    I love Oud and something that boost from the internal. Before I used to buy from others.

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    Quote Originally Posted by passo_s692 View Post

    learnt a lot from ham_firl. I must thank Belgare... for recommending me to him. But I love Oud and something that

    boost from the internal. Before I used to buy from others.
    Hi. I have tried civet with Oud, its

    smells different. My friends love it. I can only used it when I mix with "midnight stroll" perfume which is nice,.

    Can someone recommend me some pherone. I would like to try.

  26. #236
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    Quote Originally Posted by passo_s692 View Post

    What is this civet cat oil anyway? Does it gonna drive the women away? I also receive an email from ham_firl abt the

    whitish golden ambergriss and also on the civet's cat. he told me that after mixing with oud, even the scents stink

    but its nicer than on its own. But it still stink. He said this "he received many request on civet's cat oil. But

    he does not understand why people like the stinking scents". My replied to him was "may be people get tired of

    nicer scents"
    Civet is a favorite scent for perfumers for its fixative and animalic qualities. You would

    not wear it on its own. Blended skillfully with other scents it gives a raw, earthy, lusty, sexy, musky feel. My

    guess is that if he's getting a lot of demand its from perfumers. I wish he had pure civet, unblended, or with a

    carrier oil.

    I see that you're layering it with some other fragrance with good success. Good job, but be


    I blended some of my civet/oud from Ham Firl with a carrier oil to a 10% mixture. The other day I

    layered a drop of that with a drop of deer musk and a couple drops of sandalwood. Very pleasing.

  27. #237
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Good perfuming quality civet

    is the ****. But it's not for the inexperienced or timid. It definitely stinks in it's raw, undiluted form, like

    poop mixed with unbrushed teeth. One of my favorite substances!
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  28. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by passo_s692 View Post
    Tell me how

    do u get raw and unpasteturised? It is safe to drink cows or goat's milk raw and unpasteturised? Wow, you are full

    of knowledge....
    Well, people did it for thousands of years before supermarkets. Thats the

    key, in the "old" days if you couldn't drink it that day you made cheese or did something else with it.
    FWIW , a

    lot of people find it easier to breakdown goats milk due to the molecular structure. The lactose in cows milk makes

    be fart alot , no problem though with goats milk and it's much creamier and is great on porridge!
    early 40's white male or or

  29. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis View Post

    perfuming quality civet is the ****. But it's not for the inexperienced or timid. It definitely stinks in it's

    raw, undiluted form, like poop mixed with unbrushed teeth. One of my favorite substances!

    description! Mix civet with oud (Ham Firl's) and you can add dirty horse stall. But mix it up VERY judiciously

    with other, more palatable scents, and wow.



    The civet, castoreum and hyraceum links

    are interesting.
    Last edited by idesign; 10-17-2007 at 06:37 PM. Reason: anal sp

  30. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post

    description! Mix civet with oud (Ham Firl's) and you can add dirty horse stall. But mix it up VERY judiciously with

    other, more palatable scents, and wow.
    Wow, the link that you gave was good but the price is too

    expensives. Even the ambergriss & Civet are too expensive. If I was not mistaken, ham_firl was selling similar

    ambergriss for only US$22 per gram abt 2 years ago. I asked him abt it and his replied was that all were sold out

    and some amount of his ambergriss were made into ambergriss oil.

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