
Results 1 to 10 of 10
  1. #1

    Default Reposted for Newbies...

    If Jambat I doesn\'t work...

    ...try Jambat II. It\'s the same 70%/30% mix but with SPMO, you can even try 80%/20%. I\'ve talked about it before but I didn\'t go indept. What I think is based on the info that you guys have given over the past few month some of us don\'t need as much A-none. It works for me but not for all. So you may need some nol, and maybe a lot more than A-none.

    If you\'re having problems with Jambat One or anything else for that matter try these...

    1) ODing on the mix may work for some or ODing on APC alone.

    2) If you\'re short make sure you get some in the hair (oh yes).

    3). Try Jambat II because of it\'s A-nol (see above)

    4). Try what I call Jambat Jakked (which isn\'t really one of mine but it\'s substituting AFA for APC (because of AFA\'s nol content). Some say it doesn\'t smell as good but brings to hits. I\'ve never used it.

    5) Try the Jambat Triple Mix. This deadly combo works like this. 35% APC, 35% SPMO and of course 30% NPA but do this if you just like mixing. Women\'s PI can be a great substitute for SPMO on the A-nol side. This one\'s pretty nice, but then again maybe you could just buy AE or PF and mix NPA in it. (I\'d stick with the 70/30 thing though).

    6) Women\'s PI and NPA 50/50 or 60/40 (or even 70/30 your call here). Haven\'t tried it but it should work, now what you cover this with? Mix it into an e-oil or cover it with the e-oil after you put it on. I sugguest Egyptian Musk.

    (7) Now there\'s the untested \"Jambat III\" which is PF and NPA. I know CJ has been waiting on this. I hope to test it Saturday. If someone wants to test it before me please feel free.

    These things should work. And if this helps anyone hook me up with that fifth star rating star. Peace.

    Note: This was posted before announcement of the kits so anywhere I mention PI(w) replace with A-nol.

    [ November 26, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  2. #2

    Default Re: Reposted for Newbies...


  3. #3

    Default Re: Reposted for Newbies...


  4. #4

    Default Re: Reposted for Newbies...

    [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] hey i always go one better right he he.
    My new OD record half a bottle of The edge all over me and go walkies in a shopping centre hey it had to be done. I always go one better.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Reposted for Newbies...

    Well!!! What happened? That had to have and interesting affect.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Reposted for Newbies...

    Apart from people moving out of the road i picked a mall i never go to on the other side of the city and just walked through once. Had a change of clothes in the car and it was interesting one fem followed me around though which was interesting he he. Hey why not. Thats about it. I have creativity and incitive. he he

  7. #7

    Default Re: Reposted for Newbies...

    So at what point will you just pour the whole bottle on and maybe cover it with a little NPA and possibly some APC even? Better yet a little PI.

    [ November 28, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  8. #8

    Default Re: Reposted for Newbies...

    Im thinking a whole bottle of P10 or AE now theres an idea expensive though jambat ill get back to you later on on that one. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    Wish me luck anyway

  9. #9

    Default Re: Reposted for Newbies...

    You\'re what we call crazy. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Although I\'d love to hear the story if you do that.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Reposted for Newbies...

    Is there a difference between crazy and creative dunno, im not going to do the above mentioned but any millionare out there is quite welcome to send me a bottle of AE and ill try it out for them, just for the forum.

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