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  1. #31
    Enlightened One
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    Feb 2002
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    Well the same pretty much was

    looking when i was younger * 8 years ago now* found a advert in a mens mag brought what is called here andro 4.2 and


    After that jumped on the web found the old love-scent site forum. That was many years ago. And

    been playing and discussing and fiddling and getting benefits for many years now

    I agree with catlord and

    others it is now a every day usage thing - at the same time social - business - work and the occasional successful

    sexual benefits that come from it - have fine tuned a lot of combo and mixes etc and just try the new products as

    they come out to get a feel for em and see how they can be worked in with the older stuff.

    Lifestyle enhancer

    is what i prefer to focus on. Ie more attention higher social status etc etc

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
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    I'll tell my story. I was

    curious, lost, and misguided. I was lost cause I was broken hearted, misguided cause I don't know what I'm

    searching for and curiousity is what made me buy the pheromones. This stuff somewhat changed the direction of my sex

    life. i don't know if it's for better or it made it worse.

    Before I purchased my first batch of pheromones, my

    gf broke up with me. She met someone asap but I was still alone. I wanted to get back in the game but I WAS really

    shy. I was watching "love potion #9" and so I thought if this is possible, I would be a living god. So I tried to do

    some research on it. My search took me to many witch craft, spells, and voodoo sites selling bogus vials of liquids.

    For some reason I typed in witches brew love potion. One of the search results pointed me to the women's forum

    where they have a mix called witches brew. So here I am.

    I bought some products. The first week of trying them, I

    thought I spent $200 dollars for nothing and got scammed. So I started mixing. Next day at a party, I got my first

    clear DIHL look. A lot of the women started looking at me too. I thought I had a booger on my nose or something

    cause women were staring at me weird. I don't even know what DIHL stands for before. DIHL stares are weird at

    first. I still wasn't convinced though that pheromones work.

    I didn't believe in pheromones until the sex

    started pouring in. When they orgasm, they orgasmed big. When it is over, they were so tired. In the morning, they

    tell me that was great sex. Women do not get orgasms like that if I don't wear androstenone products.


    thing is that I met my ex again. We just started doing it. She would cheat on her bf and we would do it on a hotel.

    She got addicted to me. I guess you can say, pheromones changed my sex life. Best $200 I've ever spent. I feel a

    little ashamed now actually because the thought of this site scamming me and cheating me crossed my mind a lot of

    times in that first week of testing. I think I posted a thread before in my first week that I'm worried I got

    scammed and that chikara doesn't work at all.

    Looking back at it now, I don't know if it was good or it was bad

    for me. 5 years ago, I know I was looking for love. Now I'm STUCK with 2 girls that I have a mutual understanding

    with. All sex, and no relationships. They don't know each other though so what you are thinking won't be happening

    to me besides my bed isn't big enough for 3 people. I get great sex with hot babes, free to do it with anyone I

    meet or pick up but it's almost impossible for me to fall in love and break away from the 2 girls unless they fall

    in love with other people also.

    What is it with these forums that makes people tell their intimate stories?

  3. #33
    Full Member luxveritas's Avatar
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    After using pheromone

    products for a week I picked up an exstripper bartender for the worst one night stand in my life. I have only done

    something like that 2 or 3 times in the last 6 years and dont plan to pick up any more one nighters. The dreams I

    had that night scared the hell out of me and I woke up paranoid out of my mind. Maybe I just wont pick up any more

    skanks for one nighters only girls I am truely interested in. I did notice the change though. She had almost no

    interest in me whatsoever (actually seemed to dislike me) but I still got a roll in the hay.

  4. #34
    Full Member
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    lets set the wayback machine to

    1985 ~> I was 15 then, me and a buddy were with an older friend driving the back roads at night when the two of them

    got into a conversation about Polo cologne - my buddy John said he has good luck with it, the other guy said "thats

    because it has pheromones in it" - it sounded other-worldly to me that there was a chemical that would help "get

    chicks". (I dont think Polo has mones in it by the way) I started using mones a few years after that when I saw them

    in adult mags - I think I must have tried everything on the market back then - the first product to work for me was

    APC years later.

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