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  1. #1
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    Question Engaged and married women.

    I'm read

    some info on how some guys have been getting a lot of hits from women who are attached... however, it seems as the

    hits i've read about never amount to anything, in sexual terms... however, i am curious. Is it moral issues in

    closing the deal or do you think that it would perhaps require more none to really bring them over? perhaps an od

    could possibly be the answer? That is putting all morals aside... if interested, please post on this.

  2. #2
    Relaxed seduceme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dag0n
    I'm read some

    info on how some guys have been getting a lot of hits from women who are attached... however, it seems as the hits

    i've read about never amount to anything, in sexual terms... however, i am curious. Is it moral issues in closing

    the deal or do you think that it would perhaps require more none to really bring them over? perhaps an od could

    possibly be the answer? That is putting all morals aside... if interested, please post on


    IMHO inexperienced and unknowledgable as I am mones may only take it so far. Humans seem

    more dynamic and complex than purely driven by smell. Social and other factors do play in.

  3. #3
    Phero Pro NaughtieGirl's Avatar
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    Default How about sentimental issues?

    Dear Dagon,

    There are probably as many answers and reasons as there are women. I cannot generalize for all of

    us "attached" women. I can only say that in my case, if I see a guy I think is attractive, I might go as far as

    letting on that I think he's attractive. Smile at him, look him in the eye, bat my lashes, something like that. The

    equivalent of a guy winking at me as I'm pumping gas.

    But I draw the line at that. Am I going to jeopardize

    my relationship with my husband? (Whom I am head over heels in love with) - NO way! Now maybe some attached woman

    who is in a bad relationship might be easier to influence. But is that truly the kind of person you want?


  4. #4
    Livin' the life of Riley
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    There are many "attached women"

    who are more than willing to cheat on their partner... however, there are also a lot of them that while they would

    not go as far as cheating, they enjoy to "test the waters" so to speak. Usually they are re-confirming to

    themselves that they are still desirable and can still attract other men.

    Personally, I find no harm in

    flirting, but there are too many available single women out there to get involved with an attached woman.... if for

    no other reason than having to deal with my own guilt the next day.


  5. #5
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    For biological reasons having

    to do with reproductive fitness, many women "marry beta (for security and faithfullness) and cheat alpha (for

    quality sperm)". They might even have a kid from the "alpha" male to be raised by the "beta". This is a suprisingly

    common occurance. Pheromones make you seem more biologically alpha.

    The book to get for understanding this is

    Sperm Wars.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast phersurf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis

    biological reasons having to do with reproductive fitness, many women "marry beta (for security and faithfullness)

    and cheat alpha (for quality sperm)". They might even have a kid from the "alpha" male to be raised by the "beta".

    This is a suprisingly common occurance. Pheromones make you seem more biologically alpha.

    The book to get

    for understanding this is Sperm Wars.

    There have been many studies in all parts

    of the world that show that at minimum 10% and more likely 20% of all people are not the offspring of the person

    they think is their father! This is true across all cultural and religious groups.

    Sperm Wars is an amazing

    book! The Red Queen is another that explains the biological, evolutionary reasons for this.

  7. #7
    Phero Guru
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    Default none

    When I was suddenly single

    and in my mid-40s I tried the dating game and used pheromones to help. I tried bars for a small bit and realized

    that wasn't going to work so I did what was becoming popular by then and started finding dates on the internet. My

    own experience became then that it wasn't worth doing. The quality of single women in my age bracket seemed

    pretty dismal, I didn't like any of my dates and I think I can safely say that most of them didn't like me either.

    This may be regional as I was living in Florida at the time. Anytime I was in the NorthEast, I had more luck. At

    any rate, I became disillusioned and began talking online with married women only. I found them to be much more

    interesting and quite anxious to listen to my drivel (I likely was not born an alpha male but because of my 20 years

    in the Air Force and having lived almost exclusively outide of the USA for most of my adult life I likely sounded

    like one online - women do love to hear a guy who has "done things" and lived a bit on the edge). Each married

    woman I spoke to online always agreed to meet up with me, even (for one anyways) if it meant flying from the West

    coast to the East. Unlike the single dates I had had, not one of the married women ever cared about how much I made

    or what my "image" seemed to be (I was a single father with custody of a mid-teens daughter and had very very little

    "dating money" - and, even though you tell a single woman this, she still expects you to pay and pay and pay. The

    married ones never asked me to buy them anything or even to pay their way to see me. Was this immoral? I don't

    think so as each of them were talking with me because they just could no longer stand their husbands. Their

    marriages had become boring, sexless, and utterly routine. I always used pheromones when I met them and I truly

    believe it enhanced the experience for both of us, especially during intimate times. As a side note, none of the

    husbands, save one, seemed to even care. If I were to ever become single again (not very likely) I would do it the

    same way all over again.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  8. #8
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    Wink IMHO many people marry out of social or familial pressure

    so a couple of basic points: most people seem to have lived fairly conformist, limited lives

    and are nervous, judgemental, or confused by those who have pushed the envelope, even in interesting directions. The

    flip side of this is your self knowledge increases in direct proportion to the number of times you've pushed the

    envelope. Not knowing themselves well they lack a good model for knowing others well. Their relationships are based

    on what they watch on television, what people around them generally seem to be doing, recipes and formulas for

    happiness taken from advertising, keeping up with the jonses, a need for security and predictability, the idea that

    hanging out and drinking beer is sublime recreation (it can be if you know how to make your own beer, that's

    another story)... then they find themselves going nowhere, up on a shelf, Jack and Jane Invisible puttering around

    the Wall Mart.... maybe after years of that they start to respect forms of life that they may have previously

    dismissed or judged, but they have no idea where to begin, which keys fit what locks, what skills you need to

    survive, how to size things up, then you come along and you're like the guy who sailed over the edge of the


  9. #9
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Unfortunately my last two GF were

    happily married women. I knew better and they knew better but we got deeply involved anyway. The relationships

    lasted between 3 and 6 months and were highly emotional, intellectual and sexual. In the end they both went crazy

    under the stress and strain of cheating and things ended badly. I think because they both knew in the back of their

    minds the relationship would be short lived, so they really cut loose sexually.

    Incidentally, I don't think

    pheromones had much to do with it. The desires were there with or without pheromones. In fact, when I was with the

    first woman I didn't wear pheromones. I think perhaps wearing 'mones enhanced the initial stages with the 2nd

    woman, but then she was a massive horndog with or without 'mones. She needed no help or encouragement.


    still get "hits" from attached women, flirt with them but am very picky about whom I get invloved with! Her

    personality and lifestyle make a huge difference to me even if she is married. So although I usually don't pursue

    her, it's nice to keep keep your chops up with a little tease.
    Last edited by Gegogi; 03-10-2005 at 03:20 AM.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi

    my last two GF were happily married women. I knew better and they knew better but we got deeply involved anyway. The

    relationships lasted between 3 and 6 months and were highly emotional, intellectual and sexual. In the end they both

    went crazy under the stress and strain of cheating and things ended badly. I think because they both knew in the

    back of their minds the relationship would be short lived, so they really cut loose sexually.

    Incidentally, I

    don't think pheromones had much to do with it. The desires were there with or without pheromones. In fact, when I

    was with the first woman I didn't wear pheromones. I think perhaps wearing 'mones enhanced the initial stages with

    the 2nd woman, but then she was a massive horndog with or without 'mones. She needed no help or


    I still get "hits" from attached women, flirt with them but am very picky about whom I get

    invloved with! Her personality and lifestyle make a huge difference to me even if she is married. So although I

    usually don't pursue her, it's nice to keep keep your chops up with a little tease.
    If they were "happily

    married" they wouldnt think of having an affair with you would they?

    Unfortunately,I used mones to entice

    attached women and messed around with my neighbors wife.Its a hard life lesson.

  11. #11
    Man of La Pancha
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    Quote Originally Posted by platinumfox
    If they

    were "happily married" they wouldnt think of having an affair with you would they?

    Unfortunately,I used mones to

    entice attached women and messed around with my neighbors wife.Its a hard life lesson.
    Don't get G

    started, Fox...don't get him started...

    (Referring to the fact that he'll tell you many women are

    happily (emotionally) married but just like sex and get it whenever they can)

  12. #12
    Relaxed seduceme's Avatar
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    Most people cheat on their SO

    at one point or another throughout their lives.
    Monogamy is controlled by a hormone called Vasopressin.
    As you

    can imagine we all have an individual productionlevel and receptivelevel for this hormone inside our bodies. Its

    also variable depending on a persons experience, say for example that in the beginning of a new relationships the

    levels might be high, but as the relationship progresses and time passes the levels diminish etc.

  13. #13
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "Monogamy is controlled by

    a hormone called Vasopressin.
    I guess I didn't inherit that one, and either do many women I meet!

    I'm about the same at the beginnnig, end or middle of a relationship. Is there a hormone that controls polygamy?
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  14. #14
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Actually, doesn't the

    vasopressin release at ejaculation act against monogomy? There were some posts about this previously, possibly in

    the Health forum.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  15. #15
    Relaxed seduceme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    I guess I didn't

    inherit that one, and either do many women I meet! I'm about the same at the beginnnig, end or middle of a

    relationship. Is there a hormone that controls polygamy?

    The lack of vasopressin?

    They genetically modified the receptors of vasopressin in monogamous birds and they became polygamous.

    fed polygamous rats/mice with vasopressin and they became monogamous.

  16. #16
    Relaxed seduceme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling

    doesn't the vasopressin release at ejaculation act against monogomy? There were some posts about this previously,

    possibly in the Health forum.
    I suppose youre talking about release of vasopressin in


    Well an interesting thing many dont know is that they conducted a survey on women. Three groups, those

    who didnt have sex regularly. Those who had sex regularly but with condom, and those who had sex regularly without


    The latter group(sex without condom) tended to be less stressed out and depressed in general. Those

    who had sex with condom and those without sex tended to be more stressed out and depressed in general.


    why does this happen? Peculiar aint it? Well not if you look at the male ejaculation. That baby is filled with

    oxycotin, vasopressin, testosterone and all sorts of hormones. In fact it's referred to in the study as a

    'hormonal cocktail'. So sometimes its not only about the females own orgasm rather than absorbing the males

    ejaculation. And sometimes they just need the validation of being filled by some guy I guess..

  17. #17
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Yeah, something about a release

    in males causing one to think about the situation (i.e being with that girl/woman) without "lust goggles".


    read that study too, and I also heard that male ejaculate contains hormones that can enlarge the clitorus!

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  18. #18
    Relaxed seduceme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling
    I've read

    that study too, and I also heard that male ejaculate contains hormones that can enlarge the


    Haha! Frigging great man! I'll be sure to mention that tonight to girls!

    'Did you know that theres a hormone in the males ejaculation that.. umm, nah youre probably not ready to

    hear this'... "what what tell me please!" 'that'll enlarge, and greater arouse your clitoris for maximum


  19. #19
    Enlightened One
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    Commonly called androstenone lol


    That said the issue of wives (and husbands) cheating up to 40% have done so in a relationship

    of more than 7 years they say according to the boffins - 7 year itch has something there.

    I get a lot of

    hits from married and attached women (married ones usually wont jump) attached ones well a cople of


    Mostly though its those singles that get laid with myself in the end - a point in that married women

    are less likley to jump ship esp if a good solid financial earner is backing them up

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