Theres some old

posts on here about this topic, but they are... old What recent experiences have people had with professional

and home teeth whitening? Does anyone know the cost of the professional centers these days? Is there any good home

stuff out now?

I have used the Nite White Turbo home kits, go on Ebay for about $30. So far those are the

fastest ones I have ever seen. 2 Nights and your teeth are ivory. The BAD BAD thing about it is that it leaves

your teeth sensitive ALL DAY!!!! And its not the "spiking" sensitive like bio says in his post (though it can be if

you drink something cold) its the annoying sensitive, but its so bad that you wanna smash your head against the wall

and knock your teeth out. Pain killers do NOT hamper that sensitivity either (why on earth is that?). Thats why I

dont use it much anymore.