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  1. #1
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Jose\'s mad experiments part 1

    Concentration kit experiment No.1
    0.2ml of Androstenone
    0.2ml of Androstenol
    0.3ml of Androsterone
    5.0ml of Cologne

    I poured it in a empty bottle of AE, will be using its this weekend to see if it\'s a dud or not. I might have to put more if necessary. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I\'ll keep you posted.

    Experiment No. 2 coming soon [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    [ November 22, 2001: Message edited by: jose ]

  2. #2

    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1

    Hi Jose

    Just was wonder y u used more % of rone than none & nol

    Have a good day [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]


  3. #3
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1

    Hi Jack

    RONE is supposed to increase the effectiveness of both NONE and ENOL. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1

    I used \"Experiment No.1\" this Thanksgiving had some good comments about the smile but no visible hits. I\'m thinking I should use a little more Pheromones than what I have now.

    Experiment No. 2
    0.2ml Androstenone
    0.2ml Androstenol
    0.3ml Androsterone
    2.0ml Ethanol

    It\'s in the small dropper you received with the kit, I\'m hoping it not to strong. I will use No.2 next weekend,with a combination of No. 1. but not mixed together.

    [ November 24, 2001: Message edited by: jose ]

  5. #5
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1

    Hi Jose,
    Thanks for the report. Couple of questions:
    -Which kind of container would work best for applying your final mixture, atomizer or ball-top roll on bottle? I\'m thinking of throwing in one or the other with each kit.
    -Have you tried mixing the e-oils with anthing? How easy is it to mix? and with what?

  6. #6
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1

    I think the Atomizer is better for experiment No. 2, but a spray bottle for No. 1 is better. I haven\'t tried any oils yet, but give me sometime I\'m still working on these two.

  7. #7
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1

    Hi Jose,
    I always thought and atomizer was the same thing as a spray. Is there some difference or was that a typo? The two types of empty bottles I have are spray and roll on (which is usually used with oily stuff).

  8. #8
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1

    I\'m talking about those spray glass bottles like The Edge has, I saw them sold on the Internet. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] That would be for experiment No. 1 with the Cologne.

  9. #9
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1

    I was going to use Experiment No. 2 for this weekend but decided to use it yesterday at work. I think I got a hit, there\'s this new girl at work, we\'ve talked a couple of times. When I came by her desk she had this look but only for a second, while she was leaving she gave me a wink [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] and said \"goodbye jose\". Probably doesn\'t mean anything. One thing I notice about No. 2 is it is unscented you can hardly small it at all after an hour of applying.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1

    How are your experiements working out jose, good luck.

  11. #11
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1

    I\'m going to use experiment No. 2 today since its unscented on the new girl at work. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] Let\'s see what happens [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Experiment No. 3 coming soon.

  12. #12
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1


    I think you may be going a bit too heavy on the AndrosteRone. It does supposedly enhance the effects of the other two, but only when added in specific proportions.
    Stone includes A-Rone in P10 at an amount equalling only 10% of total phero content (6N, 3L, 1R). In Alter Ego, Rone amounts to 22% of the pheros (4N, 3L, 2R). Both of your mixes had Rone at 43% of total phero content. That\'s quite high.

    Plus, I saw on another thread, that while you thought the A-None had an intense aroma, you said that you could hardly smell the other two.
    Well, the ability to smell Rone is like the ability to smell None. It\'s something you either have, or you don\'t. It\'s possible that you CAN smell None, but CAN\'T smell Rone, because the Rone in my kit has a scent almost as intense as the None (to my nose).

    I made an AE formula type additive using 4N, 3L, 2R, and the Rone was SO overwhelming in the scent of the final product that I had to doctor it to cut the Rone proportions in half. Try cutting your Rone proportions. You may be wasting product, and unnecessarily stinking up your mixes. even if YOUR nose isn\'t telling you so.

    A splash of Vermouth enhances the flavor of a Martini beautifully! Another splash screws it up. Just another case of \"Less is More\".

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  13. #13
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1

    Thanks Oscar, I\'ll apply it to experiment No. 3 [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] don\'t worry about the kit I still have plenty of Pheromones.

    Hummmmm........ so I might have to put more ENOL and NONE in experiment No. 1. [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

  14. #14
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1


    You should add more fragrance too. That\'s what I had to do. I hadn\'t used much of my mix at all, so I just made up another batch, MINUS the A-Rone, and dumped that in. But mine STARTED at 22% Rone, so adding the Rone-free batch brought it down to @ 11% Rone. You\'re starting at 43%, so you MAY want to add two batches of the other ingredients. It\'s your call!

    Good Luck!

  15. #15
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1

    I added 0.3ml of NONE and ENOL in Experiment No. 1 cologne mix. I will be trying it out soon.

    [ December 01, 2001: Message edited by: jose ]

  16. #16
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1


    Did you add more cologne as well?
    You\'re up to 1.3 ml of kit pheros, and potency-wise, that equates to more than 2.6 ml of something like NPA!

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1

    My experience with androsterone may not be typical. I can never wear more than two dabs of AE. Even then I get a lot of funny vibes from people that I don’t know.

    Somewhere DD speculated that androsterone makes you seem more intense, and that seems to be my experience. It\'s a good effect, to a point, but too much makes me appear less aproachable.

    I’ve diluted the androsterone that comes with my kit to 25% of it’s original strength. Because I have a feeling that even one drop is too much for me.

    My new formula adds up to 28 parts -none: 12 parts -nol : 1 part -rone. This is then diluted to 10% of its original strength. I’ll let everyone know how it works out.

  18. #18
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1

    No Oscar, I\'m keeping the Cologne at where it is now. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  19. #19

    Default Re: Jose\'s mad experiments part 1

    Yeah thanks aka rone is the intense phero but also to much makes one unapproahable or the get out of the room principle, good if you want to clear a room to be alone. Refer everyone to what to do to get people away from you JUST OD ON STRONGER PRODUCTS andro 8.4 or AE is a good choice as is NPA and PI(W), surprise surprise works for me anyway.

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