I reported some results from this mix:1spray Edge Heat(neck)+1spray chikara(neck)+half spray

perception(neck to make scents last longer)+2 drop wagg(side of the neck)+4 inches Soe total(wrists/behind ears).+9

dab of Pheros.
I am 20 years old.Physically tonic.7,5/10 "pretty".Dark look.1,75m tall.LONG hairs.i have beard

What i have noticed is that i HAD NOT a single case of aggression from men(even when NOT using

Maybe i am low on none for a guy of my age,and i could be a lot far from an OD.maybe it is my culture which

could require high none for success.Maybe it was simply the environment which played its part.Maybe it was the

temperatue(i do not think this since i tried almost the same thing in different places,with different

temperature.)But i came up with another hyphotesis.
example:A friend of mine had problems with his girlfriend,and

wanted to go to dinner with me,to ask my opinion on the whole thing.
i was wearing something like 1,5 spray edge

heat and 1 chikara.
I remember that when he was talking about important and crucial things of this relationship,he

was touching my arm.My friend is THE very typical alpha male,9/10 on attractiveness.And this "savior effect"

happened other times with other males.Also i found women not very much different from a normal situation..some is

shy etc.Let's say nobody till now ran away from me.

My hyphotesis is that my look,and most of all my long

hairs(when they are wet they touch my bottom),give a touch of indefinite sexuality,able to give the people a more

versatile interpretation of my pheromones(which can be good or bad,see below).
Just to make an example:if i enter

in a male range,maybe he can feel to be threatened,but looking to my look he is not able to decode exactly the

threat,since from one side he sees a "lone wolf alpha male type",but from the other side he feels my picture not as

the stereotype of alpha male,and he sees into me(for example the long hairs)something "feminine"(well,it is better

to call it"sexually indefinible",since i am not really feminine),which could lower the aggression factor,dued to the

fact that subconsciously he is not able to define a clear division between "threat" and " target".
And this could

be the same situation of a woman:she can feel intimidated,but she doesn't recognize exactly the stereotype of alpha

male,and seeing those long hairs maybe she perceives a greater sensibility which "counters" the most negative None

effects...giving you a less sexual aura but a more ambiguous and misterious one;this is a sort of Oscar Wilde's

As drawback...if the theory is right...if i bath into Nol..i should be immediatly identified as omosexual

What do you think?Has anyone perceived ambiguous mones responses as i had?