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  1. #1
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    Arrow My phero experience.


    I am :20 Years old.Male.
    overall phisical look 7-8 on 10.(remember that i am not a very standard

    beauty..i am not much a" standard beauty" type..but i can say to you that if i like i like a LOT...if i do not

    like..i do not like COMPLETLY...anyway i tried to give an objective rating of myself).
    overall intellectual "look"

    10 on 10.(really!)
    my usual dressesark clothes,as a fallen rockstar lol,leather coat,kevlar gloves,hipster

    pants..etc.---->the CEE is highened.
    my usual look:beard+VERY VERY long hairs(if they are wet,they go under my

    bottom..unusual for a guy).High 1,75 m.
    I do not do much sport.(well let's say i do enough exercises at home to

    keep myself in optimal shape but i do not think to be the tyipical gymned bull,so i do not think to be a persona

    with high and high NONE levels...just to say my opinion on this).
    Sometimes i wear

    My pheromones.

    I use

    pheromones since 2 months.
    I have:Npa-Edge essential heat-Chikara(latest version)-Pheros-Soe unscented-Primal

    instinct male unscented-Rogue male-Alter ego male scented-WAGG-Perception.I have not tried 1 week a single pheromone

    as a standalone as suggested since i had not so much time to stay in contact with people and since i think that if

    there is rly something able to rule,it will do it without 1 week test.(anyway i tried to be ENOUGH scientifical in

    my tests...trying for example to build GOOD coverscents,to avoid ODS,to put from 0,010 none to 0,015,to improve

    slowly the number of phero used

    My experience:


    had 2 sprays of chikara on my neck around my mother.She said i bought a fucking bad cologne.anyway she was much soft

    with me.(we usually have a lot of problems,anyway i think it was more the moment that the pheromones.).

    father is a very very very serious person.Example:when we are at table at dinner,and i do zapping on a stupid

    television program,he said something like:"fucking monkey...i say you fucking die in the hell...etc lol".I noticed

    that when i wear some pheromones(often SOE or the remains of the others i washed),it is more probable he laugh on

    this stupid programs.And THIS IS ABSOLUTLY RARE!HE IS A ROBOT!Anyway sometimes,and at 75%when i wear some

    pheromones,he becomes a little more HUMAN.(the used amounts of pheros in this case was rly little.from 2 inches of

    SOE for every wrist(so 4 total),to that SOE+ some little remains from other product application(a little of

    everything...i like very much complex combos).
    Another thing i saw about my father:50% when i use some pheros

    around him,he is less likely to be angry if i do not study and things like that.
    3-Hits non hits and

    ---Perception alone:from 1 spray to 2,5.Nothing great.Some eyes meeting...but nothing more.nothing i can't

    handle without it.
    ---FIRST COMBO=EdgeEssentialsHeat+Chikara:i NEVER used them alone.I LIKE A LOT the scent of them

    TOGHETHER 50-50.I think it is a well balanced mix.Their scent is a lot better then their own when they are

    alone.THIS IS A GOOD MIX.1 spray EEH+1 spray Chikara.very nice scent also have MANY pheros.
    I tried from 2

    sprays of each to 1 spray of each.
    -2 sprays of each on 3 days of test:a-i was on a bus.when i exit,all the females

    in the range of 3-4 M look at me while i "cannot see" them(but i was since my experiment was even to notice them

    while she were thinking i wasn't able to see her),while i am exiting the bus.
    -b:i had BIG problems with my ex

    girlfriend.I do not think there is the action of pheromones absolutly anyway...i think she is a fuckin idiot and no

    more no less.anyway i was using pheromones sometimes around her...somethign as 1 spray EEH and 1 spray chikara.She

    is a strange girl and seriously i absolutly cannot detect always what is behind her

    manners.anyway...well...pheromones didn't save my relationship ..eheh..well..i didn't even expect something

    like this.
    -c:1 or 2 perception spray(used most to have a lasting scent)+1 spray EEH+1 chikara:1DIHL.It was

    rainining(moderate rain)-10°-15° i think.I was at a bus stop.A girl walks near to me.She begin to look into my eyes

    from a distance of 3,5 m;she continues to look me even when she was 2,5 m behind me.In fact,at the beginning i

    looked her into the eyes,but then...since i didn't want to stare...i watched somewhere else...but then i noticed

    with the eye coda...that she was still looking at me!!!!i NEVER saw her elsewhere.and then i looked her in the eyes

    a second time...and she didn't move her eyes from me...she kept looking me into the eyes.WTF!I wasn't interested

    -d:1 spray EEH+1 spray Chikara(neck/behind ears)+1 dab PI(chest,left part of the heart)+4 inches Soe (wrist

    and below eyes or neck)..maybe+1 dab of RM..i do not remember:there was a birthday of a girlfriend of a friend of

    mine.I felt aggressive at the beginning...(not important in my opinion...sometimes it happens)..anyway..nice social

    communications..several eye one is afraid to look into your eyes(of sure LOOK...not staring..anyway i

    didn't even try to STARE...i talk about 15-20 second of "interested" eye meeting..a right time for me.).people is

    chatty.the respect from males is high jokes on you ehehe.
    -e:a friend of mine(male) became more

    touchy..o hwell he is not absolutly gay...but he was in a bad situation with her girlfriend and wanted to have a

    dinner with me.he sometimes touched my arms when the moment was more"crucial" he tough he needed help and i was

    able to give him(and i fucking am lol).anyway...NOT ONLY i saw +10-20% of respect in males,but i even saw what i

    will call "SE=savior effect".this was with 1 spray EEH+1 chikara.maybe some Rm

    THE LAST DAY:Saturday yuhuhu

    my LATEST COMBO---AND GREAT COMBO---(after 1,5 month of "i am taking confidence":0,5-1spray EEH+0,5-1

    chikara on neck(very nice scent guys..try this...i told Oscar to try this and he was happy too and suggested me to

    post here my reports)+3 pheros dab for each wirst,+3-6 on neck(it is not a great problem here...its influence on

    pheromone doses is not simply have to choose if you need more or less surely depends even on

    your "hunting territory and prey" often you need to take some "intelligence" lol.)+1 drops of WAGG each side of

    neck(2 total)-4-8 inches of SOE(2 neck-below eyes+2 each wirst+1 on each hand or something similar...WTF...i am not

    your this have something as 4 secret ingredients and 7 pheromones + Pheros(several

    I found it to be absolutly VERSATILE,and absolutly nice.
    it happened that i was to a dinner of that

    girlfriend's friend of mine(i talked of my friend's birthday sooner in this thread...)..she is not an open

    person..and she is slow to make friends...and all the time i met her,i was wearing a similar mix of eeh and

    chikara.And she invited me at her birthday!mY friend said to me that she found me a lot funny and nice and friendly

    and so wanted to invite me.I was in fact the ONLY friend of his boyfriend invited at her party.
    during the dinner

    it is all ok...but not that great attenction.some eyes meetings..some word...some exchange of opinions..overall it

    was a very nice time for me!you have to count that i knew WELL pratically NOBODY there...exception done for my

    friend..but i managed well the thing!
    The Happening:8 of the initial 20,me in,go to a pub.90% females.The

    girlfriend of my friend become to feel a bad bad headeache(not surely from pheromones but SURELY from a fucking

    influence or fucking desease..she was not fine even when her party began!)and have to go AWAY!His boyfriend too!BUT


    away with my friend and i stay within the "enemy headquarters"...(people i know LITTLE in the streets say hello to

    me as i am a very cool buddy(AND I AM afterall lol)).NOW:1-Giulia,a shy(70% shy girl)and nice girl,tries some

    phisycal contact with me.simply a soft touch of hand on my arm..on my hand...but you have to count that this is

    GOOD...she has no boyfriend...she is shy...and she did it with an ALMOST stranger.she is 19.( i forgot to tell you

    the people i talking about,exception done for my parents,are from 19 to 22 years old!)we end up to talk about VERY

    existencial and philosophical things...difficult to do with a STRANGER!i make an example of philosophy about her and

    a imaginary boyfriend...(the argument was something cannot know what is good if you do not know what is the real perfection in everything is the normalilty of the things..with a compresence of 50% good and 50%

    evil)and she told me"oh...i'd really like to have a boyfriend..."i laught!and she said"oh well...(smiling but

    serious too)i am not kidding!".WELL DONE HERO!
    IRENE:she was another girl...she was talking with me about cool deep

    philosophical thing..while i was talking with giulia.i was threated as A SUPER GURU yeah!oh well...i am A SUPER

    GURU...but this is irrilevant lol.Irene made deeper and more interested looks..while giulia made eye

    contact,softer...but anyway a lot interested(i really think that every girl in that situation was showing her true

    INNER subconscious!).At the end she also took me at home with her father car!
    In My Opinion this means i earned

    credibility in her eyes.She was the typical intelligent girl,intellectual,not easy(IMO..after the impressions i

    had),and why bad too.She was funny with me too.
    ERICA:she was talking of those deep existential things

    too.she was the first one to present herself to me.She had a more critical and aggressive attitude to my

    philosophical ideas(i am planning to whrite a book!)..but always in a positive way.eye meeting here

    I am interested more in

    giulia..even if i think i have chances with all the three girls i talked of.I didn't ask for telephone numbers

    since i want to play it at the OLD OLD MACHO school..more poetry..less telephone(i suggest to you all this

    thing...telephones DESTROY COMPLETLY a relation(well under normal circumstances!))i also think i should have no

    problems to take their number...but that looked to me a little childish,it was the first time we were

    toghether...there is no better way to create some strong basis of eventual relationship than to make seem things

    with a woman


    ty.-lone wolf effect(i am not exactly intimidating...but i rly seem a fallen rockstar lol).+respect(oh well...i do

    not care a lot about this since i'd like to not mess with one who wears Kevlar gloves bulletproof when walking in

    the streets lol).I FOUND FOR MYSELF ALSO a touch of VERY DEEP and DRAMATIC intellectual power(some intellectual

    girls go crazy for this!)...and interaction with others.+trust of others towards you.+mood of yourself.high


    In my

    opinion,LOVE is ALL a question of CHARISMA,and not of BEAUTY;and with the word CHARISMA,i intend that it is that

    thing able to dominate ALL the senses!
    so DO NOT THINK that with pheromones you are a superman...FUCKING NO!you

    simply have a +20%of read have +20%(i think many will agree with me on this,even if

    cannot scientifically proove it...but i know guys!you can understand at FEEL that i am near to the truth!)!that is

    the effect of pheromones under a VERSATILE and not extreeme circumstance.if the MATERIAL senses are 5,and the olfact

    is 1/5...then it is 20%!!!about the sixth is all more and more i do not put it in

    play..while i believe it rly existsand rly affects YOU!if you have 100 charisma...with the right pheros you will

    have MORE!but if you have will have 0 even with them!SO:
    improve YOURSELF,and destroy your complexs and

    paranoias;BUT remember WHO you were first of the change.ONLY then you will be able to find someone rly able to love

    you for what you really are.if not you are losing energies(anyway if you want only to fuck,it is okay that you act

    in all the ways you want...i am nobody to judge you).Do not try to be a fucking DonJuan if you do not feel you are

    only cause you have pheromones on.I ALWAYS thought i had a DEEP DRAMATIC AND POWERFULL AURA around me,and the things

    of tonight showed that,and now i simply enhance it..but i never tried to be someone different from MYSELF.
    I will

    post more in the future,as i work better this combo out.GOOD LUCK!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I the LAST DAY

    section...i was also using half spray of perception on the neck...just to have a longer lasting scent(and it


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    wow. thanks for sharing

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Well, took a while to get used

    to but, a very detailed informative post!. Too bad many still dont try the multi-phero approach.

  5. #5
    Stranger poonchaser22's Avatar
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    English. Try it.

  6. #6
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by poonchaser22
    English. Try

    I appreciated his effort, he put a lot into posting it, but ....
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  7. #7
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    Forgive my mistakes guys,i wrote

    the post yesterday night(4am):i was very tired and a little drunk too.I made the post so long because I wanted to be

    extremely clear about my experience with pheromones,and i wanted to give you accurate informations about

    hits-dosage-cover scent,and i wanted to confirm that pheromones do not make miracles,but they are very good tools to

    improve your charisma indeed.

  8. #8
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iacopo
    Forgive my mistakes

    guys,i wrote the post yesterday night(4am):i was very tired and a little drunk too.I made the post so long because I

    wanted to be extremely clear about my experience with pheromones,and i wanted to give you accurate informations

    about hits-dosage-cover scent,and i wanted to confirm that pheromones do not make miracles,but they are very good

    tools to improve your charisma indeed.

    It was a terrific post.
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  9. #9
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Wow, that's a great example of

    stream of consciousness writing! While that style is highly effective for short colorful passages, e.g., metallic

    maggots on twisted ribbons of steel mother earth licked clean by erotic travellers small minds are dangerous pussy

    snatch ring around moon, etc.--it is confusing when done en masse. Standard sentence structure, paragraphs,

    puncuation, etc., are best observed when conveyance of informatioin, rather than colorful images, is


    Incidentally, you can use the edit option to tighten up your proses. I do it all the time.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

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