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  1. #1
    Stranger anab0lic's Avatar
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    Default Having a hard time with -mones


    Im new here but i have been reading many of the posts on this board for the past few weeks and finally

    decided to post today. Anyways the other week i ordered the sample packs and used them throughout the week. I

    didnt notice pretty much any hits except when i mixed 1/4 of a packet of chikara on chest with 1/4 pack of soe on my

    wrists. That aside, i went ahead and bought perception from here cause i keep hearing that it beats chikara and how

    it lasts longer and all this other good stuff.

    So the perception came last week and i started off with one spray

    of the cover to the chest then rubbing it in with my forarms. Then 1 spray of the -mones ontop rubbed in. No hits at

    all. Then i tried 2 sprays, 1 to the chest and one on the neck. Still nothing. Anyways i have been talking to people

    and im thinking that maybe perception isnt the best mone to use in highschool situations, (i have been using them in

    class). Im thinking im going to try this next whole week experimenting with soe and chikara ( both alone and mixed

    together) and see how things work out.

    If any of you have any suggestions for me with the perception, or what i

    should do with it, ive only used about 5 sprays, let me know. I dont know whether oto get rid of it, or like what to

    do. Any suggestions would be great!!
    Thx guys.

    18 years old
    not sure whether im alpha or

    lone wolf or what, (im shy but not infront of people i know)

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh
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    You are "alpha" if other people

    hang around you and look to you for leadership. That doesn't have to be a 24/7 thing. For example, if you are

    president of the cookie-cutter club, and 15 people come there every week to hang on your every word about how to cut

    cookies out of premixed dough, you are the alpha in that group. Even if the football team uses you for goal-kicking

    practice twice a week.

  3. #3
    Stranger anab0lic's Avatar
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    guess im not really alpha

  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    If you bought Perception here,

    it has a money back guarantee. Contact support at love-scent and they'll help you there.

    Perception and Chikara

    are different mixes and work on different people. I didn't have any results with Perception myself but get great

    results with Chikara. It sounds like you may already produce a lot of none, at your age that wouldn't be

    surprising. If that's the case a high none product like Perception or The Edge isn't really right for you. Since

    you've got SoE and Chikara, try them each out on their own and see what happens.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
    Stranger anab0lic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    If you bought

    Perception here, it has a money back guarantee. Contact support at love-scent and they'll help you there.

    Perception and Chikara are different mixes and work on different people. I didn't have any results with

    Perception myself but get great results with Chikara. It sounds like you may already produce a lot of none, at your

    age that wouldn't be surprising. If that's the case a high none product like Perception or The Edge isn't really

    right for you. Since you've got SoE and Chikara, try them each out on their own and see what happens.

    Thanks bro,
    So whatever happened with your perception. And how come it didnt work for you?... maybe the same

    reason it doesnt work for me? And about that money back guarentee thats awesome, i forgot about that. If you have

    any ideas maybe i should keep using perception lemme know. thx

  6. #6
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I think it didn't work for me

    because of my own personality. Although I am a lot older than you, I take some supplements that help keep my test

    levels up and work out regularly. To much none and people tend to shy away from you and that's what happened to


    My Perception is sitting in a desk drawer. I've been thinking about what to do with it but am not too

    concerned, it didn't cost all that much. It can be useful as a fixative to help colognes and other mones stay put

    longer but I haven't played with it much after my initial results. Maybe I'll start spraying small amounts on past

    due bills to my customers.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  7. #7
    Stranger anab0lic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    I think it

    didn't work for me because of my own personality. Although I am a lot older than you, I take some supplements that

    help keep my test levels up and work out regularly. To much none and people tend to shy away from you and that's

    what happened to me.

    My Perception is sitting in a desk drawer. I've been thinking about what to do with it but

    am not too concerned, it didn't cost all that much. It can be useful as a fixative to help colognes and other mones

    stay put longer but I haven't played with it much after my initial results. Maybe I'll start spraying small

    amounts on past due bills to my customers.
    Yeah my test levels are pretty high and i do workout on a

    regular basis as well, o well maybe perception isnt the kind for us. What do u find urself getting good results on?

    And btw i actually did notice that girls would kinda shy away more like it was weird.

  8. #8
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    The combo I wear most is

    Chikara/TE/Pheros. The TE is only sprayed on my chest before I get dressed, the Chikara and Pheros are in exposed

    locations. If you look up some of the threads I started you'll see how I do it and what kind of results I get.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Default You still gotta work it boy...

    Pheromones don't change your basic attractiveness. If used intelligently, they enhance your attractiveness. If

    used passively, they do little or nothing. You have to look and act the part of a desirable and confident man, even

    if you don't feel like one. Get out there and strike up conversations with women. Charm them with your wit, nice

    smile, toned body and fashionable appearance. Once you have a woman in your peronal space for a few minutes the

    'mones will enhance your attractiveness and give you an edge. Babes ain't gonna drop in your lap just because you

    sprayed on a mix. You still gotta work the room.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi
    Pheromones don't

    change your basic attractiveness. If used intelligently, they enhance your attractiveness. If used passively, they

    do little or nothing. You have to look and act the part of a desirable and confident man, even if you don't feel

    like one. Get out there and strike up conversations with women. Charm them with your wit, nice smile, toned body and

    fashionable appearance. Once you have a woman in your peronal space for a few minutes the 'mones will enhance your

    attractiveness and give you an edge. Babes ain't gonna drop in your lap just because you sprayed on a mix. You

    still gotta work the room.
    Very true. But if the girls were shying away from him when he wore mones like

    he said, he's hurting his game. Your one of the ones who can wear a lot of none, he might not be.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  11. #11
    Stranger anab0lic's Avatar
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    Hmm damn thats a good point. I

    really was just wearing them and not even talking as much as i normally do. I was too busy looking for body language

    reactions honestly. But whatever maybe ill try the perception still and spit more game as u say. That prolyl was the


  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Yo. Pheromones do help. But you

    still must project a confident and desirable man. This will work regardless of whether you use pheromones or not -

    pheromones make first contact a little easier. It doesn't sound like you're ODing - but you first must project an

    image that women want to be around. There are many ways to do this. It took me over a year to get myself to that

    situation - it starts with just one girl and once you gain her trust, she will introduce you to more women. After a

    while, other women will see you making other women laugh and wonder what the big deal is with you.


    doesn't happen overnight - quite the contrary - it happens so slowly that often times I was tempted to throw the

    towel in. I'm glad I didn't. Don't give up so easy. The first step is admitting you need advice and it seems you

    have done that.

    Next get rid of all the stalker instincts us guys have picked up along the way - say goodbye

    to those habits. You can't be a stalker and have women stalk you - which is what will happen once you get your


    All of us have different approaches, and those of us that realize we finally hit our groove, will

    achknoweldge that everybody does is it differently.

  13. #13
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    Since your name is anabolic i

    have another thought. Do you take prohormones or steroids? As far as i know some convert into testerone and other in

    testerone similar substances which may cause very high mone levels. Thus i would propose not to use none and rone

    products while beeing on that stuff. Only nol products could be of benefit then. When you get off your test levels

    will drop and that would be a good time to use them.

  14. #14
    Stranger anab0lic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pizzaro
    Since your name

    is anabolic i have another thought. Do you take prohormones or steroids? As far as i know some convert into

    testerone and other in testerone similar substances which may cause very high mone levels. Thus i would propose not

    to use none and rone products while beeing on that stuff. Only nol products could be of benefit then. When you get

    off your test levels will drop and that would be a good time to use them.
    haha good call but.. currently

    no. so thats not the case.

  15. #15
    Stranger anab0lic's Avatar
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    I want to like OD on perception

    though but im kinda nervous about the reactions. Because once i OD on it i will be able to go down from there and

    see how much to use. Im still learning and alot of this is still very confusing to me.

  16. #16
    Phero Pharaoh
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    You are really only going to

    learn what works for you by experimenting. A lot of the guys here can suggest mixes and stuff, but they can't

    promise anything will work.

    Just being friendly and outgoing may be all you need. On the other hand, if you are

    REALLY built, your physique may be turning women off. A lot of women like a well-built man, but there comes a point

    where they get grossed out by body-builder physiques. It's like, too much of a good thing spoils it.


    many women associate certain (stereotyped) attributes and behaviors with powerful physiques (like small testes,

    homosexuality, and a lack of a sex drive).

    Do ALL women react that way? Of course not. Just SOME of them. But

    it depends on where you are trying to meet women, how you present yourself, and what else is going on.

    So, you

    really have to to experiment in different situations with different applications, and maybe even different products.

    I would definitely recommend going easy on the Androstenone.

  17. #17
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    I’ve diluted my Perception with

    water 1:1 and seem to get great results with what amounts to 1/2 of a spray.
    I spray the pheromones first

    and the cover (also diluted 1:1) second.

    For clubs I get best results with 4 sprays of the diluted

    stuff (= 2 sprays of the regular stuff).

    I think every newbie has to fight the urge to add more when

    the initial application doesn’t seem to be working.
    Think about it. Natural pheromone levels have been

    getting humans laid for something like 80,000 years.
    It doesn’t take much more than you’re already

    producing to stand out in a crowd.
    Always try LESS before you give up on a product.
    Give truth a chance.

  18. #18
    Stranger anab0lic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by a.k.a.
    I’ve diluted my

    Perception with water 1:1 and seem to get great results with what amounts to 1/2 of a spray.
    I spray the pheromones

    first and the cover (also diluted 1:1) second.

    For clubs I get best results with 4 sprays of the diluted stuff

    (= 2 sprays of the regular stuff).

    I think every newbie has to fight the urge to add more when the initial

    application doesn’t seem to be working.
    Think about it. Natural pheromone levels have been getting humans laid for

    something like 80,000 years.
    It doesn’t take much more than you’re already producing to stand out in a crowd.

    Always try LESS before you give up on a product.
    The line about natural pheromones getting humans laid for

    80,000 years HAHA, its funny but that kinda made me think. It does have some truth behind it. The main reason i

    think that i might be OD'ing, is because when i spray a full spray on my arm and rub it in then smell my arm i cant

    smell anything. The -mones smell like water. And if i cant smell it then i think no one can, so who knows.


    this was something else i was thinking about, you know when u spray cologne on you and u can smell it but when u go

    out to like whatever your going to go do, school, work, out to dinner; and you stop smelling it i feel like it

    stopped working or smelling. Thats why like when im at school and i cant smell the mones at all im like damn they

    must not be able to smell it either, i think "tomorrow im putting more on". But i dont think thats how mones work.

    Still confused about that but thx for all your guys' imput your very helpful.

  19. #19
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anab0lic
    Anyways i have been

    talking to people and im thinking that maybe perception isnt the best mone to use in highschool situations, (i have

    been using them in class).
    School sounds like a good place to USE pheromones, but it might not

    be the best place to TEST them.
    People have already formed an impression of you and their reaction isn’t

    likely to be as dramatic as a stranger’s.
    A good place to TEST is in stores where you can ask girls you’ve

    never met before to help you out. Another good place is coffee shops, where you can observe how the barristas treat

    you, where women sit in relation to you and etc..

    The first time I tested Perception I went to a

    supermarket where I got a whole bunch of weird stares. That told me I was wearing too much.
    In High School

    people that feel intimidated by you are more likely to avoid eye contact and people that know you are less likely to

    act differently if they sense something odd about you.

    Just some thoughts.
    If none of our suggestions

    work, just return the stuff and get your money back. I just don’t want to see you rush into another purchase until

    you’re sure you’ve covered all the bases.
    Give truth a chance.

  20. #20
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "You can't be a stalker

    and have women stalk you - which is what will happen once you get your groove."
    Getting stalked by a

    woman is ego inflating but gets old fast because these are not usually the women you fancy. I had a beautiful hottie

    stalk me last Fall and it was a blast and dream come true at first. Once I got involved with her things went

    downhill fast. There's always a catch: she was a nymphomaniac (good), a total maniac (bad) and had a husband twice

    her age... I laid some major pipe but eventually got my wings clipped good. So it is better to be in charge of the

    selection. If you only let them come to you your choices are limited...
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  21. #21
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth
    The combo I

    wear most is Chikara/TE/Pheros. The TE is only sprayed on my chest before I get dressed, the Chikara and Pheros are

    in exposed locations. If you look up some of the threads I started you'll see how I do it and what kind of results

    I get.
    Those three are always in my applications, although sometimes I wear other perfumes I created other

    than Pheros, which are similar to Pheros in active content (I make perfume for myself almost every

    day, to keep in practice. ).

    To that I add -nol, A1, beta -nol, WAGG, and a half dab of a314 as a

    source of -rone and "additional secret ingredients".
    I very recently met an incredible woman with this combo,

    and hit it off very, very fast, so to speak. (Yes, we did, multiple times! ) I am very happy with this type

    of combo. I've been getting attention on a regular basis, with lots of romantic/sexual overtones (FYI, we're not

    talking about hair flips here, but very pointed attention and lengthy seductive, touchy interactions. I've just

    chosen not to consummate all of it.).
    Last edited by DrSmellThis; 01-31-2005 at 12:35 AM.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  22. #22
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis
    Those three

    are always in my applications, although sometimes I wear other perfumes I created other than Pheros, which

    are similar to Pheros in active content (I make perfume for myself almost every day, to keep in practice.


    To that I add -nol, A1, beta -nol, WAGG, and a half dab of a314 as a source of -rone and "additional

    secret ingredients". I very recently met an incredible woman with this combo, and hit it off very, very fast,

    so to speak. (Yes, we did, multiple times! ) I am very happy with this type of combo.
    At your

    suggestion, I have been adding A1 to my combo anytime I have been in public since the first of the year but that's

    been limited. I've only really been back up to speed for a couple weeks, at best and not quite my usual self even

    then. So far, I haven't noticed enough difference to be able to say if it is the A1 or a fluke but want to say it

    may be making some difference. (Really a definative statement, huh? ) The next month should tell me more but

    I've got to get some more TE first.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  23. #23
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    My approach has been more

    intuitive and less scientific. "Kitchen sink complexity is my baseline", and I take note of variations in reactions

    every time I change the recipe. Every day I go for the Grail, often in a slightly different way. Over time it works

    out to steady improvement, but I'm pretty attentive, observant and logical about it. It an artistic approach, I


    Don't try this at home, kids.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  24. #24
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    For my own piece of mind I have

    to be methodical. It wouldn't suit me at all to report something I wasn't able to back up which means hard facts

    and figures.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  25. #25
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Viva la difference.

    I back my stuff up with just a lot of anecdotal experience, having tried everything in numerous combinations.

    It's based on the idea of knowing what the mones all do, and going for an overall effect, using all the tools at

    one's disposal. You "get as close as you can to the hole" with one shot, then modify, like putting in golf. It's

    also comparable to painting, where every time you go for a complete painting.

    I feel fairly comfortable making

    changes based on a few experiences with something, since I watch overall effects so closely. I always think in terms

    of combinations, not individual mones or isolated effects. I remember patterns and trends over time. It's just a

    different style.

    I'm thankful there are people such as yourself going about it "methodically." Again, I'm not

    recommending this to newbies. But I think the two approaches are complimentary for the community here.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  26. #26
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I'm sure they are

    complementory. I'm just not good at the intuition thing, it doesn't fit with the way my mind works. Our goals are

    probably different also since I am in a relationship and primarily use mones as a business tool and a plaything.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  27. #27
    Stranger anab0lic's Avatar
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    1 more quick thing... Im not

    sure also if Im either OD'ing or not putting enough on because of 2 reasons. First; when i got to school or out to

    a restraunt or some other place that involves people, it seems like the only people that would be able to smell me

    are the people right next to me. This is after about an hour after i applied it and the smell has started to fade.

    Now, is the smell fading but the mones are still working but arent fading? or i dont get it. How big is the radius

    of how far the - mones will be able to be smelled/picked up?

    I always think that if i cant smell it then

    definately no one else can. I dont get how people say girls give them hits across the room. How is that possible to

    A) know who the smell is coming from and B) how could the smell go that far away?

    if someone could tell me that

    stuff that would be awesome. Thx

  28. #28
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Don't worry about who can

    smell you unless they are making faces, gagging, or moving away.

    You need to relax and just get used to being

    yourself while wearing pheromones. If you act uptight about something, people are going to assume you're uptight

    and may have less to do with you.

    Be patient. Experiment. Observe. Do NOT analyze right away. Just absorb

    and take it all in. Remember to live in the moment. You are not a fly on the wall. You are an interesting person

    who wants to meet other interesting people and learn about them.

  29. #29
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Studies have been done and

    concluded that not all people can sense pheromones. Women tend to be more sensitive to the smell. This related to

    some people not being able to smell themselves when others perceive they smell like dirty socks - this usually

    happens with only guys. Realize that the organ actually physiologically responding to pheromones is not the same as

    the one that senses smells, they are both located in your nose, but the pheromone sensing apparatus is located

    before the smell sensors.

    Use the dosage guide and not your sense of smell. Cover up the mones with a nice

    smelling cologne, when she breaths in to smell your cologne, you can be guarenteed the mones are going right along

    with it.

  30. #30
    Stranger anab0lic's Avatar
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    Gotcha.... thanx guys. Anways

    today i wore the SoE alone and didnt notice anything.. once again lol. But im not sure if its because i go to school

    with rich stuck up girls that i dont care about anyways OR if they are even being affected by them. No one actd any

    different towards me though. How should i keep experimenting what do u think i should try. Right now i have

    perception and 2 packets of AE 1 pack of chikara 2/3 pack soe 1 pack TE. hollllllla

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