
Im new here but i have been reading many of the posts on this board for the past few weeks and finally

decided to post today. Anyways the other week i ordered the sample packs and used them throughout the week. I

didnt notice pretty much any hits except when i mixed 1/4 of a packet of chikara on chest with 1/4 pack of soe on my

wrists. That aside, i went ahead and bought perception from here cause i keep hearing that it beats chikara and how

it lasts longer and all this other good stuff.

So the perception came last week and i started off with one spray

of the cover to the chest then rubbing it in with my forarms. Then 1 spray of the -mones ontop rubbed in. No hits at

all. Then i tried 2 sprays, 1 to the chest and one on the neck. Still nothing. Anyways i have been talking to people

and im thinking that maybe perception isnt the best mone to use in highschool situations, (i have been using them in

class). Im thinking im going to try this next whole week experimenting with soe and chikara ( both alone and mixed

together) and see how things work out.

If any of you have any suggestions for me with the perception, or what i

should do with it, ive only used about 5 sprays, let me know. I dont know whether oto get rid of it, or like what to

do. Any suggestions would be great!!
Thx guys.

18 years old
not sure whether im alpha or

lone wolf or what, (im shy but not infront of people i know)