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  1. #31
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Another thing you will find is that

    once people have pigeonholed you into a specific place in their brain, that it is hard to get re evaluated. It's

    not impossible, but if you are trying these products out on people that already have a strong impression of you, you

    are likely not to notice anything obviously different. These thigns work best with new people.

  2. #32
    Stranger anab0lic's Avatar
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    wow then that just may be the

    answer to all of my questions and problems i am having. Well instead of basicly wasting my pheros at school, where

    else should i try it. Cause i want to be able to test it so i can make an unbiased educated decision on which works


  3. #33
    Phero Enthusiast
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    High school is one of the worst

    environments in terms of pidegeonholing. back in the day it was the jocks and the greasers and everybody wanted to

    belong to one group or the other. Things get more vaugue and shade of grey as we all get older.

    From your

    tone, it seems to me that you are placing too much emphasis on the power of pheromones. We're not animals in the

    sense that pheromones make us copulate it and hump table legs should we feel the urge. Humans have two mechanisms

    for decision making - one is a based on feeling and the other is base on thinking. One constantly keeps the others

    in check. We are one of the few species that is able to think one way yet feel another.

    Once I decided that

    pheromones only enhance a social situation and make things happen in a faster time period, it drove home the message

    that I needed more - I needed a personality. Once I found that personality and stuck to it - the girls just started

    flocking to me - and its only to interact with me - to talk with me - to be near me. I have found that with myself,

    the girl needs this getting to know you period before moving to the next level.

    There are other guys that are

    skillfully able to move right to the physical part without taking the 3-4 days I take (often spread out over the

    course of 2-3 weeks) of talking to them.

    Decide what you want. What kind of relationship do you want? Answer

    that, then find the threads that relate to it and read that advice.

    My advice is pertinant to the man looking

    for a deep and meaningful relationship with one woman at one time. If this is not what you want, then you will need

    to read someone else's advice besides my own.

  4. #34
    Stranger anab0lic's Avatar
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    Damn chem thats deep.

    but yeah man everytime i ask something you answer it in the best way words can express it . I like what i hear and

    it IS good advice that really made me think. Thanks again bro. maybe ill just hold onto them untill im in a new

    environment..aka (college next year) and when i go out on weekends and stuff.

  5. #35
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Pheromones CAN help you in

    school, but you need to understand what they do for you better than you currently before you can use them to


    When wearing pheromones chiefly around people who already know you, you need to be patient and let them

    have steady, consistent exposure over a long period (several weeks to months). They will gradually adjust to your

    new signature.

    It's sort of fighting an uphill battle, although the battle can be won (and has been won by many

    of us). That is why we suggest experimenting with pheromones around strangers. You feel more comfortable about

    making mistakes with people you don't expect to see again.

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