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  1. #1
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    Default newbies first club test - feel free to give advise


    I'm 24, 5'10" and have dark hair/dark eyes. I'm working out/jog/raceing bike and others

    described me as cute or handsome before. I don't have many alpha habits but I'm not somebody that gets ignored.

    I ordered NPA (5 ml) and the free gel samples of Chikara/AE/SOE scented&unscented/TE scented. I planned to use

    NPA + SOE but changed my mind to NPA + Chikara in the last minute.
    I diluted NPA (~ 0.2 ml) with Davidoff Cool

    Water Deep (~ 1.1 ml) which gave me a 1:5 to 1:6 mix useing a syringe (2 ml).

    I was afraid of OD and didn't

    use the atomizer I bought. I decided to dab from the opening of the atomizer (1/4" diameter).
    I applied 3 dabs of

    the NPA/Deep mix: one below each ear and one on the throat. Since I smell only the alcohol in the NPA bottle I

    decided to add two small sprays from the original Davidoff atomizer just to be sure that the -none is not

    Immediately I felt like my brain is focusing on the front of my head. I can't describe this well but

    it was a little like a tunnel view (this is exaggerated but the feeling was there). I wouldn't say I was exactly

    "more aggressive" like some people report here.

    In addition to that I used half a pack of Chikara gel on my

    neck (lower than the NPA mix) and on my wrists. The pack looks small but half of it seems to be a lot.
    After I

    applied it I liked the scent and my former "focused mood" relaxed. I thought I looked more attractive in the mirror

    than a few minutes before. That was funny.

    I left to hit a club which has several halls with different

    music. This way I was sure to meet a mixed audience. I tried to observe everything around me.

    In the trolley

    train a girl (~20) sat down left to me but with the back turned to the driving direction. After a few seconds she

    turned her body and legs to the corridor. I could see her touching her hair too but she was talking to some guys

    behind me. Maybe a hit.

    On the way I walked after 4 guys (19 in average) down the road to the club. All of

    them turned around at one point to look at me. Some more than once - maybe 7 "looks over the shoulder". I thought

    "could be the -none since there is downwind".

    I entered the club and had to pass a couple of security guys. I

    was almost through and one of them asked me to show my passport. Hell, I'm 24 and he checked my age. When he

    realized my age he smiled and gave the passport back. Something like this didn't happen to me even when I was 17.

    In the club I got a lot of body contact with guys walking past me but no good eye contact with girls. One new

    metal chick seemed to be attracted to me and touched her hair a lot. Then she pulled her girlfriend away to talk to

    her and after that they danced next to me again.
    I had a guy taller than me bumping against me a lot. I had to

    push him away a couple of times. One time a little harder because he didn't watch his moves at all. He turned

    around and tried to provoke me with some dumb arm movements. I ignored him.

    I decided to go dancing in the

    mainstream hall and joined the crowd. A guy in front of me was dancing fast and used a lot of space. He stepped on

    my feet a lot but always with his back faceing to me. I had to push him away too. That was unusual. Later the same

    monkey was dancing very close with a girl next to me. I happened to dance behind another girl of this group. There

    might have been 10 inches between me and her. The guy literally jumped between me and her landing half on my feet

    again. I was pretty angry because I didn't do anything and it could hardly be that all of the girls there were his

    girlfriends. After 2 minutes he did it again and this time I pushed him hard away. Can't stand it to have a monkey

    dancing on my feet all night. I'm really never into trouble but he didn't respect my personal space for quite some

    time. And it didn't make sense to me that he was dancing with a girl close and suddenly started to jump again

    between me and the other girl. Couldn't he decide which girl he wants?

    I seemed to have more body contact

    with guys overall when walking through the crowd. I left to the house/trance hall just to stand relaxed next to the

    entrance. A couple came into the hall and the guy joined the dance floor but his girlfriend didn't want to join

    him. Instead she leaned against the wall next to me. She didn't look at me but the guy tried several times to

    convince her to come on the dance floor too. She refused every time and kept standing next to me. When I moved a

    little forward to the dance floor she stepped one step to the side but kept standing there.
    I think she

    sensed/smelled something she liked but couldn't locate it really.
    Then I thought "let's test it" and left

    slowly. After 5 seconds I turned around and the couple was gone. I mean all the time I was standing there the bf

    tried to convince the gf to join him on the dance floor but a few seconds after I left she left too. Might be a


    When I was sitting at the bar the waitress looked a few times at me. Even when I had ordered she looked

    at me several times but only very short. It looked like if she thought a couple of times that she hadn't taken my

    order yet.

    I set next to a girl at a wall. She groomed her dress but didn't look at me. I danced at the side

    of the crowd and a girl next to me was several times busy with her hair. She didn't look at me too.

    I spotted

    a circle of girls from above and decided to dance next to them. It appeared to be difficult. A huge guy started to

    shield me off. I didn't do anything I was just there in the crowd. He gave me short unsure glances and then started

    to move closer to me to push me sometimes with his arm. I pushed back but he was really heavy. When I danced slowly

    away in a circle he followed me to shield me off his female friends. Both weren't his girlfriend. That was the best

    sign of -none working in a bad way. His friend was another one of those stepping monkeys that dance against me with

    their back.

    My conclusion:
    - Eye contact with girls was below average. Even the confident ones looked only

    for a moment in my eyes. Could be a -none overdose and they were rather scared/alarmed than attracted.
    - I never

    had so many guys trying to push me around on the dancefloor. Even if they hadn't their girlfriends around.
    - I

    had 10 times more bodycontact with guys than girls...

    I would apreciate any comments or suggestions.


  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Dec 2003
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    Since you say you work out, and

    you're still in your early 20s, 3 dabs of NPA may have put you over the edge. It sounds like people perceived you

    as intimidating.

    Introducing a sense of humor to the situation might have helped you. I don't know, as it

    sounds like you're describing a kind of club I don't go to. I suspect the crowd you hang with is different from

    the crowds I hang with (which are usually of mixed ages from early 20s to early 60s).

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default age range of the club / mosquitos attracted to high pheromone levels

    The age range was 18-27. Maybe 21 in average. Next time I'll choose a club

    with a slightly higher average and use only one dab of the diluted NPA.

    I've read several times that only

    female mosquitos sting and they prefer to sting people with high pheromone levels. Sleeping in a room with several

    people I always got stinged a lot more than others. It has been like this since my childhood.
    What confuses me:

    How could I have had high pheromone levels before puberty? Who knows but those beasts were always over me and not

    the others ...
    Sadly the experts didn't specify which kind of pheromone attracts the mosquitos. If they could

    specify it I would know which kind of pheromone level is naturally high on me.

  4. #4
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    In clubs it comes down to your

    attitude, body language and if your cloths stand out. Pheromones have almost no effect at all on the amount of

    attention you get. Only when you dance really close or when you make out with a girl can pheromones give you a

    slight advantage. But in those situations you can typically escalate anyway. This comes from one year of field

    testing in clubs both with and without pheromones.

  5. #5
    Phero Pro
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    Im not sure how much 1/2 pack of

    chikara is, but I use 2 sprays along with 3 dabs of npa (with the insert IN) and a dab of WAGG behind each ear and a

    little on my throat and I get very good results

  6. #6
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyy
    Im not sure how much

    1/2 pack of chikara is, but I use 2 sprays along with 3 dabs of npa (with the insert IN) and a dab of WAGG behind

    each ear and a little on my throat and I get very good results
    As in?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  7. #7
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    Since you say

    you work out, and you're still in your early 20s, 3 dabs of NPA may have put you over the edge. It sounds like

    people perceived you as intimidating.
    Because of the way he diluted it, he was actually wearing the

    equivalent of about 1/2 a dab o NPA, so that shouldn't have been the problem.

    Information about pheromones: Pheromone Information Library

  8. #8
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traggard
    In clubs it

    comes down to your attitude, body language and if your cloths stand out. Pheromones have almost no effect at all on

    the amount of attention you get. Only when you dance really close or when you make out with a girl can pheromones

    give you a slight advantage. But in those situations you can typically escalate anyway. This comes from one year of

    field testing in clubs both with and without pheromones.
    I cannot agree with that at all. I have walked

    into a club and instantly gotten every woman's attention. Pheromones can have a tremendous effect in that kind of

    environment. It depends in part on how well ventillated the area is, how much smoke there is, and how many other

    men there are.

    In a relatively clean environment inhabited mostly by women, a man wearing pheromones sets off

    the radar alarms from one wall to another.

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast Icehawk's Avatar
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    Yeah, seriously get some WAGG

    man, all your problems will go away after that...
    Last edited by Icehawk; 01-30-2005 at 04:36 PM.

  10. #10
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CptKipling
    Because of the way

    he diluted it, he was actually wearing the equivalent of about 1/2 a dab o NPA, so that shouldn't have been the

    I think he just ODs easily.

    When you are getting reactions from men and not women,

    that is a telling sign of an OD situation.
    "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
    --Benjamin Franklin

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traggard
    In clubs it comes

    down to your attitude, body language and if your cloths stand out. Pheromones have almost no effect at all on the

    amount of attention you get. Only when you dance really close or when you make out with a girl can pheromones give

    you a slight advantage. But in those situations you can typically escalate anyway. This comes from one year of field

    testing in clubs both with and without pheromones.
    don't forget grooming and appearance. an obese guy that

    needs a haircut will not get anywhere in a club.
    game conquers all but you need to be given the chance to spit

    your game.

    mones work in clubs, might be different clubbing environments. i've never been to a club that

    there's room to move around in. i always go to the most packed clubs. so you're automatically in somebody's

    private space. my strategy is to cut through the crowd with my friends. i'll see maybe 30%-40% (really) of girls

    (never the hottest chicks tho) looking at me or sending IOIs. it does help that i only go to clubs with my visually

    (good looking) proofed friends.

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by cutenose

    I'm 24,

    5'10" and have dark hair/dark eyes. I'm working out/jog/raceing bike and others described me as cute or handsome

    before. I don't have many alpha habits but I'm not somebody that gets ignored.

    I ordered NPA (5 ml) and the

    free gel samples of Chikara/AE/SOE scented&unscented/TE scented. I planned to use NPA + SOE but changed my mind to

    NPA + Chikara in the last minute.
    I diluted NPA (~ 0.2 ml) with Davidoff Cool Water Deep (~ 1.1 ml) which gave me a

    1:5 to 1:6 mix useing a syringe (2 ml).

    I was afraid of OD and didn't use the atomizer I bought. I decided to

    dab from the opening of the atomizer (1/4" diameter).
    I applied 3 dabs of the NPA/Deep mix: one below each ear and

    one on the throat. Since I smell only the alcohol in the NPA bottle I decided to add two small sprays from the

    original Davidoff atomizer just to be sure that the -none is not detectable.
    Immediately I felt like my brain is

    focusing on the front of my head. I can't describe this well but it was a little like a tunnel view (this is

    exaggerated but the feeling was there). I wouldn't say I was exactly "more aggressive" like some people report


    My conclusion:
    - Eye contact with girls was below average. Even the confident ones looked

    only for a moment in my eyes. Could be a -none overdose and they were rather scared/alarmed than attracted.
    - I

    never had so many guys trying to push me around on the dancefloor. Even if they hadn't their girlfriends around.

    I had 10 times more bodycontact with guys than girls...

    I would apreciate any comments or suggestions.

    good looking gym guy? you probably just need a tiny bit of -none to put you into brad pitt

    territory. you might be oding using npa. i never used npa but it like 4x the concentration of te. you might just

    need a dab or 2 of te.

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