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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Exclamation Beginner's Kit Review! NEWBIES READ!!!!

    I got the beginner's kit about 1-2 months ago. Have tried every possible strategy with TE and all I

    get from family members is "you smell like you havent taken a shower" or "you smell like crap"
    The other day at

    school I was in line and my friend says "someone smells like shit" and I say "well i dont htink its me i just bought

    this new cologne" but, i know it had to be me. I haven't gotten anything from TE at all from 1-5 dabs, Nothing!

    For you newbies like me, I recommend not to try the beginners kit. For the administrator or moderator of this

    board and store, don't take it personal. If this is an honest business then there is nothing to worry about, but

    even on people haven't really said anything good on Perception which is the same owner of

    I feel it is my right and responsiblity to inform others about my review so you will not get

    into the same pheromone trouble I did. I am questioning myself why recommend the Beginner's Kit if it will not work

    for everyone if at all anyone. I've posted a few times before for help and only got a mere "try adding a dab or

    two" which was just making the "odor" worse.

    People tell me to try Chikara now but, if I was disappointed with

    the Beginner's Kit, I don't think it is something normal to do for anyone to "give phermones another shot". I'm

    not trying to bash pheromones but, it has let me down and I feel like I shouldn't give any other more expensive

    product a try.

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Your purchase has a money back

    guarantee, I suggest that if you are that unhappy you use it. Not all mones work the same for everybody but the

    beginners kit is the best starting point for the most people. You are an exception. That doesn't mean it won't

    work for the majority of others out there. I am sorry that you are getting poor results but don't really have any

    idea of why. As you can see from the plethora of positive posts, you are a minority.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
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    Anyone can post under various

    names and post positive things about it. I am not saying that IS the case, but, give me a break, I feel cheated not

    only because it doesn't work for me but because the advice I get is like "well try this and see if it works, if not

    you're screwed". The guarantee is only for TE anyways, and if i send it back from where i'm located (Dominican

    Republic) I'd spend more on shipping than I'd get back. I mean if someone here can help me make it work right now,

    I'd change my opinion right this instant. I mean if you were me, would you try another product? I mean I don't

    want to give up hope on this stuff, I even reffered a few ppl to here but feel i let them down, but, what then WILL

    surely work?

  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    By the same token, anybody

    could log on here and make a false negative report. Since we have no way of knowing either way it makes sense to

    take all but the most obvious frauds at face value. Taking your post at face value, I can't tell you why it

    doesn't work for you but know it works for me and believe it does work for many others.

    Why don't you order

    the free gel packs? All it will cost is postage. Gives you a chance to try other things at minimal expense.

    PS: I just went

    back and read your previous posts. Are you in Bronx, NY or the Dominican Republic?
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face

    You're right, IronMind ... this

    could be true. Some things work for some, some for others. Either, the Newbie Kit is not for you, or it is. I've

    used it, and it works, from my view, AND I'd be willing to give you my number so you can call me and talk to me

    personally. Area codes don't lie.

    Sorry, you're having a tuff time, and believe you me, you're not the only

    one that has felt this way, but, as Bel said, you can get your money back. So you've really tested the stuff fer

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  6. #6
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    Did you mix the musk in a

    50/50 ratio? That completely hides the none smell or at least in my expierience.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Maybe you had some bad

    exeptations.For me it works. If you read a bit through the forum you will realize that for many people mones did not

    work at first either. Because they thought that they will do wonders. But after changing their point of view and

    attitude to life the mones gave them the edge. I found a very great thread from one guy but do not have time to

    search for it now. But i promise you to post it tomorrow. Have to meet with an ex-girl friend in a club now.

  8. #8
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    The products were sent to the

    Bronx and shipped from there. Well guys i Tried everything even the 50/50 musk combo.... I'm not trying to ruin

    business or anything, I'm not that type of person. I just feel I was sold a product that doesn't work, I know even

    Bel would feel bad if he bought somethign that online or anywhere that didn't work, I'm just reporting my review.

    I hope someone can help make this kit work still, i still have hope, I mean TE bottle is still almost full.

  9. #9
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Default Use real cologne as a cover scent...

    True, TE smells like an armpit. But then so does your armpit after a few hours. TE works best with a

    proper cover scent.
    I would never recommend wearing it raw unless your GF is an armpit licker (there are a

    few...). The musk oil sucks so don't even bother with it. Musk and TE smell like a hound's ass. No wonder you got

    negative comments. Dab TE on wrists, neck and chest and spray over it with a nice cologne. I like TE with

    Calvin Klein One, Burberry Weekend or Issey Miyake.

    TE enhances your existing attributes but doesn't add

    value or appeal to a total loser. You need to look sharp, smell nice, talk confidence and wit and lure women in your

    personal space. It takes a few minutes for the pheromones to take effect. During that time you still have to charm

    them, but the TE will enhance your sex appeal if you have any. Pheromones will not cause women to make a beeline for

    you from across the room nor will it supersede their freewill. If they thought you were a loser or unattractive

    without 'mones, they won't change their minds with 'mones. Think of TE like a new designer shirt or nice hairdoo.

    You are still what you are but slightly better.

    Incidentally, I frequently get comments from women that I

    smell really good when I wear TE or NPA with cologne. Hint: they can't smell the pheromones, but they can still

    feel the effects...
    Last edited by Gegogi; 01-28-2005 at 07:43 PM.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    So you

    understand, I am not an employee of Love Scent but moderate as a favor to Bruce and because I'm into self abuse. My

    business allows me to monitor the forum pretty much at will and that works out well. Like anybody else I have

    recieved faulty or defective products and was not happy about it. But in every case, I tried to help the business to

    discover what the problem was. So far you haven't provided us with much to work with and I don't think anybody

    here is a mind reader. If you've spent any time at all reading the forum you know that there is a certain amount of

    information that might help us help you. Instead of an attitude, why don't you try giving us the information we

    need? Age, height, weight, personality type, looks, style of dress, hygene practices and so on.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  11. #11
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I am the owner of

    the business, and I have absolutely no problem with your posting negative results in the forum. Honest to God, if

    anything it is good for business. Most of the regulars know what is going on around here, but there are lots of

    lurkers who just poke their noses in for a quick look, and I have gotten feedback form many over the years who think

    we simply delete all the negative results and possibly even write the positive reports ourselves. So, if anything

    your posts give the forum a touch of authenticity, so no need to worry about being a pest. Of course, I believe

    that the products do work, and that is where the forum can help as it can take a little practise to get good with

    them; just like getting big with body-building supplements. And of course, I like to make as many people happy as

    possible. And furthermore, if everyone thought the products didn't work, I'd have to go back to work at the post

    office. :-)

    About the only posts that really tick me off are the ones in the customer service area that

    say stuff like "I ordered the stuff and still haven't gotten it. These guys are a bunch of ripoffs!" Those, I

    just delete. I don't even care what they are talking about.

    Over the years there are usually always a

    couple of guys on the forum at any one time, who have a lot of respect for the forum but just don't get results and

    make it known, mostly in an effort to see what they might do to get some results, but they don't pussyfoot around

    about it either. Nobody needs to pretend around here.

    I think the guarantee comes in handy here. There is

    no need to worry about whether they work or not. You can easily get all your money back when/if you finally decide

    to throw in the towel. The forum is free and experienced phero-experts give useful advice quite generously. You

    really have nothing to lose but a little spare time.

    Last but not least, my 2 cents: If you are getting

    "somebody stinks here", there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you need to cover with some sort of fragrance

    better. I recommend:
    A. Take a couple of days off from the pheromones to get they off your body completely.

    You may even notice some interesting results during those days as the phero level slowly goes down to what may be a

    more optimal level.
    B. Then apply only to wrists.
    C. Apply a little Edge, then cover with some sort of

    men's cologne. That way you can sniff the application area close up and figure out if you smell stinky or


    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  12. #12
    Full Member HK45Mark23's Avatar
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    I agree with the elders here. I thought TE smelled like BO. Once I got use to it I did like the 50/50 mix with

    the musk and one or two sprays is about right.

    I get many

    strong hits form sexy women using it. Maybe you are in a state of OD.

    Maybe you are too self conscious of it and extremely sensitive to pheromones. Remember that if it smells

    bad to men it will probably smell good to women and vice versa. Some people can’t smell pheromones at all and some

    are extremely sensitive to it.

    I now think it has like a

    powdery smell and it is attractive to me now. I still don’t like it directly form the bottle but properly mixed or

    covered it is great.

    Also the free sample gel packs are great.

    There are many different products to try and they are free.

    Pheromones do work but it is not an exact science. The reactions to them by others are subtle and at times

    hard to see. I have found that every one does react to them.


    have gone a week with out and. I then will wear them and find a drastic difference.

    By the way who said that some one smelled bad, was it a male or a female? I bet it

    was a male. My female friends always say I have such good smelling cologne and I only ware pheromones.

    Be sure to spend a lot of time reading here. There is

    information form actual scientist and experts to every day personal experiences. Every one here knows me, I was

    deeply involved here for several months and I literally read for hours every day. Now I know enough to get by, but I

    still don’t know a lot.

    This is a deep science and you can’t

    expect to master it over night. There are so many things to consider. The type of people who are around, your type,

    the mood you are in and the mood of others, and body language. You may be missing a piece of the puzzle and you too

    frustrated to use a scientific approach to find the answer. Remember less is more.

    One spray or even a half spray on your chest with a spray of your favorite cologne

    over top should do the trick and in a few days you should see a difference in how people react. Some may be negative

    some may be positive.

    Read about transdermal up take. You will

    find it is not good to wear pheramones every day. It is absorbed in the skin and is released later, so an OD can

    occur with out your knowledge.

    I think you will get it in time.

    Remember this is chemistry. The art of chemistry is the art of attraction on a biochemical level. When you find your

    mix it will work well and you will be happy with the results. By the way many find TE to be one of the best products

    once mastered to acquire the results so desired.


    P.S. I have never had

    any thing but prefect service here. Shipping is great and on time every time thanks Bruce!!!!

  13. #13
    King of the coupons!
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    Outstanding post, HK45Mark23!

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Bruce, I tried asking for help

    before and was only told to add a dab or 2 more. That's why 2 weeks later I became frustrated and posted this.

    Instead of good feedback on the scent I got the opposite. Even though I was told it smelled like crap (LOL) I kept

    giving it a try until today. Here are my stats:
    Age: 18
    height 5'8
    weight 160lb
    personality type: don't know

    where to start, Recently I've been kinda quiet for some reason, I'm probably thinking too much/stressed, but i'm

    usually real happy, talkative, i have been lazy recently but, i lift weights, i love girls/women :P
    looks: i ask a

    lot of girls that I talk to and they almost always give me a 9 out of 10 or 8 out of 10 (1 being least attractive,

    10 being the hottest/sexiest)
    style of dress: usually mix it up, when i'm with friends i dress urban(baggy

    clothing) but, i'm starting to wear that type less, When i go out with girls or to parties i dress real classy or

    kinda "preppy"
    hygene: take a shower atleast once a day, every day

  15. #15
    King of the coupons!
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    Red face

    IronM, you're asking for the

    same miracle that, I THINK, everyone on here started off asking for, without putting in the time, and money. A Mad

    Scientist's work is never done.

    I, for one, like you, had the same thoughts, but I read, asked questions,

    nagged certain people to death, and drew my own conclusions. I'm still here.

    The ideas are all here on the

    forum. If Bruce can give you all the answers, you're luckier than I am, and to me TE:SPMO doesn't smell like crap,

    BUT if you mix doodoo 50:50 with colonge, and it stinks, try 40:60, 30:70, etc, etc. The Newbie Special doesn't

    cost an arm and a leg, even I could afford it. Experiment, and do it with a positive mind. If you smile inside,

    you'll smile outside, and that with mones should do the trick, unless .... you're uglier than a pig! (joking about

    the pig look)

    Stay the course!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  16. #16
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I would definitely try

    the suggestions I made in my last post.

    Some other points:
    When I tried pheromones for the very first

    time I was 47 and I thought they were fantastic. Not only did I have strange women chatting to me in the minimart,

    but I definitely felt more alive somehow, just wearing them. That said though, keep in mind I was in my late 40s.

    We have lots of young customers, so don't get me wrong, but when I got into the business, I had the strong feeling

    that this was sort of a "PRT" (pheromone replacement therapy) kind of thing. If you are 18, alpha, work out a lot

    etc etc, yeah, I tend to think that you are using a rather "hot" pheromone mix. You will find quite a few posts

    about which products tend to work better for guys who are probably already loaded with natural androstenone. True,

    you are in no mood to go out and buy even more expensive products right now, but you might want to check out the

    free sample packets of SOE and Chikara. The scented SOE and Chikara are already premixed with fragrance, so you

    can't goof on them and you are not going to get the "who stinks around here". They are also much more likely to

    work for a young guy than Edge or NPA.

    Also, beware the Clint Eastwood Syndrome or "Lone Wolf"

    effect/problem. Alpha guys who are "kinda quiet" may turn women on but they can be too scary to give encourage to,

    much less approach. I had that problem big time when I was young.

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  17. #17
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    Having just discovered

    Pheromones a couple months ago I too am still learning. If everything worked the same for everybody then this would

    be so much easier, but they don't. Don't give up though, you will eventually find something that works. I ordered

    the Beginners Kit and use the TE that comes with it and love some of the results I get. I personally don't use the

    SPMO that it comes with, but thats just me.

    Obviously if people are saying that something stinks then apply

    less and add some cologne. If the "smelly" reactions go away then add another drop/spray until you find the maximum

    amount you can wear without the OD/smelly effect. TE in general may not go well with your body chemistry. Try using

    SOE or WAGG, actually, just try using everything you get with the FREE Sample Gel packets. I believe it comes with

    gel packets of SOE, AE, Chikara, and TE. And to be honest, of all of those the TE smells the worst to me. So try a

    few others.

    Since my begginers kit I have ordered SOE Scented, AE, Chikara, WAGG, & A-1. I am still

    experimenting and truthfully all the info you seek is already on this forum. Do a search for something and you will

    find a wealth of useful information. Though they may be far from simple, as of now the use of Pheromones remains

    pretty simple...not one product will work for everybody, experiment.

  18. #18
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    It's likely that

    at your age you are oozing none resulting in an OD when you combine it with TE. Try going with very low doses, say

    one or two dabs at a time. TE might not be the right mone for you, a lot of this is trial and error and if it

    doesn't work for you, you are the only one who can figure out what will.

    Keep in mind what we keep saying:

    Mones are not going to cause girls to fall all over you. All they do is add to your game. If you are sullen or surly

    or angry or quiet the positive benefits of mones will be little if any. Also remember that you are dealing with very

    young girls. They are not as comfortable with their own desires and tend to hide it a lot more than older women do.

    You may simply be overlooking the signs. Try studying some body language stuff. Friendly1 has posted a lot of good

    information on that subject.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  19. #19
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    I agree with

    most of the other posters on here. It takes time and experimentation. I've worked with two others on here over IM,

    talking about 1. PATIENCE; 2. CORRECT PRODUCTS; 3. DOSAGE. In the span of a week, they were getting results. Some

    crazy ones, but results nonetheless, resulting in encouragement to continue experimenting and fine tuning. The

    results are also subtle, and vary wildly with the type of person you are. One guy I talked with is 18, got some gel

    packs. He tried them out, didn't get much results, but he was in high school, around people he knew. But, at the

    encouragement of other forum members, he kept trying. Today, he let me know that he got some results finally, and he

    sounded like they absolutely blew his mind. Another friend of mine tried some AE I had; we went out together, he got

    results, I didn't. First time. College aged kid, we went to a bar, this girl he kinda knew, but not really, talked

    our ears off, and kept batting her eyelashes. He was convinced, but he also knew what signs to look out for (I had

    given him a book). Soon, he was bitching about all the women that wouldn't leave him alone. It took me a little

    while, some experimenting, but also humility as well. Patience is KEY. But, sometimes it takes a little time for

    things to register in our own heads as well. It finally paid off (2 girls callling me for a week straight asking for

    a threesome. Chikara.) I spent a little extra money for extra product, but it was worth it in the end. When you

    first get behind the wheel of a car, no matter how many video games you played, you're going to hit the

    accelerator, then the brakes, HARD. It takes time and practice to get it down.

    As far as customer service

    goes, the moderators and Bruce are f'ing great. They provide sage advice on how to use their products, and stand by

    their products, above and beyond what ANY customer-oriented company would do. My above friend ordered a Newbie Kit.

    We went to SF together, and he spilled his TE all over his luggage. I told him to bring it up with Bruce to see if

    there's anything he would do. My friend got a replacement bottle, no questions asked. The fact that you get free

    samples to play with, great support, and a 100% guarantee should be comforting, considering there are many companies

    out there who don't offer ANY of the above. If you want, I'LL order some gel packs for you and ship them to you to

    play around with. I'm that convicted that these products will work for you, even at my expense. Very rarely will

    you ever find such rabid, loyal and thoroughly convinced customers (Apple comes to mind, but who's gonna buy you a

    G5?). Approach this just as you should anything new, with an open mind, and the world will be revealed to you.

  20. #20
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    BTW, 5'8, 160, quiet type, 18.

    Dude that got results today used SOE alone. Took a couple days, but he got it. Girls started getting flirty, and sat

    close to him. TE is -none heavy, and more suited to older girls (I would say college age at least.) If you have the

    TE and want to experiment, try doing so away from school, and around older women. They might not be your target, but

    you should see results, at which point, you can try messing around with products more suited to your target AND

    yourself, such as SOE or WAGG. Believe me, once you get that initial positive reaction, it's like a whole world

    opens up to you, and you are in charge. One girl at work, I know I can mess with her. Sometimes I wear mones, and

    sometimes I don't. The difference is like night and day, and you (or the mones) are in total control. But

    seriously, I walked around malls, went to stores, went to the movies, parties, with AE on, and it didn't work. I

    got Chikara and it worked like a charm. Now, I've figured out how to use AE. It took about 3 months, but well worth

    the effort. Just takes time for some things to register with YOU, and not your target. Don't get discouraged, keep

    trying. One day, you'll be on here, effusive and running your mouth about what products a newbie should get, and

    how to get them to work.

    Have fun.


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