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  1. #1
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    Default Sorry to ask such an undecent question but it is very important.


    Ok my question is weird and undecent. Really, sorry.

    I bought some

    pheros(named "Arouse") and now Im wondering about one issue out there.

    Well, can pheros make a girl too

    aroused... U know- There is this thing that makes sex easier and it comes from vagina(almost like some oil or

    something). Can it make a girl look like she had pissed her pants?
    Like she wears some bikinis, tight trousers or

    something and then has to be ashemed of herself after beeing around me and my pheromones because looking wet down


    What about other clothes. Where can be the line between..: like this: You can wear pheromones

    beeing around girl dressed like this and you cant wear pheromones beeing around girls dressed like this?


    question. I know.
    But I ask this because I dont want to put anyone into embarrasing situation, you know...


  2. #2
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    I almost always wore mones to

    class and noticed that when i wear -none almost every girl in the class would ask to go to the bathroom at least

    once in a 1 and 1/2 hour class. After a while i thought maybe they were going in to "dry" themselves but unless

    she's not wearing underwear or the clothing is really thin nothing is going to show through. But if your talking to

    a girl and she asks to use the bathroom all of a sudden you know for sure she's getting the hots for you

  3. #3
    Full Member Mungojerry's Avatar
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    This has to be the funniest

    thread ever!

    Anyway, yes pheromones (when used correctly) will make girls aroused. If she becomes

    aroused enough she may get a little wet, but the amount of moisture produced is very small. She will never get so

    wet it looks like she has actually pissed herself!

    True if she is wearing a tight bikini or is just hanging in

    her panties, then you *might* be able to see them get a little damp. However, if she is wearing trousers (pants to

    you Americans) or a skirt then there is virtually no chance you notice.

    I wouldn't worry about this one.

    However... I wish it was true! I'd love to be able to talk to a girl and turn her on so much that I could see

    this damp patch start to grow across the front of her jeans.

  4. #4
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mungojerry
    Anyway, yes

    pheromones (when used correctly) will make girls aroused. If she becomes aroused enough she may get a little wet,

    but the amount of moisture produced is very small. She will never get so wet it looks like she has actually pissed

    I wouldn't be so quick to say that, as it depends on the girl. And, yes, let's just say I

    have a little experience in the area.

    If you get a girl nervous enough, she'll feel the need to pee. So, yes,

    that can be a good of arousal, but it's more likely a sign of nervousness. And pheromones can make them nervous.

    Young girls (teenage) don't seem to handle large amounts of Androstenone very well. At least, when I interact

    with them, they more often than not tremble, more often than not have sweaty hands, more often than not have trouble

    making eye contact with me, more often than not cannot take their eyes off of me when they are across the room.

    Sometimes, I get nothing from the girls.

    However, I have seen a few take off for the nearest restroom after

    spending 10-15 minutes in my presence. Most likely, it was just timing, but their anxiety may have pushed them over

    the edge. It doesn't mean they needed immediate relief (although I have no idea of what goes on once they are out

    of my presence, so use your imagination if that's your thing).

    Today's girls (in my experience) like to feel

    as if they are in control. At least, the more attractive the girl is, the more likely she is to have had a lot of

    guys come on to her, so the more likely she is to feel like she is in control and therefore the more likely she is

    to feel she SHOULD be in control.

    So, all of sudden, here you come along dressed like James Bond in a casual

    scene, reeking of pheromones, acting like she doesn't exist, and suddenly she is in doubt about herself and her

    womanly attributes.

    If she is really young and inexperienced, she won't know what to do. You are out of her

    league. So, she may try to rise to the challenge (in which case, just keep doing what you're doing and she'll be

    following you like a puppy dog). Or, she may decide you're too much for her to handle, in which case you need to

    break the ice.

    Either way, she may feel the need to pee. She'll probably act nervous and agitated. She'll

    probably be a little confused, wondering if she is off her game or something.

  5. #5
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    ee... Does anyone has some

    scientific stuff to destroy my fears about it?
    Maybe someone could lead us to some link that says: "Dont worry,

    wear pheros".


  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast ManBeast's Avatar
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    You are getting way too worried

    about this... don't you think that it would have been posted about before if it was an issue? Yes, phermones can

    arouse a woman to the point that they get a bit wet, but I doubt that it will be noticable (except in a few cases,

    and even then, it would NOT be an instantaneous reaction, it's not a floodgate ya know). Seriously, just go out

    and have fun... of all the things to worry about with phermones, this one actually made me laugh.

    "You are a sick f*ck, but I wouldn't have you any other way. "

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inthewoods


    my question is weird and undecent. Really, sorry.

    I bought some pheros(named "Arouse") and now Im wondering

    about one issue out there.

    Well, can pheros make a girl too aroused... U know- There is this thing that makes

    sex easier and it comes from vagina(almost like some oil or something). Can it make a girl look like she had pissed

    her pants?
    Like she wears some bikinis, tight trousers or something and then has to be ashemed of herself after

    beeing around me and my pheromones because looking wet down there.

    What about other clothes. Where can be

    the line between..: like this: You can wear pheromones beeing around girl dressed like this and you cant wear

    pheromones beeing around girls dressed like this?

    Weird question. I know.
    But I ask this because I dont want

    to put anyone into embarrasing situation, you know...

    when i was 19 i had a 16 year old

    girl friend who got so horny her pants were wet. and we were just kissing so if girls are getting wet there


  8. #8
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    The thought of making women wet

    and horny by merely getting a whiff of you is extremely endearing. Dab on some PI or NPA and walk about town ruining

    panties. It would be especially enjoyable to do at work. Imagine female coworkers spending the entire day with

    soaked panties and a terrible itch on their clit... Of course, copulins would be in the air and you'll soon find

    yourself pitching a trouser tent.

    Alas, I'm afraid this phenomenon is extremely uncommon. Most women I've

    been with get wet enough to dampen but not soak their panties. I've never seen a bleed through all the way to the

    trousers. I once had a GF with an unsually juicy snatch. However, her fountain didn't get primed until foreplay had

    ensued. By then it actually dripped down her legs. For sex it really wasn't the best as it was too slippery and I

    had a difficult time getting enough fiction... She was an 8 glass a day water drinker so that probably had something

    to do with it.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Sweaty palms are the most

    common indicator that the girl is feeling something. If you are with a girl who has sweaty palms, she may simply

    have a condition called hypo-something-or-other (a fancy name for sweaty palms -- there is a medical treatment for

    this condition, so don't just assume that if she has sweaty palms she is turned on and nervous). However, I have

    found that girls who start to sweat in my presence (usually when we are dancing) often have enlarged/dilated


    One of the classic "look for this sign" pieces of advice is to look for enlarged pupils. A lot of guys

    reasonably ask, "How large are they supposed to get?" The problem is that our pupils are constantly expanding and

    contracting. So, if a girl has enlarged pupils, she may simply be having trouble seeing because the room is dark

    (that, however, is linked to romantic settings by researchers -- that is, girls find dark rooms romantic, in part,

    because their pupils dilate/enlarge and therefore they become more excited/aroused by whatever they see if they like

    it). Dilated pupils by themselves don't mean anything. Sweaty palms by themselves don't mean anything, either.

    Anyway, if you are in a well-lit area, get close to a girl and give her a chance to breathe in your pherofumes for

    a few minutes. Then check her hands. If she is wiping them on her shirt, pants, dress, skirt, they are most likely

    wet. Then check her eyes. If the pupils are so dilated that you can see more pupil than iris, chances are she is

    excited. If her cheeks are flushed, too, she is probably aroused.

    It takes practice to be able to spot all

    these signs quickly and unobtrusively. That is why I advocate experimenting around strangers, especially around

    girls you don't ever expect to meet again. Until you get used to checking for these signs of interest quickly, you

    may creep them out. Better to creep out someone you don't want to follow around than someone you are legitimately

    interested in.

    Sweaty palms, dilated pupils, reddened cheeks, rapid breathing, she talks to you, she says stupid

    things when she talks to you, she touches you, she can't take her eyes off of you, she brushes up against you --

    these are all signs that she may be aroused, especially if they all happen. Of course, she could be frightened, she

    could have just come in out of the cold, she could be on drugs, and she could have just gotten out of a swimming

    pool. You have to take things into context. It helps to observe the girl BEFORE you get close enough to her to let

    the pheromones affect her directly.

    And practice makes perfect. Experiment, observe, and learn. Experiment,

    observe, and learn.

  10. #10
    Full Member Mungojerry's Avatar
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    What mix do you use


  11. #11
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    Hyperhydrosis is excessive


    I wouldn't worry about arousing a girl THAT much just with pheros, like the others, most girls I

    know need at least some foreplay or kissing to get to that

    Last edited by joaks1977; 03-25-2011 at 08:22 AM.

  12. #12
    Phero Pharaoh
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    I use different mixes, but like

    so many others have pointed out, I don't just rely on the pheromones. Being an older man, I cannot dress like the

    young guys in baggy pants that go just below my knees (which I think are ugly and stupid looking anyway) and I

    cannot wear baseball caps backwards (which I used to do when I was younger). I'm expected to be more knowledgeable

    about my clothes and at least wear something that looks manly. But I usually dress a cut above "just manly" and

    dress stylishly. I also tease the girls and act about as interested in them as I would be in a tick on an

    stranger's dog.

    Anyway, my point is that I am different from the young guys these girls know. And I try to make

    sure I am different from the average horny dirty old man.

    But I don't advise anyone over the age of 17 to go

    after high school girls. I just seem to be running into a bunch of them lately. Which is not to say I am not running

    into older girls in their 20s.

    The really odd thing is that I seem to be meeting a lot of Vietnamese girls these

    days. There is a very sizeable community in Houston. Getting to know THEM is a real challenge. They don't just go

    out with an American man after a few discussions. There is one med student who has come dancing with me a couple of

    times, but most of them expect the man to take things REALLY slow. I mean REALLY, REALLY slow. It's a lesson in

    patience I never thought I would learn.

  13. #13
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by joaks1977

    is excessive sweating.
    Thank you. But please don't be offended if I forget the name again. It's not a

    word I work into many conversations.

    I wouldn't worry about arousing a girl THAT much just with pheros,

    like the others, most girls I know need at least some foreplay or kissing to get to that point.
    Once in a

    blue moon, one comes along who gets that obviously aroused with me. Of course, this usually happens in a dance

    class, where there is a lot of close contact. It has also happened in a club, again with lots of close contact.

  14. #14
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    One serious word of caution

    regarding a traditional first or near first generation Asian lady. They tend to reserve their heart for one

    man...that's why they take so long. There is a strong connection to the first man that requires responibility.

    All I'm saying is that when she opens up to you it will not be like a typical american will be with heart

    and body and soul. A quick break-up could mess her up big time...maybe forever. So one needs to be careful with

    these women.

  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by ohmmmm
    One serious word

    of caution regarding a traditional first or near first generation Asian lady. They tend to reserve their heart for

    one man...that's why they take so long. There is a strong connection to the first man that requires responibility.

    All I'm saying is that when she opens up to you it will not be like a typical american will be with heart

    and body and soul. A quick break-up could mess her up big time...maybe forever. So one needs to be careful with

    these women.
    I am learning as much and I appreciate your concern/comment.

    I have no wish to hurt any of

    them. In fact, for a long time, I felt closed out of Asian women's interest. But that feeling began changing with a

    Chinese girl I met about 18 months ago. Naturally, not knowing anything about the values she was raised with, I blew

    my chances with her after a few months.

    But when I met a group of Vietnamese girls a year ago, one of them

    explained to me (after seeing I was interested in one of her friends) that they don't give their heart so easily.

    The friend has since moved away and the one with the advice has since revealed interest in me.

    In asking a few

    people for advice on what traditional Vietnamese girls expect, I have learned a little about the cultural

    differences between us. It has been an interesting and educational experience. I don't yet know if I want to invest

    that much time in a girl who hasn't promised me anything.

    And now I find myself attracted to TWO of them, who

    in turn act interested in me. One is the med student I mentioned previously, the one who has gone dancing with me.

    I've known her less than 3 months, so she seems to be more comfortable with American social life than the other

    girl (they do not know each other). But I am pretty sure the med student doesn't have a boyfriend. That strikes me

    as very unusual, but would be about right if she is a traditional Asian girl who hasn't given her heart to someone


    Either of these girls would seem a real catch to most American men, but I have also learned that Asian

    women are not simply docile, subservient creatures. The girl I have known for a year has warned her friends off of

    me. I have seen her lose her patience with them when they try to talk to me too much.

    Knowing these girls and

    interacting with them has really been stimulating in more than just the usual ways.

  16. #16
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    I hear you. Best wishes!

  17. #17
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    "The really odd thing is

    that I seem to be meeting a lot of Vietnamese girls these days. There is a very sizeable community in Houston.

    Getting to know THEM is a real challenge. They don't just go out with an American man after a few discussions.

    There is one med student who has come dancing with me a couple of times, but most of them expect the man to take

    things REALLY slow. I mean REALLY, REALLY slow. It's a lesson in patience I never thought I would

    Like most things in life it depends. I live in a mostly Asian community, am Asian (Korean)

    and my last GF was Vietnamese. And she was about as far from traditional Asian values as they come. She was a wild

    woman. But, yes, Vietnamese women that grow up in tight communities of their own tend to be conservative. However

    once you get to know them most are far from the "dolce" stereotypes most Americans imagine. They tend to be a tiger

    in kitty skin. I must say cultually Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese women are very different and you have

    to handle them accordingly. I've got Japanese and Korean women down to an art, but they're very near to my own

    culture so it wasn't hard. I've yet to figure out Chinese and Filipino and usually strike out.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Some women get that"certain

    smell" when they are aroused.It has happened a few times when Im near a woman for an hour while wearing mones.I dont

    see the wetness but I can smell it.When I do smell" it" I get more aroused.Have any of you had similar


  19. #19
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by platinumfox
    Some women

    get that"certain smell" when they are aroused.It has happened a few times when Im near a woman for an hour while

    wearing mones.I dont see the wetness but I can smell it.When I do smell" it" I get more aroused.Have any of you had

    similar experiences?
    PFox, I've never sensed the body odor, but I THINK I've smelled the

    aroused mouth odor that people were talking about a loooong while back.

    And out of curiosity, do you

    remember what mones you were wearing when you caught odor of the "I'm getting hungry" smell ... was it the same

    mones/mix, and was it the same woman?

    Last edited by MOBLEYC57; 01-22-2005 at 02:03 PM.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  20. #20
    Phero Enthusiast ManBeast's Avatar
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    Only once have I actually

    smelled "it" on a woman, and it was actually before I even knew what pheromones were!

    "You are a sick f*ck, but I wouldn't have you any other way. "

  21. #21
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57

    I've never sensed the body odor, but I THINK I've smelled the aroused mouth odor that people were talking

    about a loooong while back.

    And out of curiosity, do you remember what mones you were wearing when

    you caught odor of the "I'm getting hungry" smell ... was it the same mones/mix, and was it the same woman?

    I recall three occasions.One was at a seminar she was Filipina I was wearing

    "old" Realm she was next to her boyfriend.She was wearing a skirt and remember I kept looking at her legs.I didnt

    smell anything at first.Fifteen minutes pass and I can tell the mones were affecting her (heavy breathing,light

    moans,lean back in chair)Then her legs were opened a little and we were touching legs.So 30 minutes later I start

    smelling something it was distinctive and was coming from her.It was the smell of her being aroused.Her "natural

    mones" were turning me on too.I wanted to jump her so bad.

    The other when was at a presentation she was

    Filipina too.I was wearing Alter Ego.I smelled "it" too she was wearing jeans.

    I was wearing Alter Ego at a

    movie and the lady was with her family but she was leaning more towards me.I could tell she was being affected by

    the mones.Around 45 minutes into the movie I smelled "it" in the air again for the rest of the movie.She was


    Maybe my nose iis just sensitive to "that smell".

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by platinumfox
    The other

    when was at a presentation she was Filipina too.I was wearing Alter Ego.I smelled "it" too she was wearing jeans.

    I was wearing Alter Ego at a movie and the lady was with her family but she was leaning more towards me.I could

    tell she was being affected by the mones.Around 45 minutes into the movie I smelled "it" in the air again for the

    rest of the movie.She was Asian.

    Maybe my nose iis just sensitive to "that smell".
    What's your normal

    AE dosage, PFox?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  23. #23
    Phero Enthusiast platinumfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    What's your

    normal AE dosage, PFox?

    I use one drop on each side of the neck then rub.

  24. #24
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by platinumfox
    I use one

    drop on each side of the neck then rub.
    Two drops total, eh. I think I've asked before , but once

    again, I'm sorry, what is your age?

    Thanks, PFox!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

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