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  1. #1

    Default finally got my test kit...whew...and misc rants and raves

    Finally got my test kit...

    was starting to get worried when it was abt one and a half weeks my order went out...yet no mail... I usually get my stuff from bruce within 3-4days of it being sent out....

    Again thanks bruce for the quick reply!

    Anyway, I\'m really excited abt the possibilities of mixing up my own combos... and making some pretty damn interesting sents...

    I believe one\'s taste in colonge is a reflection of his / herself... and also a refelction of one\'s moods...frankly, I have very weird tastes and most of the stuff i use are brands which were popular when i was in high-sch abt 5 years ago (I\'m 23 in college...sophmore...spent 3 yrs in the army after highsch)

    for example...
    1) Hugo Boss (elements aqua)

    My basic everyday scent....interesting enough to catch attention...but subtle so that it does not overwhelm...good all rounder for simple day or hot date...

    2) Clinique (Happy for Men)

    This one has a very citrus / fresh scent to for me when i\'m going out with lively / hyper people....or when i feel particularly \"playful\" [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] hahaha its a good scent but i just ran out....for good reasons... [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    3) Chanel (Egoiste)
    Way too old for me actually...but has a nice subtle...slightly sweet dad gave it to me sometime ago before i left for the US...i usu use this on formal occasions or when i\'m hanging around well dressed people....but does work to set a really good/formal/older impression!

    4) Aramis (Havana)
    My frav actually...but its really hard to comeby...this one is totally strong...not for the faint of heart...this is almost exclusively my clubbing scent...i used to club alot back home...but since i got to college...alot a feeling of mystery....and smells pretty exotic

    I\'m in the midst of mixing up some combo as per Jambat\'s suggestion of 50% APC 20% A-NOL and 30% NPA.

    Second mix i would be trying now would be:

    3 parts A-nol
    2 parts A-none
    2 parts A-rone
    3 parts SPMO or SPVO or SPCO

    (SP = super primial MO = Musk Oil ,
    CO = citrus oil, VO = Vanilla Oil)

    the basis for the above mix would be as follows:

    1) I can sometimes look like a \"lone wolf\" unless i i\'m laying it easy on the A-none....and frankly, with the way my GPA is going... I don\'t smile much [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img]

    2) I find that from prior experiences A-nol based fragrances like AE / attraction work pretty well for i\'m more inclined to up the content of A-nol.

    3) A-rone. don\'t know much abt it...but i hope it helps the rest do their best!

    4) I don\'t know the exact conc of the SP oils too...but they all have A-nol in them... and so far, i have yet to have bad experiences with ODing on most, pple act like goofs around you...

    I will post the results of my little tests ASAP...

    But i have a few favours to ask all the pple on this forum...

    1) Any test kit mixes that work or are being tried out...pls pls post them!!(success or failures are all welcome) I think all of us test kit users need all the help we can to get it up and rolling... and something in my bones tell me the \"test kits\" are going to be etched in phero legend for eons to come

    2) Any suggestions on how to used the SP oils are also welcome... i have no real idea right success / failures are all good to learn from....

    3) Jambat... i have a little trouble trying to find all your different mixes... hope u don\'t mind if u cld post up another msg with all the different combos that u made or are making for the benefit of pherokind.

    All the best Ladies and Gents


    Keep the Faith

  2. #2
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: finally got my test kit...whew...and misc rants and raves


    I strongly recommend that you reduce the Androsterone to no more than 10% of total phero content. Scent-wise I find it to be more dominant than the A-None. I\'ve done three different mixes that are on my \"Chemistry Set Recipes\" thread, and the A-Rone overpowered them all. I\'ve since decided to cut all A-Rone quantities in half!

    How does the A-Rone in your kit smell?

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Default Re: finally got my test kit...whew...and misc rants and raves

    Hmm... good suggestion W Oscar

    I do agree that of all the 3 pheros in my chemistry set, A-rone does smell the worst...which actually comes as a surprise to me... i\'d think that A-none would be more associated with BO...

    ...unfortunately, as i posted the msg yesterday, i had already mixed up my test batches...but on the flip side... SPCO seems to do a good job of giving the entire mix a very \"clean\" smell... which does seem to remove the stink of A-rone...

    As of now, i have a total of 4 test batches..most of them J1, J2, J3 actually... i have limited experiences compared to everyone here on coming up with my own mixes so i\'m going to follow establised guidelines set up by all the pros out there...then deviate as and when i have a better idea..

    In addition to the above 2 mixes (see 1st post) , i currently am testing the following:

    30% NPA
    70% APC


    (ALT J2)
    30% AFA
    70% SPMO

    In fact, i just got back from lunch wearing the jambat mix #1 and got a subtle hit.

    This asian girl was behind me in the queue for lunch and i passed her a total of 3 times. First as she was getting her food, second as she was getting juice and thirdly, i walked past her to get some soup. I then sat myself down abt 3M away from her and had lunch.

    The thing was that it was obvious she had work / notes to read while having lunch... but she got up and walked around a total of like 5-6 times in the course of a 25min meal.. i of course played along...glacing at her...making mild eye contact....basically just trying to see if anything else happened.. before i left, i made a show of like \"i was leaving\"... and made a slow saunter past her... she then thought i was not looking and totally stared at me....
    ... i just walked away with a hint of a smile and made sure she caught it... interesting enough for me for a sunday lunch on campus....

    keep those posts and suggestions coming guys

    ..again thanks for the reply WO

    \"Be kind, for everyone else is facing a harder battle\"

  4. #4

    Default Re: finally got my test kit...whew...and misc rants and raves


    ...glad your having fun with those JB mixes. Try adding A-nol to JB #1 and reducing the APC by 10%. So the mix is APC 60%, NPA 30%, and A-nol 10% you might also want to try APC 50%, NPA 30% and A-nol 20%. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    [ November 18, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  5. #5
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: finally got my test kit...whew...and misc rants and raves


    I\'m working with small quantities on the test batches, 10 or 20 drops of pheros at most. But I still can\'t abide wasting anything. So to cut the A-Rone overkill retroactively, I just added another batch\'s worth of all the ingredients MINUS the A-Rone, effectively cutting the A-Rone content in half. This worked well, and nothing was wasted. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

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