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  1. #1

    Default The Terrible Anti Phero Shield: Certain Pills

    A new report (Oct. 2001) says taking the pill might reduce a woman\'s sensitivity to smell [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img], with the possible drawback of a weaker desire for sex.

    Smells play a big role in sexual attraction, even on an unconscious level and studies have shown that a woman\'s sense of smell becomes more acute when she\'s ovulating, presumably an evolutionary advantage to increase her desire for sex.

    It turns out women who take the pill end up with a blunted sense of smell and rather than having their sensitivity rise and fall throughout their cycle, the sense of smell stays blunted all the time [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img]. It\'s not known whether that directly affects a woman\'s libido, but the researchers say it probably does.

    That may be the clue why some of us only get hits on women already married. Maybe more of them (compared to not married woman) don\'t use the pill (any more) as they don\'t mind getting pregnant and building a family.
    And - when ovulating - react much stronger on pheros due to higher sensitivity to smell.
    Makes sense? Comments welcome.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: The Terrible Anti Phero Shield: Certain Pills

    Hi Explorer:

    For some great info (and probably more than you\'ll ever want to know!) about menstrual cycles, check out the the web site of The Museum of Menstruation and Women\'s Health. Actually, it\'s kind of an interesting read, with titles like Stinkin\' Synchin\' and The Perils of Vaginal Douching. Oy! An excellent start page on the site is or also check out



  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: The Terrible Anti Phero Shield: Certain Pills

    There are many different interpretations of research. Some say women are more attracted to objects laced with -none. Some conclude that women actually find -none repuslive except during ovulation. Throw in the pill and what do you got? Another confounding variable that has yet to be studied in conjunction with -none and ovulation. Geez. There\'s a lot of wide open doors for research here. Getting the finding is the big problem.

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Terrible Anti Phero Shield: Certain Pills

    Good points by y\'all!

    (Like my Southern accent; dare youse to try and get further south than me!)

    This has been an intriguing issue since the mid-70\'s. No B-S! I am currently completing my PhD in \'aphrodisiology\' supervised by three of the Southern Hemisphere\'s primary experts - check Medline if you doubt it. Individually: Dennerstein L, Burger H, & Fraser I, have all be looking at this very issue of hormones and the variations that the \'seven\' menstrual phases of women\'s cycles produce, and all the possible permutations & combinations. (Pre-menarche, Menarche, Non-pregnant, Pregnant, Post-partum, Peri-menopausal, Post-menopausal). Who said women\'s hormones were straight-forward??

    The prime \'theory\' in place at present is that P & E2 alter in weird ratios (to guys!), alongwith LH, FSH and their releasing hormones over time in patterns. Pheromones affect the release of primary Gonandotrophin Releasing Hormones - either immediately (DIHLs, etc.) or longer-term - women who live together = menstruate together - PROBABLY!?

    Mechanism??? Who knows? Probably, it is via the VNO, LHRH with oxytocin in there somewhere, with CCK and other \'gut-brain\', mesodermal neuropeptides taking up the midgound between steroids and simple amine neurotransmitters.

    Then again, dress well, treat your women with respect, have a shower a day, and show that you can stand squarely without slouching and you\'re in!

    What do women want? Ho ... hummm ... same as always ... a good provider ... of EVERYTHING! No different to guys really ... just ask your mother!! Or your wife!!! \"Coming, dear!\" [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    BTW, I\'ve got some pheromones on today, and she\'s VERY happy with me today for some reason!?!! (Singing: \'Tonight\'s the night ... \') [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

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