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  1. #1
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    Default Finnaly some tests...but more questions.

    Alright, here's the test reporting.

    Preable: I got my haircut all nice, and got a bunch of new clothes.

    First testing using moens and new cologne. So it was basicly kind of a new version of me.

    Monday, before

    school a dab on my chest, 1 dab neck, 1 dab on wrist and rubbed together followed by cover scent of acqua di gio.

    Let's try and remember. Hmm. Nothing really much, except this one girl (girl A)I used to be into has recently not

    talekd to me much. And so we're at lunch and she was laughing with me and kinda flirty and touched my thigh under

    the lunch table, kinda joking. I get a lot of joking flirting, you know, not real flirting, they just do funny

    flirtting things like that. Anyways that was interesting, but nothing really uncommon. Later that day, I saw her

    walknig down the hall the opposite dirrection, and made soem sort of funny with her real quick as I was tuning down

    another hallway. So I barely saw her turn around to respond, she probbably said something but I forgot. Anyways,

    about maybe 30 seconds-a minute later, somebody jumps on back all like, and gusse who? Her, girl A. So I laugh and

    flirt a little and then quickly went on my way. She used to do that stuff when we were interested in each other,

    then she just stopped, and hasn't been like that since then. So maybe this was mones at work. I refreshed maybe 3

    hours or so into the day.

    Day 2: Same basic application usage as day 1. First period economics, everyone was

    talkitive to me more than some people are. Called me by name as the prime person in a conversation, alpha males.

    This very attrative girl was sitting next to me which I'm friends with and is really nice, kept looking at me

    durring class and was more friendly thatn usual. Ah who knows, I own that period anyways lol. Very alpha in that


    During the day I got numerous copliments on my clothes, which is nothing new as I dress very well,

    original and uniqe compared to the rest of the guys at school. I was wearing a really hot pair of Diesel jeans and

    the girls were liking those, made me do turnarounds etc. And were looknig at my crotch area, due to a uniqe stiching

    work on the pants. More compliments, but I doubt they were due to mones as I said I usualy get compliments on my new

    clothes. Great day so far, other little good things. Heard people talk about me, which is unusual.

    So after

    school I goto swim practice and swim, nothing here obviously. But I do have a question. Does the chlorine kill the

    mones? I assume it does because we have a lot in the school pool. I swim everyday, so should that prevent


    After swim, I went home with a guy friend of mine and hung out with a while, ate dinner, put on

    about 2-3 drops of AE and soem acqua di gio again. We went out to the girl's basketballs game, which was really

    lame and really empty. During the night I was pretty much the alpha male with a little group of kids, but note that

    most all the hits and etc come from younger people. Like I am usualy alpha position because I hangout with the

    younger classes because I have not a whole lot of friends as seniors in my class. So that age adds to the alphaness,

    but on a side note, a guy I just met that night which I was getting along with must have been 15-16, was well

    respecting me laughing etc. He figured I was a sophmore or junior. He was shocked when I said I was a senior. Most

    people don't think I'm that old. Who knows.

    Anyways at the game there was a girl that was deffinitly

    flirting with me and may or may not have been due to mones. I think it was as she wasn't that way before. Myabe she

    just loosened up.
    She previously asked if I was gay. I asked why she asked that and she said because I dress so

    well. I get a lot of those gay questions due to that I suppose. I don't wear girls clothes or anything, so who

    knows. Anybody else get that?

    Today: Day 3.

    New mone trials, samples recieved.

    Who knows

    how much Chikira, not a lot maybe a dab on my finger applied to neck, chest and wrists. Covered with acqua di gio

    again. Nice combo. This was reaplied about 3 hours into school again.

    Well what can I say about today? It was

    really fantastic! I dressed up really nice today, Banana Republic dress pants a D&G dress shirt with an Express

    sweater over it with BR black dress shoes. I went all out today, looked really freaking sharp. So I don't know

    weather to attribute this to my attire, or the mones, so that makes it tricky. But BOY did I just get a shitload of

    compliments today. On everything oh man.

    First block english, walk in a little late to class and I get in and

    a guy's like hey andy! Which was eh, not usual. Anyways, our class makes it's way to the library and we sit down

    to do our papers (which nobody does). Anyways I sit in the front with a bunch of girls who are really friendly. This

    one girl girlB I used to like back maybe 6 years ago, and so kidna she did, well she was awefully talkitve with me.

    Gave me answers and suggested we sit next to each other to help work on it. There was many other people she's mroe

    friends with in the class that was working on the same thing next to her, but she was asking me. I consider this

    -mone relivant. Good run that period, but not any compliments.

    2nd block, math. Nothing really big here few

    giggles at jokes and a tiny bit of random eye contact. Which was nice once. Oh!
    This should be a good time to

    mention it. Day one at lunch sombody at my table said it smelled like pot. I was kinda assuming she might have ment

    me due to the muskiness of AE, but it doesn't smell like pot. And in math class, sombody said they smelled liek

    baby diapers which I thought may be attributed to the babypowdery scent of the chikira. Not sure on these but ah


    C Block was the best. This is my funnest class and I get along great with a lot of people, not to

    mention I have a sweet (attractive) teacher. This girl that I had a somewhat relationship with and exchanged feeling

    a bit before is also in this class. She used to be really flirty with me, but stopped after soem 'issues' and the

    completley stopped after she got a boyfriend. Today, hello! All during class she was talking to me and facing her

    body towards mine etc. When we partnered up for assignmnets, she really yanked my desk next to her's inssisting.

    She then started playing with my hear for like who knows, 10 minutes, it was heaven. She also was a little graby

    too. So back to the class class. People we're giving me compliments on my clothes a lot and even the teacher got

    involved. Quickly the calss was having a disscusion on how cute I looked today and how amazing my hair was. I mean I

    get some things like that, but today was about 10X more than normal. This may have been due to how I was dressed

    again, but I'm sure the mones HAD to do something , at least a little, esspecialy with that girl. Great time in

    that class. During lunch, the same girl sat next to me which ussualy doesn't do, and yet again, girlA from the same

    lunch as I first mentioned was throwing me glances as well as one or two others. I could tell by their looks it was

    more than just glancing, I don't know how I could, but I just had that feeling ya' know?

    Last block:

    Not too much hear, a few compliemnts not from very alpha males and females about my sweater. Physics class,

    yeah not too much happend here.

    Hall period changes were good too, a lot of socializing then. I think I've

    hugged girls more today than I have in months. It was crazy. But the weird thing was, through all of this, all three

    days, I did not receive one compliment on my smell. I ususaly do even with cheap axe and tommy. Very odd, amkes me

    wonder if it was mroe to do with clothes/haircut than mones. But I think not, people arn't more friendly just

    because you dress nicer.

    So that is my first wide experince with pheromones. Hope you enjoyed. Sorrry no big

    hits or DIHL looks, but it's something.

    I have other packets I want to try, should I wait until I

    finish one and see the results, or switch them up again? Ahh I only have so little.


  2. #2
    Newbie Scott's Avatar
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    I cant give you any advice pal,

    but that was a really enjoyable post. I am hopefully going to be starting mones, so its good to see how some other

    noobs are getting on.

    Seems like you are having a great experience unless your over embelishing. If i ended up

    getting all that kind of attention, it would be a successful investment in my opinion.

    Seems like they are

    opening a few barriers with people, which is what you want. They aren't going to make women throw themselves on

    you, but they seem to be leading you in the right directions in my opinion.

    Keep the updates coming

  3. #3
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    Over embelishing? I think what I

    posted was more of an understatment of what happened. The only think I'm wondering about is if it is more the

    change (clothes haricut etc) or the mones. I deffinitly know they have to be doing something, but I wonder what is

    doing more. After the back to school "shock" is over, I'll see if I'm still getting comparable results. I hope


    Even if this is all the mones do, I'd be thrilled. But the onlything I'm looking for are the sexual

    hits. Maybe younger girls are less affected/willing for the sexual hits. I woudln't think so, teens are pretty

    horny lol. Thanks for the reply, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I should have been typing economics instead, ah well


  4. #4
    Phero Pharaoh
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    I wouldn't say you had no big

    hits. The girl playing with your hair was a major hit, in my opinion.

    But give it time. Keep doing what

    you're doing, but try some other things, too. Learn.

    Good observations on body language! You don't have to

    give us all the details if you remember to mention the big stuff, like where they sit, moving desks around,

    directions their bodies aim toward, hair twirling, etc.

  5. #5
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    He did pretty well.

  6. #6
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    Yeah I noticed was playing with

    her hair quite a lot when she was facing me durring notes, but I don't know if that's just playing with her hair

    or more. I'm going to wear my Chikara and Gio combo tommorow again but instead, dressing down a bit more casual to

    be able to tell.

    What should I do with the rest of my samples? I have a full TE, SoE, and a bit chikara

    left, and a full bottle of AE. Any good mixes or just stand alone them each packet or what?

  7. #7
    Full Member SirAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatal
    Alright, here's

    the test reporting.

    Preable: I got my haircut all nice, and got a bunch of new clothes. First testing using

    moens and new cologne. So it was basicly kind of a new version of me.

    Monday, before school a dab on my chest,

    1 dab neck, 1 dab on wrist and rubbed together followed by cover scent of acqua di gio. Let's try and remember.

    Hmm. Nothing really much, except this one girl (girl A)I used to be into has recently not talekd to me much. And so

    we're at lunch and she was laughing with me and kinda flirty and touched my thigh under the lunch table, kinda

    joking. I get a lot of joking flirting, you know, not real flirting, they just do funny flirtting things like that.

    Anyways that was interesting, but nothing really uncommon. Later that day, I saw her walknig down the hall the

    opposite dirrection, and made soem sort of funny with her real quick as I was tuning down another hallway. So I

    barely saw her turn around to respond, she probbably said something but I forgot. Anyways, about maybe 30 seconds-a

    minute later, somebody jumps on back all like, and gusse who? Her, girl A. So I laugh and flirt a little and then

    quickly went on my way. She used to do that stuff when we were interested in each other, then she just stopped, and

    hasn't been like that since then. So maybe this was mones at work. I refreshed maybe 3 hours or so into the day.

    Day 2: Same basic application usage as day 1. First period economics, everyone was talkitive to me more than some

    people are. Called me by name as the prime person in a conversation, alpha males. This very attrative girl was

    sitting next to me which I'm friends with and is really nice, kept looking at me durring class and was more

    friendly thatn usual. Ah who knows, I own that period anyways lol. Very alpha in that class.

    During the day I

    got numerous copliments on my clothes, which is nothing new as I dress very well, original and uniqe compared to the

    rest of the guys at school. I was wearing a really hot pair of Diesel jeans and the girls were liking those, made me

    do turnarounds etc. And were looknig at my crotch area, due to a uniqe stiching work on the pants. More compliments,

    but I doubt they were due to mones as I said I usualy get compliments on my new clothes. Great day so far, other

    little good things. Heard people talk about me, which is unusual.

    So after school I goto swim practice and

    swim, nothing here obviously. But I do have a question. Does the chlorine kill the mones? I assume it does because

    we have a lot in the school pool. I swim everyday, so should that prevent l"ayering"?

    After swim, I went home

    with a guy friend of mine and hung out with a while, ate dinner, put on about 2-3 drops of AE and soem acqua di gio

    again. We went out to the girl's basketballs game, which was really lame and really empty. During the night I was

    pretty much the alpha male with a little group of kids, but note that most all the hits and etc come from younger

    people. Like I am usualy alpha position because I hangout with the younger classes because I have not a whole lot of

    friends as seniors in my class. So that age adds to the alphaness, but on a side note, a guy I just met that night

    which I was getting along with must have been 15-16, was well respecting me laughing etc. He figured I was a

    sophmore or junior. He was shocked when I said I was a senior. Most people don't think I'm that old. Who knows.

    Anyways at the game there was a girl that was deffinitly flirting with me and may or may not have been due to

    mones. I think it was as she wasn't that way before. Myabe she just loosened up.
    She previously asked if I was

    gay. I asked why she asked that and she said because I dress so well. I get a lot of those gay questions due to that

    I suppose. I don't wear girls clothes or anything, so who knows. Anybody else get that?

    Today: Day 3.

    New mone trials, samples recieved.

    Who knows how much Chikira, not a lot maybe a dab on my finger applied to

    neck, chest and wrists. Covered with acqua di gio again. Nice combo. This was reaplied about 3 hours into school


    Well what can I say about today? It was really fantastic! I dressed up really nice today, Banana Republic

    dress pants a D&G dress shirt with an Express sweater over it with BR black dress shoes. I went all out today,

    looked really freaking sharp. So I don't know weather to attribute this to my attire, or the mones, so that makes

    it tricky. But BOY did I just get a shitload of compliments today. On everything oh man.

    First block english,

    walk in a little late to class and I get in and a guy's like hey andy! Which was eh, not usual. Anyways, our class

    makes it's way to the library and we sit down to do our papers (which nobody does). Anyways I sit in the front with

    a bunch of girls who are really friendly. This one girl girlB I used to like back maybe 6 years ago, and so kidna

    she did, well she was awefully talkitve with me. Gave me answers and suggested we sit next to each other to help

    work on it. There was many other people she's mroe friends with in the class that was working on the same thing

    next to her, but she was asking me. I consider this -mone relivant. Good run that period, but not any compliments.

    2nd block, math. Nothing really big here few giggles at jokes and a tiny bit of random eye contact. Which was nice

    once. Oh!
    This should be a good time to mention it. Day one at lunch sombody at my table said it smelled like pot.

    I was kinda assuming she might have ment me due to the muskiness of AE, but it doesn't smell like pot. And in math

    class, sombody said they smelled liek baby diapers which I thought may be attributed to the babypowdery scent of the

    chikira. Not sure on these but ah well.

    C Block was the best. This is my funnest class and I get along great

    with a lot of people, not to mention I have a sweet (attractive) teacher. This girl that I had a somewhat

    relationship with and exchanged feeling a bit before is also in this class. She used to be really flirty with me,

    but stopped after soem 'issues' and the completley stopped after she got a boyfriend. Today, hello! All during

    class she was talking to me and facing her body towards mine etc. When we partnered up for assignmnets, she really

    yanked my desk next to her's inssisting. She then started playing with my hear for like who knows, 10 minutes, it

    was heaven. She also was a little graby too. So back to the class class. People we're giving me compliments on my

    clothes a lot and even the teacher got involved. Quickly the calss was having a disscusion on how cute I looked

    today and how amazing my hair was. I mean I get some things like that, but today was about 10X more than normal.

    This may have been due to how I was dressed again, but I'm sure the mones HAD to do something , at least a little,

    esspecialy with that girl. Great time in that class. During lunch, the same girl sat next to me which ussualy

    doesn't do, and yet again, girlA from the same lunch as I first mentioned was throwing me glances as well as one or

    two others. I could tell by their looks it was more than just glancing, I don't know how I could, but I just had

    that feeling ya' know?

    Last block:

    Not too much hear, a few compliemnts not from very alpha males and

    females about my sweater. Physics class, yeah not too much happend here.

    Hall period changes were good too, a

    lot of socializing then. I think I've hugged girls more today than I have in months. It was crazy. But the weird

    thing was, through all of this, all three days, I did not receive one compliment on my smell. I ususaly do even with

    cheap axe and tommy. Very odd, amkes me wonder if it was mroe to do with clothes/haircut than mones. But I think

    not, people arn't more friendly just because you dress nicer.

    So that is my first wide experince with

    pheromones. Hope you enjoyed. Sorrry no big hits or DIHL looks, but it's something.

    I have other packets I

    want to try, should I wait until I finish one and see the results, or switch them up again? Ahh I only have so


    Nice post, realy good to read...keep them comming and donĀ“t

    forget what you used, how much and where you applied it.
    "He who makes a beast of himself
    gets rid of the pain of being a man"


  8. #8
    Voodoo child Bkflip's Avatar
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    Just mix em up and see how people

    react. One formula may work for one person but another persons body might just reject it. You can only find ones

    that are good for YOU,be creative
    -Rub her feet?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fatal
    ... touched my

    thigh under the lunch table, ...

    ...maybe 30 seconds-a minute later, somebody jumps on back all like, and gusse

    who? Her, girl A....

    ...made me do turnarounds etc. And were looknig at my crotch area, ... the game

    there was a girl that was deffinitly flirting with me... She previously asked if I was gay....

    ...She then

    started playing with my hear for like who knows, 10 minutes, it was heaven.... She also was a little graby too.

    Yup, no hits. No hits at all....

  10. #10
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    Haha I s'pose I'm a bit naive


  11. #11
    Phero Dude Marlboro_man's Avatar
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    To know for sure pay

    attention to how she reacts with and w/o the mones on you. Also watch her from a distance and see if she plays with

    her hair a lot around other people as I have notice many woman do this out of habit.

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