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  1. #1
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    Default Major TE hit with the wife!

    I think

    this is the first instance of using 'mones that I would consider a true "hit", but then, I've only tried them a

    few times, so that's a pretty good ratio...

    Anyway, this was last week, the day before new year's, boss let us

    out of work early. I applied two long swipes of TE gel from the sample kit before leaving the office (no cover

    scent, I wanted to see what it smelled like on me alone before selecting a cover). Plus, that's not a huge

    application. Went and did some shopping and stuff, honestly forgot about the TE, so no hits to report while I was

    out, at least none I wasn't oblivous to.

    Got home, and, not to be to off topic, but the wife was home last

    week, in-between jobs (started new job today). She was SUPPOSED to be cleaning all all the massive piles of crap

    left over from her old business she just closed, but instead, in typical chick fashion, decided the priority was

    REPAINTING ALL THE BEDROOMS. So, I got home to a house that was supposed to have been cleaner, which was actually

    dirtier from the moving of things and painting.

    My point to all this? I was in a bad mood. So, I was mostly

    being obnoxious during most of the night - saying snide remarks, things like long-time married couples do. Truth be

    told, I was probably subconsciously spoiling for a fight. (Aggression from TE?) But, the wife didn't take the

    bait, and was basically submissive throughout the night - even perhaps a bit flirtatious, not like her normally at


    So then, later on, she did her "I'm going to lay down" thing, which means she's going to sleep, and I'm

    not getting any. But I didn't really care that night, as I was annoyed anyway. So, I was in the office, minding

    my own business, doing some work on the computer, and she comes in with a wanton look in her eye, and says "what are

    you doing?" I told her I was doing work, blah, blah, and she says something like "well, maybe instead of doing

    that, you should be doing me" (subtelty goes out the window after 9 years of marriage ). So, anyway,

    things went pretty much as you'd expect from that point on. She was also more expressive/submissive/communicative

    during the sex (lots of rolling over, bending over, etc.) which is not unusual for her, but only in certain moods,

    of which she was clearly in that night. Oh, and there seemed to be a residual effect the next day as well, lots of

    blatant flirting, etc. We didn't wind up doing anything that night, but that had everything to do with me being

    sick, and run down.

    So anyway, I'm calling this one a "hit", because even though I realize a lot of

    people might not consider having sex with their spouse a hit, those people probably aren't married... ...

    and to recall, my situation is that we are both in that phase when things start to fizzle out, as the obligations of

    work, kids, etc. seem to sap up all available time & energy... so, every little bit helps. For purposes of

    edification, I should state that it's not that we DON'T have sex normally, just not as often, or as passionately

    as we used to... and DEFINITELY not normally on nights when there is tension, such as described above. I'm giving

    pretty much all the credit to the TE for that one.

    On a side note, I ordered the holiday WAGG special (with the

    included AE), and newbie kit (basically to get the TE). I'm thinking I'm pretty much going to use WAGG in most

    social & business situations to mitigate CEE, and spike it with AE or TE when I want more sexual hits. Of course,

    this also gives me the opportunity to try the TE/AE combo (though I'm thinking not at work), so, lots of

    possibilities here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
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    I had od,ed the first time

    and spouse was very submissive like a first timer just laying there. now i have learned a little dab is more

    so i get the do me ram me commands just a sex slave

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
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    Cool Looking for reports of wives reactions

    I've thinking of getting into the pheromones things, i'm already married so I can understand all of

    your post , esk. We too are zapped by kids,work, classes, etc. and sex is not what is used to be, and we can get

    into fights mainly because we are so tensed up from all the stuff around us.

    I've been searching for posts

    regarding experiences with wives and yours is very interesting, i'll try and post my experiences once I try some

    stuff. Wife tells me a lot of the time that I look angry when I'm really not so maybe I would start with some SoE

    just to be detected as friendly as I really am inside.

    regarding your post , I would consider any NOTICEABLE

    change in behaviour a Hit. A plus with married men like us is that we can notice better a change in behaviour from

    the wife than some of the single guys could notice from a woman they hardly know before hand or are not as intimate

    as with a partner.

    Well im running out of time , (wife just called to pick her up) and i haven't finished

    reading all the posts from married guys, i'll have to do it tomorrow.

    Thanks for posting esk, keep reporting!

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