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  1. #1
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    Default Alcohol, mones and aggression


    guys, thought I would share my new years eve experience. I just started experimenting with mones and still have a

    lot to learn. Last night I went to a party with a friend (the target) who keeps on giving me LJBF. Anyway I put

    on two sprays of TE/Musk on my neck and half a gel pack of AE and a tiny bit of chikera on my wrists. I was going

    for the DIHL but met something completely different form my target. On the car ride she kept on talking about how I

    changed so much this past few weeks and was a little bit more flirty than usual. After we get to the party a couple

    of girls (her friends) started hitting on me and she turned into a total bitch. I tried ignoring the other girls and

    just chilling with her but she just wouldn’t stop bitching. I gave her some space and started enjoying myself. All

    the girls there were showin a lot of love and I even got a lap dance in front of everybody. These were girls I

    didn’t even know too well. I went to the kitchen or another beer when I saw her chillin with this guy. I walked up

    asked her if she was having fun and she just cursed me out. She went on and on about how im such a jerk, and kept

    on hitting me. Im not talking bout playful hitting this girl was throwing body shots that hurt like hell. Her

    guy-friend pulled her off me and I think he took her home. At the time I was wasted and I just went back to the

    party. I tried calling her today but she didn’t pick up, now here’s my question, has this ever happened to anyone

    else? Is it the mones, the liquor or does she have feelings for me. We’ve been friends since high school and shes

    always turned me down when I try to do something. Can anybody please shed some light on this, im confused that the

    person whom I was trying to attract was the only one that wasn’t attracted. BTW the mones worked great for everyone

    else at the party; girls were aggressive as hell and literarily pulled my cloths off while dancing

    sorry bout the long post

  2. #2
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    sounds like - from the way you told

    it - she was attracted, and was just very pissed that she indicated to you that she was now interested in

    something more than friends, and instead you and her friends were doing your things.

    Keep in mind, even

    though you tried ignoring them in the beginning, you may have done some things you didn't realize, or that upset


  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Was she possibly on her period?

    None can iritate some women on their monthly...

  4. #4


    Keeping in mind that im 25

    and most of the times ive been out have been with women in their early 20s who may be more intimidated by high none


    I have had similar types of things happen to me when wearing NPA/m or other heavy-none products such as

    AE/m. I find that although girls may be attracted and you may feel like a stud while wearing these products because

    of the sexual hits they garner, the end result is not ideal. Either I might have some fun with a girl, but

    invariably the girl doesnt trust u or some other girl (her friend) doesnt like u or trust u. Thus a friendship might

    be damaged or a relationship might be very short-lasting if there is one at all. The end result is that i feel there

    are a lot of wasted opportunities.

    I mean how many guys have actually turned these great sexual hits that they

    have into actual relationships or even sex itself...

    So even though she may be attracted to u and u may feel

    great about this, getting her to be with u may be a whole other story. She may require more trust-based products

    like SOE, A1, or WAGG in the future.

    Maybe she was on her period though and the None made her snappy.

    these none-heavy products are great fun to use in these kind of drinking / party situations for the studly attention

    they can give u.


  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Sounds like the alcohol messed

    you both up. If you find out that something happened between her and the guy who left with her, try not to go

    ballistic. Sometimes, we just screw up and there is nothing we can do about it. On the other hand, nothing may

    have happened, and she may just be embarrassed. You need to give her some space and get something going in your

    life so you don't get wound up about this.

  6. #6
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    Here’s the thing I really don’t

    get why she went off. She’s the calmest sweetest girl I know and that’s why I really wanted her in the first place.

    It was like something out of the movies when she started screaming at me, I just walked up and she just started

    shouting before I could even finish a sentence. I was thinking about it this morning and though maybe she had

    feelings for me all this time and she just realized it last night but it still doesn’t fit into her personality to

    snap like that. I tried calling her a few times today but she’s not picking up, does anybody have any advice as to

    what i should do now? I’ve never been in a situation like this before.

    BTW I really like TE in parties, I’m

    usually a shy guy and it gets me out of my shell when girls hit on me and initiate the flirt. It gives me that

    little confidence I need to jump into player mode.

    One more thing I noticed last night was that the

    “average” girls didn’t hesitate to mess around while I had to work a little harder for the hotter girls. I think

    none works better them or something.

  7. #7
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Average girls, conciously,

    subconciously, directly, indirectly, see high-ranking males as a way to gain status on the social latter. Hot

    chicks are already on top, and they know it.

  8. #8
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Take Friendly's advice and

    give her some space. She may need time to figure out what happened or may be embarrassed. Go find something else to

    do for a while.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9
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    Yeah don't smother her. You said

    you've called a few times. DO NOT CALL AGAIN until she calls you back. She know's you called, and if she wants to

    talk to you, she will call back. Good luck bro and congrats on the hits at the party.

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    both of bjf's post are on point,

    great posts.

    i would not call her back. i would wait for her to call me. seeing as how she's attracted to you

    she'll call you back. why would you call her after she hit apologize for her hitting you? don't reward

    bad behavior, call her out on her bad behavior.

  11. #11
    Full Member SirAngel's Avatar
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    Hi Tman6919

    If you take 2

    dabs belgareths diplomatic advice (give her some space) and mix it with 3 dabs of TRock tactic, you schould be

    right. I quote TRock:"don't reward bad behavior, call her out on her bad behavior." Very true!!! At least give her

    a little bit of a hard time, so she sees and understands that you don´t let her get away with treating you this way.

    Don´t do ist in an upset way though!

    Here´s the plan:

    Stay cool, slow, with a serious look on you face and

    totaly calmand look her straight in the eye (without flinching) and set her straight...kind of like a father would.

    Afterwards ( maby a few days later) when you both are calm, tease her about it. Say in a playful way that you know

    she loves you and you were realy into her, but that her realy bitchy behavour put you off, because you fear that you

    maid slip off into a relationship were women hit the men and then you´d have to seek revuge in a selfhelpgroup for

    abused men or something like that. Just make sure it has a funny note to it. If everything goes well you two should

    end up together...

    NEVER ever get mad at a woman!!!
    "He who makes a beast of himself
    gets rid of the pain of being a man"


  12. #12
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirAngel
    Hi Tman6919

    If you take 2 dabs belgareths diplomatic advice (give her some space) and mix it with 3 dabs of TRock

    As often as I am called blunt in my dealings with people, it's nice to be called diplomatic for a

    change. I was echoing Friendly's good advice. IMO, so long as you keep trying to contact her things are going to go

    downhill. You cannot win by chasing or attempting to contact her. Leave her alone and she may or may not be back. If

    not, you aren't any worse off than you are now. If yes, you have a starting point. But you don't know what her

    problem was so manipulative games are just as likely to make things worse as better.

    Quote Originally Posted by SirAngel
    NEVER ever

    get mad at a woman!!!
    Another good general rule but expand it to say "Never let anybody see you angry unless

    it serves some purpose. Making you angry is just one of many ways people use to manipulate you. Take that tool away

    from them and you are one step closer to controlling your life.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  13. #13
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    thanks guys for all the great

    posts, i didnt call her since yesterday and i just found out she called my house and left a message while i was out.

    Ive decided not to call her back today, Im going to take everyones advice and let her cool off for a while. if she

    doesnt call again im going to wait till this wedding next week to make my move, then i'll do exactly what sirangle

    said. I acutally get good results with girls being a jerk with a sense of humer as long as i dont take it too far.

    Thanks again guys, nice to know i got my own personal think-tank in a time of crisis

  14. #14
    Phero Pharaoh
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    I think it would be a mistake

    to make an issue of it if she doesn't say anything. The whole timing of the missed calls could just make it more

    awkward. You want her to feel comfortable the next time she sees you. If she says nothing, doesn't act rude or

    strange, drop it. The time to call a girl on bad behavior is when it happens. Not a week later. That just makes you

    look weak and lame.

    You were both drunk. Alcohol brings out people's bad judgement and bad behavior. Don't

    drag this out and make it worse for both of you. Or, don't make it bigger than she does.

    Although she does

    sound like she could be a bit of a drama queen.

  15. #15
    Phero Enthusiast PHP 87's Avatar
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    Here's my brief NYE field


    I'm 44 years old, but still have a young mindset. I went out with my buddy on NYE to some bars in

    San Francisco, in the Marina district. For those of you in the Bay Area, you probably know which places I'm

    talkin' about.

    Anyways, me and my buddy are drinking while sitting at a table, and we start talking to a

    couple of girls, both in their mid-20's and both hot.

    After about 5 minutes of talking, the hottest of the

    two (Jen) out of nowhere sits on my lap. My buddy is stunned, but he pulled out his disposable camera and took a

    pic. I'll post the pic when I get it. Anyways, me and Jen start getting a bit frisky, so her friend pulls her off

    of me and out of the bar. I truly believe that if her friend didn't CB us, I might have gotten her to my Hotel


    Later that night, some big dude sitting next to me started some crap with me out of nowhere. We both

    stood up, went eye-to-eye, then ended up shaking hands and letting it go.

    And later that night, some girl in

    line at the Pizza take-out place started giving me crap, accusing me of cutting in line.

    BTW, I was wearing a

    half a gel pak of Chikara, and about a 1/3 of a gel pak of AE/M

    I don't know if it was the alcohol, the NYE

    atmopshere, the pheromones or a combo of all 3

    But I will definately field test the above phero combo in the


  16. #16
    Full Member SirAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tman6919
    thanks guys for

    all the great posts, i didnt call her since yesterday and i just found out she called my house and left a message

    while i was out. Ive decided not to call her back today, Im going to take everyones advice and let her cool off for

    a while. if she doesnt call again im going to wait till this wedding next week to make my move, then i'll do

    exactly what sirangle said. I acutally get good results with girls being a jerk with a sense of humer as long as i

    dont take it too far.

    Thanks again guys, nice to know i got my own personal think-tank in a time of

    Very important: Being a jerk does not mean being abusive in a phisical or psycological way!

    Just don´t jump to her whistle an become a lap doggy. stay in charge...
    "He who makes a beast of himself
    gets rid of the pain of being a man"


  17. #17
    Phero Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1


    she does sound like she could be a bit of a drama queen.

    Clearly the understatement

    of the New Year.

    There's an old saying--"If it has tires or t*ts, sooner or later it's going to give you

    problems." And sometimes with vehicles,you throw good money after bad, trying to fix it.

  18. #18
    Full Member SirAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    I think it

    would be a mistake to make an issue of it if she doesn't say anything. The whole timing of the missed calls could

    just make it more awkward. You want her to feel comfortable the next time she sees you. If she says nothing,

    doesn't act rude or strange, drop it. The time to call a girl on bad behavior is when it happens. Not a week later.

    That just makes you look weak and lame.

    You were both drunk. Alcohol brings out people's bad judgement and bad

    behavior. Don't drag this out and make it worse for both of you. Or, don't make it bigger than she does.

    Although she does sound like she could be a bit of a drama queen.
    NO no no! Not quiet right in my

    opinion. It´s true that the right time to call a girl on her bad behavior is when it happens, BUT that is only true

    if you refer to minor things...Calling her propper on her bad behavior in that exact moment and alc state (no good

    reasoning then..), would have made it much worse and there would have been a good chance, that it would have totaly

    And than you would be the jerk and it would have made it more awkward (in my opinion). If you don´t call

    her on it at all, she will subconcesly know she´ll get away with it and THEN you´ll look weak and lame. If you do it

    in a not upset and little funny way, she will see that you stay cool but don´t take her sh...!


    If she gets upset treat her like the little brat (child) that she acts in that moment...if you

    stay cool she will eventually come back down to your emotional level... you maid wanna wear some soe or wagg. Only

    wear none for that, if you realy wanna kick her a... (wich would be the wrong thing here!)

    Choose for


    Last edited by SirAngel; 01-03-2005 at 12:43 PM.
    "He who makes a beast of himself
    gets rid of the pain of being a man"


  19. #19
    Phero Pharaoh
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    But there is such a thing as

    too much water flowing under a bridge. Waiting a week to address something which happened at a party where everyone

    was drunk is overkill, UNLESS the girl is herself agonizing over the situation. In this case, he needs to follow her

    lead. If she has put it behind her, he needs to put it behind him and just be quicker to put a stop to bad behavior

    in the future.

    Otherwise, he'll just look like he has issues to her.

    If it were me, I'd forget about

    her and move on. But that is just my personal preference. Different strokes for different folks. I don't drink

    and I don't associate with people who get drunk, so I have an entirely different set of standards that I apply.

  20. #20
    Full Member SirAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendly1
    UNLESS the

    girl is herself agonizing over the situation. In this case, he needs to follow her lead. If she has put it behind

    her, he needs to put it behind him and just be quicker to put a stop to bad behavior in the future.

    sorry but thats to much of `giving away your power` for me...and her taking the lead. Experience tells me something

    else works better, but of course everyone has its own way and thats the way it should be...i like what works...
    "He who makes a beast of himself
    gets rid of the pain of being a man"


  21. #21
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirAngel
    I´m sorry but

    thats to much of `giving away your power` for me...and her taking the lead. Experience tells me something else works

    better, but of course everyone has its own way and thats the way it should be...i like what works...

    not about giving away power. It's about reading a situation and going with the flow. If you remain inflexible and

    dwell on an incident after time has passed, you give people the impression that you have issues.

    In my

    experience, women who do dumb things under the influence of alcohol don't agonize for a week. They eventually

    incorporate the incidents into their library of "Dumb Things I Done On Booze", which provides them with anecdotes

    for future conversations.

    On the other hand, if the GUY had done something totally rude and in the wrong, he

    would probably never hear the end of it. But that doesn't mean he should be like a woman and drag it up


    He only needs to deal with the past if it is thrown back in his face, or brought up in an "I'm so

    embarrassed, can we please talk about this" way.

    He doesn't need to be waiting for a good opportunity to ambush

    the girl. That doesn't work, it isn't leading, and it's unmanly behavior. Guys who browbeat women into

    submission, destroying their self-esteem, engage in this kind of abusive behavior.

    I strongly recommend against

    doing that. If you're in a serious, committed relationship and your partner doesn't something really bad, then

    you have to deal with it ASAP. But this is not a serious, committed relationship. He doesn't own her, and he

    doesn't need to be looking for opportunities to browbeat her.

    He'll have plenty of opportunities to behave

    like a man in the future. The world isn't over because he missed one.

  22. #22
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Every woman I've ever known, at

    one time or another, turns into a total bitch, often without any reason (at least one I know of of). The next day

    they usually pretend like nothing happened. Sometimes they try to make it up to you (good in the sack) but will

    still avoid talking about it. And, yes, it is normally counterproductive to bring it up later, especially a week

    later. Getting bitched at for lame behavior, or for just being a man, is part 'n parcel of any male-female


    Incidentally, flirting and/or getting hit on by her friends is provocation for serious

    bitching. I've gotten nailed for that many a time and have learned to be careful. If a woman likes you she'll be

    extremely observant and see whom you look at, if you look at her breasts, if the other women respond, etc. Hitting

    the bottle makes the situation 10 times worse (you get drunk and simple minded/stupid).
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  23. #23
    Full Member SirAngel's Avatar
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    Diffrent points of view...but

    some match! can you dwell on an incident if it hasn´t been talked about it in the first place??? The

    main point is not teasing her about it afterwards, but to set her straight in the first place! If you decide to

    bring it up again you only take the micky out of her, keeps them on there toes and provides anecdotes for future

    conversations.(same thougt here..)
    There is no ambush in talking about it, in the way I said, when you meet her

    We are not talking about browbeating women into submission and destroying their self-esteem...far of topic!

    totaly calm and cool I said. I said quote not to be abusive in a phisical or psycological way!! I strongly recommend

    against doing that aswell thats just being a dumb dork and not a man at all.
    "He who makes a beast of himself
    gets rid of the pain of being a man"


  24. #24
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Thumbs down Where there's smoke, there's fire

    Beeeeen there, doooone that. Life experience #101: have this tatooted on your forehead in reverse so

    you can read it in the mirror every morning..."if someone shows signs of psychological problems, mental instability,

    inability to verbalize their feelings or motivations, hostility out of proportion to the cause, they are probably

    unwell on a deep level, it may be how their thought processes work it may be brain chemistry, BUT if you make her

    problems your problems you are in for a roller coaster ride through Hell". Something's seriously wrong here, and it

    ISN'T YOUR JOB to fix her. People ARE their behavior. Unless they get help, they normally become more entrenched in

    their behavior. You got yourself a clear warning sign. This is a messy gig you want to keep your mind, your karma,

    your finances, your emotions totally clear of. Find a level headed girl. Let this go or her deranged (not to mention

    infantile, or manipulative, or grossly self centered) behavior will dominate the relationship. Bye Bye, Adios, Fifty

    Ways To Leave Your Lover, Eject, Bail.... get out and stay out before it gets worse.

  25. #25
    Full Member SirAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by surfs_up
    Beeeeen there,

    doooone that. Life experience #101: have this tatooted on your forehead in reverse so you can read it in the mirror

    every morning..."if someone shows signs of psychological problems, mental instability, inability to

    verbalize their feelings or motivations, hostility out of proportion to the cause, they are probably unwell on a

    deep level, it may be how their thought processes work it may be brain chemistry, BUT if you make her problems your

    problems you are in for a roller coaster ride through Hell". Something's seriously wrong here, and it ISN'T YOUR

    JOB to fix her.
    People ARE their behavior. Unless they get help, they normally become more entrenched in

    their behavior. You got yourself a clear warning sign. This is a messy gig you want to keep your mind, your karma,

    your finances, your emotions totally clear of. Find a level headed girl. Let this go or her deranged (not to mention

    infantile, or manipulative, or grossly self centered) behavior will dominate the relationship. Bye Bye, Adios, Fifty

    Ways To Leave Your Lover, Eject, Bail.... get out and stay out before it gets worse.
    True deep

    them again everyone...this made me think...
    "He who makes a beast of himself
    gets rid of the pain of being a man"


  26. #26
    King of the coupons!
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    IFFFFFFFFF you two are in

    the LJBF zone, she had no right to go off on you ... BloodyKillTimeOfTheMonth or not. IFFFFFF she was your

    girl, and you accepted a lap dance ... she still had no CLASS in going off on you, but she had the right to dump

    your DISREPECTFUL rear end.

    If it was me, IF, I'd not call again, and the next time she comes up to you,

    through your hands up in the boxing position like you're going to block her punches (this is for yourself ... it

    should just prove/show your a good and hard man), and say "Please! Don't hurt me, you bully!"

    The power of the

    P U SS Y is amazing! Don't get caught up in the "I'll do anything to get it," cause without your noodle, you

    TWO couldn't click, and without her noodle cooler, you TWO couldn't click. Meaning? You're noodle is JUST AS

    VALUABLE, so in reality ... you're even. You don't have to accept being disrespected, so DON'T, with


    Still, all the advice/information in the world won't really help until YOU decide what'cha gonna


    You may now move about the country.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  27. #27
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    Default update

    Hi guys thought I should

    give you an update-
    for the past few days I’ve been very busy helpin my friend move and i actually haven’t been

    talking to her. After the first day she called she called again and again for a couple of days and stopped calling.

    I wasn’t intentionally trying to avoid her but i lost my cell and i seem to never be home when she calls. Anyway I

    live in Colorado and we're having a snow storm and i was snowed in, i drive a 300zx and rwd sucks ass in the snow.

    I was bored and went online to check my email when she im-d me. We had a lil chat and she came over and took me to

    denniys for breakfast. I didn’t even have enough time to take a shower i put on half a gel pack of AE and used

    acqua di gio cover scent.

    The entire time we were out i could sense her being very uncomfortable; she was

    extra nice and tip-toeing around new years eve. She was trying to pretend like she didn’t remember what happened

    etc. She was trying to give me a half assed apology without really admitting to remember. I took ur advice and

    just joked about needing therapy now and made her laugh. After a while i purposely changed the subject and we sat at

    dennys for almost two hours just talking. One of the reasons l like this girl is because time just flies when we

    talk. She had to get in to work at 1 so she dropped me off and said the weirdest thing when i was about to get out.

    It was something like “were really good friends and we shouldn’t risk our friendship by trying anything

    else,” I know shes been giving me this line for a million years but the weird thing was I wasn’t even hitting on her

    today. We were in the car joking about this dumbass that almost hit us and then she just stared at me for a minute

    and said it. Now I don’t know if that was the -none taking but im convinced she’s at least thinking about going

    out. Well if I wasn’t confused yet, I sure as hell am now. What do you do when you get rejected without even

    trying. Anyway this is what im thining about doing now. I’ll just be a good friend for a while and get some one on

    one with her with some mones. Ill just keep acting innocent and stop being aggressive towards her. I think when she

    sees me not drooling all over her shell reconsider what she said. Again sorry bout the long posts, but do you think

    this is a good idea? Im starting to get the feeling the only way im going to get her attention is by ignoring


  28. #28
    Full Member SirAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    IFFFFFFFFF you two are in the LJBF zone, she had no right to go off on you ...

    BloodyKillTimeOfTheMonth or not. IFFFFFF she was your girl, and you accepted a lap dance ... she still had no

    CLASS in going off on you, but she had the right to dump your DISREPECTFUL rear end.

    If it was me, IF, I'd not

    call again, and the next time she comes up to you, through your hands up in the boxing position like you're going

    to block her punches (this is for yourself ... it should just prove/show your a good and hard man), and say "Please!

    Don't hurt me, you bully!"

    The power of the P U SS Y is amazing! Don't get caught up in the "I'll do anything

    to get it," cause without your noodle, you TWO couldn't click, and without her noodle cooler, you TWO couldn't

    click. Meaning? You're noodle is JUST AS VALUABLE, so in reality ... you're even. You don't have to accept

    being disrespected, so DON'T, with CLASS.

    Still, all the advice/information in the world won't really help

    until YOU decide what'cha gonna do.

    You may now move about the country.

    Don´t make

    MOBLEYC57 come down there and bitch-slap the wusses out of ya****

    Your in a pussy trance... come back...

    "He who makes a beast of himself
    gets rid of the pain of being a man"


  29. #29
    King of the coupons!
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    Don't ignore her ... finding

    something else to do will cut HER "YOUR" TIME, and the story will unfold as it always does when someone in unsure of

    what they really want, and find their time has been/is being cut short. The games! The games!

    Whatta pitty.

    Good luck!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  30. #30
    King of the coupons!
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    Apr 2002
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirAngel

    Don´t make

    MOBLEYC57 come down there and bitch-slap the wusses out of ya****

    Your in a pussy trance... come back...
    What the!!!!? Trying to

    get me killed over the net, and giving me a bad stamp of ugliness!? I've never ever never ever ever BSpped

    anyone in my life! Honest!

    He's not a wuss, he's just in training ... as we all are/were/have been.

    Fess up, SirAngel, you've worn those PINK yes dear/no dear shoes, too!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

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