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  1. #31
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Some cool links W.O.!
    I´m gonna include them for the list for the forum files.

    BTW those flavoured edible oils sound very interesting! Tried them out yet?


  2. #32


    Details... Some seem to be missing. OK Scientist the 20 drops is OK with water, but most of the solutions talked about are not water, everyone be aware. The rule works with water, but? The best way to get a mL vol is to take a small test tube (or whatever is handy) and weigh a gram of water in it and mark the level. If you are wondering about the device to weigh things, in general cooking supplies are a good place to start. Tough if you?re American, but you have to deal with the problem that there will never be a ?Fourth and centimeters? quote on Monday night?

    Next, Glycerol (aka Glycerin, it is the same stuff no matter where the source) if anybody has ever had an ice creme (misnomer) from Dairy Queen, it is about 30-35% glycerol. The body actually likes the stuff, it is used for the backbone of fat. It is an alcohol (actually there are three alcohols on the molecule, but I am nrrding out) much like antifreeze, but not toxic. The body uses it for all kinds of things. Other alcohols should be readily soluble in it. I have to wonder though, the Pher?s tend to be rather hydrophobic, and would seem to be more suited to oils, but I do admit, what ever works? (Nice run on, eh?)

    The next thing bugs me for various reasons, as a chemist (no really, I am a NMR and Fluorimeter guy) Fragrances are a bit of a mystery to me. Aftershaves are approx 20 times less powerful than colognes. So the mixing ratios are subject to large errors. One thing that would be very helpful, would be if everyone was boringly detailed. Hey it is for the good of the bunch, right?

  3. #33


    Hmm, there a lot more question marks in that post than I typed... Oh well, I guess the world is not ready to accept Linux as an alternative yet. he he he.

  4. #34
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    There\'s a great chart in the \"Making Perfume\" section of the site. Click right on the \"Making Perfume\" heading to access the table. It it lays out the various ratios of components in perfume, cologne, eau de cologne, eau de toilette, and aftershave.

    Using the chart I made a cologne from some \"Pikaki Lei\" fragrance oil by Kuumba. Presumably the ratios are the same for proper E-oils as well.

    I put 20 drops of the Pikaki oil in a bottle large enough to swirl stuff around in. Then slowly added 70 drops of Everclear Grain Alcohol, swirling the whole time. It blended beautifully. I then added 10 drops of distilled water, which caused the mix to cloud, but fortunately it didn\'t separate.

    Note-the ratios listed are for use with Fragrance Oils and Essential Oils. If you already have a cologne you\'re planning to mix pheros into, these steps aren\'t necessary.

    I\'ve had Pikaki scented soap that was great, but as a cologne strength fragrance it\'s a very feminine scent. The batch I made was for a young lady, and she really likes it. I\'d have to cut it back to aftershave strength, or less to wear it myself.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  5. #35


    Some other ideas about the mixing kits. First watch out with the syringes, they are made of plastic, which behaves a lot like an oil, so the mones will dissolve into the plastic. Another trick is to pull air into the syringe first, so that you can blow out the correct volume instead of having some left in the tip. One other thing to try, if you are really into this sort of thing, is add a couple of units of air, a couple of units of EtOH, a couple more units of air, and then your pheros. That is a trick that GC folks used to do to get more quantitative results. Oh yeah another factoid, a ?Unit? is 1/100 of a mL. I love the ambiguous nature of that name?

    Solvents, well I have some tips here as well. To get pure Alcohol the simplest way I know is to goto a hardware store and go through the paint solvents. The EtOH is 95%. Oh please don?t be an idiot and try to drink that stuff, just trust me. Glycerol, is also an alcohol, so if you want to knock the viscosity of the Gly down, cut it with EtOH. As far a the toxic nature of some of these things, I would not worry too much. Rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) and fingernail polish remover (Acetone) are much worse for the bod.

    Emulsifiers, fun stuff. Actually there are a bunch of food quality emulsifiers that could be used. My concern here is if they go bad, the smell might be icky. The two major emulsifiers I know of that would work are lecithin and silken tofu. Lecithin is taken from soy or eggs, and is basically the stuff membranes are made of. Probs here are that it oxidizes and that can smell like all hell. The Silken Tofu is sterilized soy protein. Things like to eat the protein, but if it was in alcohol it would probably be fine. Needless to say it makes a wonderful emulsifier. Technical notes on this, you need about 0.5-1.5% for it to work in lab systems (oil in water) Hope that is helpful

  6. #36


    It\'d be nice if an androstadienone concentrate were available, so people can create a quadruple-pheromone mix with the chemisty set (nol, none, rone, and dienone)!

    Androstadienone is the pheromone contained in Realm for Women, shown to affect the VNO in women. I think a more recent study even found that it affected regions of the brain through MRI scans. I don\'t know why other products have not pursued it. Maybe, Realm has a patent on it\'s use?

  7. #37


    Oh, I got another idea. He, he, he. Vanilla is a pretty neat molecule. It is commonly added to things like sodas, and such things that do not have a natural flavor. The reason is that it fools the nose. The classic experiment is to have say apple and cherry flavors mixed. Most folks will be able to note that there are two separate flavors there. Add vanilla, and it causes the flavors to blend. Usually this happens before the vanilla flavor is noted. Coca-Cola is very concerned that you can?t duplicate their mixes. So, for instance, the Edge seems to have a harsh odor to it, but blend it with aftershave and add a drop of vanilla into the mix somewhere, who knows. Hmm, I seem to be good at run-ons. OK, and the last fun thing to note, vanilla is not soluble in water, so it always comes dissolved in EtOH (Ethanol)

  8. #38
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Wow! This place has grown since the last time I was here. And now there’s phero kits!!!
    Been lurking for about a week, waiting for someone to post a success story; but I couldn’t wait any longer and just ordered one for myself. Now I will surely go mad. I’ve already got a five year supply of pheros that will probably be wasted on failed experiments and about a dozen dram bottles of mixtures that I can no longer recall.
    Doesn’t matter. They all work to some degree or another. In fact, for the past month, I’ve been having great luck with a mixture of just about everything: AE, NPA, PF, APC, PI and some cologne all mixed into a 10ml bottle. Don’t ask me the proportions. I just threw it all in there.
    OK. Maybe I’ve already gone mad.
    Anyway. Here’s my ideas. (All untested, of course.)
    Spiked PF: a little -none and even less -rone to add to whatever’s already in there. (Mostly -nol, I suppose.)
    Spiked TE: just a couple drops of -rone to see what happens.
    Spiked Jambat formula: couple drops of -rone once again.
    Spiked AE: just enough -none and -nol to raise the ratios up to the P10 formula = 6:3:1.

    Questions about the SP oils:
    Do they mix with alcohol, or do you get that cloudy looking stuff?
    How much -nol is already in there?

    Thanks in advance, and happy holidays.

  9. #39
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Welcome Back!
    I got the three oils with the kit deal. These suckers are ALREADY cloudy before you even open the bottle. Smells like there\'s a good dose of A-Nol in them as they ALL smell rather musky. Haven\'t tried mixing with them yet.
    Those mixes sound good, especially the AE/P10 mutation. I just wonder if AE\'s scent will bear the additional stink. The kit stuff seems to smell more than Stone\'s premixed stuff (like P10 and AFA) even when diluted to product specs.

    Walter Mitty,

    I\'ve gotten nearly 300 drops (of alcohol) from an eyedropper into a 5 ml. vial, so I\'ll have to assume that the volume of a drop varies greatly due to the viscosity of what you\'re working with, and perhaps even the aperture size of the dropping device. I\'m looking at nearly 60 drops/ml.!
    Isn\'t paint solvent wood alcohol? And doesn\'t it stink? I recall learning the hard way that one should not put a rag with paint thinner on it into one\'s pocket, as it can go right through your pants causing a burn-like rash on the leg. Do we really want to use this stuff as a fragrance diluent? Or are we talking about two different things?
    I went to great lengths (driving to another state) to get Everclear Grain Alcohol. It\'s virtually scentless and non-toxic (at least when applied topically). [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] Have you tried the paint solvents? If not, PLEASE BE CAREFUL!
    I agree that plastic syringes probably aren\'t the best idea. Those who use them should wash them thoroughly after each use. I\'ve been using only glass eyedroppers, but you can go cross-eyed putting a couple of hundred drops into a vial. Glass syringes would be nice, but I believe junkies cornered the market on these a few decades back! They don\'t make glass syringes anymore, do they? I may try to figure out how to etch glass, and make a graduated eyedropper. I\'m not ready to use a pipette, at least not with this stuff. I\'ve envisioned hiccupping and blowing ten or twenty bucks worth of pheros onto the carpet. I\'m way too frugal (okay, CHEAP) to risk that! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]


    Maybe, just MAYBE, Androstadienone is one of the mystery ingredients in NPA/TE!
    Who knows!?! [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]


    Haven\'t tried those edible oils, but I do have some nice, and some naughty ideas hatching as we speak. Gotta check on the toxicity of the pheros first. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  10. #40


    Ah yea, there is Methanol (Sterno, or wood grain alcohol) and that will do bad things to you inside and out. But right next to it is generally Ethanol, or booze, or Everclear. I tend to refer to EtOH as alcohol, cause it is what people can drink, and get a buzz without going blind. The Alcohol will evaporate very fast, within a minute or two. The fact that the pheros are soluble in it is nice cause it leaves them behind and shouldn?t effect the odor.

    As far as the measuring problems, I got a couple of one Dram vials (Hey the lab had some lying around) and I found that if you weigh out a gram of water (1 gr = 1 cc = 1 mL) and mark it, you can almost eyeball it for the next mL The vial holds about 3-4 mLs. I noticed that the 2 Dram vials are the ones that AE is shipped in, and it is a 7.5 mL quantity. Pipettes are nice, but you need a bunny rubber or something else to make them work well. For those of you wondering, a bunny rubber is a small bulb like those used for eyedroppers.

    You know what, I discovered one other odd thing. AE does have a nice scent but when it is gone the stuff smells a lot like edge, and it is kinda hard on the nose. So, I mixed 1 AE : 3.5 Fahrenheit : 3 drops of Vanilla. We will see what happens a Karoke night tonight.

  11. #41
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Any drinkable alcohol in Pennsylvania is sold only in state operated stores. Guess that\'s why I\'ve never seen Everclear anywhere else. And recently they\'ve stopped selling it except by permit. Seems some college kid got seriously damaged by it,(I don\'t know to what extent), so now you must special order it with a permit. I didn\'t even bother finding out about the permit criteria because Delaware\'s only about 1/2 hour away, and it\'s still on the shelves there.

    You mentioned Karaoke. I often hear people on the forum asking about good places to meet people, and Karaoke joints are among my favorites. If you can sing, great you\'ll get a hand. If you CAN\'T sing, well, you\'ll get a hand anyway for having balls. But there are great social opportunities either way. Plus you can just watch, and applaud the people who sing. Clap especially loudly for attractive girls!
    A girl sings a song, and whether she was good or not, you can go up to her and tell her how much you like that song. You can shake her hand. Maybe a hug the next time around. Point is, you\'re making contact, with or without pheros. Add pheros to the equation, and the opportunities are enhanced.
    I\'ll admit it, I\'m a Karaoke whore. I know of at least one place to go on any night of the week, and on some nights I know of THREE!
    I\'ll go to a place I\'ve never been, and there will be someone there I\'ve seen at another Karaoke joint. There\'s a kinship there. And it\'s easy to meet new people too. It\'s a great phero testing grounds. I don\'t know why I\'ve not mentioned this before, maybe I figured people would think it\'s queer.

    Good luck at the Karaoke place. I\'d like to hear about any hits etc.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  12. #42


    Well the fun thing about the paint shop is that it is not supposed to be sold to drink. Ah , hell, if people are desperate, Listerine is a helluva fix. But really, you can get high grade EtOH from an Ace Hardware, or whatever is comparable. Just be sure it is labeled Ethanol.

    Karaoke, was a bust tonight. Lots of hotties, but my mix was not happening. AE is too weak to mix with after shaves, I am waiting for my NPA. Any tips on mixing? As far as singing, I am actually not that bad. I tend to distort a bit as the night goes on, but I like the song, Mello Saxophone, by the Brian Setzer Orchestra. Fun fun fun. And Yes, Karaoke bars are fun places to meet a lot of people. Some time soon I will cut loose and sing ?Hot Rod Lincoln? Something about car culture.

    OK, enough about songs, I am hoping for some insight to mixes of aftershave with NPA, jamBatManuel (bad Tick reference) got any clues? Thanks in advance for the tips.

  13. #43
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    This is where the chart on the site comes in handy. It gives the fragrance oil/alcohol/water ratios of perfume, cologne, eau de cologne, eau de toilette, and aftershave.

    I use mostly colognes or eau de toilette strength products, which have similar fragrance concentrations. Depending upon the intensity of the fragrance, I\'ll go 4,5,or 6 to 1, cologne to NPA. Aftershave carries @1/4 to 1/2 the fragrance that cologne delivers, so you\'ll want to start around 8 to 1 and see if the aftershave still covers the NPA after an hour or so.

    You\'ll notice that other guys on the forum will recommend using fragrances in 1 to 1, or 2 to 1, or 7 to 3 ratios. These guys either have the world\'s strongest cologne, or they think that they have to be able to smell the pheros for them to be working, OR they can\'t smell pheros themselves at all, and have no idea how badly they smell after their scented product fades away.

    NPA\'s manufacturer\'s instructions call for at least a 4 to 1 ratio, as I recall, and they are the ones who know! Too much is far worse than too little when it comes to pheros.

    Try mixing up a 1 or 2 dose batch using drops at 8 to 1. Your nose and the noses of those around you will tell you if it\'s right.

    My best Karaoke tunes are \"Born to Be Wild\" Steppenwolf, \"Twist and Shout\" (Beatles\' version), \"Taxi\" by Harry Chapin, and Joe Cocker\'s \"You Are So Beautiful\".
    The ladies love my Cocker! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  14. #44


    OK, the info is good, but where is the table on that site? I muddled around and didn?t find much in the way of tables, but some interesting ideas. Now, I could be wrong, but as far as smells go, wouldn?t common soap smells be a great way to go? It gives the impression that you are clean. Sounds reasonable to me. But, maybe the ladies would like to pipe in on that one.

    Next up, if I make a concoction, say 8 to 1, with aftershave, you have to put on a bit for the smell to be there. With cologne how much do you put on? I mean this in the sense of not Oding either with odor or pheros. Back to my proposed mix, at eight to one, say that is nine dabs, each dab is 1/9th of a dab of NPA. If you were to apply the stuff straight, would one dab do it (sounds a lot like a Brill crème add) I am sort of confused on that point. Maybe a mix ratio, application, and results database should be made. Oh yeah, I added one drop of vanilla to the 4.5 mL concoction (I must sound like a lunatic) and checked the smell before and after. No vanilla smell, but it did change. The aftershave Fahrenheit is sort of a cinnamon base, candy like. But after the drop, it was less harsh and more smooth. Not much different overall, just the attack was dulled.

    OK, about the EtOH, Wa state is like that also. But, as I joked about the Listerine (appox 70-80 proof) I believe it is a law about selling for consumption. I am in Ca and have to goto Nevada to get everclear. But, by going into the hardware store, ethanol is used for thinning certain things, dissolving others, a craft supply in other words. It comes in a metal quart container, is clearly marked with Ethanol in block print. A quick scan of the ingredients and it says 95%. It also has that great skull and crossbones logo indicating you would be an idiot to drink it. But, for recipes, it is cheap and probably the same as everclear, without the testing for purity in the rigorousmanner that is used for stuff to be consumed. Why do I continue this? No reason, I was just wondering if anybody in places where drinkable alcohol is sold from govt. houses knows if there is a supply at the hardware store.

    Oh, more news, or notes, from Karoake, fun fun. Bar none, unless the person has had training in singing, they are unsure of themselves coming off stage. Either that, or they are drunk. But, regardless, you compliment them. Honesty is not allowed, people take it really bad if you go, ?yeah it was alright, but you were really searching for that first note.? Or anything to that effect. It is easy to understand, ask yourself if you want to stand up in front of people and sing. After you have done it a couple of times it is really fun. The song I have not had the courage to do is ?One Week? by the Bare Naked Ladies. Man if I could do that, I?d own the joint. This coming from a guy who played the song Anu at open mike, oh well.

  15. #45


    OK, now the Mad Scientist in you all has had time to produce your FrankenPheros, what has happened? The recipies all look fun, but the next part is the mix with scents, and the application. Of course everyone is probably most interested in the results. I am interested in the opinions about dabs vs. sprays. Any news?

  16. #46
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Funny you had problems scoring Everclear in California. I bought a bottle two weeks ago at my neighborhood liquor shop in San Jose for my home-made absinthe experiments.

  17. #47
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    First, that chart on can be found by clicking on the category heading \"Making Perfume\" on left side. The pointer doesn\'t turn to a glove indicating that it\'s a link, but it is none the less. You\'ll get a page on the right side entitled \"The Art of Making Perfume\", scroll to bottom and there\'s the chart.

    I would think that a \"dose\" of untreated aftershave would be a \"splash\", putting several drops in one hand, rubbing hands together, and applying to face and neck.
    So mix it so there ends up being 1/2 to 1 drop in your splash. Or 1/4 to 1/2 drop/splash, if you use 2 splashes. However you apply the scented product, you want to end up with about 1/2 to 1 drop of NPA on your skin, with enough fragrance to cover it.

    If you\'re using kit-made concoctions, you\'ll need to up the ratio of the scented product, since everything that you create with the undiluted pheros is 1 mg/ml or .1% . That\'s more than twice as potent as NPA.

    My favorite kit mix so far is the modified AE-type additive with L\'eau D\'Issey.
    Combine 4 drops A-None, 3 drops A-Nol, and 1 drop A-Rone. (I halved AE\'s A-Rone content due to the intensity of the A-Rone\'s scent).
    Add 8 parts Issey (64 drops) to 1 part phero mix (8 drops).
    The resulting product smells very much like Issey/NPA (5 to 1). Just a bit LESS Androstenone-y.

    I like using an atomizer. You have the convenience of being able to apply scent quickly and easily. The negatives are that you can\'t easily split a spray, putting some here, some there, and the fact that there is some waste, since some of the droplets drop off or deflect away. But you can spray onto your hand and apply like aftershave. On the positive side, you\'re not touching the product in the bottle as you would if dabbing, so contamination is minimized. But you do sacrifice the pin-point control of quantity and location that you get by using dabs.
    I tend only to dab the oil based products, preferring to spray the alcohol based ones. Though the atomizers I have work well with both.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  18. #48
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Ah!...La Fee Verte!! You\'ve touched upon a subject near and dear to my heart. It was because Mr. Wilde was an absintheur, that I chose him as my nom de plume on this board. I started an Absinthe and Pheromones thread on the old board, but the majority of the replies were quite negative.
    Don\'t want to wander too far off topic here. Perhaps a Private Message would be in order. Check your profile page soon.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  19. #49


    OK, good info, more stuff to work with. Whitehall, as far as everclear, I am in a College town, and about 50 years ago they had Biker problems. So, there are a bunch of really weird laws around here. But, I know I can get my Everclear from Reno, hmmm.

    W.O. how much of your mix do you spray on? As in number of sprays. Which brings me to another question. Where do you all get your atomizers? Which ones are crap, and which are good? I have a bottle of the Edge, but it seems to wuss out on the first spray, it evaporated. Life happened. Are there atomizers that are Golden? Ones that work fine at home and on the way up Everest? This has sort of been a mystery to me as of late. Thanks for the info.

  20. #50
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    I\'ll start with two sprays to chest and abdomen before getting dressed, one more spray on shirt just before arriving wherever, and MAYBE one more as a refresher several hours later, if needed.
    At the levels of concentration that I\'m using, I guess I\'ll have the equivalent of 1 to 1 1/4 drops of AE applied, over the course of several hours. I haven\'t actually done the math, but this is what my nose tells me, and I believe its phero detection acuity is pretty keen.

    Nice 5ml. pocket Atomizers can be purchased at The Body Shop, a store that sells fragrance oils, soaps, and lotions etc. at many malls. They\'re $6 each.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  21. #51
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Got my chem set today (!) and had to try it out.
    Like Wilde said, the stuff smells strong. But when you consider it’s twice as potent as PI, it’s not that stinky. (Actually, I kind of like it.)
    My first experiment was 8 drops -none (I used the droppers that came with the free oils) + 4 drops -nol + 1 drop -rone + 2 drops jasmine (I used the real stuff, not the diluted or synthetic brands). I put the drops into a 3ml bottle (same exact size as the pheros come in) and filled it nearly to the top with the %50 ethanol mixture. I’d say the proportion was about 1 part pheros to 7 parts ethanol
    I applied 4 dabs and got a nice little rush; but I think I slightly overdosed.
    Went to the grocery stores and got a couple of stares from way down the aisle and the elderly cashier was overly nice to me (she must have said “sir” five or six times). Stopped at a juice bar, where the girl already knows me, and she seemed very upbeat and talkative (so maybe that’s half a hit). Then I went to a bookstore and girls seemed to look away when I made eye-contact. Bought a magazine, and the male cashier seemed overly nice as well.
    Could be that I stunk. I think 2 drops pure jasmine was a bit much. After a while even I got tired of it, and I love jasmine.
    Anyway, I’m still happy because these are obviously good quality pheros. (They were working, even if not to my liking.) Now I just need to get the dosage and proportions down.

    PS The free oils smell good (straight out of the bottle, haven’t tried them on my skin yet), but, then again, I like that sort of androstenol muskiness that Wilde mentioned. It\'s not your typical citrus or vanila.

  22. #52


    Thanks for the details. I?ll be hoping that I can get my stuff together for a decent into the mad scientist laboratory (cackle, cackle, cackle) I also wanted to tell everyone about a cheap way of holding things. Spilling is not tolerable, but something that we used to have in a lab I worked in that was cheap and worked is basically a drilled 2 x 4. It would keep things organized, and it was hard to spill tubes, or vials. It is kind of budget, but it does work nicely. If you are more craftsy, use a nice piece of wood.

  23. #53


    Good work everyone keep up the good work.

  24. #54
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Adding about 10 drops or more of distilled water might help to mellow the Jasmine.

    I\'m presuming the Jasmine was an oil. How did it blend with the alcohol mix from the kit? I\'ve been cutting oils with Everclear.


    \"Good work everyone keep up the good work.\" ?!? [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    This M.O. looks frighteningly familiar. PLEASE don\'t tell me that you\'re ALREADY on a run to hit that 2000th post! PLEASE!! [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] Say it isn\'t so!

    Oscar [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  25. #55


    Hey Wilde One, I got some Issey in the mail (UPS rather) today. I must concur, it is very nice. I don?t have a chem set in the mail yet, I used my spare cash on NPA and APC. Too many JamBatManual Posts to ignore. But I was wondering about the Issey. I have a 75 mL bottle with a spray top. That top is not coming off with out a bit of doing. I was curious if this is just a new package, or something that the pros have long since dealt with. Next up, you were saying that you would mix your mix (I have it here somewhere!) 5:1. If I were to make up a stock of Jambat I and mix it 5:1, is the concentration of the pheros going to be the same? I guess I am at a loss for converting from the actual chem sets to ghetto chem rules. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    OK, here is the news about going out tonight. I didn?t drink at all, usually I am a beer swiller, but decided to try w/o beer and see what happens. I used: Three dabs of AE, one on the wrist (rubbed them together) one under each cheek. A weenie spray of TE on the chest (I swear that the stuff dries out in the sprayer and it goes limp on ya) A spray on the face, one on the wrists and one on the shirt. Three squirts of Issey (W.O. suggested that) and I was on my merry way. The Bar I goto has smokers outside, and while I don?t smoke, I tend to hang out with them more often than not. I know quite a few of the locals there and it is fun to hang out and talk. I got a couple of head twists while getting a water from the bar. The funniest thing was, I was talking to a buddy who had just finished his PhD (Yea!!!) and he was getting fed drinks right, left and center. But he was always talking hoops with me, his friends would come over and say, still talking hoops, but join in and get into it. I was trying not to giggle. It was really funny. The Gals, I didn?t get to test much, I kept getting shoved into conversations. No comment on the scent, drat. But, the highlight, he, he, he, was I was talking to a gal, eating Pizza, and I have met her a couple of times. Not that she can remember my name, but we frequent the same spots, and so on. Well I am leaving, and I see a friend I have not spoken to in a while. Jabber jabber. This Gal, walks right up, Whats your name? I had taken my glasses, it is raining here. Then she remembers my name, and jabbers on for a bit and takes off. The thing that was weird was, she was drunk, and really sitting all over this guy. I walk out of the place, and boom, my name? I dunno what to make of it, but I?ll probably just put it under the heading of Odd. More news later and thanks all for info.

  26. #56
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Not wishing to compromise the sprayer on Issey\'s bottle, I\'ve always sprayed what I needed into a glass and stored any excess in a corked apothecary bottle.
    If you mixed APC and NPA in a 5 to 1 ratio, you\'d have a slightly higher phero content than a cologne/NPA mix, in that APC contains some Androstenone. The standard Jambat is a very high phero content mix at 7 to 3 . You can smell the NPA within 1 1/2 to 2 hours in my experience. APC as a fragrance is wonderfully aromatic, but fades FAR too quickly, ESPECIALLY at the 7 to 3 ratio. But its numerous success stories can\'t be ignored. Different strokes for different folks! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]


    Thanks! What a relief. When you\'re actually posting with content, it\'s so much better than when you\'re going for quantity! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  27. #57


    Well, I didn?t use your approach. If it does not work, get a bigger hammer. The thing pulled off fine with a vice grip. The metal thing made me think it was a press fit, a light of hand trick. It is a piece of plastic that snaps into place. I dumped a large amount into a flask with a teflon sealed top (perks of working in a lab.) Then, I tried 1:5 with NPC. I know I got the volume correct, cause I borrowed a Pipetman from work. Nice to measure things out accurately. I?ll see what happens tonight. Gonna make a trip back to the BAR and see who is there and what effect it has. Fun, fun.

    Oh yeah, I found that washing things with rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl Alcohol, or IPA) to clean is an effective method. One, it is more hydrophobic than ethanol. Two, it smells bad. This is a good thing, because you know when it is gone. Point being, I sprayed one shot of the Edge in a vial, and washed it once with IPA, and there was no more Edge smell. We all know how marvy it smells. . .

  28. #58


    No wilde im a long way off 2000 1500 maybe no im not on a run, just putting in an encouraging word. Although 2000 sounds interesting, ill wait for jambat to hit 1000 first and CJ he he. Im still having interesting experiences wit htis stuff.

  29. #59
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Tried your suggestion and will test my new formula today.
    The jasmine is an essential oil, but it doesn’t seem oily. It mixes well with distilled water and the ethanol blend.
    According to “Aromatherapy for Dummies”, the essential oil is extracted from jasmine flowers with a chemical reagent. It is then often diluted with jojoba or other oils because the pure stuff is so expensive (mine was $18 for 1ml) and the smell is so strong.
    Also learned that jasmine is good for your skin, stimulates beta waves in the brain, and has been shown to decrease errors among computer operators by 1/3. Of course, it is also reputed to be a great aphrodisiac. (There used to be an aromatherapy expert in a previous reincarnation of this board who referred to jasmine as the “Primal Instinct of e-oils”.)
    Mostly I just love the smell. I’ve tried mixing it with NPA but it didn’t blend well. So far, I like the way it blends with the chem kit pheromones.

  30. #60
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Did the Issey\'s sprayer go back on the bottle to the point that it\'s as functional, and air-tight as before?


    So now that you know that the kit\'s Ethanol mix cuts the Jasmine well, you can use some pre-cut Jasmine to mix with NPA. That should improve its mix-ability, considerably.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

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