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  1. #1
    Banned User integra's Avatar
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    Default One Time affect, why?

    Okay guys this

    happened a long time ago. I Got SOE from my friend, (that time i knew nothing about pheros - i kind of still don't)

    and he put it on me on both my wrist and rubbed it, and under my nose, and on my neck. Might i add i loved the

    smell. Anyways i go to shoppers drugs mart (a drug store ) and i'm like walking around, and i see these two

    ladies .. they kept looking at me, and i was looking at different stuff (not really just seein if they noticed

    anything) and these two women (around 30-40ish) come and ask do you need help and stuff (oh btw thye work there) and

    i'm like yeah i'm looking for a gift for my mom's b-day. then one girl is like is it a guy or gurl. i'm lik wtf

    am i gettin instult or what. (in my head) .. but i think she heard me wrong so i said no no my mom. and then they

    were like oh try this and this and soo nice to me and i was freaked to talk to them (cuz i usually don't talk to

    stranger women) .. and they were braggin how nice i was n' stuff and suggested if i need more help and very nice.

    Well i left that place and i knew that was a hit. the next day i do the same thing over again but went to the mall

    instead now. Here it seemed like a usuall day, i'm lik what am i doing wrong i went to stores and talked to women

    and nothing and i just went to stores without talking to any like last time still nothing. So i asked my friend

    he's like probby ur ODin it .. so i'm like oh shit so i wait a week or so and tried it again .. still nothing ..

    so i kind of gave up on that. After 2 weeks or so i went back to my friends place and asked him for TE. he gave me

    couple of spares with some nice colonge .. So i go to a store again with TE (only) and i looked at stuff and talked

    to couple of girls but they were like busy and stuff (not scared nor friendly it's like a normal day) but then

    somethin werid happened .. this guy came out of nowhere (oh he's 25ish med-built white (oh i'm brown btw)) and

    he's like do you know where Whey stuff is .. i'm like sorry id ont' work here .. and he's like sure you do and

    then he's like i love those stuff and shit i'm like dude get lost lol in my head and went away ignored him (in a

    friendly way). then he kept followin me and bummpin into me while i was trying to check out more chicks .. and there

    i see 2 chicks checkin out condoms .. i'ml like right behind dem and i turn around and said oh girls u'll luv

    those stuff (to some werid condom lol) and they were like mmmm.. and just left ..while i was putin it back the guy

    pops out of nowhere the same guy and says Oh try this one it's for big d--- .. i'm like wtf and just went away

    fast .. and he kept staring at me while i went i got freaked ... n'ways i stop using it and used it again after a

    week or so and no fx whatsoever and no men affect too.. so whats going on guys? ??? my body like takes only one time

    thing lol ... it's sure is weird .. any suggestions why? thanks for the help (PS: sorry for bein so long and

    sometimes confusin hehe sorry its cuz i gotta run and i have no time to read it over lol sorrrryy ) thanks again


  2. #2
    Full Member tiberius's Avatar
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    I dont think that is your body

    only working one time with any given product. It is more likely that you just happening to be around someone

    sensitive to pheromones one day and even though you were around people the second day there is the possiblity that

    none of them were sensitive to the pheromones. Also even if someone is sensitive to pheromones if they are extremely

    focused on something else then without getting their attention and mind off whatever it was that had their interest

    the mones will just be ignored. I would suggest trying a product more than 2 times before deciding it doesnt work.

    Perhaps wearing it consistently for a few weeks then you would have more reliable results as to whether or not

    something wasnt working for you. During those weeks you should adjust the amount you are wearing, becuase this has a

    great effect on how well the mones work for you.

  3. #3
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Doc can probably handle this

    part better than me but I think a person's susceptability to suggestion may have some bearing on how well mones

    work on them also. That may be part of the reason that people are more likely to respond when drinking, their

    defenses are lower, making them easier targets. If that's true, a person's mental state at any given time could

    effect how they respond to pheromones.
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  4. #4
    Banned User integra's Avatar
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    hey guys i did try it more den

    twice i just said those 2 times that i tried just to make clear but yeah i did try more den those 2 times even now

    i'm still tryin .. well i noticed something different my gurl is like mmmm smells good but she never did anything

    out the normal or anything and we were in a room (study room) just me and her closed small room. so she must have

    got some reaction or something ... or if what tiberius says "if they are extremely focused on something else then

    without getting their attention and mind off whatever it was that had their interest the mones will just be

    ignored." is true den it'll be the case cuz she was studyin for an exam likewise me. But later we went inside the

    car and stuff .. she just did nothing thats odd or acted differently and she ain't on her period .. so i guess TE

    isn't for me (thats what i just tried) i'm gonna try SOE the day after tmr and see tha a go. Thanks a lot for the

    replies guys.

  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Just a slightly off-topic

    comment and request:

    Guys, will you please tone down the continuous stream-of-consciousness writing style?

    Breaking your message up into paragraphs makes it MUCH easier to read what you say. And it doesn't take much

    effort to hit the ENTER key a couple of times.

  6. #6
    Full Member Yoel's Avatar
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    Yeah you lost me somewhere in the

    middle, it felt like reading Ulysses again, only crappier

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  7. #7
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    Did that guy seem to be


    Depending the situation (not sexual preference) I might of bought him a drink. At like a big

    Applebee type restruent. (safe) What was his demeaner? Was he angry, agressive, nice, shy even? Abnormal behavior I

    find interesting. Please give me details into this.

    "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by force!"

  8. #8
    Banned User integra's Avatar
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    hey guys sorry for the run on

    setence and paragraphs. My bad, like i said i was in a rush so yeah sorry. Surreal: the guy seemed normal he was

    very nice not agressive or didn't show any anger.. He seemed homosexual thought the way he was talking to me and

    the comment he made about the condom. He scared the hell out of me.

    An abnormal feature that i saw was him

    starein at me continously. it's just weird ... but even now till this day i haven't got any hits whatsoever. not

    even from men. Just like a normal day.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    Yeah that sounds to creepy... I

    problerly, now thinking, would of ran far away.

    "The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by force!"

  10. #10
    Full Member tiberius's Avatar
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    Something I was told when I

    first started out using pheromones is that people who have known you for a while and pretty well seem to be less

    effected by the action of the pheromones, so depending on how long you and your girl have been together might have

    some bearing as to how she is effected. The response you mentioned of her saying how good you smell is the same

    response I get from my fiance when wearing pheromones.

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